44 resultados para Elder Tobar
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Muitos patógenos, principalmente fungos, ocorrem em várias espécies de eucalipto, desde a fase de viveiro até os plantios adultos. Dentre as doenças fúngicas, destaca-se a mancha de micosferela, considerada uma das principais doenças, e o Eucalyptus globulus, uma das espécies mais suscetíveis. Esta doença é causada por várias espécies pertencentes aos gêneros Teratosphaeria e Mycosphaerella, sendo T. nubilosa de maior importância. O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a presença do fungo T.nubilosa em materiais coletados nos seguintes locais: Bagé-RS, Pedras Altas-RS, Botucatu-SP, Jacareí- SP e Itapeva-SP. Por meio de isolamentos a partir de folhas de E. globulus apresentando mancha de micosferela, foi possível a obtenção de isolados do fungo. A observação quanto ao padrão de germinação dos ascósporos, o seu crescimento micelial, e também por meio de PCR com primers da região genômica ITS1 e ITS4 e sequenciamento, e submissão ao GenBank, foi possível a determinação do gênero e da espécie do patógeno como T. nubilosa. Nos cinco locais estudados foi confirmada a presença deste agente causal de mancha de micosferela em plantios de E. globulus nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil.
Cell lysis in the formation of secretory cavities in plants has been questioned by some authors and considered as result of technical artifacts. To describe the formation of secretory resin cavities in Hymenaea stigonocarpa leaves, leaflet samples at different stages of differentiation were collected, fixed, and processed for light and electron microscopy as per usual methods. The initial cells of secretory resin cavities are protodermal and grow towards the mesophyll ground meristem; these cells then divide producing cell groups that are distinguished by the shape and arrangement of cytoplasm, and density. At the initial stages of differentiation of the secretory cavities, some central cells in these groups show dark cytoplasm and condensed nuclear chromatin. Later, there is cell wall loosening, tonoplast and plasmalemma rupture resulting in cell death. These cells, however, maintain organelle integrity until lysis, when the cell wall degrades and the plasmalemma ruptures, releasing protoplast residues, marked characteristics of programmed cell death. The secretory epithelium remains active until complete leaf expansion when the cavity is filled with resin and the secretory activity ceases. There are no wall residues between central cells in adult cavities. Our results demonstrate lysigeny and the importance of ontogenetic studies in determining the origin of secretory cavities.
The genus Hymenaea is characterized by a great diversity of secretory structures, but there are no reports of colleters yet. The objectives of this study are to report the occurrence and describe the origin and structure of colleters in Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne. Shoot apex samples were collected, fixed, and processed for light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy as per usual methods. Colleters occur predominantly on the stipule's adaxial side. These structures are found at the base on a narrow strip, corresponding to the median vein up to half the length of the stipule. When present on the abaxial side, they are concentrated at the base and restricted to the margins. Colleters develop from the protoderm; they are elongate and club-shaped. Their body has no stratification; their surface cells differ from the inner cells only in position and presence of cuticle. Colleter cells have thin walls, dense cytoplasm, large nuclei, many mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and abundant dictyosomes. Histochemical tests with Ruthenium red showed pectic compounds in the cytosol. In H. stigonocarpa, colleter arrangement is compatible with the hypothesis that they protect shoot apex. In this species, protection is reinforced by the sheath formed by the stipule pairs.
Background and Aims Considering that few studies on nectary anatomy and ultrastructure are available for chiropterophilous flowers and the importance of Hymenaea stigonocarpa in natural 'cerrado' communities, the present study sought to analyse the structure and cellular modifications that take place within its nectaries during the different stages of floral development, with special emphasis on plastid dynamics.Methods For the structural and ultrastructural studies the nectary was processed as per usual techniques and studied under light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Histochemical tests were employed to identify the main metabolites on nectary tissue and secretion samples.Key Results The floral nectary consists of the inner epidermis of the hypanthium and vascularized parenchyma. Some evidence indicates that the nectar release occurs via the stomata. The high populations of mitochondria, and their juxtaposition with amyloplasts, seem to be related to energy needs for starch hydrolysis. Among the alterations observed during the secretory phase, the reduction in the plastid stromatic density and starch grain size are highlighted. When the secretory stage begins, the plastid envelope disappears and a new membrane is formed, enclosing this region and giving rise to new vacuoles. After the secretory stage, cellular structures named 'extrastomatic bodies' were observed and seem to be related to the nectar resorption.Conclusions Starch hydrolysis contributes to nectar formation, in addition to the photosynthates derived directly from the phloem. In these nectaries, the secretion is an energy-requiring process. During the secretion stage, some plastids show starch grain hydrolysis and membrane rupture, and it was observed that the region previously occupied by this organelle continued to be reasonably well defined, and gave rise to new vacuoles. The extrastomatic bodies appear to be related to the resorption of uncollected nectar.
The ultrastructural features and the plastid changes caused by sample preparation were studied in sieve elements of Panicum maximum leaves. Samples of expanded leaves, taken near the ligule region, were fixed and processed by common light and transmission electron microscopy methods. In mature sieve-tube elements, the protoplast is electron-translucent and plastids are the most frequent organelles. Mitochondria and smooth endoplasmic reticulum segments are also visible and occupy a parietal position within the cell. The plastids are globular and show electron-dense proteinaceous inclusions in the stroma. The protein crystals are predominantly cuneate, but thin crystalloids and amorphous and/or filamentous proteins also occur. The presence of intact plastids plus others in different phases of plastid envelope rupture were interpreted as evidence that this rupture is a normal event in response to injury. This plastid envelope rupture is possibly activated by the release of pressure in the sieve-tube element. After plastid membrane vesiculation, the stroma and the protein crystals are dispersed within the sieve-element ground cytoplasm. The vesicles originating from the plastid envelope move to one cell pole, while protein crystalloids move to the opposite pole and agglomerate in the sieve-plate region. Our findings indicate that these protein crystalloids, which deposit in the sieve plate, may act in sieve-plate pores occlusion, preventing the release of phloem sap, similar to the role of P-protein in dicotyledons. (c) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
A study of the anatomy and ultrastructural aspects of leaf mesophyll and floral nectaries of Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne revealed the presence of intercellular pectic protuberances (IPPs) linking adjacent cells in both the leaf palisade cells and the secretory parenchyma of the floral nectary. Samples of the middle third of the leaf blade and of floral nectaries in anthesis were collected, fixed, and processed using standard procedures for light, transmission, and scanning electron microscopies. The IPPs of palisade cells of the mesophyll and the secretory parenchyma cells of the floral nectary take the form of scalae or strands, respectively. No evidence of the specific synthesis of these structures was observed, and they are apparently formed by the separation of adjacent cells due to cell expansion, when intercellular spaces develop. The IPPs observed in H. stigonocarpa increase cellular contact and probably act in apoplastic transport.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Com o objetivo de estudar a relação entre cristais de oxalato de cálcio e floema, fragmentos de folhas de Peltodon radicans foram fixados e processados, segundo métodos usuais, para estudos ao microscópio de luz e eletrônico de transmissão. Observou-se que os cristais ocorrem nas células da bainha do feixe, lateralmente em relação ao floema. Células intermediárias estabelecem conexão entre elemento crivado e células da bainha, portadoras de cristais, com crescimento intrusivo entre estas. Íons cálcio são abundantes no citoplasma das células da bainha que contém cristais de oxalato de cálcio. Nas células intermediárias a detecção ultra-citoquímica de cálcio também apresentou resultados positivos, enquanto nos elementos crivados a presença deste íon não foi constatada. Há, portanto, um gradiente crescente de concentração de cálcio dos elementos crivados para as células da bainha. Assim, formulamos a hipótese de que a formação de cristais de oxalato de cálcio tem, em P. radicans, o objetivo de controlar os níveis de cálcio citossólico nos elementos crivados.
INTRODUÇÃO: O vírus Epstein-Barr (EBV) está associado a cerca de 10% dos adenocarcinomas gástricos, representando mais de 50 mil casos por ano no mundo. Apesar dos estudos realizados em várias partes do mundo, alguns aspectos clinicopatológicos permanecem controversos. OBJETIVOS: O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as características clinicopatológicas de casos de adenocarcinomas gástricos procedentes dos estados de São Paulo e Ceará, correlacionando-os com a detecção de EBV. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram obtidos 192 casos de adenocarcinomas gástricos de hospitais dos estados de São Paulo e do Ceará, dos quais 160 foram submetidos à técnica de RNA-hibridização in situ para detecção de EBV. RESULTADOS: Dos 160 casos, 11 (6,9%) foram EBV-positivo, exibindo intensa marcação nuclear em células tumorais. Destes, dois casos também apresentaram linfócitos infiltrados marcados. Não encontramos marcação em tecido normal ou pré-neoplásico. São Paulo e Ceará apresentaram as frequências 3/60 (5%) e 8/100 (8%), respectivamente, e maior relação do EBV com indivíduos do sexo masculino, de idade avançada, com tumores do tipo intestinal, de estadiamento elevado e grau pouco a moderadamente diferenciado. Os casos do Ceará exibiram aumento relativo de tumores EBV(+) localizados na cárdia, enquanto os casos de São Paulo demonstraram aumento naqueles localizados no corpo gástrico. CONCLUSÃO: A frequência de tumores EBV(+) do presente estudo situa-se nos valores descritos na literatura mundial. Entre os achados, um deles não encontra paralelo na literatura mundial e refere-se ao elevado percentual de tumores EBV(+) no corpo gástrico observado nos casos de São Paulo.
Dans le cadre du service de gériatrie du Centre de Santé-école de la faculté de médecine de Botucatu (Université de São Paulo), a été établi un programme d'appui à ces soignants avec les objectifs suivants: préserver leur qualité de vie et favoriser de meilleures conditions familiales aux patients. Le programme comprend de 10 à 12 réunions par semaine, de deux heures de durée, coordonnées par deux psychologues. on utilise des techniques de psychodrame centrées sur le rôle du soignant et leurs conséquences sociales et émotionnelles. Les informations théoriques sont transmises au moyen de discussions de groupe et de moyens audiovisuels. Les thèmes suivants sont abordés : signification et motivation du soin donné, signaux d'alertes de fatigue physique et mentale du soignant, les possibilités de se traiter et de demander de l'aide, une méthode d'amélioration de la communication face à une déficience visuelle, auditive et cognitive, une méthode pour favoriser l'indépendance et l'autonomie et surmonter les problèmes relatifs à l'hygiène, la mobilité, l'agression, l'irritation, les hallucinations et les idées délirantes de la personne âgée. Au cours de la première réunion de chaque groupe (qui comprend de 10 à 20 participants) on applique une échelle d'évaluation de l'impact émotionnel sur les soignants (Zarit et al., 1980) et le SRQ (Self Report Questionnaire - Mari and Williams, 1986) qui identifient des désordres psychiatriques. Ces échelles sont reproduites à la fin du programme, pour observer d'éventuelles modifications. Les données obtenues indiquent des changements favorables dans l'expression d'émotions, l'établissement de limites et de retour à des activités de loisirs.
O envelhecimento é um processo do desenvolvimento normal, envolvendo alterações neurobiológicas estruturais, funcionais e químicas. Também incidem sobre o organismo fatores ambientais e socioculturais - como qualidade e estilo de vida, dieta, sedentarismo e exercício - intimamente ligados ao envelhecimento sadio ou patológico. Este estudo teórico tem como objetivo ressaltar tópicos relevantes para o envelhecimento sadio e o envelhecimento doentio, fundamentados em resultados recentes da pesquisa em neurociências. Conclui-se que o aumento da idade não significa necessariamente adoecer; com medidas preventivas pode-se manter o idoso em condições saudáveis nos domínios físico e cognitivo, mantendo a autonomia de vida por longo período. Contudo, na presença de disfunções, o diagnóstico e a intervenção precoces podem propiciar uma melhor qualidade de vida ao paciente e sua família.
This study describes preliminary laryngeal electromyography (LEMG) data and botulinum toxin treatment in patients with dysphonia due to movement disorders. Twenty-five patients who had been clinically selected for botulinum toxin administration were examined, 19 with suspected laryngeal dystonia or spasmodic dysphonia (SD), 5 with vocal tremor, and 1 with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS). LEMG evaluations were performed before botulinum toxin administration using monopolar electrodes. Electromyography was consistent with dystonia in 14 patients and normal in 5, and differences in frequency suggesting essential tremor in 3 and Parkinson tremors in 2. The different LEMG patterns and significant improvement in our patients from botulinum toxin therapy has led us to perform laryngeal electromyography as a routine in UNICAMP movement disorders ambulatory.
Implantation failure after IVF is one of the factors associated with a reduced chance of pregnancy for some patients. Assisted hatching methodologies are designed to facilitate the embryo's escape from the zona pellucida, and this strategy has been suggested as a means of improving pregnancy rates in patients with previous implantation failure. The aim of this prospective and randomized study was to evaluate the efficacy of quarter-laser zona thinning assisted hatching (qLZT-AH) in improving the implantation of embryos in patients with previous implantation failure. A total of 150 patients with a history of previous implantation failure were treated with intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and allocated into two groups: group 1, only one previous implantation failure, and group 2, repeated implantation failures. The patients in each group were randomized at the time of embryo transfer into a control group (no qLZT-AH) or experimental group where qLZT-AH was performed. For patients with repeated implantation failures, the implantation rate in those who received laser-thinned embryos was significantly higher (P=0.02) than in those whose embryos were not laser-thinned (10.9 and 2.6% respectively). However, this difference was not observed in patients who presented with only one previous implantation failure. The data demonstrate that qLZT-AH is an effective strategy for improving the implantation of embryos in patients with repeated implantation failures.
Purpose: This paper describes proposed health care services innovations, provided by a system called CAALYX (Complete Ambient Assisted Living eXperiment). CAALYX aimed to provide healthcare innovation by extending the state-of-the-art in tele-healthcare, by focusing on increasing the confidence of elderly people living autonomously, by building on the knowledge base of the most common disorders and respective characteristic vital sign changes for this age group. Methods: A review of the state-of-the-art on health care services was carried out. Then, extensive research was conducted on the particular needs of the elderly in relation to home health services that, if offered to them, could improve their day life by giving them greater confidence and autonomy. To achieve this, we addressed issues associated with the gathering of clinical data and interpretation of these data, as well as possibilities of automatically triggering appropriate clinical measures. Considering this initial work we started the identification of initiatives, ongoing works and technologies that could be used for the development of the system. After that, the implementation of CAALYX was done. Findings: The innovation in CAALYX system considers three main areas of contribution: (i) The Roaming Monitoring System that is used to collect information on the well-being of the elderly users; (ii) The Home Monitoring System that is aimed at helping the elders independently living at home being implemented by a device (a personal computer or a set top box) that supports the connection of sensors and video cameras that may be used for monitoring and for interaction with the elder; (iii) The Central Care Service and Monitoring System that is implemented by a Caretaker System where attention and care services are provided to elders, where actors as Caretakers, Doctors and Relatives are logically linked to elders. Innovations in each of these areas are presented here. Conclusions: The ageing European society is placing an added burden on future generations, as the 'elderly-to-working-age-people' ratio is set to steadily increase in the future. Nowadays, quality of life and fitness allows for most older persons to have an active life well into their eighties. Furthermore, many older persons prefer to live in their own house and choose their own lifestyle. The CAALYX system can have a clear impact in increasing older persons' autonomy, by ensuring that they do not need to leave their preferred environment in order to be properly monitored and taken care of. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to evaluate different strategies for the application of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN). Three different models of spray nozzles with air induction (AI 11003, TTI 11003 and AD-IA 11004), three spray pressures (207, 413 and 720 kPa), four different additives for tank mixtures (cane molasses, mineral oil, vegetable oil and glycerin) and the influence of tank mixture stirring time were all evaluated for their effect on EPN (Steinernema feltiae) viability and pathogenicity. The different nozzles, at pressures of up to 620 kPa, were found to be compatible with S. feltiae. Vegetable oil, mineral oil and molasses were found to be compatible adjuvants for S. feltiae, and stirring in a motorized backpack sprayer for 30 minutes did not impact the viability or pathogenicity of this nematode. Appropriate techniques for the application of nematodes with backpack sprayers are discussed. © 2013 Moreira et al.