323 resultados para Furcation lesion

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Destruction of bone and periodontal ligament as a result of periodontal disease can lead to anatomical defects in the furcation area. Treatment of these lesions is a major challenge to the clinician. Periodontal instruments have limited access to this area and plaque and calculus removal from root surfaces are extremely difficult. For proper treatment planning a number of factors must be taken into consideration to achieve immediate and long term success. Surgical therapy associated with bone grafts may be a viable option in the treatment of class II furcation defects, aiming to restore lost tissues. The aim of this paper is to report a clinical case where a simplified surgical approach with the use of autogenous graft was used to treat a class II furcation defect Twelve months after the surgery, an increase in clinical attachment level and pocket depth reduction resulted in a complete closure of the furcation lesion.


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Objective: To evaluate 2 techniques for the treatment of human primary molars with necrotic Pulp and bifurcation bone loss by means of radiographic examination for 48 months. Method and Materials: Fifty-one mandibular primary molars were evaluated in children ranging from 4.5 to 6.5 years of age. The teeth with necrotic pulp and bifurcation bone loss were diagnosed by radiographic examination. The teeth were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (28 teeth)-pulpotomy technique using formocresol as a temporary dressing between sessions and coronal chamber obturation with zinc oxide-eugenol cement; and group 2 (23 teeth)-pulpectomy technique with calcium hydroxide paste as a temporary dressing between sessions and root canal obturation with a dense Calcium hydroxide paste. Standardized radiographs were taken immediately after the fillings were completed and after 12, 24, 36, and 48 months. The radiographs were digitized and analyzed with software that outlined and measured the bifurcation radiolucency. Results: Bifurcation radiolucency reduced significantly or repaired completely for both treatnients in the first 12 months. Minor radiographic reduction of the lesion was observed from 12 to 24 months, and no significant reduction of the remaining radioulcent area was observed from 24 to 48 months after treatment. Conclusion: The 2 endodontic techniques evaluated showed similar results. The main effect of treatment on the lesion repair was obtained in the first year after treatment.


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Background: In this study we evaluated the rehabilitation profile of Brazilian soccer players which underwent lower limb muscle lesions.Methods: This is a descriptive investigation. We evaluated 139 professional soccer players (1724 years old). We evaluated the following variables: muscle lesion diagnosis, symptoms, non steroidal anti-inflammatory used, physiotherapy treatment, which physiotherapy recourses was used if treated and train adaptation.Results: In great part of the athletes muscle lesion remained between 2 weeks and 1 month. Around 54% were diagnosed by a physician; the other part was diagnosed by a physical therapist. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory were prescribed by physicians in 42% of the cases; in 7% the physical therapist prescribed the medication while in 49% of the cases the masseur prescribed the drug. More than 1/4 of the athletes received physiotherapy treatement between 48 hours and 5 days. Isometric exercise therapy was applied in 15% of the cases. 63% were not accompanied by the physiotherapist on their return to the field. 48% received massages immediately after injury.Conclusion: We presented discrepancy between the recommended theory described by several researches and the practice. We indicate the necessity of recycling in a general context the rehabilitation of muscle injuries.


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No presente estudo, investigamos o papel da resposta imune na morfologia do granuloma leishmaniótico induzido na bolsa jugal do hamster, um local imunologicamente privilegiado, após inoculação de 3x10(5) Leishmania mexicana. Os animais foram avaliados histológica e imunologicamente até os 120 dias da inoculação. Independente da época do sacrifício, os animais foram sempre não reatores ao teste do coxim plantar. Histologicamente, a inoculação de Leishmania mexicana na bolsa jugal resultou na formação de abcesso que evoluiu para reação granulomatosa rica em formas amastigotas e, posteriormente, para resolução. Esses resultados sugerem que o desenvolvimento da resposta imune não é preponderante no controle da infecção induzida pela Leishmania mexicana inoculada subcutaneamente na bolsa jugal do hamster. Sugerem ainda que os macrófagos que compõe os granulomas leishmanióticos são capazes de eliminar esse parasita, independente da presença de resposta imune avaliável pelo teste do coxim plantar.


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Leprosy affects the larynx, damaging its mucosa and sensory nerves and loss of sensation may result in aspiration of food and secretions. The laryngeal lesion may be insidious. Post-mortem studies showed bronchopneumonia that could have originated from aspiration. In patients with laryngeal symptoms, dysphagia or aspiration pneumonia loss of laryngeal sensation should be looked for.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objectives of this study were to evaluate morphologic alterations and precancerous lesions in Reinke's edema. Patients included were 54 smokers with bilateral Reinke's edema submitted to surgery in the Otolaryngology Department, Botucatu Medical School, São Paulo State University, Brazil, between 2002 and 2006. All specimens were evaluated by light microscopy and five contralateral lesions were also evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The main histological alterations were edema (100%), inflammation (81.48%), basal membrane (bm) thickening (77.77%), and vessel proliferation (75.92%). Epithelium alterations were classified as grade 0 (11.11%), grade 1 (70.37%), grade 2 (14.81%), and grade 3 (3.70%). In the case included in grade 3 classification, microinvasive carcinoma was detected. SEM showed epithelial surface with some cellular desquamation, few microridges, and a polished and impermeable surface aspect. TEM showed epithelial hyperplasia, basal cells with different sizes, widening of the intercellular spaces, abnormal desmosome architecture, thickening of the bm, some electron-dense vesicles, and points of interruption. The morphological alterations presented in this study are not specific to Reinke's edema but this lesion can be the site of different grades of dysplasia and carcinoma, justifying the importance of periodic laryngeal endoscopic exams and meticulous histological analysis.


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Envenomations caused by Loxosceles (brown spider) have been reported throughout the world. Clinical signs associated to bites of these spiders involve dermonecrotic lesions and intense local inflammatory response, besides systemic manifestations such as intravascular hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, disseminated intravascular coagulation and acute renal failure. The present study aimed to report and to describe dermonecrotic lesions probably caused by a Loxosceles envenomation in a four year-old poodle female dog, treated at the Dermatology Service of the Veterinary Hospital of the Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry School, São Paulo State University, Botucatu, Brazil. Initially, the animal presented two skin lesions with blackish aspect that evolved into ulcerative crusts. The owner reported the presence of a brown spider near the place where the animal spent most of the time. Histological examination of lesions revealed necrosis of the epidermis extending to adnexa and panniculi, which is compatible with Loxosceles bite reaction. The animal was treated with systemic antibiotic and local curatives. Lesions healed by second intention in two months.


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Purpose: the effect of orthodontic movement on the periodontal tissues of maxillary second pre-molars, after regenerative treatment for class II furcations, was evaluated in four mongrel dogs.Material and Methods: Class II furcation lesions were created. After 75 days they were treated with bovine bone mineral matrix and guided tissue regeneration with absorbable membrane. After 2 months of daily plaque control, each of the dog's furcation pre-molars was randomly assigned to a test or control group. Orthodontic appliances were placed on both sides of the maxilla using third pre-molars and canines as anchorages. In the test group, bodily orthodontic movement of the second pre-molars was performed in the mesial direction for 3 months while control pre-molars remained unmoved. The dogs were sacrificed for histometric and histologic analyses.Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in total bone and biomaterial areas or linear extension of periodontal regeneration on the radicular surfaces. In the test group, however, there was a tendency to a greater quantity of bone and a lesser quantity of biomaterial.Conclusion: the orthodontic movement was not pre-judicial to the results obtained with the regenerative periodontal treatment.


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Background: the poor predictability of periodontal regenerative treatment of Class III furcation defects stimulates the study of alternatives to improve its results, such as the use of polypeptide growth factors. The objective of this study was to evaluate, both histologically and histometrically, the effects of topical application of basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF) associated with guided tissue regeneration (GTR) in the treatment of Class III defects surgically induced in dogs.Methods: All second and fourth premolars of 5 mongrel dogs were used and randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: group 1 (control), treated with scaling and root planing, tetracycline hydrochloride (125 mg/ml) conditioning, and GTR with a collagen membrane; group 2, same treatment as group 1 plus 0.5 mg of b-FGF; group 3, same treatment as group 1 plus 1.0 mg of b-FGF. After a 90-day healing period, routine histologic processing and staining with hematoxylin and eosin and Masson trichrome were performed.Results: the descriptive analysis indicated better regenerative results in both groups treated with b-FGF while the histometric data, analyzed by means of analysis of variance (ANOVA), showed greater filling of the defects in group 2 in comparison to the defects in groups 3 and 1, respectively, which was represented by a smaller area of plaque-occupied space (P = 0.004) as well as a greater amount of newly formed cementum (P = 0.002).Conclusions: These results indicate that b-FGF, especially in smaller doses, may enhance the regenerative results in Class III furcation lesions, leading to greater filling of these defects with both mineralized and non-mineralized tissues.


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Furcation involvement in periodontal disease has been a challenge for the dentist. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate root dimensions in the furcation area of 233 mandibular first molars. Material and Methods: Digital photomicrographs were used to obtain the following measurements on the buccal and lingual surfaces of each tooth: root trunk height (RT), horizontal interadicular distance obtained 1 mm (D1) and 2 mm (D2) below the fornix and interadicular angle (IA). Results: Mean standard deviation of buccal and lingual furcation measurements were, respectively, 1.37 +/- 0.78 mm and 2.04 +/- 0.89 mm for RT; 0.86 +/- 0.39 mm and 0.71 +/- 0.42 mm for D1; 1.50 +/- 0.48 mm and 1.38 +/- 0.48 mm for D2; 41.68 +/- 13.20 degrees and 37.78 +/- 13.18 degrees for IA. Statistically significant differences were found between all measured parameters for buccal and lingual sides (p<0.05, paired t test). Conclusions: In conclusion, the lingual furcation of mandibular first molars presented narrower entrance and longer root trunk than the buccal furcation, suggesting more limitation for instrumentation and worse prognosis to lingual furcation involvements in comparison to buccal lesions.


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Aim: To assess orthodontic intrusion effects on periodontal tissues in dogs' pre-molars with class III furcations treated with open flap debridement (OFD) or with guided tissue regeneration (GTR) associated to bone autograft (BA).Material and Methods: Class III furcations were created in the pre-molars of seven mongrel dogs. After 75 days, teeth were randomly treated with OFD or GTR/BA. After 1 month, metallic crowns were assembled on pre-molars and connected apically to mini-implants by nickel-titanium springs. Teeth were randomly assigned to orthodontic intrusion (OFD+I and GTR/BA+I) groups or no movement (OFD and GTR/BA) groups. Dogs were sacrificed after 3 months of movement and 1 month retention.Results: All class III furcations were closed or reduced to class II or I in the intrusion groups, while 50% of the lesions in non-moved teeth remained unchanged. Intruded teeth presented higher probing depth and lower gingival marginal level than non-moved teeth (p < 0.01). Clinical attachment gain was reduced in the intrusion groups by the end of retention (p < 0.05). OFD+I presented smaller soft tissue area and larger bone tissue area than other groups (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Orthodontic intrusion with anchorage via mini-implants improved the healing of class III furcation defects after OFD in dogs. GTR/BA impaired those results.