24 resultados para Cryptocarya ashersoniana

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The bioassay directed fractionation of the EtOH extract from leaves of Cryptocarya ashersoniana seedlings led to the isolation of two flavonol glucosides: iso-quercitrin and hyperin, which exhibited free radical scavenging activity towards DPPH (IC50 34.4 muM and 32.7 muM, respectively) and were compared to standard compounds rutin (IC50 27.0 muM) and catechin (IC50 41.4 muM). Investigation of extracts from the seedlings roots and stems afforded one antifungal styrylpyrone: goniothalamine, and two dihydropyrones: 6-propyl-5,6-dihydro-2-pyrone and the new 6-[(4'-ethyl-9'-oxabicyclo[3.3.1]non-6'-en-3'-yl)methyl]-5,6-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-one, which had its structure determined by detailed analysis of MS and NMR data, including 2D experiments.


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No presente trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da dessecação e identificar lesões por predação por insetos, em diásporos de canela-batalha (Cryptocarya aschersoniana Mez.), utilizando-se testes de raios X. Os danos provocados pela dessecação foram dimensionados nas imagens e associados à formação de plântulas. Diásporos recém-beneficiados (45 % de umidade e 37 % de germinação) foram colocados para secar em sala climatizada (20 ºC e 60 % UR), dentro de bandejas plásticas em camada única. Posteriormente, com o intuito de acelerar o processo de secagem, foram colocados em caixas de secagem com solução saturada de hidróxido de sódio (28 % UR) e amostrados com 45, 37, 35, 31 e 26 % de umidade. Para as radiografias, utilizou-se a intensidade de radiação de 40 kVp e tempo de exposição de 1,5 minutos. Posteriormente, as radiografias foram fotografadas e as imagens analisadas em computador, sendo medido o afastamento entre o endocarpo e a semente. As sementes foram classificadas em sementes intactas, sementes com afastamento parcial, sementes com afastamento total e sementes predadas. Os testes de germinação foram realizados sobre areia, em germinadores tipo Mangelsdorf a 25 ºC e luz branca constante. Pelos resultados, observa-se que a germinação é comprometida quando o teor de água das sementes fica abaixo de 26 %. Nesse ponto, o afastamento entre o endocarpo e a semente é de 0,65 mm. Houve uma correlação positiva entre a viabilidade das sementes, avaliada pelo teste de germinação, e o afastamento entre o endocarpo e a semente observado nas radiografias. A análise radiográfica possibilita identificar danos provocados por predação após infestação por insetos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O sistema de cruzamento da espécie arbórea de dossel da Mata Atlântica brasileira, Cryptocarya moschata, foi estudado a partir de material proveniente do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho, São Miguel Arcanjo, São Paulo, Brasil. As taxas de cruzamento foram determinadas através de marcadores alozímicos obtidos de plântulas germinadas de coortes de sementes coletadas de 35 árvores. O valor médio da taxa de cruzamento de equilíbrio (estimador indireto) foi t^eq = 0.51. As estimativas das taxas de cruzamento uniloco e multilocos (estimadores diretos) foram t^s = 0.725± 0,041 e t^m = 0,884 ± 0,034, respectivamente, indicando um sistema de cruzamento predominantemente alogâmico. As taxas de cruzamento de árvores individuais variaram de 27 a 100 ( x¯ = 87,8) porcento, a partir de t^m calculado com as freqüências gênicas de pólen mantidas constantes ao nível populacional. A partir do modelo de par de irmãos (modelo de cruzamento correlacionado) de Ritland, a correlação entre duas progênies irmãs oriundas de autofecundação (r^s) e a correlação entre duas progênies irmãs oriundas de paternidade por exocruzamento (r^p) foram 35,7% e 99,0%, respectivamente. Esses resultados corroboram o fato de haver variação nas taxas de autocruzamento entre as diferentes árvores, podendo também indicar que quando há endogamia, a maior parte das sementes nas árvores são provavelmente irmãs-germanas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Data of seed dispersal and germination of the studied species are presented, comparing both observations from the wild and nursery. Fruits were collected from Carlos Botelho State Park (24 degrees 44' to 24 degrees 03'S, 47 degrees 46' to 48 degrees 10'W), south of São Paulo State, Brazil. O. catharinensis had low germination percentage, both in the wild and in nursery, and did not tolerate seed storage at low temperature. In nursery, diaspores with removed mesocarp of E. paniculata presented greater germination than those in entire fruits. The high levels of seedling mortality beneath mother-trees of C. moschata, when in comparison to those observed to established seedlings from diaspores dispersed by muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides E. Geoffroy 1806, Cebidae, Primates), allied to the absence of juveniles in the understory, are in accord with the escape model of Janzen-Connel. In nursery, diaspores of C. moschata dispersed by the primates had greater germination, in smaller time, than those collected from mother-trees.


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Eleven 6-[omega-arylalkenyl]-5,6-dihydro-alpha-pyrones, cryptomoscatones D2, E1, E2, E3 and F1 and cryptopyranmoscatones A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B4, in addition to goniothalamin and cryptofolione, were isolated from branch and stem bark of Cryotocarya moschata, Lauraceae. Their structures were established by spectroscopic methods. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The composition of the essential oil from leaves of Cryptocarya mandioccana has been determined by chromatographic fractionation and GC-FID, GC-MS and C-13 NMR analyses, yielding the identification of 64 compounds with predominance of isomeric sesquiterpenes with molecular weights of 204. The main components of the oil obtained by hydrodistillation were beta-caryophyllene, spathulenol, caryophyllene oxide, delta-cadinene, germacrene D, benzaldehyde and bicyclogermacrene. However, the oil obtained by steam distillation contained higher levels of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, with predominance of P-caryophyllene (C), germacrene D (G) and bicyclogermacrene (B), and was considered to be more representative of the composition of the oil in its natural state. The intraspecific chemical variability of the essential oil obtained by steam distillation was evaluated within populations of trees growing at three separate locations in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Three distinct chemical groups could be characterised due to differences in the relative percentages of the three main sesquiterpenes from essential oil: CGB [relative contents of C (14-34%), G (5-28%), B (8-15%)], BCG [B (17-34%), C (9-24%), G (12-25%)] and GCB [G (22-42%), C (4-17%), B (7-15%)]. Individuals from groups CGB and BCG were found to be more frequent at south locations while group GCB is predominant in north location. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The chemical composition of leaves of 57 trees of Cryptocarya mandioccana from three populations of southeastern Brazil was investigated through HPLC, assaying six flavonoids, seven styrylpyrones, and seven unidentified compounds. From 51 of the former trees, genotypes were obtained from 40 polymorphic loci of 19 isozymes. Cluster analyses of the phytochemical and genetical variation revealed that trees exhibited four chemotypes and five clusters from isozymes, respectively. Discriminant analyses from selected variables of the isozymic and chemical data sets were performed, respectively, in relation to the four chemotypes and the five isozyme clusters. The classification of individuals presented respective error estimates of 9.16% and 13.57%, indicating that the genetic data could explain the clusters from chernotypes and vice versa at acceptable error levels. Linear regressions with Dummy variable showed significant association of locus Skdh-2 with quercetin-3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside and cryptofolione, indicating that its alleles would be responsible for the chemotype variation between individuals. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.