24 resultados para Gastric foreign bodies
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
To study cases of foreign bodies (FB) in the tracheobronchial tree investigating the clinical and radiological FB characteristics, complications and endoscopic and surgical intervention. Medical and radiological records review of all FB aspiration cases treated at S (a) over tilde uo Paulo State University Hospital over the last 30 years. One hundred and sixty-four FB cases were analyzed; 57% were male, 84% of these were under 16 years old. The most common clinical manifestations were coughing (68.3%) and choking (54.9%). The most common FBs were seeds (peanut, bean, maize) and also small metal or plastic objects. Radiography was normal in 21.3%, atelectasis was present in 40.9%, hyperinsufflation in 17.1% and the FB was radio-opaque in 20.7%. FB time in the bronchial tree varied from hours to years. The most serious complications, as fibroatelectasis and difficult resolution pneumonia, were caused by the long time that the FB remained in the bronchial tree. FB extraction was by endoscopy in 89% of cases, while 6% required surgical extraction or resection of destroyed part of lung, and 5% spontaneously eliminated the FB. There was no mortality in this series. Coughing and choking were the commonest clinical findings. Most FBs were dried seeds. Complications were due to delays in diagnosis, and most would not have existed if the doctor had given credence to the history. Radiography can be normal as most FBs are radiotransparent. FB extraction was by endoscopy, but a few cases required surgery and others were spontaneously eliminated.
Foreign bodies, although they are often found throughout the body, to a lesser degree in the face, still constitute a diagnostic challenge for the trauma surgeon. Its removal means danger of damaging important facial anatomic structures, even if its exact position from the image data was known. So, the objective is to describe a clinical report of a patient (42 years of age, male sex) who experienced falling to the ground, attended by the Department of Surgery and Traumatology Bucco-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry of Aracatuba, São Paulo State University, and 2 days after the trauma, he reported difficulty in mouth opening and pain. After clinical evaluation, we observed the presence of injury in the left preauricular region already in the process of healing. During the intraoral physical examination, a limitation of the mouth opening was noted. Radiographic posteroanterior and profile of the face showed 2 radiopaque foreign bodies in the left side, lying apparently at the region of the mandibular condylar process. Under local anesthesia, foreign body removal was carried from there with access to it through the preexisting facial injury. Further clinical examinations showed an improvement in mouth opening, absence of pain complaints, and/or functional complaints.
Facial injuries with the retention of foreign bodies inside the tissues, both in soft and hard ones, can cause major functional and aesthetic damage. Among the different etiological agents, cutting tools, fragments of a firearm, the splinter of wood, steel, or iron, launched by misuse, or even caused by defects in equipment, are the main cause of these injuries. The aim of this study was to discuss the peculiarity of the multidisciplinary approach in caring of a 33-year-old man, victim of an accident at work, by the rupture of an emery disc and consequent penetration of the fragments in violation of the tissues in the orbital and zygomatic region of the left side, with perforation of the eyeball and orbital-zygomatic fracture. Urgent treatment consisted of debridement of wounds, bleeding control, removal of foreign bodies, fracture reduction with rigid internal fixation, and suture, performed by the oral and maxillofacial surgical team. Reconstruction of orbital tissues by the ophthalmology team consisted of suture of the injuries. About 1 month after the trauma, phthisis bulbi was noted, and the patient underwent a new procedure under general anesthesia for eye evisceration and installation of an alloplastic prosthesis associated with the homogenous sclera. Facial harmony was restored, especially in aesthetics and function of the zygomatic-orbital complex.
A 20-year experience with the treatment of 74 patients (83.8% children) for foreign body aspiration is reviewed. The object of this review is to show the clinical manifestations, the radiological findings, the nature and distribution in the bronchial tree, and complications due to longstanding (months or years) foreign bodies in the bronchial tree. The most common foreign bodies found were peanuts (13.5%), corn (13.5%), and beans (13.5%). The most frequent clinical manifestation was choking (67.5%), and the most frequent radiological finding was atelectasis (41.8%). The most serious complication was bronchiectasis needing resection in six patients who had the foreign body retained for years in the bronchial tree. In conclusion, in spite of an obvious foreign body in the tracheobronchial tree many cases are not diagnosed, and a longstanding foreign body in the airway may be responsible for irreversible complications.
We report a case of a palatal calcified foreign body simulating an odontogenic lesion. Surgical exploration revealed a calcified mass that was analysed under light microscopy and identified as a vegetal foreign body. Further scanning electron microscopy analysis revealed that the foreign body was a piece of wood. Hard palate foreign bodies have been reported previously, however, it seems that this is the first case of its kind. © 2007 Nature Publishing Group.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Intestinal obstruction occurs in chelonian mainly due parasitism and foreign bodies, as stones and sand. An intestinal compaction was described in a five year-old male d'orbigny's slider which was taken to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the UNICASTELO, at Fernandopolis, SP, Brazil, presenting anorexia for a week, severe dehydration and stupor. Definitive diagnostic was performed by radiographic exam and great amount of intestinal radiopac substance was detected. The animal went through emergency celiotomy for removing the intestinal foreign bodies. Inhalatory anesthesia with isofluorane was used for anesthesia induction and manutention. After local antisepsy, a 4cm(2) oblique opening was conducted on plastron by using a vibratory saw. Peritoneum was cut, intestines exteriorized and enterotomy performed. During the surgery, the animal was radiographed to confirm the complete taken out of the foreign bodies. Mononylon 4-0 strand was applied for intestinal suture in two planes. The plastron piece that was taken out was replaced and set with epoxy resine and gaze on the surgical window, making it waterproof. In the postoperative time, animal was medicated with analgesics for two days and pentabiotics for five days. Oral creamy diet was used with oral tube from the second to tenth day, what provided a great clinicosurgical recovering.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This is a case report of Garré's osteomyelitis caused by infection from a lower left molar which was successfully managed by root treatment following several unsuccessful attempts with antibiotic therapy alone. After 18 months there was complete resolution of the bony lesion.
Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical condition of acute abdomen. Approximately 7 percent of the population will have appendicitis during their lifetime, with the peak incidence occurring between 10 through 30 years-old Obstruction of the appendix lumen with subsequent bacterial infection initiates the pathophysiological sequence of acute appendicitis. Obstruction may have multiple causes, including fecalith, lymphoid hyperplasia (related to viral illnesses, including upper respiratory infection, mononucleosis, and gastroenteritis), foreign bodies, carcinoid tumor and parasites. In Asia, Africa and Latin America, Enterobius vermicularis has been reported as the main parasite that causes appendix obstruction. Rarely, Taenia sp., has been pointed as a cause of parasitic appendicitis. We reported a 30 years-old patient clinically diagnosed with acute appendicitis. The appendectomy was performed through a McBurney incision. The patient's convalescence was uneventful, and he was discharged from hospital 48 hours after operation. Histological examination of the appendix showed acute appendicitis, and it was found aparasite (Taenia sp.) lying inside of the appendix lumen at a transverse section. He has received 10 mg/Kg weight of praziquantel for taeniasis treatment.
The present study reports the occurrence of lead poisoning in a male, 2 year-old mongrel dog attended at UNESP Botucatu Veterinary Hospital. The animal was brought to the hospital with claim of gastrointestinal and nervous disturbs for 10 days, worsening in the last 24 hours. After unsuccessfully attempts to control status epileticus, the animal died. Hematological evaluation revealed significant rubricytosis and basophilic stippling, highly suggestive of lead poisoning. Serum lead concentration confirmed toxic levels of this element. Necropsy evidenced the presence of foreign bodies in stomach (one stone and two metallic objects) and, microscopically, characteristic inclusions in renal parenchyma. Fragments obtained from liver and kidneys revealed lead concentrations of 0, 8 μg/g and 25 μg/g, respectively, which in association to clinical signs of saturnism, determined the diagnosis of lead poisoning.
Introduction: Impacted knife injuries in the maxillofacial region are rare and infrequently reported. In cases of injury involving orbit or eye, these reports are even rarer. Discussion: Damage to the orbital contents may result in a rupture of the globe, extraocular muscle injury, lacrimal gland damage, and others. Orbital foreign bodies are not only difficult to detect, and clinical features vary according to its size, characteristics, shape, penetrating method, and site. In this report, a case of abducens nerve palsy after orbitoethmoidal knife injury is presented. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.