181 resultados para Dificuldades no Ensino
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
In humans, psychic and motor skills are interdependent, and therefore, cannot fail to take into account the influence of a good psychomotor development in the prevention of learning difficulties. Another factor that interferes with the learning process is the social. Family problems, socioeconomic status of the child, among others, may be associated with learning difficulties and, consequently, the student's performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate through the elements of psychomotor, if a delay in neuropsychomotor development may be related to the presence of learning problems in children entering elementary school. Also, determine whether there were differences regarding the presence or absence of these difficulties in students from middle and low social class and have family problems or not. For this, we analyzed two classes of 49 students from 1 year of elementary education at a public school in the city of Bauru/SP, aged between 6 and 7 years. These students were tested for the ENE proposed by Lefèvre (1976) to assess the maturity of the nervous system. A pre-designed questionnaire was answered by the teachers of classes to know students' academic performance, learning difficulties presented by them, social status and the presence of family problems. All students participating in the survey had the term sheet signed by the parents, allowing participation in the study. To reach the results, we applied the Anova and Tukey test for comparison analysis of mean age in the performance of ENE. To investigate the existence of a relationship between performance in the ENE and learning difficulties, we used the calculation of Pearson correlation. To analyze the difference in average scores of learning disabilities in students from different social classes and among those who had family problems or not, comparative graphs were used with the averages obtained from the questionnaire answered by the teachers for each learning...
A matemática é vista pela maioria das pessoas como a disciplina escolar mais difícil. Muitas pessoas a vêem, desde muito cedo, como um “bicho de sete cabeças”, e pais e alguns professores, muitas vezes, colaboram com essa situação. Considerando que muitas investigações envolvendo as atitudes dos alunos em relação à matemática já foram realizadas na área da Educação Matemática, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi sistematizar os principais resultados nelas apresentados. As atitudes negativas dos alunos em relação à matemática estão associadas a quais aspectos? Esta será a questão norteadora da investigação. Mais especificamente, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa bibliográfica sobre as atitudes dos alunos do primeiro ciclo do Ensino Fundamental em relação à matemática. A partir dela, elencamos e analisamos, em oito pesquisas selecionadas, motivos que podem estar associados às atitudes negativas dos alunos em relação à matemática. Para tanto, utilizamos o banco de teses e dissertações da Capes, bem como outros trabalhos recentes como fontes de investigação.. Parte significativa dos estudos reforça a relação entre as atitudes dos alunos frente à Matemática e os aspectos envolvidos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem dessa disciplina e todos eles apontam o papel do professor como principal responsável pelas atitudes positivas e/ou negativas apresentadas pelos alunos com relação à matemática, ainda que a família também tenha sido citada como relevante no processo
This work aims at identifying, in literature and in the design of some elementary school teachers I, (s) concept (s) of school failure. This investigation was made from literature review, also had a period of data collection, which occurred through questionnaires sent to teachers in state schools. The first part of this work is aimed to study the literature on school failure. Looking up this part to understand the different concepts that underlie the subject. From this the questionnaires were organized by teachers of a school State elementary school in a city in the state of São Paulo, seeking to uncover the concepts they had on the subject. Subsequently the questionnaires was made comparing the data obtained from the literature. With the results of the questionnaires, we found that many historical perspectives remain in the design of teachers, especially those perspectives that relate to individual causes school failure and family. To counteract the data found with signs placed in the literature it can be stated that the teachers surveyed did not recognize the theory of social and cultural reproduction, as in this research as a source of explanation of school failure. Note that all the teachers who participated in the study said they believe experiences of failure can be overcome
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Indiscipline has figured as one of the biggest problems and challenges of education both in schools and in academia. In this routing, this research aims to observe and describe disruptive behaviors from a survey of teachers' conceptions of the third year of elementary school about them. To this end, semi structured interviews were held with the teachers of regular education, arts and physical education in a state school in Bauru and later proceeded to the observation of students in the classroom. The collected data were subjected to a qualitative analysis and found out this work that teachers relate indiscipline to some pre determined behaviors and students, especially those appointed by the teachers as being undisciplined, actually have very similar behavior among themselves, and these can be completely understood in terms of age, level of psychological, affective and emotional development
The purpose of this research is to study and explain the characteristics of Learning Disorders, especially Attention Deficit Disorder / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This will be done a literature search focusing on books that address the topic. It is considered that these disorders are characterized as one of the most common problems in education, especially in the early years of elementary education, may affect in different ways the students' performance. Thus, many students may not be following the school curriculum as a result of these disorders
As the ludic taking the second place at school environment, on account of logical and rational activities and the excessive charge of a professional achievement of children by society and, also, the own family, the school doesn't become a pleasant ambient of frequenting. This study wants to understand, in a better way, the utilization of ludic activities as a pedagogic support into the learning and the development of the cognitive, emotional and creative potentiality of children in different education system (public and private) of Ibitinga-SP. It also investigates the docent attitude and practice during the ludic activities and its repercussion in the students' performances when introduced. The bibliographic researches present that the utilization of games, as a pedagogic resource, contributes to the learning process and to the human development of the students from the first cycle of the Elementary School. The School has to rescue the desire of learning, which is playing, the most natural way. The research's target audience are teachers from the Ciclo I of the elementary school and the focus is the utilization of the ludic into the different areas of teaching, considering the context that the schools are embedded. The reality observation, which enables a straight contact with the researcher and the study object, helped out with the issue comprehension. It was possible to identify that the utilization of ludic activities as a pedagogic strategy does not happen just because of knowledge absent, but also because of the submission to many goals imposed by the education system and/or by the didactic materials used, which don't have any worry to valorize the period of develop that the students are living, filtering out some characteristics from the phase that contributed to the learning. The responsibility to create a new signification to their social function is from the education system and the school that works with it. To the...
One of the interests of leisure is social and involves the festival. The holidays can be of different types and occur in different places, having lots of functions as the union of those involved, the development of creativity, fun and identification with the culture. The festivities are part of the play culture. The school, being an environment that deals directly and indirectly with the culture of organized behavior and appreciation of the discipline, often in second person through the formation of relationships, cultural transmission and access to the traditions of the groups around it. The entertainment component of culture in the school also finds himself sidelined in a society of work and a school that educates more to the labor market. The parties almost do not occur at school and when they happen, are given in order to make profits and sell consumer goods, apart from values that are intrinsic. In this study the objective was to deepen the study of parties, given that these are elements provides the establishment of the identity of a group of groups and of each individuals. When it comes to educating people, parties contributed to the emancipation of the human being which is cultural. Was developed a study in the field about the theme parties at the school, to understand whether and how it is being taught in schools, and what is its real importance for teachers and students, since we consider it fundamental to the development of culture and leisure culture of individuals. For this, we conducted a qualitative study based on a field research, using as a tool for collecting a semi-structured interviews with 52 students from 6th grade (7 years) from two schools at Ibitinga-SP, since one of them was a public school and the other a private school. Based on data collected from interviews and analysis, we found that the parties do not happen in schools, students do not learn what is leisure, and do not study or folklore festivals in physical...
OBJETIVOS: caracterizar e comparar o desempenho de escolares com e sem dificuldades de aprendizagem no ensino particular em habilidades fonológicas, nomeação rápida, leitura e escrita. MÉTODOS: participaram desse estudo 60 escolares de 2ª a 4ª séries de escola de ensino particular, distribuídos em 6 grupos, sendo cada grupo composto por 10 escolares, sendo 3 grupos de escolares com dificuldades de aprendizagem e 3 grupos de escolares sem dificuldades de aprendizagem. Como procedimentos, foram realizadas a prova de nomeação automática rápida, a de consciência fonológica e a prova de leitura oral e escrita sob ditado. RESULTADOS: os resultados desse estudo evidenciaram desempenho superior dos escolares sem dificuldades de aprendizagem em relação àqueles com dificuldades. Os escolares com dificuldades de aprendizagem apresentaram maior relação velocidade/tempo em tarefas de nomeação e, conseqüentemente, desempenho inferior em tarefas de consciência fonológica e leitura e escrita de palavras isoladas quando comparados aos sem dificuldades de aprendizagem. CONCLUSÃO: os escolares com dificuldades de aprendizagem apresentaram comprometimento na relação entre as capacidades de nomeação e automatização dos estímulos apresentados com a capacidade de acesso lexical, discriminação visual, freqüência de uso dos estímulos e competição para a apresentação do menor tempo possível na nomeação dos códigos necessários para o estabelecimento do mecanismo de conversão fonema-grafema, exigido para a realização da leitura e escrita em um sistema alfabético como o português.
O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar a proposta de introdução da Física Moderna e Contemporânea no Nível Médio da Educação Básica. Parte-se do pressuposto de que os professores assumem, às vezes até subconscientemente, que a teoria base da FMC é incompreensível. Investigamos, em 2007, os discursos de cinco professores de Física de um município da região Nordeste, visando compreender as possibilidades desses professores introduzirem a FMC em suas aulas de Física e em que medida estas possibilidades estão associadas às suas formações profissionais. Para a construção e análises dos discursos pautamo-nos na Análise de Discurso Francesa e em referenciais da Teoria Crítica da Educação. Constatamos que apesar de atribuírem papel relevante à introdução da FMC no Nível Médio, os professores não estão encarando este desafio.
Relatamos aqui resultados parciais de um estudo que analisou o desempenho de futuros professores quando, durante o desenvolvimento de uma disciplina de Prática de Ensino de Física, foram solicitados a planejar, elaborar e ministrar, em situações reais de sala de aula, tópicos de ensino de termologia a uma turma de estudantes, dentre os quais se incluíam alunos com deficiência visual. Os dados coletados mostram que as principais dificuldades apresentadas pelos futuros professores referem-se à abordagem do conhecer fenômenos físicos como dependente do ver. Por outro lado, como alternativas, os futuros professores mostraram criatividade em superar atitudes passivas relativas à problemática educacional considerada e a elaboração de estratégias metodológicas destituídas da relação conhecer/ver.
Partial outcomes of a study aimed to verify future High School teachers performance during the development of a Teaching Practice undergraduate course. The student teachers were asked to plan, elaborate and teach, in a classroom situation, optics topics to a class which included visual handicapped pupils. Data analysis shows that the main difficulties found by the student physics' teachers are related to which approach will be used to perceive phenomena dependent on vision and also to the need to break away from traditional pedagogy.. On the other hand, as alternatives, future teachers have shown creativity in order to overcome passive aptitudes related to this educational problem, working out methodological strategies that do not require the knowing/seeing relation, as well as, emphasizing oral communication within the physics teaching context. Copyright by the Sociedade Brasileira de Física.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)