30 resultados para Environmental Data

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The computational program called GIS_EM (Geographic Information System for Environmental Monitoring), a software devised to manage geographic information for monitoring soil, surface, and ground water, developed for use in the Health, Safety, and Environment Division of Paulinia Refinery is presented. This program enables registering and management of alphanumeric information pertaining to specific themes such as drilling performed for sample collection and for installation of monitoring wells, geophysical and other tests, results of chemical analyses of soil, surface, and groundwater, as well as reference values providing orientation for soil and water quality, such as EPA, Dutch List, etc. Management of such themes is performed by means of alphanumeric search tools, with specific filters and, in the case of spatial search, through the selection of spatial elements (themes) in map view. Documents existing in digital form, such as reports, photos, maps, may be registered and managed in the network environment. As the system centralizes information generated upon environmental investigations, it expedites access to and search of documents produced and stored in the network environment, minimizing search time and the need to file printed documents. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting and Fall Showcase (Cincinnati, OH 10/30/2005-11/4/2005).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) is operating the Brazilian Environmental Data Collection System that currently amounts to a user community of around 100 organizations and more than 700 data collection platforms installed in Brazil. This system uses the SCD-1, SCD-2, and CBERS-2 low Earth orbit satellites to accomplish the data collection services. The main system applications are hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, water quality, and others. One of the functionalities offered by this system is the geographic localization of the data collection platforms by using Doppler shifts and a batch estimator based on least-squares technique. There is a growing demand to improve the quality of the geographical location of data collection platforms for animal tracking. This work presents an evaluation of the ionospheric and tropospheric effects on the Brazilian Environmental Data Collection System transmitter geographic location. Some models of the ionosphere and troposphere are presented to simulate their impacts and to evaluate performance of the platform location algorithm. The results of the Doppler shift measurements, using the SCD-2 satellite and the data collection platform (DCP) located in Cuiabá town, are presented and discussed.


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Environmental monitoring of aquatic systems is an important tool to support policy makers and environmental managers' decisions. Long-term, continuous collection of environmental data is fundamental to the understanding of an aquatic system. This paper aims to present the integrated system for environmental monitoring (SIMA), a long-term temporal series system with a web-based archive for limnological and meteorological data. The following environmental parameters are measured by SIMA: chlorophyll-a (µgL-1), water surface temperature (ºC), water column temperature by a thermistor string (ºC), turbidity (NTU), pH, dissolved oxygen concentration (mg L-1), electric conductivity (µS cm-1), wind speed (ms-1) and direction (º), relative humidity (%), shortwave radiation (Wm-2) and barometric pressure (hPa). The data were collected in a preprogrammed time interval (1 hour) and were transmitted by satellite in quasi-real time for any user within 2500 km of the acquisition point. So far, 11 hydroelectric reservoirs are being monitored with the SIMA buoy. Basic statistics (mean and standard deviation) and an example of the temporal series of some parameters were displayed at a database with web access. However, sensor and satellite problems occurred due to the high data acquisition frequency. Sensors problems occurred due to the environmental characteristics of each aquatic system. Water quality sensors rapidly degrade in acidic waters, rendering the collected data invalid. Data is also rendered invalid when sensors become infested with periphyton. Problems occur with the satellites' reception of system data when satellites pass over the buoy antenna. However, the data transfer at some inland locations was not completed due to the satellite constellation position. Nevertheless, the integrated system of water quality and meteorological parameters is an important tool in understanding the aquatic system dynamic. It can also be used to create hydrodynamics models of the aquatic system to allow for the study of meteorological implications to the water body.


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A central question in evolutionary biology is how interactions between organisms and the environment shape genetic differentiation. The pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) has caused variable population declines in the lowland leopard frog (Lithobates yavapaiensis); thus, disease has potentially shaped, or been shaped by, host genetic diversity. Environmental factors can also influence both amphibian immunity and Bd virulence, confounding our ability to assess the genetic effects on disease dynamics. Here, we used genetics, pathogen dynamics, and environmental data to characterize L.yavapaiensis populations, estimate migration, and determine relative contributions of genetic and environmental factors in predicting Bd dynamics. We found that the two uninfected populations belonged to a single genetic deme, whereas each infected population was genetically unique. We detected an outlier locus that deviated from neutral expectations and was significantly correlated with mortality within populations. Across populations, only environmental variables predicted infection intensity, whereas environment and genetics predicted infection prevalence, and genetic diversity alone predicted mortality. At one locality with geothermally elevated water temperatures, migration estimates revealed source-sink dynamics that have likely prevented local adaptation. We conclude that integrating genetic and environmental variation among populations provides a better understanding of Bd spatial epidemiology, generating more effective conservation management strategies for mitigating amphibian declines.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis has been isolated from nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) in different regions where paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM) is endemic. The link between PCM and these animals has provided the first valuable clue in the effort to elucidate the ecological niche of P. brasiliensis. The present study was aimed at correlating P. brasiliensis infection in armadillos with local ecological features and, if possible, the presence of the fungus in the soil in the Botucatu hyperendemic area of PCM. In this region the mean temperature ranges from 14.8 to 25.8degreesC and the annual average precipitation is 1520 mm. The sites where 10 infected animals (positive group) were collected were studied and compared with the sites where five uninfected animals were found. The occurrence of the fungus in soil samples collected from the positive armadillos' burrows and foraging sites was investigated by the indirect method of animal inoculation. Environmental data from the sites of animal capture, such as temperature, rainfall, altitude, vegetation, soil composition, presence of water and proximity of urban areas, were recorded. All 37 soil samples collected from the sites had negative fungal cultures. Positive animals were found much more frequently in sites with disturbed vegetation, such as riparian forests and artificial Eucalyptus Or Pinus forests, in altitudes below 800 m, near water sources. The soil type of the sites of positive animals was mainly sandy, with medium to low concentrations of organic matter. The pH was mainly acidic at all the sites, although the concentrations of aluminum cations (H+Al) were lower at the sites where positive animals were found. Positive armadillos were also captured in sites very close to urban areas. Our data and previous studies indicate that P. brasiliensis occurs preferentially in humid and shady disturbed forests in a strong association with armadillos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The ichthyofauna of 24 stretches of streams, all of 100 m length and of fifth or lower order and most of second and third order, were sampled along four left bank tributaries (Rio do Peixe, Rio Aguapei, Rio Sao Jose dos Dourados, lower Rio Tiete of the main channel of the Rio Parana in the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Sampling of the fish fauna at each of the six sites in the four basins incorporated a standardized fish collecting methodology and a standardized documentation of environmental data serving as the basis for a comparative analysis of the collecting locations. The 8,189 fish specimens collected represented six orders, 18 families, 42 genera, and 56 species, with a total biomass of 28.8 kg. Approximately 52% of the collected species were characiforms, 28% siluriforms, 9% gymnotiforms, 5% cyprinodontiforms, 4% perciforms, and 2% synbranchiforms. The most abundant of the species were the characiforms Astyanax altiparanae (15% of total) and Knodus moenkhausii (12% of total). The two species with the largest overall biomasses were A. altiparanae (34% of total biomass) and the siluriform Hypostomus sp. (8% of total biomass). Analysis of the trophic structure of the studied ichthyofauna indicated that the 10 numerically dominant species across the 24 sampled streams can be grouped into five guilds that are in decreasing order of numerical importance: omnivores, insectivores, insectivores/invertivores, periphytivores, and algivores. Species richness in the sampled stream stretches varied from six to 20 species with an average richness of 14. The species richness estimated by extrapolation for all 24 sampled stream stretches was 67 species. The Characidae are predominant among the collected specimens with approximately 50% of both individuals and biomass, a fact hypothesized to be a function of several attributes typical of the family. Six of the 56 collected species were new to science and six other species are of indefinite taxonomic status and require further analysis in order to determine their identity.


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Foram amostrados 17 trechos de riachos com 100 m de extensão, todos de ordem igual ou menor a três, ao longo de ambas as margens do canal principal do Rio Paranapanema, SP e PR. O ponto médio de cada trecho foi georreferenciado via satélite com receptor GPS e o uso de metodologia padronizada de coleta de dados ambientais e peixes (baseada principalmente na pesca elétrica), possibilitou a obtenção das seguintes informações em cada local: 1) composição taxonômica da ictiofauna e contribuição, em termos de número de indivíduos e biomassa, de cada espécie para a ictiofauna local como um todo; 2) documentação fotográfica de espécimes representativos de cada espécie coletada com sua coloração natural; 3) descrição de cada ambiente coletado, com ilustrações fotográficas coloridas, e seus principais parâmetros bióticos e abióticos. No total foram coletados 3.683 exemplares, pertencentes a seis ordens, 16 famílias, 37 gêneros e 52 espécies, com biomassa total de 16,8 kg. Das espécies coletadas, aproximadamente 36% pertencem a ordem Siluriformes, 36% a Characiformes, 11% a Gymnotiformes, 10% a Perciformes, 4% a Cyprinodontiformes e 2% a Synbranchiformes. As espécies mais abundantes em termos de número de indivíduos foram Astyanax altiparanae (15,2%) e Astyanax sp. 1 (12,3%); aquelas com maior biomassa foram A. altiparanae (28%) e Geophagus brasiliensis (13%). A composição da ictiocenose em termos de abundância e biomassa por família indica a predominância expressiva de Characidae, seguida por Loricariidae, Pimelodidae e Cichlidae. Dentre os trechos amostrados, o trecho 14 (24 espécies) e o 13 (cinco espécies), apresentaram a maior e a menor riqueza em espécies, respectivamente, coincidindo com os valores obtidos para o índice de diversidade específica de Shannon-Wienner (H´= 0,99 e 0,32, respectivamente). A riqueza média encontrada foi de 11 espécies por trecho de riacho. Na estimativa de riqueza por extrapolação para o conjunto total de riachos amostrados na bacia do rio Paranapanema, obtivemos um valor de 69 espécies (erro padrão igual a quatro) indicando ser necessário um esforço amostral adicional moderado para atingir a assíntota da curva. Das 52 espécies coletadas, oito (aproximadamente 15% do total) são seguramente novas, cinco (aproximadamente 10% do total) possuem status taxonômico ainda indefinido, enquanto outras três (aproximadamente 6% do total) são espécies introduzidas. Analisando a estrutura trófica e espacial da ictiocenose estudada, as 10 espécies numericamente dominantes nos riachos estudados dividem-se, em ordem decrescente de importância numérica, em quatro guildas: onívoros nectônicos; invertívoros bentônicos; perifitívoros; e onívoros bentônicos. Uma chave de identificação para todas as espécies de peixes coletadas durante este estudo é fornecida ao final deste trabalho.


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O ponto médio de cada trecho foi georreferenciado via satélite com receptor GPS e o uso de metodologia padronizada de coleta de dados ambientais e peixes (baseada principalmente na pesca elétrica), possibilitou a obtenção das seguintes informações em cada local: 1) composição taxonômica da ictiofauna e contribuição, em termos de número de indivíduos e biomassa, de cada espécie para a ictiofauna local como um todo; 2) documentação fotográfica de espécimes representativos de cada espécie coletada com sua coloração natural; 3) descrição de cada ambiente coletado, com ilustrações fotográficas coloridas, e seus principais parâmetros bióticos e abióticos. No total foram coletados 3.070 exemplares, pertencentes a seis ordens, 18 famílias, 44 gêneros e 64 espécies, com biomassa total de 14,3 kg. Das espécies coletadas, aproximadamente 50% pertencem a ordem Characiformes, 26,5% a Siluriformes, 11% a Perciformes, 6% a Gymnotiformes, 5% a Cyprinodontiformes e 1,5% a Synbranchiformes. As espécies mais abundantes em termos de número de indivíduos foram Astyanax altiparanae (17,4%) e Hypostomus ancistroides (9%); aquelas com maior biomassa foram A. altiparanae (35%) e Geophagus brasiliensis (9%). em termos de abundância e biomassa por família, a composição da fauna de peixes estudada indica a predominância expressiva de Characidae, seguida por Loricariidae e Cichlidae. Dentre os trechos amostrados, o trecho SG6 (26 espécies) e o PG4 (três espécies), apresentaram a maior e a menor riqueza em espécies, respectivamente, coincidindo com os valores obtidos para o índice de diversidade específica de Shannon-Wiener (H'= 1,08 e 0,26, respectivamente). A riqueza média encontrada foi de 12 espécies por trecho de riacho. Na estimativa de riqueza por extrapolação para o conjunto total de riachos amostrados na bacia do Rio Grande, obtivemos um valor de 93 espécies (erro padrão igual a três) indicando ser necessário um esforço amostral adicional moderado para atingir a assíntota da curva. Das 64 espécies coletadas, quatro (aproximadamente 6% do total) são seguramente novas, sete (aproximadamente 11% do total) possuem status taxonômico ainda indefinido, enquanto outras duas (aproximadamente 3% do total) são espécies certamente introduzidas. Analisando a estrutura trófica e espacial da ictiofauna estudada as 10 espécies numericamente dominantes nos riachos amostrados dividem-se, com base em dados de literatura, em ordem decrescente de importância numérica, em cinco guildas: onívoros nectônicos; invertívoros bentônicos; perifitívoros; algívoros e onívoros bentônicos. Uma chave de identificação para todas as espécies de peixes coletadas durante este estudo é fornecida ao final deste trabalho.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Knowledge about bird's heat stress is extensively discussed in the literature. From behavior data collected during the summer of 2000/2001 in an open-sided reduced scale model of a poultry barn, this study estimated the thermoneutral zone for female broiler breeders. The birds were electronically identified and the frequency of use of passage, indicating movement, and drinker, indicating thirst, where the antennas were placed, was recorded. Environmental data such as dry and wet bulb temperature were collected in the geometric center of the model and continuously registered by a datalogger. From the statistical analysis, it was possible to predict a real-time-based zone where the birds showed coherent behavior towards the use of the drinker and movement in the passage. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.