18 resultados para Cuidado com a escola

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Esta investigação teve por objetivo apreender como os familiares de portadores de transtorno mental têm convivido com um serviço de saúde mental. Foi utilizado o método exploratório/descritivo, de natureza qualitativa. Como instrumento de coleta de dados, utilizou-se uma entrevista semiestruturada, sendo sujeitos dessa pesquisa seis familiares que já conviviam há mais de três anos com o adoecimento psíquico. A análise dos dados permitiu inferir que os familiares que acompanham o usuário têm de lidar com um aprendizado que adquiriram na vivência cotidiana e são sujeitos à rejeição de membros da família e da comunidade; com relação ao centro de atenção psicossocial, os familiares se sentem acolhidos em suas queixas, recebendo um atendimento singular; porém, desconhecem os mecanismos para a sua participação social, o que aponta para uma deficiência do serviço, à medida que este deve estimular formas de inserção na comunidade, e da ampliação dos direitos de cidadania dos usuários.


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Estudo qualitativo, que objetivou apreender o significado da gravidez da adolescente para seus familiares. Empregou-se a entrevista semi-estruturada e discurso do sujeito coletivo. A gravidez da adolescente é representada como problema a ser enfrentado com o suporte familiar. As famílias preocupam-se e se mobilizam para resolver as adversidades. Além do choque pela notícia, impotência quanto à prevenção da gravidez, conformismo, alegria e melhora no relacionamento familiar pela chegada do bebê, evidenciou-se a frustração devido à interrupção/mudança no projeto de vida familiar em relação à adolescente sem um relacionamento estável com o pai da criança. Considera-se que, ao se valorizar a perspectiva dos familiares sobre a gestação na adolescência, o cuidado profissional à adolescente grávida e à família pode se dar em parceria e sintonia com o contexto familiar e social, facilitando o enfrentamento de conflitos e reconhecendo a família como sujeito ativo nesse processo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Tal estudo buscou compreender como vem sendo realizado o cuidado ao idoso em Unidade de Saúde da Família segundo a visão dos profissionais de saúde.MÉTODOS:Estudo qualitativo, com a análise fenomenológica social de Alfred Schutz.RESULTADOS:Foram entrevistados sete profissionais de nível superior por meio de questão norteadora. A análise possibilitou evidenciar: cuidados pautados em programas de saúde, com prejuízo da integralidade do cuidado e da clínica ampliada, e visão das necessidades e perspectivas do cuidado integral.CONCLUSÃO:O estudo revela a necessidade de avançarmos no cuidado ao idoso. Os profissionais reconhecem o envelhecimento da população e apontam a necessidade de capacitação para o cuidado. A educação dos trabalhadores se dá como ponto de partida para a mudança. Também é preciso que os gestores e o Estado organizem uma rede de cuidado que inclua a pessoa idosa, com ofertas de serviços de acordo com a demanda apresentada.


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This article refl ects about the action of the school speech therapist presented in a panel discussion proposed by the Public Health Department entitled: “School time of inclusion: common teaching, special education and speech therapist’s action” during the 19th SBFa’s Congress at the WTC Sheraton in São Paulo. The refl ections triggered aimed to provide elements for the systematization of actions from different sectors guided by ethical principles, theory and practice that enable collaborative relationships between educators and speech therapists. The text mantained the order of presentations that have focused on: 1) the challenges of speech-language intervention in the processes of inclusion and exclusion of the school: from the promotion of oral and written language, to the approaches of the so-called language disorders; 2) the interface between Speech Therapy and Education; 3) the role of the speech therapist in the context of Inclusive and Special Education. The authors support the position that the work done at the interface Speech Therapy and Education has the potential to contribute to school’s inclusion processes that will be capable to subvert the discriminatory logic that imposes in daily school the binomium inclusion / exclusion. The theoretical and methodological approaches presented by the authors are supported in a humane and civic vision care, training and social participation.


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This essay aims to analyze the relationship between life and school. In opposition to theoretical perspectives longed for a possible reconciliation between life and school, we look for to show to existing tension between these two spheres, making an analysis of the themes of the experience with birth, death and the difference, and highlight that this reflection invites the subjects of the educational practice to an ethical attitude of care for the other, for oneself and so that the other one takes care of the care of the self. Having the thoughts of Arendt’s and Foucault’s as reference, we understand that life goes beyond school knowledge and practices, offering us what we think about educational practice and making the subjects of that practice learn how to place themselves between life and school, looking for new senses for themselves and resistance to the existent while they transform themselves. Thus, we wait to offer the educators some life problems that pervade the educational practice, reverberate in their experience and make them think about what they have left.


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This study aimed at analyzing the meanings of Children and Child Rights awarded by the kindergarten children and their educators, parents and teacher. Interest in the subject arose from the participation of the University Extension Project, conducted at the Department of Education, UNESP, Bauru, called The Rights of the Child: ECA in school. Since then, the question arose: to what extent we have visibility of meanings that educators and the child has on the Rights of the Child relating to the specifics of childhood? The research followed the tenets of qualitative research, methodological procedures and adopting the observation in a classroom from kindergarten (K II), semi-structured interview through leisure moments, with the class of aged five years and a questionnaire for family and teacher. The research adopted as reference material, studies of the area of Sociology of Childhood, History of Childhood, Public Policy, Legislation Related to the theme, and an overview of psychogenic to talk about the morality of children. The results showed that parents and caregivers understand childhood as a stage of child development, marked by jokes and fancies, in which the family and the school has an important role in this process. In what concerns the children's rights, there are contradictions in the legal aspects and the situation of children today. The results showed that children's childhood is characterized by recreational activities, and adults are responsible for caring for them. And it comes on the Rights of the Child noted that there is a confusion between rights and duties because they are in a phase of moral heteronomy. The findings indicate the need for wide dissemination on the Statute of Children and Adolescents, especially in preschools in line with families to practice it a new look at childhood, conceiving children as subjects... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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WHO has launched the “Safe Surgery Saves Lives” program with the purpose to reduce damage to surgical patients and define safety standards specifically in order to reduce such patients’ morbi-mortality by providing surgery teams and hospital managers with orientation about the standards of safe surgery and a uniform service evaluation instrument for national and international surveillance. Hence, this study aimed at applying the WHO safe-surgery checklist to the surgical specialties of a university hospital and evaluating the team’s opinion about the influence of its application on the safety of surgical process and on the team’s interpersonal communication. It was a descriptive, analytical, qualitative field study conducted in the surgery facilities of a university hospital in a public establishment in São Paulo state. The checklist was applied to eight surgical specialties, resulting in a total number of 30 surgeries. Its application was conducted by the researcher in three phases: Sign in, Time out, Sign Out. Next, one member of the surgery team was invited to voluntarily participate in the study by signing an informed consent form and answering guiding questions. Thirty members of the surgery team participated in the study. Bardin’s Content Analysis Method was used to organize and analyze the data. As regards the safety provided by the checklist, the following thematic categories emerged: “It reduces risk and possible complications”; “It standardizes conducts and reviews safety steps”; “It allows for better understanding of the process”; and “It provides safety to the team as a whole”. The category “It is not included in the institution’s routine” emerged from the subjects’ statements when they understood that, in this form, the checklist does not provide safety to surgical procedures. As regards communication, two thematic categories emerged: ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)