76 resultados para Dwelling Brachiopods

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We describe a new species of Cycloramphus of the eleutherodactylus group from the Ilha dos Alcatrazes, southeastern Brazil, with descriptions of advertisement and territorial calls and notes on natural history. Additionally, we describe the advertisement and territorial calls of C. eleutherodactylus. The new species is diagnosed by the following set of characters: snout truncate in lateral and dorsal views; head wider than long; eyes protruding; tibia shorter than thigh; and distinct advertisement call. The new species is known from a single population on the Ilha dos Alcatrazes, a 149 ha island about 35 kin off São Paulo State coast where these frogs are scattered in a small valley. The very restricted range of the new species of Cycloramphus and the declining quality of its habitat qualify this frog as critically endangered.


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We determined microhabitat and diet niche for tadpoles from two ponds in an agricultural landscape. Additionally, we verified the intraspecific variation in resource use, and if diet and microhabitat use were correlated. Tadpoles found in the two ponds differed in microhabitat use, because in the larger pond they explored deeper places far from the margin. There were three groups with high microhabitat niche overlap. In both ponds, plant cover was the best descriptor to explain interspecific variation in microhabitat use. Tadpoles of all species ingested mainly Bacillariophyceae and Trachellomonas however the diet differed intraspecifically in the species from the two ponds. Ten items in the temporary pond and 15 items in the permanent one were ingested by all species; however, the relative abundance of each item differed. Diet similarity was not correlated to similarity in microhabitat use. In this study, diet was as important as microhabitat use to explain resource partitioning.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Biotic interactions between brachiopods and spionid polychaete worms, collected around San Juan Islands (USA), were documented using observations from live-collected individuals and traces of bioerosion found in dead brachiopod shells. Specimens of Terebratalia tranversa (Sowerby), Terebratulina unguicula (Carpenter), Laqueus californianus (Koch), and Hemithiris psittacea (Gmelin) were collected from rocky and muddy substrates, from sites ranging from 14.7-93.3 m in depth. Out of 1,131 specimens, 91 shells showed traces of bioerosion represented by horizontal tubes. Tubes are U-shaped, straight or slightly curved, sometimes branched, with both tube openings communicating externally. on internal surfaces of infested shells, blisters are observed. All brachiopod species yielded tubes, except for H. psittacea. Tubes are significantly more frequent on live specimens, and occur preferentially on larger, ventral valves. This pattern suggests selectivity by the infester rather than a taphonomic bias. Given the mode of life of studied brachiopods (epifaunal, sessile, attached to the substrate, lying on dorsal valve), ventral valves of living specimens should offer the most advantageous location for suspension-feeding infesters. Frequent infestation of brachiopods by parasitic spionids is ecologically and commercially noteworthy because farmed molluscs are also commonly infested by parasitic polychaetes. In addition, brachiopod shells are among the most common marine macroscopic fossils found in the Phanerozoic fossil record. From a paleontological perspective, spionid-infested brachiopod shells may be a prime target for studying parasite-host interactions over evolutionary time scales.


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Until recently, the rhynchonelliform (articulated) brachiopod fauna from the Brazilian continental shelf (western South Atlantic) was represented only by the endemic species Bouchardia rosea (Mawe), reported from coastal waters of the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The present study, based on samples from coastal (<30 m), shelf, and continental slope waters (99-485 m), documents the South Atlantic brachiopod fauna and shows that this fauna is more widespread, diverse, and cosmopolitan than previously thought. Based on a total of 16,177 specimens, the following brachiopods have been identified: Bouchardia rosea (Family Bouchardiidae), Platidia anomioides (Family Platidiidae), Argyrotheca cf. cuneata (Family Megathyrididae), and Terebratulina sp. (Family Cancellothyrididae). In coastal settings, the fauna is overwhelmingly dominated by Bouchardia rosea. Rare juvenile (<2 mm) specimens of Argyrotheca cf. cuneata were also found at two shallow-water sites. In shelf settings (100-200 m), the fauna is more diverse and includes Bouchardia rosea, Terebratulina sp., Argyrotheca cf. cuneata, and Platidia anomioides. Notably, Bouchardia rosea was found in waters as deep as 485 m, extending the known bathymetric range of this genus. Also, the record of this brachiopod in waters of the state of Parana is the southernmost known occurrence of this species. The genera Platidia and Terebratulina are documented here for the first time for the western South Atlantic. The Brazilian brachiopod fauna shares similarities with those from the Atlantic and Indian shelves of southern Africa, and from the Antarctic, Caribbean and Mediterranean waters. The present-day brachiopods of the western South Atlantic are much more cosmopolitan than previously thought and their Cenozoic palaeobiogeographic history has to be reconsidered from that perspective.


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The extent of racemization of aspartic acid (Asp) has been used to estimate the ages of 9 shells of the epifaunal calcitic brachiopod Bouchardia rosea and 9 shells of the infaunal aragonitic bivalve Semele casali. Both taxa were collected concurrently from the same sites at depths of 10 m and 30 m off the coast of Brazil. Asp D/L values show an excellent correlation with radiocarbon age at both sites and for both taxa (r(Site)(2) (9) (B. rosea) = 0.97 r(Site)(2) (1) (B.) (rosea) = 0.997, r(Site)(2) (9) (S.) (casali) = 0.9998, r(2) (Site) (1) (S.casali) = 0.93). The Asp ratios plotted against reservoir-corrected AMS radiocarbon ages over the time span of multiple millennia can thus be used to develop reliable and precise geochronologies not only for aragonitic mollusks (widely used for dating previously), but also for calcitic brachiopods. At each collection site, Bouchardia specimens display consistently higher D/L values than specimens of Semele. Thermal differences between sites are also notable and in agreement with theoretical expectations, as extents of racemization for both taxa are greater at the warmer, shallower site than at the cooler, deeper one. In late Holocene marine settings, concurrent time series of aragonitic and calcitic shells can be assembled using Asp racemization dating, and parallel multi-centennial to multi-millennial records can be developed simultaneously for multiple biomineral systems. (c) 2006 University of Washington. All rights reserved.


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Rhynchonelliform brachiopods were diverse and often dominant benthos of tropical seas in the Paleozoic. In contrast, they are believed to be rare in open habitats of modern oceans, especially at low latitudes. This study documents numerous occurrences of rhynchonelliform brachiopods on a modern tropical shelf, particularly in areas influenced by upwelling. Extensive sampling of the outer shelf and coastal bays of the Southeast Brazilian Bight revealed dense populations of terebratulid brachiopods (>10(3) individuals /m(2) of seafloor) between 24 and 26 S. on the outer shelf, brachiopods are more abundant than bivalves and gastropods combined. However, brachiopod diversity is low: only four species belonging to the genera Bouchardia, Terebratulina, Argyrotheca, and Platidia were identified among over 16000 examined specimens. Brachiopods occur preferentially on carbonate bottoms and include two substrate-related associations: Bouchardia (40-70% CaCO3, weight content) and Terebratulina-Argyrotheca (70-95% CaCO3). All four species display a broad bathymetric range that contrasts with a narrow depth tolerance postulated for many Paleozoic rhynchonelliforms. The most abundant populations occur in the depth range between 100 and 200 m, and coincide with zones of shelf-break upwelling, where relatively colder and nutrient-rich water masses of the South Atlantic Central Water are brought upward by cyclonic meanders of the South Brazil Current (a western boundary current that flows poleward along the coast of Brazil). This is consistent with previous biological and paleontological studies that suggest upwelling may play a role in sustaining brachiopod-dominated benthic associations. The presence of abundant brachiopods in the open habitats of the tropical shelf of the western South Atlantic contrasts with current understanding of their latitudinal distribution and points to major gaps in our knowledge of their present-day biogeography. The ecological importance of rhynchonelliform brachiopods in modern oceans and their role as producers of biogenic sedimentary particles may be underestimated.


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Considering the controversy in the literature regarding several aspects of temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) in elderly populations and the absence of reliable data on elderly Brazilians in this field, this study consisted of an evaluation of TMD prevalence and the self-perception of oral health among institutionalised and community-dwelling elderly in Sao JosE dos Campos, Brazil.Two hundred and fifteen community-dwelling and 185 institutionalised elderly people were evaluated by the Helkimo anamnestic (Ai) and clinical dysfunction (Di) indices and answered a questionnaire using the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI).The major prevalence of TMD symptoms was for the Ai0 (symptom-free) group (69.5%), while the major prevalence of clinical signs was for the DiI (mild) group (56%). Women presented a higher AiII classification than men (chi(2) test, p = 0.049). Community-dwelling elderly presented a significantly lower Ai0 classification than the institutionalised ones (Two ratios equality test, p < 0.001). There was no relationship between the institutionalised status and the clinical dysfunction index for Di0 and DiIII classification (Two ratios equality test, p = 0.194 and 0.535 respectively). The institutionalised elderly presented greater (One-way anova = 0.005) self-perception of oral health (33.45) than did the community-dwelling group (32.66). There were only weak Pearson's correlations among the anamnestic (-33.0%) or clinical (-14.7%) findings by the TMD and GOHAI indices. Symptom-free (Ai0) institutionalised elderly presented better scores in all GOHAI dimensions and elderly representing an absence of clinical TMD signs (Di0) presented higher GOHAI physical dimension scores in both groups.The prevalence of TMD symptoms among this sample of elderly individuals was relatively low, self-perception of oral health was reasonable and a weak, inverse correlation was found between TMD signs and symptoms and elderly self-perception of oral health measured by the GOHAI index.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Shells of Bouchardia rosea (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonelliformea) are abundant in Late Holocene death assemblages of the Ubatuba Bight, Brazil, SW Atlantic. This genus is also known from multiple localities in the Cenozoic fossil record of South America. A total of 1211 valves of B. rosea, 2086 shells of sympatric bivalve mollusks (14 nearshore localities ranging in depth from 0 to 30 m), 80 shells of Bouchardia zitteli, San Julián Formation, Paleogene, Argentina, and 135 shells of Bouchardia transplatina, Camacho Formation, Neogene, Uruguay were examined for bioerosion traces. All examined bouchardiid shells represent shallow-water, subtropical marine settings. Out of 1211 brachiopod shells of B. rosea, 1201 represent dead individuals. A total of 149 dead specimens displayed polychaete traces (Caulostrepsis). Live polychaetes were found inside Caulostrepsis borings in 10 life-collected brachiopods, indicating a syn-vivo interaction (Caulostrepsis traces in dead shells of B. rosea were always empty). The long and coiled peristomial palps, large chaetae on both sides of the 5th segment, and flanged pygidium found in the polychaetes are characteristic of the polychaete genus Polydora (Spionidae). The fact that 100% of the Caulostrepsis found in living brachiopods were still inhabited by the trace-making spionids, whereas none was found in dead hosts, implies active biotic interaction between the two living organisms rather than colonization of dead brachiopod shells. The absence of blisters, the lack of valve/site stereotypy, and the fact that tubes open only externally are all suggestive of a commensal relationship. These data document a new host group (bouchardiid rhynchonelliform brachiopods) with which spionids can interact (interestingly, spionid-infested sympatric bivalves have not been found in the study area despite extensive sampling). The syn-vivo interaction indicates that substantial bioerosion may occur when the host is alive. Thus, the presence of such bioerosion traces on fossil shells need not imply a prolonged post-mortem exposure of shells on the sea floor. Also, none of the Paleogene and Neogene Bouchardia species included any ichnological evidence for spionid infestation. This indicates that the Spionidae/ Bouchardia association may be geologically young, although the lack of older records may also reflect limited sampling and/or taphonomic biases.


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This study sought to investigate the prevalence of physical inactivity and related barriers in older Brazilian adults. A cross-sectional, population-based study was conducted, and a stratified random sampling procedure was used. A total of 359 older adults were interviewed. The long version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the Questionnaire of Barriers to Physical Activity Practice were used to assess physical activity level and barriers, respectively. No statistically significant difference was observed on the prevalence of physical inactivity in either gender or age groups. Regarding barriers, the proportion of 9 out of 22 barriers was statistically significant between men and women. Self-reported physical inactivity/activity in older Brazilian adults continues to be a concern. Uncommonly, older males reported a higher prevalence of physical inactivity compared to their counterparts. Additionally, physical inactivity prevalence continued to increase with the aging process. Yet, personal barriers such as lack of time and poor health were strongly associated with physical inactivity. The results of this study may help health professionals and public policy makers to better address the issues related to a healthy lifestyle among older adults and promote physical activity among Brazilian older adults and in other countries with similar characteristics. © 2012 Sebastião Gobbi et al.