38 resultados para Fishing and hunting

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Recursos pesqueiros são importantes fontes de renda e alimento para as populações rurais e urbanas na Amazônia. O presente trabalho avalia a pesca e as variáveis ambientais que determinam a produção de pescarias que desembarcam em Manaus, e avalia também a abundância relativa de recursos pesqueiros em diferentes subsistemas na Amazônia Central. A informação coletada no porto de desembarque de pescado de Manaus foi utilizada para testar um novo índice de captura obtido a partir de um modelo de covariância que apresentou as seguintes variáveis significativas: número de pescadores/dia (dias de pesca vezes número de pescadores por viagem); distância do pesqueiro até Manaus; quantidade de gelo que usou durante a viagem; e nível de rio. Não houve nenhuma diferença significativa entre valores médios de captura entre os subsistemas do Purus, Madeira e de Juruá. Estes resultados sugerem que os tributários da margem direita são similares e mais produtivos em termos comerciais. Concluiu-se que a produção corrente varia de acordo com a magnitude de esforço pesqueiro, por variações ambientais, assim como por aspectos operacionais da pesca, particularmente o consumo de gelo.


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Nesta pesquisa, investigamos as transformações vividas por uma comunidade afetada pela construção de uma usina hidrelétrica no rio Paraná. Utilizando procedimentos da etnografia, realizamos várias visitas à comunidade, reassentada numa vila planejada e construída para substituir a antiga vila que foi submersa. Estabelecemos contatos com os moradores mais antigos e produzimos, com eles, diálogos entabulados em situações diversas, como em visitas às próprias casas e rodas de conversa ocorridas nas calçadas. Nas falas dos ribeirinhos, a mudança do espaço é sentida como algo negativo, em todos os planos da vida. Ressentem-se da perda do rio, da pesca farta, da caça realizada nas matas, das terras férteis cultivadas nas barrancas, da socialidade e de toda produção de subjetividade que mantinham naquele lugar marcado pela proximidade com o rio e suas águas.


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Os tubarões enfrentam muitos obstáculos para sobreviver nos primeiros anos de vida e muitas espécies ocupam áreas de berçário. Embora estimativas de sobrevivência, particularmente para jovens, sejam essenciais para acessar, monitorar e manejar efetivamente populações animais, existem poucos cálculos destas estimativas para populações de tubarões e poucas estimativas baseadas em métodos diretos para estes animais em suas áreas de berçário. Métodos de marcação e recaptura foram utilizados no presente estudo para estimar o tamanho populacional e a sobrevivência de jovens tubarões-limão (Negaprion brevirostris) em uma área de berçário na Reserva Biológica do Atol das Rocas, Brasil. Os indivíduos foram amostrados entre 1999 e 2003 e as estimativas de tamanho populacional variaram entre 12 a 100 indivíduos jovens e a taxa de sobrevivência entre 24 e 54%, com média de 44,6% durante o período de amostragem mais robusto. A população destes tubarões jovens diminuiu ao longo de nosso estudo, ainda que as taxas de sobrevivência tenham aumentado durante o mesmo período. Mesmo um nível moderado de pesca e a remoção de fêmeas maduras em áreas adjacentes podem afetar dramaticamente pequenas populações de tubarões num berçário pequeno e isolado como o Atol das Rocas. As taxas de sobrevivência e tamanho populacional relativamente mais baixos em Rocas podem ser resultado das diferenças nas características físicas deste berçário, comparadas a outros utilizados pela espécie no Atlântico norte-ocidental. Tais parâmetros comparativamente mais baixos no Atol das Rocas sugerem a fragilidade da população jovem de tubarões-limão neste berçário.


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About 45 palm species occur in the Atlantic forest of Brazil, and most of them are affected by loss of seed dispersers resulting from forest fragmentation and hunting. Here we report the effects of habitat loss and defaunation on the seed dispersal system of an endemic palm, Astrocaryum aculeatissimum. We evaluated seed removal, insect and rodent seed predation, and scatter-hoarding in nine sites, ranging from 19 ha to 79 000 ha. We report the seedling, juvenile and adult palm densities in this range of sites. Endocarps remaining beneath the parent palm had a higher probability of being preyed upon by insects in small, mostly fragmented and more defaunated sites. The frequency of successful seed removal, scatter-hoarding and consumption by rodents increased in the larger, less defaunated sites. Successful removal and dispersal collapsed in small (< 1000 ha), highly defaunated sites and frequently resulted in low densities of both seedlings and juveniles. Our results indicate that a large fraction of Atlantic forest palms that rely on scatter-hoarding rodents may become regionally extinct due to forest fragmentation and defaunation. Current management practices including palm extraction and hunting pressure have a lasting effect on Atlantic forest palm regeneration by severely limiting successful recruitment of prereproductive individuals.(c) 2006 the Linnean Society of London.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Water quality of a fish pond used by UNESP, at Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil, for both fishing and irrigation has been evaluated according to certain limnological parameters and to its phytoplankton composition. During the year, four sampling sites were assigned at the pond: P(1)=inlet water in the pond; P(2)=inlet water from a shrimp pond; P(3)=irrigation spot; and P(4)=outlet water (water flowing directly into another pond). The collected data show a water pond with high concentration of nutrients and chlorophyll-a, and high values of electrical conductivity, total hardness and total dissolved solids, proceeding from the above pond. These factors affected substantially some biological parameters, such as chlorophyll-a and phytoplankton. In P(3), whereas class Zygnematophyceae showed the highest specimens richness, with 34.01%, the Chlorophyceae, that had the highest number of genera, comprehended 33.52% of the total number of individuals. The use of the water fish pond for irrigation must be re-evaluated, due to eutrophic conditions of the water, the presence of potentially toxic cyanobacteria, so as the proper management employed.


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This study aimed to contextualize the world's lobster fishing and identify the characteristics of their trades in Santos region (SP). For this purpose, were realized surveys about the captures of 56 years referring the families traded in the world through the informations supplied by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). To State of São Paulo, consults were made in the data base Propesq (Fishing Institute) about the fishing and prices. Besides interviews in fishmonger, businessmen of fishing and restaurant, we observed the trade and the economical potential compared the lobsters Scyllarides spp. and Panulirus spp. The worldwide the family Nephropidae is the one that has been presenting bigger growth in the captures from 1950 and the one that has the biggest observed captures, the Palinuridae showed a little growth of the captures up to the 80' years, and leaving from there it is oscillating without many expressive changes; Scyllarides began to stand out as fisheries only 70' in Asia, precisely where the other two Families had low catches proportional. In the State of São Paulo, two types of lobsters are sold in Baixada Santista, with conspicuous differences in prices between them. There is also a difference in the flow of trade in relation to active fishing gear. Traders notice a decrease in both abundance and size of individuals of both genders and a clear preference to sell the slippers lobsters (Scyllarides spp.) both for the quality of meat as the lowest price.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Modelling post-release survival probabilities of reintroduced birds can help inform 'soft-release' strategies for avian reintroductions that use captive-bred individuals. We used post-release radiotelemetry data to estimate the survival probabilities of reintroduced captive-bred Red-billed Curassow Crax blumenbachii, a globally threatened Cracid endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. Between August 2006 and December 2008, 46 radiotagged Curassows from the Crax Brazil breeding centre were reintroduced to the Guapiacu Ecological Reserve (REGUA), Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, in seven different cohorts. Reintroduced birds were most vulnerable during the first 12 months post-release from natural predation, domestic dogs and hunting. Annual post-release survival probability was high (75%) compared with published estimates for other Galliform species. However, when considering survival in all birds transported to REGUA (some birds died before release or were retained in captivity) and not only post-release survival, phi in this study was closer to estimates for other species (60%). The duration of the pre-release acclimatization period within the soft-release enclosure and the size of the released cohorts both positively influenced post-release survival of reintroduced Curassows. Our results are relevant to future Cracid reintroductions and highlight the importance of utilizing post-release monitoring data for evidence-based improvements to soft-release strategies that can significantly enhance the post-release survival of captive-bred birds.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The diversity of fish species in an transition zone between the River Paranapanema and the head mouth of the Jurumirim Reservoir was evaluated. Fish samples were collected from October 1995 to September 1996, by experimental fishing (gill-nets and sieve), in three marginal shallow lagoons and two channel river zones, Gill-net collections resulted in 21 taxons of native fishes. Detritivorous Characiformes such as Steindachnerina insculpta were predominant Sieve collections resulted in 31 taxa and the Tetragonopterinae subfamily was the most representative group, which included small species as Cheirodon stenodon. The equitability index characterized the high heterogeneity of fish numeric abundance, reflecting the dominance of a few groups. A significant relationship between biotic and abiotic variables was indicated by the first canonical function. In comparison with other regions of the drainage basin, the ecotone zone studied indicated a higher species richness and, in the case of some species, fishes in all stages of development. This study demonstrated the necessity to preserve the ecological zone for the fishing and fishery management in the reservoir.


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The Araucaria Forest is now represented by remnants of what was a continuous area of about 200,000 km(2). Medium and large mammals inhabiting this forest have suffered the impacts from the disturbance process and environmental degradation. Thus, this study determined which medium and large mammal species still inhabit the remnants of this vegetation type in Western Parana State. Three study areas, with 520, 405 and 135 hectares, consisting of stretches of primary forest mixed with secondary forest, were considered for mammal inventory. The evidence of mammals was verified directly (views) and indirectly (traces, trichology and interviews with local dwellers). It was recorded 32 species (including one exotic and two small ones), belonging to eight orders and 18 families. Nine animals of these species are at risk of extinction in the Parana State and five configure with insufficient data in the List of Endangered Species of the state. The results of this study indicate the great importance of these forest fragments in the conservation of several medium and large mammals in the Araucaria Forest of Parana State. Nevertheless, due to the negative pressures that these areas have been suffering, immediate and concrete public actions are required to ensure the maintenance of these mammal populations.