10 resultados para Enseñanza de la Física moderna y contemporánea

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Taking into consideration various argumentation perspectives, the introduction of Modern and Contemporary Physics at High School level has been defended by various researchers. In the present qualitative nature research, we heard and interpreted ten High School physics teachers’ discourses, aiming to analyze how their initial education, regarding to Modern and Contemporary Physics, was based in a rationality which matches with the communicative and the dialogical actions. Teachers of our sample were individually interviewed and, at that time, they had finished their initial undergraduate program at least five years before. Teachers’ discourses interpretation was supported by some French school discourse analysis’ concepts, Jürgen Habermas’ communicative action, Freire’s dialogical action, as well as teachers’ education research critical referential. The discourses interpretations evidenced that these teachers’ education, with respect to Modern and Contemporary Physics, was mainly based in technical-instrumental rationality basis. This perspective did not help teachers’ autonomy construction in order to work these subjects in their classes, mainly in a perspective coherent with the teachers’ emancipation, producing reflexes in classroom physics teaching. The study evidenciates the necessity of future teachers’ professors revise theirs teaching practice, as well studying other curricular structures, regarding to Modern and Contemporary Physics teaching.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar a proposta de introdução da Física Moderna e Contemporânea no Nível Médio da Educação Básica. Parte-se do pressuposto de que os professores assumem, às vezes até subconscientemente, que a teoria base da FMC é incompreensível. Investigamos, em 2007, os discursos de cinco professores de Física de um município da região Nordeste, visando compreender as possibilidades desses professores introduzirem a FMC em suas aulas de Física e em que medida estas possibilidades estão associadas às suas formações profissionais. Para a construção e análises dos discursos pautamo-nos na Análise de Discurso Francesa e em referenciais da Teoria Crítica da Educação. Constatamos que apesar de atribuírem papel relevante à introdução da FMC no Nível Médio, os professores não estão encarando este desafio.


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This paper is aimed at understanding which the most important difficulties and alternatives to include students with visual impairments in physics classes. It presents and discusses the difficulties and viabilities of having a born blind student effectively attend Modern Physics classes. Using content analysis, this experiment identifies 6 functional classes that might correspond to difficulties and 4 which refer to the viabilities. Therefore, the importance of appropriate communicative environments, the including role of the interactivity element, as well as the need for destitution of segregation environments inside classroom, are emphasized.


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This study aims to contribute to understanding the complexity related to the definition and practice of "Didactics of Physics" in initial physics teachers training. We intend to make evident how is understood the Didactics of Physics in curricular organizations, since an "observation" from a perspective based on an analysis of theoretical frameworks of Science Teaching, according to which "Didactics of Physics" is an articulating axis between different disciplines and constitutes the knowledge body to be taught in order to teachers learn to teach physics. For that, we used techniques of documentary analysis, constituting a text from a systematic search of information about Physics teachers’ initial education programs, looking for criteria justifying their organizations and contents of disciplines that aim to contribute to the training for teaching, in a study carried out during 2011. We found on these curricular organizations the presence of disciplines in fields such as: Exact Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences and Teaching Practice, which indicates a consideration of interdisciplinary training which must receive the future teacher. However, without being consistent with Science Education' epistemology, requesting the integration of interdisciplinary knowledge to solve problems related to teach physics in high school, with some exceptions in the preparation for the subject "traineeship" or training for "Didactic transposition", but since different interpretations.


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Considering the importance of the inclusion of Modern and Contemporary Physics in the curriculum of Physics in High School, it is proposed in this work an experimental activity, made with low- cost materials, which presents the photoelectric effect. This activity can be used articulating this phenomenon with some technological applications experienced by the students in their daily lives. When working the experiment, the teacher can encourage students to investigate what happens during its execution and, through questions, get them to express their ideas in the previous attempt to explain its operation. This articulation linked to social interaction in the classroom can arouse the students’curiosity and motivation of students to learn the subject taught in classroom.


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This article is inserted in a wider study that seeks to understand the main inclusion barriers in Physics classes for students with visual impairment It aims to understand which communication context favors or impedes the visually impaired student participation to the impairment visual student’s real participation in Modern Physics activities. The research defines, from the empirical-sensory and semantics structures, the languages used in the activities, as well as, the moment and the speech pattern in which those languages have been used. As a result, this study identifies a strong relation between the uses of the interdependent empirical structure audio-visual language in the non-interactive episodes of authority; a decrease of this structure use in the interactive episodes; the creation of education segregation environments within the clasroom and the frequent use of empirical tactile-hearing interdependent language structure in these environments. Moreover, the concept of «special educational need» is discussed and its inadequate use is analyzed. Suggestions are given for its correct use of «special educational need,» its inadequate use, giving suggestions for its correct use.


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It is shown the result of design, implement and analyze an exercise for teaching of Didactics of Physics, based on the use of History of Science as an information resource and point of discussion. We start with two assumptions: (1) currently, in the international level there is a research field that studies the use of History, Philosophy and Epistemology of sciences on education of teachers, which present that this field allows to treat contents of Physics in nontraditional ways, that is to say, beyond to the mathematician vision; (2) one of the dimensions that should be worked on education of teachers, specifically in education for teaching, must be, the (re) connaissance of their disciplinary knowledge, through metacognitive exercises, for which History provides appropriate resources. In order to involve the future teacher in a metacognitive activity that would allow (re) visit some of their knowledge of Physics, we developed an exercise based on research results about the history of the light concept. We analyzed the potentialities of this exercise to educate for teaching.


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Para que a inserção de conteúdos de Física Moderna e Contemporânea ocorra de maneira eficiente no ensino médio é necessária a atualização dos professores. Assim, desde 2010 a SBF realiza a Escola de Física CERN, na qual participam professores brasileiros de física. Perante isso, investigamos as contribuições desta escola para a prática pedagógica dos professores. Os resultados mostram que o ensino de partículas é realizado de maneira muito incipiente, justificado pelo fato do currículo ainda ser clássico, pela falta de tempo ou pela cobrança dos exames avaliativos. Ao mesmo tempo em que os professores mencionam abordar a física de partículas, eles relatam que assuntos de física moderna e contemporânea não fazem parte do currículo de suas escolas. Concluímos que alguns professores não ensinam a física de partículas ou o abordam mesmo que ele não faça parte da grade curricular.


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This work is intended to promote a reflection about the forms of work in groups for continuous training of teachers. Based on the hypothesis that the groups of study / discussion of specific topics in physics can have very effects significant and recommended by the literature, we based on the propositions of the educator José Contreras Domingo about autonomy of teachers and we does a report of an experience with group of continuing education in which they succeeded in developing the characteristics of autonomy of teachers in a job with physics teachers who participate in a group of study / discussion of topics of Modern and Contemporary Physics. In this way presents arguments relating the autonomy of teachers with the teacher continuing education and presents the report of a group of training teachers of physics who works along these lines.