42 resultados para Feynman diagram

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Regarding the Pauli principle in quantum field theory and in many-body quantum mechanics, Feynman advocated that Pauli's exclusion principle can be completely ignored in intermediate states of perturbation theory. He observed that all virtual processes (of the same order) that violate the Pauli principle cancel out. Feynman accordingly introduced a prescription, which is to disregard the Pauli principle in all intermediate processes. This ingenious trick is of crucial importance in the Feynman diagram technique. We show, however, an example in which Feynman's prescription fails. This casts doubts on the general validity of Feynman's prescription. [S1050-2947(99)04604-1].


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We present both analytical and numerical results on the position of partition function zeros on the complex magnetic field plane of the q=2 state (Ising) and the q=3 state Potts model defined on phi(3) Feynman diagrams (thin random graphs). Our analytic results are based on the ideas of destructive interference of coexisting phases and low temperature expansions. For the case of the Ising model, an argument based on a symmetry of the saddle point equations leads us to a nonperturbative proof that the Yang-Lee zeros are located on the unit circle, although no circle theorem is known in this case of random graphs. For the q=3 state Potts model, our perturbative results indicate that the Yang-Lee zeros lie outside the unit circle. Both analytic results are confirmed by finite lattice numerical calculations.


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We investigate the effect of different forms of relativistic spin coupling of constituent quarks in the nucleon electromagnetic form factors. The four-dimensional integrations in the two-loop Feynman diagram are reduced to the null-plane, such that the light-front wave function is introduced in the computation of the form factors. The neutron charge form factor is very sensitive to different choices of spin coupling schemes, once its magnetic moment is fitted to the experimental value. The scalar coupling between two quarks is preferred by the neutron data, when a reasonable fit of the proton magnetic momentum is found. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Different mathematical methods have been applied to obtain the analytic result for the massless triangle Feynman diagram yielding a sum of four linearly independent (LI) hypergeometric functions of two variables F-4. This result is not physically acceptable when it is embedded in higher loops, because all four hypergeometric functions in the triangle result have the same region of convergence and further integration means going outside those regions of convergence. We could go outside those regions by using the well-known analytic continuation formulas obeyed by the F-4, but there are at least two ways we can do this. Which is the correct one? Whichever continuation one uses, it reduces a number of F-4 from four to three. This reduction in the number of hypergeometric functions can be understood by taking into account the fundamental physical constraint imposed by the conservation of momenta flowing along the three legs of the diagram. With this, the number of overall LI functions that enter the most general solution must reduce accordingly. It remains to determine which set of three LI solutions needs to be taken. To determine the exact structure and content of the analytic solution for the three-point function that can be embedded in higher loops, we use the analogy that exists between Feynman diagrams and electric circuit networks, in which the electric current flowing in the network plays the role of the momentum flowing in the lines of a Feynman diagram. This analogy is employed to define exactly which three out of the four hypergeometric functions are relevant to the analytic solution for the Feynman diagram. The analogy is built based on the equivalence between electric resistance circuit networks of types Y and Delta in which flows a conserved current. The equivalence is established via the theorem of minimum energy dissipation within circuits having these structures.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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One of the main difficulties in studying quantum field theory, in the perturbative regime, is the calculation of D-dimensional Feynman integrals. In general, one introduces the so-called Feynman parameters and, associated with them, the cumbersome parametric integrals. Solving these integrals beyond the one-loop level can be a difficult task. The negative-dimensional integration method (NDIM) is a technique whereby such a problem is dramatically reduced. We present the calculation of two-loop integrals in three different cases: scalar ones with three different masses, massless with arbitrary tensor rank, with and N insertions of a two-loop diagram.


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The negative-dimensional integration method (NDIM) is revealing itself as a very useful technique for computing massless and/or massive Feynman integrals, covariant and noncovanant alike. Up until now however, the illustrative calculations done using such method have been mostly covariant scalar integrals/without numerator factors. We show here how those integrals with tensorial structures also can be handled straightforwardly and easily. However, contrary to the absence of significant features in the usual approach, here the NDIM also allows us to come across surprising unsuspected bonuses. Toward this end, we present two alternative ways of working out the integrals and illustrate them by taking the easiest Feynman integrals in this category that emerge in the computation of a standard one-loop self-energy diagram. One of the novel and heretofore unsuspected bonuses is that there are degeneracies in the way one can express the final result for the referred Feynman integral.


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Pós-graduação em Física - IFT


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This work describes a methodology developed for determination of costs associated to products generated in a small wastewater treatment station for sanitary wastewater from a university campus. This methodology begins with plant component units identification, relating their fluid and thermodynamics features for each point marked in its process diagram. Following, its functional diagram is developed and its formulation is elaborated, in exergetic base, describing all equations for these points, which are the constraints for exergetic production cost problem and are used in equations to determine the costs associated to products generated in SWTS. This methodology was applied to a hypothetical system based on SWTS former parts and presented consistent results when compared to expected values based on previous exergetic expertise. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We introduce a CP trajectory diagram in bi-probability space as a powerful tool for a pictorial representation of the genuine CP and the matter effects in neutrino oscillations. The existence of correlated ambiguity in the B is uncovered. The principles of tuning the beam energy for a determination of CP-violating phase delta and the sign of Deltam(13)(2) given baseline distance are proposed to resolve the ambiguity and to maximize the CP-odd effect. We finally point out, quite contrary to what is usually believed, that the ambiguity may be resolved with similar to 50% chance in the super-JHF experiment despite its relatively short baseline of 300 km. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the phase diagram for a dilute Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superfluid Fermi-Fermi mixture (of distinct mass) at zero temperature using energy densities for the superfluid fermions in one (1D), two (2D), and three (3D) dimensions. We also derive the dynamical time-dependent nonlinear Euler-Lagrange equation satisfied by the mixture in one dimension using this energy density. We obtain the linear stability conditions for the mixture in terms of fermion densities of the components and the interspecies Fermi-Fermi interaction. In equilibrium there are two possibilities. The first is that of a uniform mixture of the two components, the second is that of two pure phases of two components without any overlap between them. In addition, a mixed and a pure phase, impossible in 1D and 2D, can be created in 3D. We also obtain the conditions under which the uniform mixture is stable from an energetic consideration. The same conditions are obtained from a modulational instability analysis of the dynamical equations in 1D. Finally, the 1D dynamical equations for the system are solved numerically and by variational approximation (VA) to study the bright solitons of the system for attractive interspecies Fermi-Fermi interaction in 1D. The VA is found to yield good agreement to the numerical result for the density profile and chemical potential of the bright solitons. The bright solitons are demonstrated to be dynamically stable. The experimental realization of these Fermi-Fermi bright solitons seems possible with present setups.


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In this article we present the complete massless and massive one-loop triangle diagram results using the negative dimensional integration method (NDIM). We consider the following cases: massless internal fields; one massive, two massive with the same mass m and three equal masses for the virtual particles. Our results are given in terms of hypergeometric and hypergeometric-type functions of the external momenta (and masses for the massive cases) where the propagators in the Feynman integrals are raised to arbitrary exponents and the dimension of the space-time is D. Our approach reproduces the known results; it produces other solutions as yet unknown in the literature as well. These new solutions occur naturally in the context of NDIM revealing a promising technique to solve Feynman integrals in quantum field theories.


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We show that at one-loop order, negative-dimensional, Mellin-Barnes (MB) and Feynman parametrization (FP) approaches to Feynman loop integral calculations are equivalent. Starting with a generating functional, for two and then for n-point scalar integrals, we show how to reobtain MB results, using negative-dimensional and FP techniques. The n-point result is valid for different masses, arbitrary exponents of propagators and dimension.


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We present a strategy for the systematization of manipulations and calculations involving divergent (or not) Feynman integrals, typical of the one-loop perturbative solutions of QFT, where the use of an explicit regularization is avoided. Two types of systematization are adopted. The divergent parts are put in terms of a small number of standard objects, and a set of structure functions for the finite parts is also defined. Some important properties of the finite structures, specially useful in the verification of relations among Green's functions, are identified. We show that, in fundamental (renormalizable) theories, all the finite parts of two-, three- and four-point functions can be written in terms of only three basic functions while the divergent parts require (only) five objects. The final results obtained within the proposed strategy can be easily converted into those corresponding to any specific regularization technique providing an unified point of view for the treatment of divergent Feynman integrals. Examples of physical amplitudes evaluation and their corresponding symmetry relations verification are presented as well as generalizations of our results for the treatment of Green's functions having an arbitrary number of points are considered.