434 resultados para Foliar fertilization

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of foliar application of molybdenum on agronomic characteristics and yield of wheat in a no-till system. The experiment was carried out in a clayey Rhodic Hapludox, in Maripa, State of Parana, Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks with five replications. Treatments consisted of four doses of molybdenum (0, 13.8, 27.6 and 55.2 g ha(-1) Mo), divided into two foliar applications, the first at tillering (18 days after plant emergence) and the second at the boot stage (65 days after emergence). The foliar application of Mo up to a dose of 35 g ha-1 increased the number of spikes per square meter and yield of wheat; however, it had no effect on the agronomic characteristics of the crop in a no-till system.


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Poucos são os estudos desenvolvidos com a aplicação via foliar de micronutrientes, na cultura do abacaxi. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de B e Zn, em forma de quelato, ácido ou sal, via foliar, buscando-se obter respostas sobre os efeitos na produtividade e qualidade dos frutos. O experimento foi realizado em Guaraçaí (SP), em solo com textura média. Foram utilizadas mudas tipo filhote, da cultivar Smooth Cayenne (Havaiano). O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, utilizando-se fontes para fornecer, em cada aplicação, 110 g ha-1de B e 250 g ha-1de Zn. Foram realizadas duas pulverizações foliares, aos 7 e 9 meses após o plantio. As fontes de B e Zn não exerceram efeito nos teores de sólidos solúveis totais, acidez titulável, diâmetro médio do fruto, comprimento do fruto sem coroa e índice de maturação. Apenas os teores de B, Zn e K, na folha, foram influenciados pelos tratamentos utilizados.


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Currently there is very little information on the response of fruiting perennial plants to applied P. This is especially true for tropical production areas where soils have a high capacity of P fixation, and are poor in native phosphorus. An alternative to soil P fertilization, which is inefficient in fixing soils, is to apply phosphorus as a foliar spray. P is quickly absorbed by leaves, and is redistributed quite well through the plants because its phloem mobility, and foliar application may be a viable practice. The purpose of this present work, is to determine the effectiveness of foliar P application on the nutritional status and yield of guava. The experiment was done in a Typic Hapludox, for three consecutive agricultural years, in an adult orchard of 'Paluma' guava. Five treatments were tested: four rates leaf applications of P (0-0.5-1.0 and 2.0% of P2O5) and a control where P was applied to soil (200 g of P2O5/plant). Through the results it was verified that the foliar application of P altered the concentration of the nutrient in the soil (13 to 48 mg dm-3 P-resin), and in the guava leaves (1.2 to 1.8 g of P kg-1), but did not affect the production of fruits. In conclusion, in field conditions, it is viable to combine the phosphorus foliar fertilization with disease control, without increasing the operations and, consequently, the production cost.


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Lady palm, [Rhapis excelsa (Thunberg) Henry ex. Rehder] is one of the most cultivated ornamental palms in the world, for use as a vase plant or in shaded landscapes. Because limited information exists on lady palm response to fertilizers, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different types of fertilization and substrates on lady palm seedling growth and development. Three year old lady palms were planted in 8-L pots, filled with a mix of soil, manure, and sand 1:1:1 (v:v:v), placed under a 50% shade, and irrigated with microspray. Treatments were substrate fertilization with 500 g P(2)O(5) and 100 g K(2)O per m(3); fertilization with 1.8 kg of P(2)O(5) (simple superphosphate) per m3; 50 g of nitrogen (N), P(2)O(5), and K(2)O of a granulated fertilizer (10:10:10) per m(3), control (without fertilization), and a foliar fertilization in addition to these treatments using the commercial product Biofert (8:9:9). Treatments were replicated four times in a randomized block design. Each treatment plot consisted of four plants. Data were collected at 140, 170, 200, 230, 260, and 290 days after transplanting (DAT) for plant heights, stem diameter at substrate level, number of leaves, shoots, and canopy, roots fresh and dry matter samples were harvest at 290 days. Foliar fertilization resulted in significantly greater plant height in a 140, 120, 200, and 230 DAT and plant diameter on the 140, 260, and 290 DAT. There was interaction among factors for number of leaves with fertilization based on P(2)O(5) and K(2)O when leaf fertilizer was added that resulted in a greater number of leaves.


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Com base na hipótese de que a soja transgênica tolerante ao glyphosate necessitaria da adição complementar de manganês devido a alterações na absorção e no metabolismo do elemento pelas plantas, objetivou-se estudar a interação da soja transgênica pulverizada com glyphosate e a adubação foliar com manganês. Foi desenvolvido experimento em campo, no ano agrícola 2007/2008, na Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Produção da UNESP, campus de Jaboticabal, SP. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, no esquema fatorial 4 x 4, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados quatro manejos de plantas daninhas [glyphosate (p.c. Roundup Ready) a 0,72 e 1,20 kg ha-1 de equivalente ácido, fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen (p.c. Fusiflex) a 0,25 + 0,25 kg ha-1 e testemunha capinada, sem herbicida] e quatro doses (0, 42, 84 e 126 g ha-1) de manganês em aplicação foliar na soja. Os tratamentos estudados não alteraram significativamente a produtividade de grãos, os teores de manganês no solo, a altura e a matéria seca das plantas de soja. Apenas a mistura fluazifop-p-butyl mais fomesafen ocasionou injúrias visuais nas plantas, porém os sintomas ficaram restritos às folhas que interceptaram o jato de pulverização. Para massa de 100 grãos, os herbicidas estudados não diferiram da testemunha; no entanto, as plantas tratadas com 0,72 kg ha-1 de glyphosate apresentaram menor massa de grãos. A aplicação de manganês não influenciou os teores do elemento nas plantas tratadas com glyphosate e naquelas sem herbicida. Portanto, o glyphosate não prejudicou a absorção ou o metabolismo do manganês pela planta, e o crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas tratadas foram estatisticamente similares aos das não tratadas com herbicidas.


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Wheat is grown in Brazil, mostly in no-till, a system in which the zinc can become potentially deficient, due to excessive application of acidity corrective and phosphate fertilizers in surface and, or at shallow depths. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of foliar application of zinc in agronomic characteristics and yield of wheat. The experimental design was randomized blocks with five replications. Treatments consisted of four doses of zinc (0, 54, 108 and 216g ha(-1) Zn), divided into two foliar applications, the first at tillering (18 days after plant emergence) and the second at the boot stage (65 days after emergence). Foliar application of zinc increased the number of fertile tillers and yield of wheat, however, have little effect on the agronomic characteristics of no-tilled crop with high nutrient content in soil.


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Em diversas lavouras de algodão, no Brasil e no exterior, tem ocorrido deficiência tardia de potássio. Com o objetivo de verificar a influência da adubação foliar com nitrato de potássio (KNO3) na nutrição e produção de algodão (Gossypium hirsutum L.), em vista do nível de nutrição potássica, da época de aplicação e dose do produto, em locais com diferentes potenciais de produtividade, foram desenvolvidos experimentos em dois anos agrícolas (2000/2001 e 2001/2002). Foram empregadas doses de 16 e 32 kg ha-1 de KNO3, divididas em duas ou quatro aplicações, a partir da primeira semana de florescimento do algodoeiro. em outro experimento, foi aplicado 32 kg ha-1 de KNO3, em quatro aplicações realizadas da segunda à quinta semana de florescimento. A diminuição dos teores de potássio nas folhas do algodoeiro é um processo normal na fase de senescência da folha em fim de ciclo e não foi revertido com uso suplementar de K. A adubação foliar com KNO3 pode, em algumas condições, como por exemplo, em plantas deficientes em potássio, aumentar o teor do nutriente na folha. Entretanto, isso não afeta o conteúdo do nutriente nos frutos, a produtividade e a qualidade da fibra.


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The rocket is a leafy herbaceous annual, features small size, rapid vegetative growth and short life cycle. Silicon is considered a beneficial element, and despite not having his definition of essential mineral nutrition of plants has been widely used in research. The objective was to assess the effect of foliar fertilization with silicon levels in soils in the cultivation of the rocket. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in the DRN / Soil Science, UNESP / FCA, Botucatu-SP, from April 15 to May 20, 2008. The experimental design was randomized blocks in factorial 2x5 (two solos and five doses of silicon). At the end of the experiment, evaluated at the point of harvest to plant height (cm), leaf area (LA), total fresh mass (TFM), total dry matter (TDM), leaf area ratio (LAR), specific weight Leaf (PEF), amount of water in the shoot (AWS) and content and accumulation of silicon in the leaves. It was concluded that silicon had no influence on the agronomic characteristics of the rocket and changes were only to soil type.


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Dentre os micronutrientes, o Zn e o Mn limitam a produção dos citros, no Brasil. A aplicação foliar tem sido a forma tradicional de fornecimento, contudo, a eficiência desta adubação depende de uma série de fatores, entre eles o tipo de fertilizante. Foram realizados dois experimentos em pomar com laranjeiras Pêra, enxertadas em limão cravo, com sete anos de idade, em Botucatu, SP. No primeiro experimento foram avaliadas três fontes de Mn via foliar: carbonato de manganês A, carbonato de manganês B e sulfato manganoso, em duas doses para cada fertilizante, correspondente a 250 e 500 g ha-1 de Mn, mais o controle, pulverizado somente com água. No segundo experimento foram testadas três fontes de Zn para aplicação foliar: óxido de zinco A, óxido de zinco B e sulfato de zinco, em duas doses para cada fertilizante, correspondente a 375 e 750 g ha-1 de Zn, mais o controle. As amostragens de folhas foram realizadas mensalmente, iniciando aos 30 dias após aplicação dos tratamentos. A aplicação foliar com carbonato de manganês B, na dose de 500 g ha-1 Mn, e com óxido de zinco B, na dose de 750 g ha-1, proporcionaram, respectivamente, níveis nutricionais adequados de Mn e Zn nas folhas de laranjeira. Na ausência de chuvas, os teores adequados de Mn e Zn no solo, não permitem suprir satisfatoriamente as laranjeiras Pêra enxertadas em limoeiro cravo.


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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de verificar a influência de diferentes concentrações de uréia (0, 40, 60, 80, 100 e 120 g kg-1) em solução, para fornecimento de N via foliar, em diferentes horários (08h, 16h e 20h), na presença e ausência de adubação nitrogenada em cobertura (via solo). O solo do local do ensaio é do tipo Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro álico. O delineamento experimental seguiu o esquema fatorial 6x3x2, com quatro repetições. A semeadura foi realizada mecanicamente no dia 24.06.1996, utilizando-se o cultivar IAC Carioca, conduzido em regime de irrigação. Aplicaram-se 200 L ha-1 de calda, em cada pulverização com uréia. A adubação nitrogenada em cobertura foi realizada aos 32 dias após a emergência (dae), aplicando-se 40 kg ha-1 de N. Foram realizadas as seguintes avaliações: teor de agua e grau de fitotoxicidade nas folhas, número de dias para o florescimento pleno, matéria seca de plantas, teor de N total em folhas, número de vagens/planta, número de grãos/vagem, peso médio de 100 grãos e rendimento de grãos. A adubação nitrogenada em cobertura, aumentou a produtividade, o mesmo não ocorrendo com a adubação foliar. É importante a época de aplicação e a concentração da uréia foliar, devido a fitotoxicidade.


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The isotopic technique was employed to study boron (B) mobility in tomato and beetroot plants under protected cultivation conditions. An experiment was conducted in which both species grew in 10-dm3 vases filled with coconut fiber, under hydroponic conditions. The plants were subjected to four different treatments: (1) no B in the substratum and no foliar fertilization; (2) no B in the substratum, with foliar 10B fertilization; (3) B in the substratum, with foliar 10B fertilization; and (4) 10B in the substratum and no foliar fertilization. The biological growth variables and total B and 10B contents in the plant parts grown after the application of the nutrient were evaluated. For increasing B content in young tissues, the foliar application of this element was not as efficient as application via root system, indicating low mobility of B in the tissues of both beetroot and tomato plants. © 2013 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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The foliar fertilization with silicon has promoted several actions beneficial to plants, among them is greater drought tolerance, however, for the soybean, there is little information on these benefits in this condition. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of silicon on leaf, the dry matter accumulation of soybean in their reproductive stages, where the crop water stress suffered during the same. The experiment was carried out at the Plant Science Unit Aquidauana University - State University of Mato Grosso do Sul. The statistical design was a randomized block split plot with four replications. The plots were represented by cultivar 5DR615, the subplots consisted of the application (with or without) silicon, whose source was used KSi. Was measured the height and identified the development stage of all plants, separating them into stem + branches, leaves + petioles, pods capsules and seed. Foliar applications of silicon increased dry matter accumulation during the reproductive stage of soybean, where the highest values occurred in the R6 stage. Under conditions of water deficit, foliar application of silicon on soybean provided normal plant development, generating greater dry mass of stem + branches, leaves + petioles, pods capsules and seeds throughout their reproductive phase, with the highest values obtained at R6 stage (35 days after R2).


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The need to increase soybean production has led many producers to seek alternatives, one of them is the use of foliar fertilization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the agronomic effectiveness of different doses of foliar applications of Mg, Zn and B in soybean. The experiment was installed in the area of the Department of Natural Resources/Area of Soil Science, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, in an Oxisol. The design was completely randomized design with eight treatments and foliar applications of ten repetitions, for a total of eighty vessels. It was observed that the treatment (17% B +20% Zn) had a higher efficiency in fresh weight, dry weight and height of soybean, as compared to the productive treatment (17% B + 10% Mg) was what gave the best performance among the treatments.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)