13 resultados para Enfermedades de los músculos

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe X-linked recessive disorder characterized by the progressive loss of muscular strength. Mdx mutant mice show a marked deficiency in dystrophin, which was related to muscle membrane stability. The aim of this study was to verify the possible protective anti-inflammatory effect of citrus oil on mdx muscle fibers. Thus, adult male and female mdx mice (014/06-CEEA) were divided into control and citrus-treated. After 60 days of treatment, one ml of blood was collected for creatine kinase (CK) test. Diaphragm, sternomastoideus, anterior tibial and gastrocnemius muscles were removed and processed according to histological routine methods. The observed alterations indicate a direct effect of citrus. Recent studies have improved the diagnosis of muscular diseases but with no definitions of efficient treatments. Intervention with several therapies is important to many patients presenting muscular dystrophy, which enables them to live longer and be more active, while there is no development of gene therapies.


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This study aimed to compare the effect of three stretching techniques (ballistic, static and contract-relax) on instant gain muscle flexibility on the hamstring muscle. We evaluated 23 subjects of both gender [means (SD) age 21.17 (1.4) years]. All volunteers performed static, ballistic and contract-relax stretching. Each technique was performed in a single session with an interval of seven days between sessions. To assess the immediate effects of the different techniques were performed two tests of flexibility, Sit and Reach Test and the Popliteal Angle Test. In comparison with the baseline there were significant increase in muscle flexibility in the Popliteal Angle Test after application ballistic (6.26%) and contract-relax technique (6.5%) respectively (p<0.05). When comparing the three techniques regarding the change score significant difference was found in the the Popliteal Angle Test for ballistic and contract-relax stretching, but Sit and Reach Test showed no significance difference. These data suggest that the ballistic and contract-relax were better than the technique of static stretching and both are equally effective. The ballistic contract-relax stretching techniques improved gain of muscle flexibility on the hamstring muscle.


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Introduction: skeletal muscles are dynamic tissue that can change their phenotypic characteristics providing a better functional adaptation to different stimuli. L-thyroxine is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland and has been used as an experimental model for stimulation of oxidative stress in skeletal muscle. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a fat-soluble provitamin endogenously synthesized and found naturally in foods such red meat, fish, cereals, broccoli and spinach. It has antioxidant properties and potential in the treatment of degenerative and neuromuscular diseases. Objective: to evaluate the protective effect of CoQ10 in the soleus muscle of rats against the oxidative damage caused by L-thyroxine. Methods: the rats were divided in four groups of six animals each: Group 1 (control); Group 2 (coenzyme Q10); Group 3 (L-thyroxine), and Group 4 coenzyme Q10 and L-thyroxine). After euthanasia, blood was collected and serum activity of the enzymes creatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) was analyzed. In the soleus muscle homogenates the factors related to oxidative stress were assessed. Results: CoQ10 protected the soleus muscle against the damage caused by L-thyroxine and favored the maintenance of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase, the concentration of decreased and oxidized glutathione, and prevented lipid peroxidation. Conclusion: the results indicate that CoQ10 protects rat soleus muscle from oxidative damage caused by L-thyroxine.


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To compare the effect of acupuncture and occlusal splint in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in female patients.Method: Forty-eight female patients (mean age of 39.3±6.8 years) with diagnosed pain in muscles or joint according to RDC/TMD criteria were attended at UNESP - Aracatuba Dental School. Including criteria were reported pain in the chewing muscles and/or in the temporomandibular joint measured by a visual analogue scale (range from 0 to 10) and a reported reduction of the maximum mouth opening. Excluding factors were major occlusal problems, systemic diseases, pregnancy and age below 18 years. After randomization, the first group was treated with acupuncture performed by instructed dentist. The second group was treated with occlusal splint. The outcome variables were assessed at baseline (prior to the first treatment session) and after 1, 3 and 6 months. Primary criteria of success were improvement of mouth opening and pain reduction.Result: Acupuncture group exhibited chewing pain decrease from 5 (at baseline) to 1, 2 and 1 after 1, 3 and 6 months, respectively. In the splint group, chewing pain decreased from 4 to 2, 1 and 2 after 1, 3 and 6 months, respectively. The mouth opening (in mm) increased from 28 (at baseline) to 42, 44 and 46 after 1, 3 and 6 months, respectively in the acupuncture group. In the splint group, mouth opening improved from 29 to 40 after 1 month, and to 43 and 42 after 3 and 6 months. A significant pain reduction was noted for both groups when compared to the baseline (p<.001; Wilcoxon test). Acupuncture group had a significant clinical improvement of opening mouth (Mann-Whitney). Conclusion: The present outcomes suggest a positive association among acupuncture and occlusal splint on the reduction of chewing pain. Acupuncture was more effective in the mouth opening increase.


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Os esportes de alto nível determinam padrões corporais que extrapolam barreiras geopolíticas, sociais e culturais. Estas peculiaridades resultam em alterações posturais que estão associadas à eficiência do gesto desportivo, porém, em longo prazo, podem evoluir para processos mórbidos que limitam a prática de atividades físicas regulares. O objetivo da pesquisa foi descrever o perfil postural dos atletas que participam de provas de potência muscular e identificar processos anátomo-cinesiológicos responsáveis pelas principais alterações corporais. A casuística foi composta por 15 atletas do sexo masculino, especializados em provas de potência muscular. O protocolo para coleta de dados foi elaborado com base na proposta de: i) Kendall, para o exame físico e observacional, utilizando simetrógrafo e fio de prumo; ii) Souchard, para a análise postural em cadeia. As informações foram organizadas sob a forma de distribuição de freqüência absoluta e relativa. Os resultados apontaram que: i) o tornozelo em valgo (67%) foi a situação mais comum; ii) a rotação interna da pelve à direita (60%), seguida do lado oposto mais elevado (47%), pode estar relacionada com a corrida em curva que sobrecarrega a estrutura da pelve para a manutenção da velocidade com simultânea mudança de direção em função da força gravitacional; iii) a anteversão de pelve (73%) decorre da retração observada nos músculos flexores do quadril e extensores do joelho; iv) a alteração expressa no item iii contribui para a formação de hiperlordose lombar (73%) e desencadeia mecanismo compensatório de retração da cadeia posterior causando cifose torácica (53%) e cabeça em protrusão (73%). O diagnóstico precoce e a adoção de medidas profiláticas efetivas podem contribuir para o aumento da performance, bem como prevenir a ocorrência de lesões desportivas. Estudos envolvendo intervenção fisioterápica deverão avaliar se há redução dos efeitos crônicos que as alterações posturais decorrentes do treinamento causam ao atleta de alto nível.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The muscles can perform the same function in a specific segment (muscles of fast and slow contraction), and at the same time be antagonistic in relation to muscular action (flexors or extensors). The present research aimed to study the morphology, frequency and metabolism of fiber types and the contractile characteristics of extensor and flexors muscles of rabbit. We studied muscles anterior tibialis (AT), flexor digitorum supeficialis (FDS), extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and posterior tibialis (PT). The muscles were submitted to the techniques HE, NADH-TR and myofibrillar ATPase. In EDL and PT extensor muscles, the frequencies of red (SO + FOG) and white fibers (FG) were 68.77% and 31.23% versus 58.87% and 41.13%, respectively. In the AT and FDS flexor muscles, these frequencies were 75.14% and 24.86% versus 73.89% and 26.11%, respectively. In extensor muscles, the percentage of slow contraction fibers was 8.05% in EDL and 9.74% in PT, and in fast contraction, 91.95% in EDL and 90.26% in PT. In flexors, the slow contraction frequencies were 12.35% in AT and 8.17% in FDS, and in fast contraction, 87.65% and 91.83%, respectively. Skeletal muscles with antagonistic muscular actions (flexors and extensors) the morphological, contractile and metabolic characteristics are identical.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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INTRODUÇÃO:Testes incrementais de corrida permitem a determinação de limiares metabólicos e neuromusculares. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar índices eletromiográficos e metabólicos entre dois protocolos incrementais de corrida com diferentes intervalos entre cada estágio de velocidade.MÉTODOS:Participaram do estudo 14 voluntários do sexo masculino. Os protocolos incrementais de corrida em esteira iniciaram em 8 km.h-1, com incremento de 1 km.h-1 a cada três minutos até a exaustão voluntária. Os dois protocolos diferiram quanto aos intervalos entre cada estágio de velocidade: 30 segundos (protocolo 1) e 120 segundos (protocolo 2). O limiar de fadiga eletromiográfico (LFEMG) foi determinado para os músculos reto femoral, bíceps femoral, tibial anterior e gastrocnêmio lateral. Para tanto, o comportamento do valor RMS foi correlacionado em função do tempo de corrida, sendo realizada regressão linear para determinação dos coeficientes de inclinação. O limiar de lactato foi identificado por meio do ponto de inflexão na curva lactato-intensidade e o limiar anaeróbio foi determinado por meio de interpolação linear. Foi aplicado um teste t de Student para dados pareados (p<0,05).RESULTADOS:Foi verificado que o protocolo 2 apresentou velocidade de LFEMG maior do que o protocolo 1, apenas para o músculo BF (p=0,023), o que caracteriza uma resposta específica deste músculo em protocolos incrementais de corrida.CONCLUSÃO:Protocolos de corrida com intervalos de até dois minutos entre os estágios incrementais apresentaram resultados semelhantes para determinação do LFEMG da maioria dos músculos estudados e dos limiares metabólicos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present work is a reflexive-theoretically research that intends, by the light of Psychoanalytic and Freudo-Marxim theories, to think about the work malaise - effect of a repressive civilization -, and the sublimation possibilities, in the context of the discussions about the conflict individual-civilization. The work favors the essential thing for the human race's representations. Current researches indicate the importance of thinking the work in the process physical and mental health/illness, as well as the subjectivity of the human race in the present time. However, the organizations of work, using reductionist views, with the psychiatric-medical Knowledge/power as accomplice, have a tendency to disregard their responsibilities in the "production" of the illnesses in the workers. Freud, by the neurosis's understanding, showed that in the individual-civilization conflict the first one pays a high price: the constant malaise (the guilt as malaise). While who detains the guilt, in the social sense of the word (the guilt of malaise), is the human culture, intermediated by the organizations, defenders of the minority's interests that hold the manners of production/exploration. According to Freud, the growth of the feeling of guilt is inevitable, considering the necessity of the drives repression to cultural progress through displeasure work. However, Reich and Marcuse theorize an exit for the Freudian pessimism about the conflict between the individual and the civilization. Freud didn't consider properly the nature socio-historical of the Reality Principle, understanding it like universal. Therefore, the level of repression would have a specific socio-economic class: surplus value for a minority and more repression for the great mass. A less repressive Reality Principle might provide a fair progress of the humanity. It's in the list of discussion the possibility of the work in social and psychological conditions that allow the reduction of worker's malaise in the civilization's breast.


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Chronic low back pain is a difficult condition to be treated. As some patients respond positively to treatment and others do not present any improvements, one can think there are others conditional factors that need to be elucidated. By means of this study, we sought to investigate the association between the occurrence of the formation of a positive relationship between patient and therapist, assessed by the therapeutic alliance inventory, and the adequate recruitment of the deep abdominal muscles, as well as to verify the effect of a protocol intervention based on motor control exercises on levels of pain and disability. The recruitment of the transverse abdominal and internal oblique muscles was examined by ultrasound imaging in 12 subjects with nonspecific chronic low back pain before and after implementation of a protocol for motor control exercises, with subsequent application of the therapeutic alliance inventory questionnaire. No association was found between the level of therapist/patient alliance and muscle recruitment. The proposed protocol was effective in reducing the levels of pain and disability; however, recruitment of transverse abdominal and internal oblique muscles showed no significant changes in the end of the intervention. Based on these findings, we verified that the therapeutic alliance has no association with muscle recruitment in the short term. However, although there were no changes in muscle recruitment after the intervention program, the level of pain and disability was reduced.