4 resultados para Drug policy

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Objective: According to the World Health Organization, medicinal drug promotion should be reliable, accurate, truthful, informative, balanced, up-to-date and capable of substantiation. The objective of the present study was to review psychoactive drug advertisements to physicians as for information consistency with the related references and accessibility of the cited references. Methods: Data was collected in the city of Araraquara, Southeastern Brazil, in 2005. There were collected and reviewed 152 drug advertisements, a total of 304 references. References were requested directly from pharmaceutical companies' customer services and searched in UNESP (Ibict, Athenas) and BIREME (SciELO, PubMed, free-access indexed journals) library network and CAPES journals. Advertisement statements were checked against references using content analysis. Results: Of all references cited in the advertisements studied, 66.7% were accessed. Of 639 promotional statements identified, 346 (54%) were analyzed. The analysis showed that 67.7% of promotional statements in the advertisements were consistent with their references, while the remaining was either partially consistent or inconsistent. Of the material analyzed, an average 2.5 (1-28) references was cited per advertisement. In the text body, there were identified 639 pieces of information clearly associated with at least one cited reference (average 3.5 pieces of information per advertisement). Conclusion: The study results evidenced difficult access to the references. Messages on efficacy, safety and cost, among others, are not always supported by scientific studies. There is a need for regulation changes and effective monitoring of drug promotional materials.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Através deste estudo, avaliou-se o nível de conhecimento e conduta dos farmacêuticos, responsáveis técnicos (RT) em drogarias, quanto a alguns aspectos da legislação farmacêutica e sanitária. Foram entrevistados 45 RT em 2007, sendo que 19 desconheciam a definição dos medicamentos de referência, 21 do genérico e 25 do similar. Todos sabiam da permissão de aplicação de medicamentos injetáveis. Porém, apenas dois sabiam da permissão da aplicação de penicilínicos, metade desconhecia que é permitido fracionar medicamentos fracionáveis em drogaria, 18 não sabiam dispensar corretamente uma prescrição pelo princípio ativo e 37 acreditavam que o farmacêutico pode intercambiar qualquer medicamento de marca pelo genérico. A maioria dos RT apresentou nível regular e insatisfatório de conduta e de conhecimento sobre a legislação profissional e sanitária, o que sinaliza um problema na formação acadêmica e de atualização permanente, podendo comprometer as diretrizes da política nacional de medicamentos. Palavras-chave: Legislação de Medicamentos. Legislação Farmacêutica. Legislação Sanitária, Conhecimentos. Condutas e Prática em Saúde. Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde. ABSTRACT Assessment of knowledge and behavior of pharmacists with technical responsibility for drugstores This paper is a study of the level of knowledge and conduct of the legally responsible pharmacist-in-charge (PIC) at drugstores, regarding certain aspects of pharmaceutical and health legislation. In 2007, 45 PICs were interviewed, of whom 19 did not know the definition of original (innovative) branded drugs, 21 of generic drugs and 25 of similar branded drugs. All PICs knew that it is permitted to administer injectable drugs in the drugstore. However, only two knew that penicillins can be injected, half of them did not know that certain medicines can be fractionated in drugstores, 18 did not know how to dispense correctly a prescription for an active ingredient and 37 believed that the pharmacist can swap any brand name drug with its generic counterpart. Most PICs showed an unsatisfactory level of conduct and knowledge of the professional and health legislation, which points to problems in the undergraduate and in-service training of pharmacists, that could jeopardize the national drug policy guidelines. Keywords: Legislation, Drug. Legislation, Pharmacy. Legislation, Health. Health Knowledge. Attitudes, Practice. Attitude of Health Personnel.


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A regulamentação sanitária de medicamentos é uma das oito diretrizes da Política Nacional de Medicamentos. Trata-se da fiscalização e regulamentação de registro de medicamentos e da autorização de funcionamento desde os produtores até o varejo de medicamentos, bem como das restrições àqueles sujeitos a controle especial. A regulamentação sanitária de medicamentos tem como objetivo garantir eficácia, segurança, qualidade e custo aos produtos farmacêuticos. Os estudos clínicos dos medicamentos de Referência, a bioequivalência ou biodisponibilidade relativa e testes de equivalência dos medicamentos similares e genéricos são meios de avaliar a eficácia e a segurança. A qualidade é garantida lote a lote pelas Boas Práticas de Fabricação e Controle dos produtos farmacêuticos e a certificação da empresa pela ANVISA. O custo é avaliado pela câmara técnica de medicamento (CMED), que estabelece os critérios para fixação e ajuste de preços dos produtos farmacêuticos. No pós-registro, a efetividade, segurança e qualidade dos produtos são avaliadas por meio das comprovações exigidas na renovação do registro e, principalmente, pelo programa de farmacovigilância. Palavras-chave: Registro de Produtos. Medicamentos de Referência. Medicamentos Similares. Medicamentos Genéricos. Alteração de Registro de Produtos. ABSTRACT Health Regulations for Drugs The health regulation of drugs is one of eight guidelines issued within the National Drug Policy. It refers to the supervision and regulation of drug registration and the approval of operations, from the manufacturers to the retailers of medicines, as well as the restrictions that apply to drugs under special control. The health regulation of medicines is aimed at controlling the effectiveness, safety, quality and cost of pharmaceutical products. Clinical studies of brand-name (innovator) medicines, bioequivalence or relative bioavailability and the equivalence tests of generic and ‘similar’ brand-name drugs are means used to assess efficacy and safety. Quality is assured on a batch-to-batch basis by compliance with the Good Manufacturing Practices and Control of pharmaceutical products and by the certification of companies offered by ANVISA. The cost of a medicine is assessed by the Technical Chamber of Medicine (CMED), which establishes the criteria for setting and adjusting the prices of pharmaceutical products. After registration, the effectiveness, safety and quality of products are monitored by means of the tests required on renewal of registration and especially by the pharmacovigilance program. Keywords: Product Registration. Original Brand-name Drugs. Similar Drugs. Generic Drugs. Modification of Product Registration.