62 resultados para Distance traveled

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The time and the distance traveled during the acceleration and the velocity retaking are parameters used for the comparison and the project of vehicles. In this paper equations for the calculation of those parameters are presented. Several criteria are presented for the shift gears. It is also verified the occurrence or not of total slip during the acceleration of the vehicle. The theoretical models were implemented in a developed computational system. Such system was applied in a Mercedes-Benz do Brazil sample vehicle, in order to facilitate comparisons between the simulate values and the experimental road tests. Copyright © 1997 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In order to investigate the relationship between behaviors elicited by chemical stimulation of the dorsal periaqueductal gray (dorsal PAG) and spontaneous defensive behaviors to a predator, the excitatory amino acid D,L-homocysteic acid (5 nmol in 0.1 mu l), was infused into the dorsal PAG and behavioral responses of mice were evaluated in two different situations, a rectangular novel chamber or the Mouse Defense Test Battery (MDTB) apparatus. During a 1-min period following drug infusion, more jumps were made in the chamber than in the MDTB runway but running time and distance traveled were significantly higher in the runway. Animals were subsequently tested using the standard MDTB procedure (anti-predator avoidance, chase and defensive threat/attack). No drug effects on these measures were significant. In a further test in the MDTB apparatus, the pathway of the mouse during peak locomotion response was blocked 3 times by the predator stimulus (anesthetized rat) to determine if the mouse would avoid contact. Ninety percent of D,L-homocysteic treated animals made direct contact with the stimulus (rat), indicating that D,L-homocysteic-induced running is not guided by relevant (here, threat) stimuli. These results indicate that running as opposed to jumping is the primary response in mice injected with D,L-homocysteic into the dorsal PAG when the environment enables flight. However, the lack of responsivity to the predator during peak locomotion suggests that D,L-homocysteic-stimulation into the dorsal PAG does not induce normal antipredator flight. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Heterotermes tenuis is an important economic pest in São Paulo state. Foraging populations of three field colonies of H. tenuis located on a University campus (UNESP, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil) were characterized. Foraging populations of H. tenuis colonies were calculated using four cycles of a mark-release-recapture program with a weighted mean method. The foraging population sizes of three colonies: A, B and C were 389,313±14,907; 265,589 ±12,635; and 641,600∓12,127; respectively. Foraging biomasses were 0.77 kg in the colony A, 0.51 kg in the colony B and 1.17 kg in colony C. Mean worker biomass was approximately 1.9 mg. Foraging territories occupied an area ranging from 70 m2 to 131 m2 per colony. The maximum linear foraging distance traveled by H. tenuis was 28m.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Matrix can be defined as a portion of the landscape, that somewhere in time suffered intense human disturbance, such as decreasing of native vegetation. The matrix surrounding the forest fragments may create a certain resistance to the movements of individuals (RICKETTS, 2001). The Atlantic rainforest present in the Corumbataí river basin lost about 89% of its original vegetation, leading to a highly fragmented landscape (VALENTE e VETTORAZZI, 2005). In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of the matrix and the characteristic capacity of two forest birds, Dysithamnus mentalis and Basileuterus flaveolus, moving around the landscape. With this aim, six fragments were selected, three with sugar cane matrix, three with Eucalyptus sp. matrix. The methodology utilized to evaluate the response of the birds was playback technique. First the vocalizations were carried out at the forest matrix boundary, in the edge, attracting individuals to the matrix. As the responses were generated, the playback was moved increasingly inside the matrix, observing the distances traveled by the species. The control trials were conducted inside the fragments, the playback was played at the edge and as the responses were observed, the vocalizations were carried out inside the fragment until the moment that individuals ceased answers. It could be observed that for individuals of D. mentalis the matrix generated a high resistance, because no individual entered the matrix. For B. flaveolus the average distance traveled in both matrices was 70 meters, indicating statistically high resistance of the sugar cane matrix and Eucalyptus sp. Considering the characteristics of different matrices, it was found that both matrices generate similar resistance in the movement of these species


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This work presents an intervention at the Guaratinguetá Railway Station and its surroundings, including this area in the urban context, at this moment isolated of the activities and citizen attentions, offering new activities on this commercial area. The selected area finds itself in a state of neglect and forgetfulness from the urban relations. Located between the periphery of the commercial center and the Paraiba do Sul River, the correlation is tension between the advancement of shops, the railway line, and the natural barrier of the Paraiba River. On the context of these limits, the railroad and the river stand as barriers for the center expansion and the flows that connect the old part of the town with the new part, which is growing and is called “post-city river”. These barriers have relegating properties around them to isolation, despite being located in the center. The area choice and this intervention seeks to break this isolation and the barrier flow, linking areas of opposite sides to form a leak through the barrier of the railway line. The pedestrian flow is prioritized in the project, this flow will be attracted by the program offered and by the new created areas, increasing the space utilization by users and breaking the isolation of urban activities. And entering the area in the context of life of city residents. The attraction of these new flows will be through the implementation of a Cultural Center, supplying a lack of city by spaces that offer this type of activity. Its implementation aims to attract and modify the activities of these spaces and the surrounding areas, one side facing the commercial center, and another facing the river, linking this two sides at the same time that this link provides the expansion of distance traveled and known


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Due to the high level of service required by customers and the constant need to reduce costs, the logistics can be considered as a strategic area for a company. In particular, the order picking is responsible for most of the operating costs in a warehouse. Therefore it’s necessary to plan the materials storage in order to maximize the space available and minimize the total distance traveled to meet customer orders. For these reasons, this study aims to examine and propose a way to organize the electrical materials storage in distribution centers through a study on an electronics company in Cajamar


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In road safety studies that involve accidents comparisons in distinct geographical spaces or in different periods of time in the same geographical space, the index which lists the number of traffic fatalities with the distance traveled by road transport vehicles is considered more appropriate than the rates related to the population or the fleet. In this paper, the results of an original research are presented, in which the values of the rate of traffic deaths per billion kilometers traveled (IMBQ) by the motor vehicle fleet in Brazil and in each state of the country were estimated. The evaluation was performed based on the official number of fatalities provided by the Ministry of Health and on the amount of fuel sold informed by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels. In 2009, Brazil presented an index of 52.84 fatalities per billion kilometers, which reveals an extremely alarming situation considering that this value is from 7 to 12 times higher than the one for more developed countries. An important correlation between the death index in the states and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita was observed; in general, the less economically developed is the state, it means, lowest GDP, higher is the IMBQ.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar os níveis plasmáticos de glicose e cortisol de um grupo de eqüinos atletas submetidos ao esforço de longa duração (enduro eqüestre) em distâncias de 30 e 60km, com velocidades médias de 10 e 15km h-1, respectivamente. Os animais foram aleatoriamente separados em dois grupos, sendo que a um deles foi administrada, por via oral, uma pasta eletrolítica hipertônica antes, durante e após as referidas provas. O outro grupo foi usado como controle. Os resultados das concentrações de cortisol revelaram um aumento significativo, no primeiro momento, em que a intensidade do esforço era maior (15km/h), ou com a continuação deste (30km de distância), no segundo momento, para todos os grupos. Os resultados referentes à concentração de glicose permaneceram constantes durante a prova de 30km; entretanto, nos primeiros 20km da prova de 60km, tais resultados revelaram um aumento significativo no grupo controle, retornando a valores basais no momento subseqüente. A reposição eletrolítica tem a sua importância na manutenção do equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico e ácido básico e, no presente estudo, pode ter contribuído para a manutenção da concentração média de glicose plasmática.