26 resultados para Daily Aminoglycoside Therapy
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência da utilização da fisioterapia complexa descongestiva associada à dietoterapia com triglicerídeos de cadeia média (TCM) como forma de intervenção no linfedema de membro superior (MS). MÉTODOS: Para a avaliação do linfedema, foram utilizadas cirtometria, volumetria, pregas cutâneas e quantidade de água corporal total. A Escala Visual Análoga (EVA) foi utilizada para avaliar as sensações de desconforto, peso e dor no MS. Participaram deste estudo dez mulheres mastectomizadas com linfedema de MS homolateral à cirurgia, com idade média de 65,9 ± 10,4 anos e índice de massa corpórea (IMC) de 26,8 ± 3,0kg/m² que, após avaliação nutricional, foram divididas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: Grupo Controle (n= 5), submetido ao tratamento fisioterapêutico constando da terapia complexa descongestiva (massagem clássica, drenagem linfática manual, bandagem compressiva e cuidados com a pele) três vezes na semana, durante quatro semanas; Grupo TCM (n= 5), submetido ao mesmo protocolo fisioterapêutico somado ao tratamento dietético diário com ingestão de TCM, por quatro semanas. RESULTADOS: Ao final da intervenção, a análise da cirtometria e da volumetria mostraram diferenças significativas entre os grupos (< 0,05), com maior redução do linfedema no Grupo TCM. Não houve diferença significativa nos valores das pregas cutâneas e da quantidade de água corporal total. A sensação de peso no membro superior, antes e após a intervenção, foi significativamente menor (< 0,05) no Grupo TCM. CONCLUSÕES: O tratamento fisioterapêutico somado à dietoterapia com ingestão de TCM em mulheres portadoras de linfedema de MS pós-cirurgia e tratamento de câncer de mama foi efetivo na involução desta condição.
Objective. The aim of this study was to assess the enamel microhardness treated with three in-office bleaching agents, containing 35% hydrogen peroxide with different acidity. Materials and methods. Bovine incisors were divided into three groups that received the following bleaching agents: Whiteness HP, Total Bleach and Opalescence Xtra. Three gel applications/10-min each, totaling 30-min of bleaching treatment, were made on the teeth and activated with a blue LED (1000 mW/470 nm) combined to a LASER (120 mW/795 nm) device (Easy Bleach-Clean Line). Vickers hardness (VH) was evaluated at baseline and after the bleaching procedure. The values of Hardness loss [HNL] (% reduction) were calculated. The two-sample t-test was used for comparison of the HNL of the three bleaching products (5% level of significance). Results. The Opalescence Xtra, which had the lowest pH value (pH = 4.30), showed a significant increase of HNL when compared with Total Bleach bleaching agent, which had the highest pH value (pH = 6.62). Conclusions. The 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching agents resulted in a reduction in surface enamel microhardness and bleaching with the most acid agent resulted in a significant enamel hardness loss compared to the less acid agent (4.30 vs 6.62). Strategies proposed to reduce the enamel loss after bleaching treatment may include the use of daily fluoride therapy, mouth rinsing (fluoride, milk and sodium bicarbonate solution), fluoride/bicarbonate dentifrices without abrasives, do not toothbrush immediately after bleaching, fluorides and calcium add to bleaching agents.
The influence of He-Ne laser radiation on the formation of new blood vessels in the bone marrow compartment of a regenerating area of the mid-cortical diaphysis of the tibiae of young adult rats was studied. A small hole was surgically made with a dentistry burr in the tibia and the injured area received a daily laser therapy over 7 or 14 days transcutaneously starting 24 h from surgery. Incident energy density dosages of 31.5 and 94.5 Jcm-2 were applied during the period of the tibia wound healing investigated. Light microscopic examination of histological sections of the injured area and quantification of the newly-formed blood vessels were undertaken. Low-level energy treatment accelerated the deposition of bone matrix and histological characteristics compatible with an active recovery of the injured tissue. He-Ne laser therapy significantly increased the number of blood vessels after 7 days irradiation at an energy density of 94.5 Jcm-2, but significantly decreased the number of vessels in the 14-day irradiated tibiae, independent of the dosage. These effects were attributed to laser treatment, since no significant increase in blood vessel number was detected between 8 and 15 non-irradiated control tibiae. Molecular mechanisms involved in low-level laser therapy of angiogenesis in post-traumatic bone regeneration needs further investigation.
This trial aimed to compare the dialysis complications occurring during different durations of extended daily dialysis (EDD) sessions in critically ill AKI patients. We included patients older than 18 years with AKI associated with sepsis admitted to the intensive care unit and using noradrenaline dose ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 mu g/kg/min. Patients were divided into two groups randomly: in G1, 6 h sessions were performed and, in G2, 10 h sessions were performed. Seventy-five patients were treated with 195 EDD sessions for 18 consecutive months. The prevalence of hypotension, filter clotting, hypokalaemia, and hypophosphataemia was 82.6, 25.3, 20, and 10.6%, respectively. G1 and G2 were similar in male predominance and SOFA. There was no significant difference between the two groups in hypotension, filter clotting, hypokalaemia, and hypophosphataemia. However, the group treated with sessions of 10 hours showed higher refractory to clinical measures for hypotension and dialysis sessions were interrupted more often. Metabolic control and fluid balance were similar between G1 and G2. In conclusion, intradialysis hypotension was common in AKI patients treated with EDD. There was no difference in the prevalence of dialysis complications in patients undergoing different durations of EDD.
To study the effects of diclofenac, a nonselective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), on lipid profile, oxidized low-density-lipoprotein (Ox-LDL), serum antioxidant defenses and markers of oxidative stress, male Wistar rats were divided into two groups (n = 10): (C) receiving intramuscularly a single daily dose of saline (NaCl 0.9%), and (AI) receiving intramuscularly a single daily dose of 10 mg/kg diclofenac sodium (C14H10C12NNaO2). After 28 days diclofenac-treated rats had lower Ox-LDL, apoprotein B (apo-B), apo-B/LDL-cholesterol and lipid hydroperoxide than C. Total antioxidant substances and superoxide dismutase were increased in diclofenac-treated rats, while no significant changes were observed in catalase, glutathione peroxidase and nitric oxide. A perincubation test done to examine the possibility of mechanism-based activation showed that diclofenac had no effect on maximal superoxide dismutase velocity, but significantly reduced the Michaelis-Menten (K-M) constant, indicating that diclofenac induced SOD activation increasing substrate linkage affinity to the enzyme-catalytic site. In conclusion, diclofenac had beneficial effects decreasing Ox-LDL and improving antioxidant defense. It appears that the application of this agent may be feasible and beneficial for serum antioxidant protection, which certainly would bring new insights on dyslipidemia control. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
There is no consensus in the literature on the best renal replacement therapy (RRT) in acute kidney injury (AKI), with both hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD) being used as AKI therapy. However, there are concerns about the inadequacy of PD as well as about the intermittency of HD complicated by hemodynamic instability. Recently, continuous replacement renal therapy (CRRT) have become the most commonly used dialysis method for AKI around the world. A prospective randomized controlled trial was performed to compare the effect of high volume peritoneal dialysis (HVPD) with daily hemodialysis (DHD) on AKI patient survival. A total of 120 patients with acute tubular necrosis (ATN) were assigned to HVPD or DHD in a tertiary-care university hospital. The primary end points were hospital survival rate and renal function recovery, with metabolic control as the secondary end point. Sixty patients were treated with HVPD and 60 with DHD. The HVPD and DHD groups were similar for age ( 64.2 +/- 19.8 and 62.5 +/- 21.2 years), gender ( male: 72 and 66%), sepsis ( 42 and 47%), hemodynamic instability ( 61 and 63%), severity of AKI ( Acute Tubular Necrosis-Index Specific Score (ATN-ISS): 0.68 +/- 0.2 and 0.66 +/- 0.2), Acute Physiology, Age, and Chronic Health Evaluation Score (APACHE II) (26.9 +/- 8.9 and 24.1 +/- 8.2), pre-dialysis BUN (116.4 +/- 33.6 and 112.6 +/- 36.8mg per 100 ml), and creatinine ( 5.8 +/- 1.9 and 5.9 +/- 1.4 mg per 100 ml). Weekly delivered Kt/V was 3.6 +/- 0.6 in HVPD and 4.7 +/- 0.6 in DHD ( P<0.01). Metabolic control, mortality rate ( 58 and 53%), and renal function recovery ( 28 and 26%) were similar in both groups, whereas HVPD was associated with a significantly shorter time to the recovery of renal function. In conclusion, HVPD and DHD can be considered as alternative forms of RRT in AKI.
Continuous peritoneal dialysis compared with daily hemodialysis in patients with acute kidney injury
Background: In some parts of the world, peritoneal dialysis is widely used for renal replacement therapy (RRT) in acute kidney injury (AKI), despite concerns about its inadequacy. It has been replaced in recent years by hemodialysis and, most recently, by continuous venovenous therapies. We performed a prospective study to determine the effect of continuous peritoneal dialysis (CPD), as compared with daily hemodialysis (dHD), on survival among patients with AKI.Methods: A total of 120 patients with acute tubular necrosis (ATN) were assigned to receive CPD or dHD in a tertiary-care university hospital. The primary endpoint was hospital survival rate; renal function recovery and metabolic, acid-base, and fluid controls were secondary endpoints.Results: of the 120 patients, 60 were treated with CPD (G1) and 60 with dHD (G2). The two groups were similar at the start of RRT with respect to age (64.2 +/- 19.8 years vs 62.5 +/- 21.2 years), sex (men: 72% vs 66%), sepsis (42% vs 47%), shock (61% vs 63%), severity of AKI [Acute Tubular Necrosis Individual Severity Score (ATNISS): 0.68 +/- 0.2 vs 0.66 +/- 0.22; Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II: 26.9 +/- 8.9 vs 24.1 +/- 8.2], pre-dialysis blood urea nitrogen [BUN (116.4 +/- 33.6 mg/dL vs 112.6 +/- 36.8 mg/dL)], and creatinine (5.85 +/- 1.9 mg/dL vs 5.95 +/- 1.4 mg/dL). In G1, weekly delivered Kt/V was 3.59 +/- 0.61, and in G2, it was 4.76 +/- 0.65 (p < 0.01). The two groups were similar in metabolic and acid-base control (after 4 sessions, BUN < 55 mg/dL: 46 +/- 18.7 mg/dL vs 52 +/- 18.2 mg/dL; pH: 7.41 vs 7.38; bicarbonate: 22.8 +/- 8.9 mEq/L vs 22.2 +/- 7.1 mEq/L). Duration of therapy was longer in G2 (5.5 days vs 7.5 days; p = 0.02). Despite the delivery of different dialysis methods and doses, the survival rate did not differ between the groups (58% in G1 vs 52% in G2), and recovery of renal function was similar (28% vs 26%).Conclusion: High doses of CPD provided appropriate metabolic and pH control, with a rate of survival and recovery of renal function similar to that seen with dHD. Therefore, CPD can be considered an alternative to other forms of RRT in AKI.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The flutamide antiandrogenic effects oil the Guinea pig male prostate morphology in puberal, post-puberal and adult ages were evaluated in the present study. Daily-treated group animals received flutamide Subcutaneous injection at a dose of 10 mg/Kg body weight for 10 days. The control group animals received a pharmacological vehicle under the same conditions. The lateral prostate was removed, fixed and processed for light and transmission electron microscopy. The results revealed all increase of the acinus diameter in the treated puberal animals and straitness in the stromal compartment around the acini. The epithelial cells exhibited cubic phenotype. In the post-puberal and adult animals, a decrease of the acinus diameter was observed, as well as an increase of the smooth muscle layer and presence of the folds at epithelium. The ultrastructural evaluation of the secretory cells in the treated group demonstrated endomembrane enlargement, mainly in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. In addition, a decrease of the microvilli and alterations in the distribution patterns and density of the stromal fibrillar components were observed. In Conclusion, the flutamide treatment exerts tissue effects oil the lateral prostate, promoting stroma/epithelium alterations.
Enamel white spot subsurface lesions compromise esthetics and precede cavitation; therefore, they must be halted. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a caries infiltration technique and fluoride therapy on the microhardness of enamel carious lesions. Subsurface carious lesions were produced in 60 bovine specimens with polished enamel surfaces. The specimens were divided into four groups (n=15), according to the treatment used: CON, control immersion in artificial saliva; DF, daily 0.05% fluoride solution; WF, weekly 2% fluoride gel; and IC, resin infiltration (Icon). The specimens were kept in artificial saliva and evaluated for microhardness at five points: baseline, after caries production, after four and eight weeks of treatment, and a final evaluation after being submitted to a new acid challenge. The repeated-measures analysis of variance showed significant differences according to the type of treatment (TREAT; p=0.001) and time of evaluation (EV; p=0.001). The results of the Tukey test were TREAT: CON = 45.18 (+/- 29.17)a, DF = 107.75 (+/- 67.38)b, WF = 83.25 (+/- 51.17)c, and IC = 160.83 (+/- 91.11)d. Analysis of correlation between the TREAT and EV factors showed no significant differences for DF (138.63 +/- 38.94) and IC (160.99 +/- 46.13) after the new acid challenge. The microhardness results in decreasing order after eight weeks were IC > DF > WF > CON. It was concluded that the microhardness of carious lesions increased with the infiltration of resin, while the final microhardness after a new acid challenge was similar for DF and IC.
Background and Objective: Cyclosporine A is an immunosuppressive drug that is widely used in organ transplant patients as well as to treat a number of autoimmune conditions. Bone loss is reported as a significant side-effect of cyclosporine A use because this can result in serious morbidity of the patients. As we have shown that cyclosporine A-associated bone loss can also affect the alveolar bone, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the concomitant administration of alendronate on alveolar bone loss in a rat model.Material and Methods: Forty Wistar rats (10 per group) were given cyclosporine A (10 mg/kg, daily), alendronate (0.3 mg/kg, weekly), or both cyclosporine A and alendronate, for 60 d. The control group received daily injections of sterile saline. The expression of proteins associated with bone turnover, including osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), and also the calcium levels, were evaluated in the serum. Analysis of the bone volume, alveolar bone surface, the number of osteoblasts per bone surface and the number of osteoclasts per bone surface around the lower first molars was also performed.Results: the results indicate that cyclosporine A treatment was associated with bone resorption, represented by a decrease in the bone volume, alveolar bone surface and the number of osteoblasts per bone surface and by an increase in the number of osteoclasts per bone surface and TRAP-5b. These effects were effectively counteracted by concomitant alendronate administration.Conclusion: It is concluded that concomitant administration of alendronate can prevent cyclosporine A-associated alveolar bone loss.
Background Itraconazole is a large spectrum triazole with known efficacy in both continuous and pulse therapy for various mycoses.Objectives Evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of itraconazole pulse therapy for onychomycosis of the toenails due to dermatophytes, in a prospective, open, non-comparative and multicentric investigation.Patients and methods the trial was completed by 72 patients of an initial total of 89. Treatment consisted of four cycles of itraconazole, 200 mg twice a day, for seven consecutive days each month. Patients were evaluated clinically, mycologically and biochemically before, during and at the end of the investigation, and were divided into two groups according to the measure of normal portion of the most affected nail (target nail), as follows: Group 1. 0-5.9 mm; and Group 2: more than 6 mm.Results Improvement was satisfactory and progressive. Results were statistically significant, when comparing the three moments of the study: pre-treatment, end of therapy (fourth month) and follow-up (ninth month) in both groups.Conclusions Itraconazole pulse therapy was efficient and safe for the treatment of onychomycosis caused by dermatophytes, although a much higher daily dosage than the known continuous administration was used. Group 1, with nails initially more extensively affected, had a more evident improvement, by the mean variation in millimeters of normal portion of the target nail. This group showed a very satisfactory response, although not reaching total cure, thus demonstrating the great importance of early treatment of this disease. A residual therapeutic effect is maintained even after suspension of the drug. Group 2 obtained better total cure rates, and four pulses were, in general, sufficient, whereas more cycles would have been beneficial for the Group 1 patients with more extensive involvement. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: To study whether antioxidant supplementation will reduce the incidence of preeclampsia among patients at increased risk.METHODS: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial was conducted at four Brazilian sites. Women between 12 0/7 weeks and 19 6/7 weeks of gestation and diagnosed to have chronic hypertension or a prior history of preeclampsia were randomly assigned to daily treatment with both vitamin C (1,000 mg) and vitamin E (400 International Units) or placebo. Analyses were adjusted for clinical site and risk group (prior preeclampsia, chronic hypertension, or both). A sample size of 734 would provide 80% power to detect a 40% reduction in the risk of preeclampsia, assuming a placebo group rate of 21% and alpha=.05. The a level for the final analysis, adjusted for interim looks, was 0.0458.RESULTS: Outcome data for 707 of 739 randomly assigned patients revealed no significant reduction in the rate of preeclampsia (study drug, 13.8% [49 of 355] compared with placebo, 15.6% [55 of 352], adjusted risk ratio 0.87 [95.42% confidence interval 0.61-1.25]). There were no differences in mean gestational age at delivery or rates of perinatal mortality, abruptio placentae, pre-term delivery, and small for gestational age or low birth weight infants. Among patients without chronic hypertension, there was a slightly higher rate of severe preeclampsia in the study group (study drug, 6.5% [11 of 170] compared with placebo, 2.4% [4 of 168], exact P=.11, odds ratio 2.78, 95% confidence interval 0.79-12.62).CONCLUSION: This trial failed to demonstrate a benefit of antioxidant supplementation in reducing the rate of preeclampsia among'patients with chronic hypertension and/or prior preeclampsia.
Introduction Oral mucositis (OM) is a significant early complication of hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). This phase III randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study was designed to compare the ability of 2 different low level GaAlAs diode lasers (650 nm and 780 nm) to prevent oral mucositis in HCT patients conditioned with chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy.Materials and methods Seventy patients were enrolled and randomized into 1 of 3 treatment groups: 650 nm laser, 780 nm laser or placebo. All active laser treatment patients received daily direct laser treatment to the lower labial mucosa, right and left buccal mucosa, lateral and ventral surfaces of the tongue, and floor of mouth with energy densities of 2 J/cm(2). Study treatment began on the first day of conditioning and continued through day +2 post HCT. Mucositis and oral pain was measured on days 0, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, and 21 post HCT.Results the 650 nm wavelength reduced the severity of oral mucositis and pain scores. Low level laser therapy was well-tolerated and no adverse events were noted.Discussion While these results are encouraging, further study is needed to truly establish the efficacy of this mucositis prevention strategy. Future research needs to determine the effects of modification of laser parameters (e.g., wavelength, fluence, repetition rate of energy delivery, etc.) on the effectiveness of LLE laser to prevent OM.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)