14 resultados para Enteropathogens

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Com o objetivo de caracterizar os principais enteropatógenos causadores de diarréia na região de Ribeirão Preto, quanto aos sorogrupos e sorotipos, por um período de 4 anos foram estudadas fezes de 1836 crianças, menores de 10 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, portadoras de gastrenterite aguda no IAL de Ribeirão Preto, SP. Foram pesquisados os seguintes enteropatógenos: Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., Campylobacter sp., Yersinia sp., e Cryptosporidium sp., identificados através de metodologia tradicional. Foram positivas 419 (22,8%) amostras, com 1,7% de associação entre enteropatógenos. Houve predomínio na faixa etária de 0 a 11 meses. Destacou-se a E.coli enteropatogênica (EPEC) (8,7%), sendo mais frequente o sorogrupo O119 (40,2%), seguida do gênero Shigella (6,2%), dos quais 63,2% corresponderam à S. sonnei.


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In a recent study of the microbiological quality of commercial ice, 50 Escherichia coli isolates belonging to different serotypes were found. The potential hazard from these isolates was examined by testing their adherence patterns ill HeLa cells and searching for the presence of DNA sequences related to E. coli virulence properties. Twelve potentially diarrheagenic isolates were found and classified as enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) based oil their ability to produce aggregative adherence to HeLa cells. The remaining isolates were devoid of the virulence properties searched for. The EAEC isolates belonged to 10 different serotypes, among which O128ab:H35 is often found in diarrheic feces. None of these isolates reacted with a specific EAEC DNA probe or carried any of the known EAEC virulence genes. These data indicate that ice may be all important vehicle for transmission of enteropathogens, especially of the EAEC group. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Amostras fecais de 203 bezerros com diarréia, idade inferior a 30 dias, de ambos os sexos e de diferentes propriedades do Estado de São Paulo foram examinadas num período de dois anos. Cultivos para pesquisa bacteriana foram feitos em agar acrescido de 10% de sangue bovino e agar Levine. As placas foram incubadas por até 96 horas, em condições aeróbias, a 37°C, com observação dos aspectos de colônia e estudos morfológicos, bioquímicos e realização de outros testes, quando pertinentes. O teste de ELISA foi aplicado para pesquisa de Rotavirus. Cryptosporidium spp. também foi pesquisado e identificado. Resultados revelaram envolvimento de vários patógenos de forma isolada, assim como associados. Rotavirus foi encontrado em 51 (25,1%) das amostras, sendo em 58,8% só, em 41.7% associado a outros microrganismos. Cryptosporydium spp foi isolado em 43 (21.3%) das amostras, sendo só em 65,1% delas e associado a outros enteropatógenos em 34,9%. No exame parasitológico foram encontrados ovos de estrongilídeos em 5 (2,5%) das amostras, não excedendo mais de dois ovos por campo examinado. Ao exame microbiológico, um ou mais microrganismos foram isolados. Escherichia coli foi encontrada em 100% das amostras. As pesquisas de toxina termoestável e do antígeno de aderência K99 realizada nas 73 amostras de E.coli foram negativas, e o grupo sorológico das mesmas foi determinado, sendo 34,2%, 17,8% e 47,9% das amostras pertencentes aos sorogrupos O8, O11 e O101, respectivamente. Salmonella Dublin e Salmonella typhimurium foram isoladas em 5,4% e 6,1% das amostras examinadas, respectivamente.


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In a one-year prospective study carried out to define the role of rotavirus and Escherichia coli in local childhood diarrhea, we determined the prevalence of both agents in 54 diarrheic children attending a health center in Botucatu. Diarrheogenic E. coli (DEC) strains were characterized by O:H serotyping, a search for virulence genetic markers, and assays of adherence to HEp-2 cells. Except for enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), no other DEC category was detected in the children's stools. Both EAEC and rotavirus were isolated from 22 of the 54 (41.0%) diarrheic children as single agents or in combination with other enteropathogens. However, when considering the presence of a single agent, EAEC was dominant and isolated from 20.4% of the patients, whereas rotavirus was detected in 14.8%. These results indicate that rotavirus and EAEC play a significant role as agents of childhood diarrhea in the local population.


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A protective digestive microflora helps prevent and reduce broiler infection and colonization by enteropathogens. In the current experiment, broilers fed diets supplemented with probiotics and essential oil (EO) blends were infected with a standard mixed Eimeria spp. to determine effects of performance enhancers on ileal and cecal microbial communities (MCs). Eight treatment groups included four controls (uninfected-unmedicated [UU], unmedicated-infected, the antibiotic BMD plus the ionophore Coban as positive control, and the ionophore as negative control), and four treatments (probiotics BC-30 and Calsporin; and EO, Crina Poultry Plus, and Crina PoultryAF). Day-old broilers were raised to 14 days in floor pens on used litter and then were moved to Petersime batteries and inoculated at 15 days with mixed Eimeria spp. Ileal and cecal samples were collected at 14 days and 7 days postinfection. Digesta DNA was subjected to pyrosequencing for sequencing of individual cecal bacteria and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) for determination of changes in ileal and cecal MC according to percentage similarity coefficient (%SC). Pyrosequencing is very sensitive detecting shifts in individual bacterial sequences, whereas DGGE is able to detect gross shifts in entire MC. These combined techniques offer versatility toward identifying feed additive and mild Eimeria infection modulation of broiler MC. Pyrosequencing detected 147 bacterial species sequences. Additionally, pyrosequencing revealed the presence of relatively low levels of the potential human enteropathogens Campylobacter sp. and four Shigella spp. as well as the potential poultry pathogen Clostridiun perfringens. Pre- and postinfection changes in ileal (56%SC) and cecal (78.5%SC) DGGE profiles resulted from the coccidia infection and with increased broiler age. Probiotics and EO changed MC from those seen in UU ilea and ceca. Results potentially reflect the performance enhancement above expectations in comparison to broilers not given the probiotics or the specific EO blends as feed supplements.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)