5 resultados para Demanda livre
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Several periodontal procedures have been described in the literature to correct mucogingival alterations or to achieve root coverage. The epithelized free gingival graft is a well established periodontal surgery to increase the width of keratinized gingiva with good stability in the long term follow up. However, this procedure is not commonly used in aesthetic areas since the grafted tissue presents differences of color and contrast. The free connective tissue graft emerges as a viable option to increase attached gingiva in areas where aesthetics results are required. The removal of an epithelized free gingival graft from the hard palate region creates a sore and raw surgical wound that slowly repairs, while the connective tissue graft produces only a line of incision that can be easily sutured promoting a more confortable outcome for the patient. This paper aims to report a case where a free connective tissue graft was used to increase the width of attached gingiva in a tooth with gingival recession. This technique presented satisfactory esthetics results, with a better contrast and color matching with the surrounding tissues.
High fuel consumption and its inadequate control in fuel stations caused the pollution of soil and aquifers. These consequences created more concern with the increased exploration of aquifers to supply the groundwater demand. The objective of this study was to evaluate the eficiency and efectiveness of the of pump and treat technique of the water applied to the Coastal Aquifer in the cleaning up of the plumes produced by the leaking of fuel in the gas station Auto Posto Baía do Sol Ltda. The gas station is located in São Sebastião, in the north coast of São Paulo State. In the case of Auto Posto Baía do Sol Ltda., the technique of pump and treat was eficient and the plume produced by the leakage was completely removed. However, the efectiveness of this technique was low due to the long time required for the complete operation.
Introduction: Secondary care in oral health in Brazil is still a little researched topic. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the resolution of dental services in SUS based on the referral to secondary attention and backreferral to primary attention. Methodology: It’s a descriptive, quantitative study that used secondary data collected from dental records of patients seen at Centre of Dental Specialties (Ceo) in a city of São Paulo State. Result: It was analyzed 1030 dental records. Just 1236 proceedings received referral to Ceo and among then, 86.4% showed the first attendance on Basic Health Unity (UBS) through spontaneous demand and 50.4% (n=623) received referral to endodontic treatment. There was evasion of 2.27% of studied population (n=28) on the first specialized consultation. Among 1208 proceedings that started the treatment in Ceo, 62.6% (n=757) were finalized and received back-referral to primary attention, that finalized 61.1% (n=463) of proceedings. To conclude the treatment, considering the time spent in Ceo and primary attention, there was variation according to specialty: periodontics – 62 days (sd ±68) and endodontics – 71 days (sd ±51.8), requiring 3 consultations in average, regardless specialty. Conclusion: The Centre of Dental Specialties gave referral and attention to the majority of demand, regardless specialty. However, there are many cases of evasion during dental treatment, alerting managers to develop methods to entice these patients, reducing service expenses and raising solvability of dental procedures previously initiated.