221 resultados para Entrance Ramps.

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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This study aims to determine the entrance surface skin doses in dogs (with suspected pulmonary metastasis) submitted to chest X-rays using the technique of thermoluminescence (TL) dosimetry. Twenty seven radiologic exams of dogs of different breed and sizes were performed. The radiation doses were assessed using thermoluminescent dosimeters of calcium sulphate doped with dysprosium (CaSO(4):Dy) produced at Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN). The entrance surface skin dose range evaluated in this type of procedure was between 0.43 mGy to small size dogs and 4.22 mGy to big size dogs with repeated exams. The obtained results indicate that is extremely important the assessment of radiation doses involved in veterinary diagnostic radiology procedures, to evaluate the delivered doses to the animals, to be used as a parameter in the individual monitoring of pet's owners, who assist the animal positioning, and to protect occupationally exposed workers at the Veterinary Radiology Clinics. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We studied the statistical distribution of student's performance, which is measured through their marks, in university entrance examination (Vestibular) of UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista) with respect to (i) period of study - day versus night period (ii) teaching conditions - private versus public school (iii) economical conditions - high versus low family income. We observed long ubiquitous power law tails in physical and biological sciences in all cases. The mean value increases with better study conditions followed by better teaching and economical conditions. In humanities, the distribution is close to normal distribution with very small tail. This indicates that these power law tails in science subjects axe due to the nature of the subjects themselves. Further and better study, teaching and economical conditions axe more important for physical and biological sciences in comparison to humanities at this level of study. We explain these statistical distributions through Gradually Truncated Power law distributions. We discuss the possible reason for this peculiar behavior.


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We studied the statistical distribution of candidate's performance which is measured through their marks in university entrance examination (Vestibular) of UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista) for years 1998, 1999, and 2000. All students are divided in three groups: Physical, Biological and Humanities. We paid special attention to the examination of Portuguese language which is common for all and examinations for the particular area. We observed long ubiquitous power law tails in Physical and Biological sciences. This indicate the presence of strong positive feedback in sciences. We are able to explain completely these statistical distributions through Gradually Truncated Power law distributions which we developed recently to explain statistical behavior of financial market. The statistical distribution in case of Portuguese language and humanities is close to normal distribution. We discuss the possible reason for this peculiar behavior.


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This study aims the evaluation of the radiation dose levels involved in veterinary radiology and to contribute to review the procedures for performing radiographic exams in animals in the Department of Veterinary Radiology of Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia of Universidade Estadual Paulista (FMVZ-UNESP/Brazil). The obtained results has shown to be extremely important the assessment of doses involved in veterinary diagnostic radiology procedures both to protect the occupationally exposed workers and to optimize the delivered doses to the animals. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia do herbicida glyphosate, isolado e em mistura com chlorimuron-ethyl ou quizalofop-p-tefuril, e o efeito da adição de óleo mineral à calda de glyphosate e chlorimuron-ethy no controle de plantas adultas de Digitaria insularis, em área sob sistema de plantio direto. Foram desenvolvidos dois experimentos, em condições de campo, um de novembro de 2005 a fevereiro de 2006 e outro de novembro de 2006 a janeiro de 2007, em Jaboticabal (SP). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial, com quatro repetições. No primeiro experimento, foram avaliadas oito combinações (Fator A) entre o glyphosate (0,72; 1,44; 2,16 e 2,88 kg ha-1) e o chlorimuron-ethyl (0 e 10 g ha-1), três doses (Fator B) de óleo mineral (0; 0,5 e 1,0 L ha-1) e uma testemunha mantida infestada sem a aplicação de herbicida. No segundo, foram estudadas seis associações (Fator A) entre o glyphosate (1,44; 2,16 e 2,88 kg ha-1) e o quizalofop-p-tefuril (0 e 120 g ha-1) e um tratamento de quizalofop-p-tefuril (120 g ha-1) isolado, combinados com aplicações sequenciais (Fator B) de glyphosate (0; 0,72 e 1,44 kg ha-1), pulverizado 15 dias após a primeira a aplicação, além de uma testemunha infestada sem a aplicação de herbicida. Nas avaliações iniciais, no experimento de 2005/ 2006, em plantas pulverizadas com as maiores doses de glyphosate, isolado ou em mistura ao chlorimuron, havia injúrias visuais severas, com classificação do controle de bom (71% a 80%) a muito bom (81% a 90%). Com o decorrer do tempo, as plantas rebrotaram revelando seu potencial de recuperação e a ineficácia dos herbicidas no controle definitivo desta espécie. A adição de óleo mineral à calda de glyphosate e chlorimuron não contribuiu para o controle de D. insularis. No outro experimento, o quizalofop isolado e a sua associação ao glyphosate, combinados à aplicação sequencial de 1,44 kg ha-1 de glyphosate, resultaram em melhor controle da planta daninha.


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Foram analisadas 72 amostras da água de dessedentação de frangos de corte, 18 da entrada e 54 dos bebedouros pendulares. As amostras foram submetidas às mensurações de coliformes totais, coliformes fecais, estreptococos fecais, Escherichia coli e organismos mesófilos, além da detecção da presença de Salmonella sp e da taxa de demanda de cloro. Os resultados evidenciaram uma elevada contaminação bacteriológica, já na primeira semana, com os indicadores na ordem de 10³ a 10(5). Não houve isolamento de nenhuma cepa de Salmonella sp, provavelmente por não haver ave infectada no plantel. A taxa de demanda de cloro mostrou-se elevada, devido ao maior acúmulo de matéria orgânica nos bebedouros, com o ápice na quinta semana (98,7%), seguida de uma leve diminuição na sexta semana (98,5%). As análises dos resultados evidenciam o bebedouro pendular como um instrumento depreciativo e ineficiente em relação às qualidades higiênico-sanitárias das águas fornecidas aos frangos de corte, contribuindo para um alto risco de contaminação por patógenos de veiculação hídrica. Preconizam-se a utilização de modelos de bebedouros menos deletérios e o monitoramento semanal de cloro residual nos bebedouros pendulares, a fim de se obter uma desinfecção satisfatória da água.


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Descreveu-se a morfologia do útero de cutias nulíparas e não nulíparas por meio de ovariossalpingoisterectomia. A análise macroscópica do útero foi realizada in loco e na peça retirada. Segmentos das porções proximal, média e distal do órgão foram colhidas, fixadas e preparadas histologicamente, sendo as amostras analisadas à microscopia de luz, e realizada a histomorfometria das camadas uterinas. Topograficamente, o útero localiza-se na região sublombar, caudalmente aos rins, em continuação aos ovários e às tubas uterinas, estendendo-se até à entrada da pelve, onde se posiciona dorsalmente à bexiga. Caracteriza-se como do tipo duplo, embora culmine em apenas um óstio cervical externo. Microscopicamente, a mucosa uterina é formada por variações do epitélio, de cilíndrico a pseudoestratificado, que se apoia em tecido conjuntivo frouxo, onde se observam glândulas endometriais revestidas por epitélio cilíndrico, além da presença de vasos sanguíneos. A camada muscular subdivide-se em interna ou submucosa, média ou vascular e externa ou subserosa. A camada serosa é composta por tecido conjuntivo e mesotélio. Na histomorfometria, verificou-se que a espessura uterina total e a espessura da camada mucosa, em média, foram maiores nas fêmeas não nulíparas.


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The experiment was carried out on Cynodon spp cv. Tifton 85 pastures grazed by sheep under rotational stocking, with the objective of evaluating the structural characteristics as well as the forage mass of the pastures subjected to three grazing intensities in successive cycles. Treatments were composed of three residual leaf area indices (rLAI; 2.4; 1.6 and 0.8), allocated in completely randomized blocks with seven replications, totaling 21 experimental units. Tiller population density, pasture height, leaf area index, forage morphological composition and pasture forage mass were evaluated. The rLAI modified the tiller population density, which increased linearly with decrease in the rLAI of the pastures. Dry masses of leaf blade, stem and dead material were inferior when the rLAI imposed were lower, which resulted in differentiated forage production among the treatments. Tifton 85 pastures grazed by sheep in rotational stocking under tropical conditions with different rLAI show a modified sward structure over successive grazing cycles, mainly by alteration in the height and LAI of the plants at pre-grazing and by light interception post-grazing, which change the tiller population density. The residual leaf area index of 1.6 is the most suitable for pasture management for being equivalent to the heights of entrance and exit of animals on and from paddocks of 33 and 19 cm, respectively, which avoid great accumulation of dead material and excessive stem elongation, in addition to ensuring tillering in the sward.


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Avaliou-se a capacidade produtiva, partenocarpia e expressão sexual de linhagens de pepino caipira sob cultivo em ambiente protegido. A capacidade produtiva foi avaliada em experimento em blocos ao acaso com 18 tratamentos (16 linhagens e dois híbridos do tipo caipira, Safira e Guarani), quatro repetições e cinco plantas por parcela, em estufa agrícola com as laterais abertas possibilitando a entrada de insetos polinizadores. A expressão sexual e a partenocarpia foram avaliadas em delineamento semelhante, utilizando 16 linhagens da população SHS (F2RC1 do cruzamento entre os híbridos Safira e Hatem (tipo holandês)) e 19 da população GH (F2 do cruzamento entre os híbridos Guarani e Hatem), porém este experimento foi conduzido em estufa agrícola fechada, com tela anti-afídeo, evitando- se a entrada de insetos polinizadores. A partenocarpia foi avaliada verificando o pegamento de frutos em cada linhagem. Várias linhagens foram estatisticamente similares aos híbridos em termos de produção, mas nenhuma foi superior. Os híbridos Safira e Guarani produziram respectivamente 23,1 e 19,1 frutos planta-1, sendo, respectivamente, 21,9 e 17,5 frutos comerciais. As massas total e comercial de frutos por planta foram respectivamente 3,8 e 3,6 kg para o híbrido Safira e 2,9 e 2,7 kg para o híbrido Guarani. A linhagem SHS-2 destacou-se pela boa produção, similar aos dois híbridos, apresentando frutos do tipo caipira claro, além de ser partenocárpica e possuir plantas ginóicas. Todas as linhagens da população SHS apresentaram frutos do tipo caipira, mas apenas cinco foram partenocárpicas. Na população GH, nove linhagens foram partenocárpicas e dez apresentaram frutos do tipo caipira. Duas linhagens da população SHS apresentaram apenas plantas monóicas, com as demais segregando para plantas ginóicas e monóicas. Na população GH, todas as plantas foram ginóicas. A população SHS é mais interessante para a obtenção de linhagens principalmente devido ao tipo de fruto caipira mais próximo dos frutos comerciais.


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Pheidole oxyops builds subterranean nests, with an external architecture that is distinctive and easily recognizable by its wide and specific entrance hole, measuring up to 12.2 cm in diameter, denoting a pitfall-trap. In order to study the nests'internal architecture, seven nests were excavated; four were identified with neutral talc, while the others were cast in cement and then excavated. Measurements were made in order to gain a better understanding of their structures, and a photographic documentation was obtained as well. The excavations revealed that the nests are perpendicular relative to the ground, beginning with a cylindrical channel with a mean length of 13.5 cm, containing irregular formations, and whose diameter becomes progressively narrower until the first chamber is formed. As the channel continues, dish-like chambers appear, interconnected by channels that become progressively narrower and longer, while the chambers are arranged at greater distances from each other as nest depth increases. Both channels and chambers are located on the vertical projection of the entrance hole. Nests may reach a depth of up to 5.09 m, with a number of chambers ranging between 4 and 14.


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Leaf-cutting ant workers dig underground chambers, for housing their symbiotic fungus, interconnected by a vast quantity of tunnels whose function is to permit the entrance of food (leaves), gaseous exchanges, andmovement of workers, offspring, and the queen. Digging is a task executed by a group of workers, but little is known about the group effect and group-constructed functional structures. Thus, we analyzed the structures formed by worker groups (5, 10, 20, and 40 individuals) of the leaf-cutting ant, Atta sexdens rubropilosa, for 2 days of excavation. The digging arena was the same for the 4 groups, with each group corresponding to a different density. Our results verified a pattern of tunneling by the workers, but no chamber was constructed. The group effect is well known, since the 40-worker group dug significantly more than the groups of 5, 10, and 20. These groups did not differ statistically from each other. Analysis of load/worker verified that workers of the smallest group carried the greatest load. Our paper demonstrates the group effect on the digging of nests, namely, that excavation is proportional to group size, but without emergence of a functional structure such as a chamber.


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The internationalization of Spanish companies. The purpose of this article is to present the process of (late) internationalization of Spanish companies occurred between the years of 1990 and 2000, its determinants and the degree of involvement of the State in this process. We can point out some determinants in this process, such as: a fall in the profitability of the domestic market, a shrinking of the Spanish market, imminent danger of the acquisition of Spanish companies in the local market due to trade and financial openness. We conclude that this process was not fortuitous. There was a clear perception by the government that this process would not only be relevant but also necessary for the entrance of Spain in the international economic and geo-political set.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)