4 resultados para Escola do 1.º Ciclo do ensino básico
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
This research is being read, thus rendering text on the pole of understanding, as a practice effective dialogue and therefore responsive through which the reader, author, text and context interact. To this end, the reader must turn their knowledge systems and relate them to the linguistic materiality. Thus, aimed to investigate whether the teaching of reading in the early years of elementary school literacy builds skills related to this cultural practice and its relationship to the conceptions of classroom teachers of reading, as well as the teaching and learning methodologies practiced in class classroom. Therefore, I base this research on the theoretical basis of linguistic studies and expository sociointeractionist redefine that, among other things, the concepts of language, genre and text. As for the methodological framework, this study followed the methodology of literature research and fieldwork. The fieldwork took place from the perspective of observing the pedagogical practice of teaching reading, in order to investigate how the educational activities are conducted in a reading room for the third year of elementary school, part of the municipal education Bauru- SP. Were used as instruments of data collection the questionnaire given to school teachers and the school studied the direct observation of teaching practice of one of these professionals. The results of data analysis indicate that the teachers surveyed know key content for teaching reading, as well as renovations of the theoretical and methodological studies of reading, with the consequence that the practices of reading done in the classroom limit the role of student as a reader and does not guarantee the formation of the reader
Todos nós sabemos o quanto é importante uma base de conhecimentos sólida, para que, posteriormente, quando forem ensinados os novos conceitos, os alunos possam fazer relações com o conhecimento que já possuem, com maior facilidade. Verificamos no Ensino Médio a grande dificuldade dos alunos têm para o aprendizado de Física, além da idéia pré-concebida que eles possuem de que é uma disciplina de difícil compreensão. Porém, essas dificuldades, em sua grande parte são advindas da compreensão dos textos de e do desenvolvimento de cálculos, ou seja, essas dificuldades provêm das disciplinas de Língua Portuguesa e de Matemática. Com base na situação descrita acima, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de buscar alternativas para este problema, trabalhando desde a base destes conhecimentos, através de atividades desenvolvidas com o primeiro ciclo do Ensino Fundamental. Dessa maneira, levamos para escola pública de um bairro periférico de Presidente Prudente, mais especificamente, para a 3ª série do ensino fundamental, uma atividade com conceitos de Física para desenvolver com as crianças, estimulando o raciocínio das mesmas e a incentivando a busca por soluções para situações-problemas, utilizando-se para isso das idéias propostas pelo Construtivismo, fundamentadas na epistemologia de Piaget. Este trabalho sempre visou a valorização do conhecimento prévio desses alunos e estabelecendo relações com o seu cotidiano
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The research addresses the teacher know-how in relation to how it is crafted to education for sexuality in two public schools in Coimbra - Portugal, with teachers from different areas of the 3rd cycle of basic education (humanities, sciences and biological sciences), which corresponds to the Elementary School II in Brazil. It will be based on law 60/2009 of August 6, regulated by Decree 196-A of April 9, 2010 of the Ministry of Education - Portugal, which establishes the implementation of sexual education in primary and secondary schools across the country. This research is funded by FAPESP - Research Support Fund of the State of São Paulo, process number 2011/12902-3. The research was based on a qualitative approach, conducting case studies and using semistructured interviews for data collection. The performance of the topic of sexuality and gender relations at Portuguese’s classroom aims to provide young people the opportunity to exercise their sexuality in a responsible, healthy and pleasurable way. The law seeks to ensure that this work is established in the Portuguese school effectively. Therefore, the trajectory of teachers formation (initial or continuing) will also be a focus of this research, to understand how and where it is built and how they act in their daily classroom practices, with their students the sexuality and gender relations