44 resultados para Food Safety

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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A novel material for electrochemical biosensing based on rigid conducting gold nanocomposite (nano-AuGEC) is presented. Islands of chemisorbing material (gold nanoparticles) surrounded by nonreactive, rigid, and conducting graphite epoxy composite are thus achieved to avoid the stringent control of surface coverage parameters required during immobilization of thiolated oligos in continuous gold surfaces. The spatial resolution of the immobilized thiolated DNA was easily controlled by merely varying the percentage of gold nanoparticles in the composition of the composite. As low as 9 fmol (60 pM) of synthetic DNA were detected in hybridization experiments when using a thiolated probe. Moreover, for the first time a double tagging PCR strategy was performed with a thiolated primer for the detection of Salmonella sp., one of the most important foodborne pathogens affecting food safety. Ibis assay was performed by double-labeling the amplicon during the PCR with a -DIG and -SH set of labeled primers. The thiolated end allows the immobilization of the amplicon on the nano-AuGEC electrode, while digoxigenin allows the electrochemical detection with the antiDIG-HRP reporter in the femtomole range. Rigid conducting gold nanocomposite represents a good material for the improved and oriented immobilization of biomolecules with excellent transducing properties for the construction of a wide range of electrochemical biosensors such as immunosensors, genosensors, and enzymosensors.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the hygienic and sanitary conditions of pettreats from an export industry. The occurrence of Salmonella, enumerated sulfite-reducing Clostridium (SRC), coagulase-positive Staphylococcus (CPS) and total(TC) and thermotolerant coliforms (TTC) was studied. Of the 108 samples ana-lyzed, 22 were contaminated by some microorganism. TC were detected at twosamples (3.5 × 101and 4.5 × 101colony-forming units [cfu]/g), SRC in 19 samples(1.0 × 101to 1.3 × 105cfu/g) and Salmonella spp. at only one sample; CPS andTTC were not detected. These findings indicate the microbiological safety of mostitems, except for a mix of dried bovine offal, with 1.3 × 105cfu/g of SRC, and onemix of dehydrated bovine viscera contaminated with Salmonella. The current pro-duction processes and the food safety management system are adequate to guar-antee the production of microbiologically safe foods, but that some improvementscan still be made with regard to cleaning and disinfection and hygiene training.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aimm of this study was to evaluate the influence of washing water temperature and pressure on mesophilic and psycluotrophic aerobic bacterial populations, yeasts and molds, total conforms and fecal coliforms population, whereas the cattle carcass surface may become contaminated during the different slaughter procedures and the final carcass washing may reduce microbial population Samples were taken by sponge swabbing in four areas of carcass surface (flank, neck, chest and rump), from which 20 were washed with write, at 25 degrees C and without artificial pressure, 20 with water under a pressure of 3atm, 20 with water at 40 degrees C and without artificial pressure and 20 with water at 40 degrees C under a pressure of 3atm For control purpose and using the same method to collect more 20 carcasses samples were taken without washing., loading 100 samples The results showed that the water at 25 degrees C undo 3atm pressure was more efficient to remove microorganisms from carcass surface than the heated water, although this latter promoter a mote visible clean carcasses


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Since 2004, Brazil has been the leading exporter of chicken. Because of the importance of this sector in the Brazilian economy, food safety must be ensured by control and monitoring of the production stages susceptible to contamination, such as the chilling process. The goal of this study was to evaluate changes in microbial levels on chicken carcasses and in chilling water after immersion in a chilling system for 8 and 16 h during commercial processing. An objective of the study was to encourage discussion regarding the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Food Supply regulation that requires chicken processors to completely empty, clean, and disinfect each tank of the chilling system after every 8-h shift. Before and after immersion carcasses were collected and analyzed for mesophilic bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, conforms, and Escherichia coli. Samples of water from the chilling system were also analyzed for residual free chlorine. The results do not support required emptying of the chiller tank after 8 h; these tanks could be emptied after 16 h. The results for all carcasses tested at the 8- and 16-h time points indicated no significant differences in the microbiological indicators evaluated. These data provide both technical and scientific support for discussing changes in federal law regarding the management of immersion chilling water systems used as part of the poultry processing line.


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Nas últimas duas décadas, o crescimento do interesse pela metodologia Seis Sigma intensificou a aplicação da abordagem estatística e de outras abordagens quantitativas com o intuito de melhorar não apenas a qualidade de produtos, serviços e processos, como também aumentar o desempenho organizacional e o processo de tomada de decisão. Este artigo trata da aplicação da abordagem estatística no contexto da gestão da qualidade em indústrias de alimentos de médio e grande porte do Estado de São Paulo com o propósito de: identificar quais ferramentas e técnicas estatísticas são mais amplamente empregadas por indústrias do setor para garantir e controlar a qualidade; avaliar a interdependência entre o sucesso da implementação de programas de qualidade e segurança alimentar como Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF) e sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle (APPCC) e o uso de estatística; e analisar estimativas do grau de relevância do pensamento estatístico e de seus benefícios como ferramenta de melhoria da qualidade. Um survey exploratório-descritivo foi realizado e os resultados revelaram que a abordagem estatística começa a ser mais valorizada nas indústrias de alimentos pela relevância de seus benefícios assim como já ocorre em outros setores. Há evidências de que a implantação bem sucedida dos programas de segurança alimentar seja uma condição primordial para o uso efetivo de estatística e de outras abordagens quantitativas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Cassava is a widely grown root crop which accumulates two cyanogenic glucosides, linamarin and lotaustralin. Linamarin accounts for more than 80% of the cassava cyanogenic glucosides. It is a β-glucoside of acetone cyanohydrin and ethyl-methyl-ketone-cyanohydrin. Linamarin β-linkage can only be broken under high pressure, high temperature and use of mineral acids, while its enzymatic break occurs easily. Linamarase, an endogenous cassava enzyme, can break this β-linkage. The enzymatic reaction occurs under optimum conditions at 25°C, at pH 5.5 to 6.0. Linamarin is present in all parts of the cassava plant, being more concentrated on the root and leaves. If the enzyme and substrate are joined, a good detoxification can occur. All the cassava plant species are known to contain cyanide. Toxicity caused by free cyanide (CN-) has already been reported, while toxicity caused by glucoside has not. The lethal dose of CN- is 1 mg/kg of live weight; hence, cassava root classification into toxic and non-toxic depending on the amount of cyanide in the root. Should the cyanide content be high enough to exceed such a dose, the root is regarded as toxic. Values from 15 to 400 ppm (mg CN-/kg of fresh weight) of hydrocyanic acid in cassava roots have been mentioned in the literature. However, more frequent values in the interval 30 to 150 ppm have been observed. Processed cassava food consumed in Brazil is safe in regard to cyanide toxicity.


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While searching for healthier diets, people became more attentive to organic produce. Yet, organic foods may be more susceptible to microbiological contamination because of the use of organic fertilizers, a possible source of pathogenic bacteria. In this study, 130 samples of different organic and conventional vegetable varieties sold in Brazil were analyzed for mesophilic aerobic bacteria, yeasts and molds, total coliforms, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. Most of the mesophilic aerobic bacteria counts in organic and conventional vegetables ranged from 6 to 7 log10 CFU/g; most of the yeasts and molds counts ranged from 5 to 6 log10 CFU/g and most of the total coliforms counts ranged from 4 to 5 log10 CFU/g. E. coli was found in 41.5% of the organic and 40.0% of the conventional vegetables, and most samples had counts ranging from 1 to 2 log10 CFU/g. Salmonella spp. was not found in any sample. Comparative analyses of the microbial counts of organic and conventional vegetables showed that some organic varieties have greater counts. However, the global results show that this is not a trend. These results indicate the need of good farming practices, and proper sanitization before consumption, to ensure food quality and safety. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Aims: To evaluate mannan oligosaccharide (MOS) and threonine effects on performance, small intestine morphology and Salmonella spp. counts in Salmonella Enteritidis-challenged birds. Methods and Results: One-day-old chicks (1d) were distributed into five treatments: nonchallenged animals fed basal diet (RB-0), animals fed basal diet and infected with Salmonella Enteritidis (RB-I), animals fed high level of threonine and infected (HT-I), birds fed basal diet with MOS and infected (MOS-I), birds fed high level of threonine and MOS and infected (HT+MOS-I). Birds were inoculated at 2d with Salmonella Enteritidis, except RB-0 birds. Chicks fed higher dietary threonine and MOS showed performance similar to RB-0 and intestinal morphology recovery at 8 dpi. Salmonella counts and the number of Salmonella-positive animals were lower in HT+MOS-I compared with other challenged groups. Conclusion: Mannan oligosaccharides and threonine act synergistically, resulting in improved intestinal environment and recovery after Salmonella inoculation. Significance and Impact of the Study: Nutritional approaches may be useful to prevent Salmonella infection in the first week and putative carcass contamination at slaughter. This is the first report on the possible synergistic effect of mannan oligosaccharides and threonine, and further studies should be performed including performance, microbiota evaluation, composition of intestinal mucins and immune assessment. © 2012 The Society for Applied Microbiology.


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(-)-Cubebin is a lignan extracted from the seeds of the pepper Piper cubeba, a commonly eaten spice with beneficial properties, including trypanocidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-proliferative and leishmanicidal activities. Because of its therapeutic potential, we investigated the effects of (-)-cubebin on the cytotoxicity, cell proliferation kinetics, mutagenicity and expression of p38 MAP kinase and glutathione S-transferase a2 (GSTa2) using real-time RT-PCR in Rattus norvegicus hepatoma cells. We found that 280 μM (-)-cubebin was cytotoxic after 24, 48 and 72. h of exposure, but not mutagenic at 0.28 μM, 2.8 μM and 28 μM after 26. h. Similarly, exposure to 0.28 μM, 2.8 μM and 28 μM (-)-cubebin for 24, 48, 72 and 96. h did not alter the cell proliferation kinetics. Cells exposed to 28 μM (-)-cubebin for 24. h did not exhibit changes in p38 MAP kinase and GSTa2 expression, indicating that cellular changes were not induced by extracellular stimuli and that (-)-cubebin is likely not metabolized via this pathway. Our results suggest that high levels of (-)-cubebin should be consumed with caution due to the cytotoxic effect observed at the highest concentration. However, at lower concentrations, no cytotoxic, mutagenic or proliferative effects were observed, providing further evidence of the safety of consuming (-)-cubebin. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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This study evaluated the concentrations of mercury in fillets (anterior, middle, and end regions) from the swordfish, Xiphias gladius, and the relationships between mercury concentration and fish weight, as well as the region of collection. Of a total of 697 swordfish analyzed, 11 had mercury concentrations above 1 mg/kg, 421 were between 0.5 and 1.0 mg/kg, and 265 were below 0.5 mg/kg. The anterior and posterior regions had greater concentrations of mercury than the middle region, and fish caught off the northern coast of Brazil had a higher concentration than those caught off the southern coast. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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The concern related to solid waste increases efforts to develop products based on biodegradable materials. At present, PLA has one of the highest potentials among biopolyesters, particularly for packaging. However, its application is limited in some fields. In order to optimize PLA properties, organo-modified montmorilonites have been extensively used to obtain nanocomposites. Although PLA nanocomposites studies are widely reported in the literature, there is still few information about the influence of organoclays on de biodegradation process, which is a relevant information, since one of the main purposals related to the final disposal of biopolymers as PLA is composting. Besides, in the last years some research has been conducted in order to evaluate the potential toxicity of montmorilonite, unmodified or organo-modified. Since the use of montmorilonite is expanding in different applications, human exposure and risk assessment are important issues to be investigated. In this context, this review intends to compile available information related to common organoclays used for PLA nanocomposites, its properties, biodegradation analysis and potential toxicity evaluation of nanocomposites, focused on montmorilonite as filler. Two issues of relevance were pointed out. The first is food safety and quality, and the second consideration is the environmental effect. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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The increased production of urban sewage sludge requires alternative methods for final disposal. A very promising choice is the use of sewage sludge as a fertilizer in agriculture, since it is rich in organic matter, macro and micronutrients. However, urban sewage sludge may contain toxic substances that may cause deleterious effects on the biota, water and soil, and consequently on humans. There is a lack of studies evaluating how safe the consumption of food cultivated in soils containing urban sewage sludge is. Thus, the aim of this paper was to evaluate biochemical and redox parameters in rats fed with corn produced in a soil treated with urban sewage sludge for a long term. For these experiments, maize plants were grown in soil amended with sewage sludge (rates of 5, 10 and 20. t/ha) or not (control). Four different diets were prepared with the corn grains produced in the field experiment, and rats were fed with these diets for 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks. Biochemical parameters (glucose, total cholesterol and fractions, triglycerides, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase) as well the redox state biomarkers such as reduced glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), catalase, glutathione peroxidase and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) were assessed. Our results show no differences in the biomarkers over 1 or 2 weeks. However, at 4 weeks BuChE activity was inhibited in rats fed with corn grown in soil amended with sewage sludge (5, 10 and 20. t/ha), while MDA levels increased. Furthermore, prolonged exposure to corn cultivated in the highest amount per hectare of sewage sludge (8 and 12 weeks) was associated with an increase in MDA levels and a decrease in GSH levels, respectively. Our findings add new evidence of the risks of consuming food grown with urban sewage sludge. However, considering that the amount and type of toxic substances present in urban sewage sludge varies considerably among different sampling areas, further studies are needed to evaluate sludge samples collected from different sources and/or undergoing different types of treatment. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.