310 resultados para Filtros cerâmicos

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Uma das principais limitações relacionadas ao processo de retificação de cerâmica é a confiabilidade do material devido aos defeitos introduzidos no processamento. A compreensão dos mecanismos envolvidos na remoção de material durante a retificação e a interação com os parâmetros de processo e microestrutura é fundamental para minimizar estes defeitos. A proposta desta revisão é apresentar os modelos de remoção de material e a forma como afetam as propriedades mecânicas da peça final.


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Esta revisão visa ser uma introdução à aplicação de materiais cerâmicos em dispositivos de armazenamento de energia, em especial baterias secundárias de íons lítio, dispositivos nos quais os materiais cerâmicos, especialmente óxidos, são muito importantes em todas as partes do dispositivo. A revisão está focada nos materiais cerâmicos para catodos e anodos, partes chaves destes dispositivos. Ela tem por principal finalidade ser uma fonte de informação para aqueles que desejem trabalhar com o desenvolvimento de materiais cerâmicos para tais tipos de dispositivos. Aspectos relacionados à nanotecnologia e materiais óxidos nanoestruturados para esta área são discutidos ao final do artigo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O estudo da adição de dopantes trivalentes é uma das principais pesquisas na área de varistores. Vários autores têm buscado entender os efeitos destes dopantes nas propriedades elétricas e microestruturais destas cerâmicas eletrônicas. Tanto metais de transição quanto terras raras são adicionados em cerâmicas à base de SnO2 a fim de verificar o seu comportamento. O que se tem observado é que alguns destes óxidos tais como Cr2O3 e La2O3 melhoram significativamente as propriedades elétricas dos varistores, enquanto que outros como o Bi2O3 e Er2O3, por exemplo, não produzem tal efeito. A evolução do desempenho do comportamento varistor tem sido também atribuída às espécies de oxigênio produzidas pela reação com estes dopantes. Esta revisão apresenta resultados de estudos recentes do comportamento varistor frente a adição de metais doadores.


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In this research it was studied a system composed by the anaerobic filter combined with a sand filter for the wastewater treatment. For this, three anaerobic filters were operated with hydraulic detention time of nine hours which had the effluent disposed over four sand filters in different frequencies of application. on the first sand filter, 50 L.m(-2) were applied once a day. on the second, the third and the fourth filters, the same load was disposed in twice, three and four times a day, distributed between 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. The system presented a final effluent suitable for the COD and BOD legislation maximum limit to be discharged into water body (Decreto Paulista no 8,468/1976), showing the viability of dispose a higher quantity of effluent then the one suggested by NBR 13969/1997, which guides the constructive aspects for this kind of treatment.


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Prototypes A (bidin + broken stones + gravel stones + gross sand + activated coal) and B (bidin + broken stones + gravel stones + gross sand) under hydraulic charge of 35 cm presented outlets that, when extrapolated for larger filters, are sufficient to supply small and medium irrigation projects for vegetables and fruits. (bidin = Rhodia polyester for drainage). Under a charge of 35 cm, filtrate of both prototypes presented a reduction of fecal coliforms, being this reduction higher for A prototypes, but, even in this case, the coliform quantities were superior to the legal limit. Under a decrease of the biochemical oxygen demand an increase of the available oxygen rate; pH and hardness did not present significant changes.


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The (Sn,Ti)O2, system has a great interest due to its technological applications such as gas sensor and varistor. Although the thermodynamic properties and the kinetics of spinoidal decomposition in this system have been extensively studied, the general properties and applications of SnO2 - TiO2 binary compositions have been not investigated yet in depth. On the other hand, little work has been done to optimize the synthesis methods to obtain (Sn,Ti)O2 cerallmic powders, with pre - determinate physical and chemical characteristics. In this work the ceramic powders has been obtained by coprecipitation and polymeric precursor (Pechini) methods. The different physical chemistry phenomena that occurred during the synthesis were discussed. The (Sn,Ti)O2, ceramic powders were characterized with X- ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis (DTA/TG) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The knowledge about of steps and variables of synthesis process acquired with development of this work, we permited to obtain (Sn, Ti)O2, nanometers particles to low temperatures: to 450°C for coprecipitation method and to 600°C for Pechini method. The spinodal decomposition that ocurr to 900°C was discussed also.


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The designs of filters made by granular material or textile are mainly based on empirical or semi empirical retention criteria according to Terzaghi proposal, which compares particle diameter of the soil base with the filter porous spaces. Silveira in 1965, proposed one rational design retention criteria based on the probability of a particle from the soil base, carried by one dimensional flow, be restrained by the porous of the filter while trying to pass through its thickness. This new innovating theory, besides of being very simple, it is not frequently used for granular filters since the necessary parameters for the design has to be determine for each natural material. However, for textile this problem no longer exists because it has quality control during manufacturing and the necessary characteristics properties of the product are specify in the product catalog. This work presents one adaptation of the Silveira theory for textile filters and the step-by-step procedure for the determination of the characteristics properties of the textile products necessary for the design. This new procedure permits the determination of the confiability level of retention that one specific particle diameter form the soil base has for one specified textile. One complete example is presented to demonstrate the simplicity of the method proposed and how the textile characteristics are obtained.


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Tin oxide is the compound more used in the gas sensor production, mainly to reduce gases like CO and H2. Their electrical properties are strongly dependent of its surface. For this is of great importance to synthesize nanoscale tin oxide particles to use they later in the films conformation. The synthesis of SnO2-TiO2 nanoparticles by polymeric precursor method is reported in this work. The particles were characterized by DTA/TG, FT-IR, XRD and SEM. Also, the electrical response of thick films measured under oxygen and carbon monoxide atmospheres is was analyzed.