11 resultados para Enterprise Systems

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The design and implementation of an ERP system involves capturing the information necessary for implementing the system's structure and behavior that support enterprise management. This process should start on the enterprise modeling level and finish at the coding level, going down through different abstraction layers. For the case of Free/Open Source ERP, the lack of proper modeling methods and tools jeopardizes the advantages of source code availability. Moreover, the distributed, decentralized decision-making, and source-code driven development culture of open source communities, generally doesn't rely on methods for modeling the higher abstraction levels necessary for an ERP solution. The aim of this paper is to present a model driven development process for the open source ERP ERP5. The proposed process covers the different abstraction levels involved, taking into account well established standards and common practices, as well as new approaches, by supplying Enterprise, Requirements, Analysis, Design, and Implementation workflows. Copyright 2008 ACM.


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Service oriented architectures (SOA) based on Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Web services have attracted the attention of enterprises mainly for business-to-business integration and to create composite applications that execute business processes. An existing problem is the lack of preoccupation with non technical users due to the fact that to create a composite application to fulfill users needs, it is necessary to be in contact with IT staff. To overcome this issue, enterprises can take advantage of web 2.0, 'introducing in the development stage some technologies like mashups and some concepts like user empowerment, collaborative work and collective intelligence. Some results [3] [13] have shown how web 2.0 concepts can help non technical users to produce relative complex business processes. However, traditional enterprise requirements goes beyond typical web 2.0 solutions in several aspects: (1) traditional enterprise systems are based on heterogeneous stack of technologies that are not directly exploitable from a web-based client (where SOAP web services play an important role); (2) web browsers set some cross-domain security constraints making difficult to integrate services from diverse domains. In this paper, a contribution to two web 2.0 research projects [14] [15] partially solves the problems described: provide a way to invoke cross-domain backend services (based on SOAP technologies) directly only using clientside languages, without a need for any adaptation layer. © 2010 ACM.


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In the last few years, crop rotation has gained attention due to its economic, environmental and social importance which explains why it can be highly beneficial for farmers. This paper presents a mathematical model for the Crop Rotation Problem (CRP) that was adapted from literature for this highly complex combinatorial problem. The CRP is devised to find a vegetable planting program that takes into account green fertilization restrictions, the set-aside period, planting restrictions for neighboring lots and for crop sequencing, demand constraints, while, at the same time, maximizing the profitability of the planted area. The main aim of this study is to develop a genetic algorithm and test it in a real context. The genetic algorithm involves a constructive heuristic to build the initial population and the operators of crossover, mutation, migration and elitism. The computational experiment was performed for a medium dimension real planting area with 16 lots, considering 29 crops of 10 different botanical families and a two-year planting rotation. Results showed that the algorithm determined feasible solutions in a reasonable computational time, thus proving its efficacy for dealing with this practical application.


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In this paper we present a mixed integer model that integrates lot sizing and lot scheduling decisions for the production planning of a soft drink company. The main contribution of the paper is to present a model that differ from others in the literature for the constraints related to the scheduling decisions. The proposed strategy is compared to other strategies presented in the literature.


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The use of QoS parameters to evaluate the quality of service in a mesh network is essential mainly when providing multimedia services. This paper proposes an algorithm for planning wireless mesh networks in order to satisfy some QoS parameters, given a set of test points (TPs) and potential access points (APs). Examples of QoS parameters include: probability of packet loss and mean delay in responding to a request. The proposed algorithm uses a Mathematical Programming model to determine an adequate topology for the network and Monte Carlo simulation to verify whether the QoS parameters are being satisfied. The results obtained show that the proposed algorithm is able to find satisfactory solutions.


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Managing the great complexity of enterprise system, due to entities numbers, decision and process varieties involved to be controlled results in a very hard task because deals with the integration of its operations and its information systems. Moreover, the enterprises find themselves in a constant changing process, reacting in a dynamic and competitive environment where their business processes are constantly altered. The transformation of business processes into models allows to analyze and redefine them. Through computing tools usage it is possible to minimize the cost and risks of an enterprise integration design. This article claims for the necessity of modeling the processes in order to define more precisely the enterprise business requirements and the adequate usage of the modeling methodologies. Following these patterns, the paper concerns the process modeling relative to the domain of demand forecasting as a practical example. The domain of demand forecasting was built based on a theoretical review. The resulting models considered as reference model are transformed into information systems and have the aim to introduce a generic solution and be start point of better practical forecasting. The proposal is to promote the adequacy of the information system to the real needs of an enterprise in order to enable it to obtain and accompany better results, minimizing design errors, time, money and effort. The enterprise processes modeling are obtained with the usage of CIMOSA language and to the support information system it was used the UML language.


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Sistemas Integrados de Gestão ou Enterprise Resources Planning - ERP possibilitam o processamento das informações necessárias em uma empresa usando um único banco de dados. Muito tem se escrito sobre este tipo de software, abordando questões como o alto custo da aquisição de licenças, e a dependência de consultoria para a sua adaptação e implantação nas empresas. Atualmente vem crescendo o desenvolvimento e uso de ERP Livre de Código Aberto (FOS-ERP). Porém verifica-se que este tipo de sistema ainda não é suficientemente explorado, mesmo no meio acadêmico. Este artigo relata alguns trabalhos publicados sobre o assunto e levanta questões que devem ser tratadas por pesquisadores e demais interessados para adequar e viabilizar o uso desses sistemas conforme a realidade nacional. Assim, após uma introdução ao tema, são apresentadas algumas diferenças entre o FOS-ERP e seus equivalentes proprietários (Proprietary ERP ou P-ERP) em termos de modelos de negócios, seleção, customização e evolução. em seguida são elencados alguns desafios e oportunidades que o FOS-ERP pode oferecer a usuários, fornecedores, pesquisadores e colaboradores individuais. Concluindo, este artigo busca ampliar a discussão sobre FOS-ERP, destacando fatores tais como seu potencial de inovação tecnológica e estratégias de negócios.


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In order to simplify computer management, several system administrators are adopting advanced techniques to manage software configuration of enterprise computer networks, but the tight coupling between hardware and software makes every PC an individual managed entity, lowering the scalability and increasing the costs to manage hundreds or thousands of PCs. Virtualization is an established technology, however its use is been more focused on server consolidation and virtual desktop infrastructure, not for managing distributed computers over a network. This paper discusses the feasibility of the Distributed Virtual Machine Environment, a new approach for enterprise computer management that combines virtualization and distributed system architecture as the basis of the management architecture. © 2008 IEEE.


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The supply chain management, postponement and demand management operations are of strategic importance to the economic success of organizations because they directly influence the production process. The aim of this paper is to analyze the influence of the postponement in an enterprise production system with make-to-stock and with seasonal demand. The research method used was a case study, the instruments of data collection were semi-structured interviews, document analysis and site visits. The research is based on the following issues: Demand Management which can be understood as a practice that allows you to manage and coordinate the supply chain in reverse, in which consumers trigger actions for the delivery of products. The Supply Chain Management is able to allow the addition of value, exceeding the expectations of consumers, developing a relationship with suppliers and customer's win-win. The Postponement strategy must fit the characteristics of markets that require variety of customized products and services, lower cost and higher quality, aiming to support decision making. The production system make-to-stock shows enough interest to organizations that are operating in markets with high demand variability. © 2011 IEEE.


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Until 1990, beef cattle production in Brazil was recognized as an enterprise of low investment, low cost of production, as well as an extensive production system that used large land areas to be economically feasible. The situation changed for the Brazilian beef market when the economy stabilized in 1994 and all sectors involved in the beef supply chain were able to predict their associated costs and profits. During the same period, purchasing power of the Brazilian population grew, and as a consequence, consumers began to demand higher quality beef products. This new scenario in the late 1990s and early 2000s has led to more intensive beef production systems in Brazil as well as the need for a greater understanding of how technologies might be applied. As consequence of this evolution, in the last five years, a necessity to increase beef production has occurred. The quality of Brazilian beef has improved compared with beef produced 15 years ago, but continued improvements are needed to achieve excellence in terms of large-scale production of high quality beef, be sustainable over a long period of time, and increase our contribution to global food security.