44 resultados para FUNCTIONAL FOOD

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A acerola é um fruto de grande potencial econômico e nutricional devido ao seu alto teor de vitamina C, destacando-se como alimento funcional. É comercializada principalmente na forma de polpa congelada e fruto in natura. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade dos frutos da aceroleira cv. Olivier em dois estádios de maturação. Para tanto, foram colhidas amostras de frutos em um pomar comercial no município de Junqueirópolis-SP. Foram realizadas a determinação da cor externa dos frutos e análises das características químicas de teor de sólidos solúveis, pH, acidez titulável, açúcares redutores, 'ratio' e ácido ascórbico de frutos semi-maduros e maduros. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que os frutos semimaduros apresentaram maior acidez total, menor teor de sólidos solúveis e menor concentração de açúcares; no entanto, estes frutos apresentaram maiores teores de vitamina C, expressa em ácido ascórbico. Portanto, quando se buscam altos índices de vitamina C, os frutos devem ser colhidos num estádio de maturação menos avançado, com coloração alaranjada. O estudo demonstrou também que a cv Olivier produz frutos com características adequadas tanto para o mercado in natura quanto para a indústria, apresentando boa coloração e características químicas dentro dos padrões para esta fruta.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A presente pesquisa avaliou a ação mutagênica e antimutagênica de um biopolímero de glucose extraído da Agrobacterium radiobacter (Biopolímero de Agrobacterium radiobacter). O experimento foi realizado com camundongos Swiss machos divididos em oito grupos. O tratamento com o biopolímero foi realizado por gavage em dose única concomitante a uma dose de solução tampão fosfato nos grupos de avaliação da mutagenicidade, ou ao agente indutor de danos no DNA, ciclofosfamida, na concentração de 50 mg/kg (peso corpóreo - p.c.), nos grupos de avaliação da antimutagenicidade. Utilizou-se o teste de micronúcleo em sangue periférico e a coleta de sangue foi realizada 24 e 48 h após a aplicação das substâncias-teste. A análise estatística demonstrou que o biopolímero não possui atividade mutagênica e que é efetivo em prevenir danos no DNA. As porcentagens de redução de danos nos grupos de antimutagenicidade foram de 83,9%, 89,1% e 103,1% em 24 h e 101,24%, 98,14% e 120,64% em 48 h para as doses de 75, 150 e 300mg/kg (p.c.), respectivamente. A alta porcentagem de redução de danos associada à ausência de efeitos mutagênicos indica, além da atividade quimioprotetora, a possibilidade do biopolímero ser um alimento funcional candidato à utilização como co-adjuvante na quimioterapia para prevenir efeitos colaterais.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The mushroom Agaricus blazei has been extensively investigated because of evidence of its antimutagenic, antitumor, and anticarcinogenic activities. This study investigated the clastogenic and/or anticlastogenic activity of aqueous extract of Agaricus blazei (10% w/v) in drug-metabolizing rat hepatoma tissue cells (HTCs), with continuous treatment and treatment during different phases of the cell cycle. DNA damage was induced utilizing two directacting agents-methyl methane sulfonate and ethyl methane sulfonate-and two indirect-acting agents-2-aminoanthracene and cyclophosphamide. The aqueous extract of A. blazei with either continuous treatment or treatment during different phases of the cell cycle showed clastogenic activity. The results with continuous treatment showed that A. blazei does not protect against DNA damage-inducing agents that are direct acting. Meanwhile, when combined with indirect-acting agents, a protective effect was demonstrated. A protective effect was also found during different phases of the cell cycle when cells were treated with indirect-acting agents. The protective effects against indirect-acting agents (continuous treatment and during the different phases of the cell cycle) suggest that A. blazei may provide some health benefits to the public when used as a functional food.


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The development of various types of cancer results from the interaction among endogenous, environmental and hormonal factors, where the most notable of these factors is diet. The aim of the present study was to determine the antigenotoxic, anticarcinogenic, phagocytic and immunomodulatory activities of Agaricus blazei. The test antigenotoxicity (Comet Assay) and anticarcinogenic (Test of Aberrant Crypt Foci) assess changes in DNA and/or intestinal mucosa that correlate to cancer development. Tests of phagocytosis in the spleen and differential count in blood cells allow the inference of modulation of the immune system as well as to propose a way of eliminating cells with DNA damage. Supplementation with the mushroom was carried out under pre-treatment, simultaneous treatment, post-treatment and pre-treatment. +. continuous conditions. Statistical analysis demonstrated that the mushroom did not have genotoxic activity but showed antigenotoxic activity. Supplementation caused an increase in the number of monocytes and in phagocytic activity, suggesting that supplementation increases a proliferation of monocytes, consequently increasing phagocytic capacity especially in the groups pre-treatment, simultaneous and pre-treatment. +. continuous. The data suggest that A. blazei could act as a functional food capable of promoting immunomodulation which can account for the destruction of cells with DNA alterations that correlate with the development of cancer, since this mushroom was demonstrated to have a preventive effect against pre-neoplastic colorectal lesions evaluated by the aberrant crypt foci assay. According to these results and the literature, it is believed that supplementation with A. blazei can be an efficient method for the prevention of cancer as well as possibly being an important coadjuvant treatment in chemotherapy. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.


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This study aimed to analyze the proximate composition of seeds from some non-conventional Brazilian fruits, as well as to evaluate the antioxidant activity through DPPH • free radical and to quantify the total phenolic compounds. To obtain the extracts, dried and crushed seeds were extracted with ethanol for 30 min, in a ratio of 1:3 (seeds:ethyl alcohol), under continuous agitation, at room temperature. Then, the mixtures were filtered and the supernatants were subjected to rotary evaporator under pressure reduced to 40 °C. The results report that the seeds of non-conventional fruits are remarkable sources of lipids, and the extraction of oil from these seeds could be an alternative for the commercial utilization of waste. They also presented significant percentages of protein and carbohydrates. Ethanol extracts of seeds from non-conventional Brazilian fruits showed relevant antioxidant activity and high amount of phenolic compounds. Therefore Brazilian non-conventional fruits can be used as functional food products or feed. © 2011 Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India).


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Orange cakes with addition of inulin and oligofructose to justify a prebiotic claim (minimum of 3 g of fructans in a 60 g serving of cake) were investigated regarding sensory aspects. The sensory profile of cakes with inulin, with inulin/oligofructose and without prebiotics (standard cake) was evaluated using descriptive quantitative analysis. Preference mapping was assessed using multidimensional scaling on data obtained through an acceptability test with a nine-point hedonic scale. The cakes with prebiotics presented greater crust brownness, dough beigeness, hardness and stickiness than the standard cake and lower crumbliness. Principal Component Analysis (69.5 and 10.7% of explanation to the first and second principal components, respectively) showed that crust brownness, dough beigeness, hardness and stickiness contributed to distinguish the cakes with prebiotics from standard cakes. The sensory acceptability was similar for the three cakes and higher when compared to three commercial cakes, but the preference mapping showed that cakes with prebiotics were preferred to commercial cakes. Addition of prebiotics in orange cakes is feasible, based on the sensory results, which may facilitate marketing of this functional food with sensorial qualities equivalent to conventional products. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Previous studies in rodents treated with the pro-carcinogen 1,2-dimethylhydrazine suggested that the consumption of wheat bran protected against DNA damage in the colon and rectum. Based on this information, we evaluated wheat bran as a functional food in the prevention and treatment of colon cancer. We used the aberrant crypt focus assay to evaluate the anticarcinogenic potential of wheat bran (Triticum aestivum variety CD-104), the comet assay to evaluate its antigenotoxicity potential, and the micronucleus assay to evaluate its antimutagenic potential. The wheat bran gave good antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic responses; the DNA damage decreased from 90.30 to 26.37% and from 63.35 to 28.73%, respectively. However, the wheat bran did not significantly reduce genotoxicity. Further tests will be necessary, including tests in human beings, before this functional food can be recommended as an adjunct in the prevention and treatment of colon cancer. © FUNPEC-RP.


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The incidence of colorectal cancer is growing worldwide. The characterization of compounds present in the human diet that can prevent the occurrence of colorectal tumors is vital. The oligosaccharide inulin is such a compound. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antigenotoxic, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic effects of inulin in vivo. Our study is based on 3 assays that are widely used to evaluate chemoprevention (comet assay, micronucleus assay, and aberrant crypt focus assay) and tests 4 protocols of treatment with inulin (pre-treatment, simultaneous, post-treatment, and pre + continuous). Experiments were carried out in Swiss male mice of reproductive age. In order to induce DNA damage, we used the pro-carcinogenic agent 1,2-dimethylhydrazine. Inulin was administered orally at a concentration of 50 mg/kg body weight following the protocols mentioned above. Inulin was not administered to the control groups. Our data from the micronucleus assay reveal antimutagenic effects of inulin in all protocols. The percentage of inulin-induced damage reduction ranged from 47.25 to 141.75% across protocols. These data suggest that inulin could act through desmutagenic and bio-antimutagenic mechanisms. The anticarcinogenic activity (aberrant crypt focus assay) of inulin was observed in all protocols and the percentages of damage reduction ranged from 55.78 to 87.56% across protocols. Further tests, including human trials, will be necessary before this functional food can be proven to be effective in the prevention and treatment of colon cancer. © FUNPEC-RP.


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While researchers have extensively evaluated the beneficial effects of coffee consumption in reducing the frequency of certain diseases, studies examining the differences between organic and conventional coffee intake are still needed. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the functional effects of organic and conventional coffee by examining both its chemical composition and its mutagenic/antimutagenic properties. Infusions of 10% or 20% (w/v) of organic and conventional coffee were administered by gavage (10 mL/kg b.w., once or twice a day) to male Swiss mice against doxorubicin (DXR) and 1,2-dimethylhydrazine dihydrochloride (DMH)-induced mutagenicity. The levels of chlorogenic acids, caffeine and trigonelline from the coffee infusions and oxidative stress analysis from the liver were measured by HPLC. Gut and bone marrow micronucleus assays were used as mutagenic/antimutagenic endpoints, as well as the crypt measurements and gut apoptosis index. The in vivo tests revealed that only organic coffee exerted protective effects, despite oxidative stress analysis and crypt measurements not showing differences among treatments. Intriguingly, the low dose (10% w/v mL/kg) displayed a robust protective effect that showed a significant reduction in bone marrow micronuclei (26.8%), gut micronuclei (11.5%) and apoptosis (27.8%), whereas the higher coffee dose (2 × 20% w/v) only showed a protective effect against bone marrow micronucleus (43.7%). These results highlight that organic coffee could be considered to have beneficial functional effects, although it is still a challenge to define conclusions from analytical data and all the possible interactions from this complex food matrix. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.