173 resultados para Counterfeit medicines

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The present study is aimed to diagnose the current public programs focused on herbal medicine in Brazil where the following results can be observed. The main purpose of implementation of these programs was the demand of the users of medicinal plants and herbal medicines. The initiative of the implementation of these programs was related to the managers (58%). The difficulties in this implementation were due to lack of funding (90%) of the programs. In 80% of the programs, the physicians did not adhere to herbal medicine services due to lack of knowledge in the subject. Training courses were proposed (70%) to increase the adhesion of prescribers to the system. Some municipalities use information obtained from patients to assess the therapeutic efficiency of medicinal plants and herbal medicines. of the programs underway, cultivation of medicinal plants was observed in 50%, and 67% of the programs adopted quality control. In most programs, this control is not performed in accordance with the legal requirements.


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Background: Prescribing is a complex and challenging task that must be part of a logical deductive process based on accurate and objective information and not an automated action, without critical thinking or a response to commercial pressure. The objectives of this study were 1) develop and implement a discipline based on the WHO's Guide to Good Prescribing; 2) evaluate the course acceptance by students; 3) assess the impact that the Rational Use of Medicines (RUM) knowledge had on the students habits of prescribing medication in the University Hospital.Methods: In 2003, the RUM principal, based in the WHO's Guide to Good Prescribing, was included in the official curriculum of the Botucatu School of Medicine, Brazil, to be taught over a total of 24 hours to students in the 4th year. We analyzed the students' feedback forms about content and teaching methodology filled out immediately after the end of the discipline from 2003 to 2010. In 2010, the use of RUM by past students in their medical practice was assessed through a qualitative approach by a questionnaire with closed-ended rank scaling questions distributed at random and a single semistructured interview for content analysis.Results: The discipline teaches future prescribers to use a logical deductive process, based on accurate and objective information, to adopt strict criteria (efficacy, safety, convenience and cost) on selecting drugs and to write a complete prescription. At the end of it, most students considered the discipline very good due to the opportunity to reflect on different actions involved in the prescribing process and liked the teaching methodology. However, former students report that although they are aware of the RUM concepts they cannot regularly use this knowledge in their daily practice because they are not stimulated or even allowed to do so by neither older residents nor senior medical staff.Conclusions: This discipline is useful to teach RUM to medical students who become aware of the importance of this subject, but the assimilation of the RUM principles in the institution seems to be a long-term process which requires the involvement of a greater number of the academic members.


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Background: The use of multiple medicines is very frequent among the elderly, allowing them to perceive more often adverse side effects from drugs and present undesirable drug interactions.Methods: This article presents a cross-sectional survey about the use of medicines among 300 elderly Brazilians, equally divided into institutionalized and community-dwelling groups.Results: The average daily intake of medicines is 3.2 among institutionalized elderly, a higher (p < 0.001) number when compared with community-dwelling elderly, who takes an average of 1.8 medicines daily. The most commonly used medications are antihypertensives (58.0%), diuretics (23.0%), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (22.7%), supplements (21.7%), antidiabetics (16.3%), and antiulcerants (14.0%). Antiulcerants, diuretics, supplements, and central nervous system drugs are more frequently used by institutionalized than by community-dwelling elderly.Conclusion: In this Brazilian elderly sample, the most widely used medicines were antihypertensives, diuretics, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and institutionalized used more medications than community-dwelling elderly. Copyright (C) 2011, Taiwan Society of Geriatric Emergency & Critical Care Medicine. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights reserved.


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The present study is aimed to diagnose the current public programs focused on herbal medicines in Brazil by means of in loco visits to 10 programs selected by means of questionnaires sent to 124 municipalities that count on herbal medicine services. The main purpose of the implementation of program programs is related to the development of medicinal herbs. 70% of them are intended for the production of herbal medicines and 50% are aimed to ensure the access of the population to medicinal plants and or herbal medicines. The initiative of the implementation of these programs was related to the managers (60%). The difficulties in this implementation were due to the lack of funding (100%) of the programs. In 60% of the programs, the physicians did not adhere to herbal medicine services due to the lack of knowledge of the subject. Training courses were proposed (80%) to increase the adhesion of prescribers to the system. Some municipalities use information obtained from patients to assess the therapeutic efficiency of medicinal plants and herbal medicines. of the programs underway, cultivation of medicinal plants was observed in 90% and 78% of them adopt quality control. In most programs, this control is not performed in accordance with the legal requirements. The programs focused on medicinal plants and herbal medicines implemented in Brazil face sonic chronic problems of infrastructure, management, operational capacity and self-sustainability, which can be directly related to the absence of a national policy on medicinal plants and herbal medicines.


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Herbal medicines have been widely used around the world since ancient times. The advancement of phytochemical and phytopharmacological sciences has enabled elucidation of the composition and biological activities of several medicinal plant products. The effectiveness of many species of medicinal plants depends on the supply of active compounds. Most of the biologically active constituents of extracts, such as flavonoids, tannins, and terpenoids, are highly soluble in water, but have low absorption, because they are unable to cross the lipid membranes of the cells, have excessively high molecular size, or are poorly absorbed, resulting in loss of bioavailability and efficacy. Some extracts are not used clinically because of these obstacles. It has been widely proposed to combine herbal medicine with nanotechnology, because nano-structured systems might be able to potentiate the action of plant extracts, reducing the required dose and side effects, and improving activity. Nanosystems can deliver the active constituent at a sufficient concentration during the entire treatment period, directing it to the desired site of action. Conventional treatments do not meet these requirements. The purpose of this study is to review nanotechnology- based drug delivery systems and herbal medicines.


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Certain medicines are considered potentially inappropriate (PIM) for elderly people as they increase the risk of adverse drug events (ADE) and because safer alternative therapies are available on the market. In this context, in order to identify the instruments that assess the quality of medical prescriptions for elderly and to determine which drugs are considered PIM, a bibliographic survey was conducted in PUBMED, LILACS and PAHO databases, in February and March/2010. The search strategy included the use of health descriptors and a manual search in the references cited by selected papers. During the period of data collection, 15 instruments were identified. In 2012, with the publication of the update of Beers criteria, this instrument was included in the study. We identified 163 PIM of 25 therapeutic classes, of which 125 (76.7%) are marketed in Brazil. Of these, 31 (24.8%) are essential medicines (RENAME 2012), of which 13 have safer therapeutic equivalents and 19 (15.2%) are over-the-counter drugs. Data suggest the need for inclusion of safer alternatives for the elderly in the national list of essential medicines and the pharmaceutical care for early detection of ADE in this age group, in order to contribute to the safe use of medicines.


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A doença degenerativa mixomatosa da válvula mitral (DDMVM) é uma cardiopatia de alta incidência na clínica médica de pequenos animais, acometendo mormente cães idosos e raças de pequeno porte. Desta forma, foi realizada uma investigação científica objetivando avaliar clinicamente a utilização dos fármacos maleato de enalapril e furosemida em cães com a referida enfermidade na classe funcional Ib da ICC, antes e após a terapêutica implantada. Para isso, utilizaram-se 16 cães portadores da valvulopatia supracitada, distribuídos em dois grupos; com o primeiro recebendo furosemida (n=8) e o segundo maleato de enalapril (n=8), durante 56 dias. Os cães foram avaliados em quatro momentos (T0, T14, T28 e T56 dias) quanto aos sinais clínicos e parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímico-séricos, que incluíram concentrações séricas da enzima conversora da angiotensina (ECA) e aldosterona, como também avaliações radiográficas, eletrocardiográficas, ecodopplercardiográficas e da pressão arterial. Os resultados quanto aos parâmetros clínicos, avaliações hematológicas e bioquímicas séricas não revelaram alterações significativas em ambos os grupos, mas reduções significativas nos valores de ECA e aldosterona no grupo que recebeu o maleato de enalapril foram identificadas. Ao exame radiográfico observou-se reduções nos valores de VHS e na variável onda Pms do eletrocardiograma em ambos os grupos, mas sem alterações nos valores da pressão arterial. Por sua vez, o ecodopplercardiograma evidenciou diminuição significativa das variáveis DIVEd/s nos grupos estudados e na FEC% nos cães que receberam somente enalapril. Portanto, a análise dos resultados encontrados indicou que a monoterapia fundamentada no maleato de enalapril apresentou melhor eficiência no controle do quadro clínico em pacientes da classe funcional Ib da ICC.


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Microbiological Control of Packaging Materials for Medicines and Cosmetics. Several consumers and official agencies, associated with the necessity of more efficient, safety and good microbiological quality packaging materials, conducted to the challenge of having packages which assure both the integrity of products and consumer's health. However, the packaging material can be an important source of microorganisms when does not fulfill the microbiological quality requirements. The objective of this work was to study the microbiological quality of different types of packaging materials for medicines and cosmetics. The microbial quality studies were conducted by analyzing representative samples by bioassay. The packing materials were analyzed for microbiological quality to verify presence of viable microorganisms. They showed the analyzed packaging materials for medicines are in agreement with RDC # 481 on 23/9/1999 of ANVISA. However, the packages to store cosmetic material are not fulfilling this RDC. The microbiological quality control of packing materials has fundamental importance for public health.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective. To identify families served by the family health strategy (FHS) storing medicines at home, to evaluate storage conditions, and to investigate medicine use practices.Methods. The study was conducted in a municipality in the state of São Paulo with two FHS units serving 1 867 households. The sample was selected by means of stratified random sampling. Data collection was conducted through semistructured interviews from July to October 2008.Results. One resident was interviewed in each of the 280 households visited. Medicines were found in 255 households (91.1%). of 326 storage locations, 217 (75.8%) were inadequate (easily accessible to children or exposed to moisture, light). of the 2 578 medicines identified, 2 059 medicines (79.9%) in 236 (84.3%) households had safety or identification problems. of the 280 respondents, 179 (63.9%) used medications. of these, 24 were self-medicating, only one with an over-the-counter drug. Only 44 users had the prescription for their medication, and 21 did not follow the prescription in terms of dosage or had interrupted the treatment.Conclusions. Non-adherence to recommended treatment can lead to negative outcomes, such as inefficiency (using dosages lower than prescribed), poisoning (using dosages higher than prescribed), and other adverse reactions.


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A superfície interna das bisnagas fabricadas com alumínio não revestido e revestido com resina epóxi, utilizadas para acondicionar cremes, pomadas, géis, etc., foram avaliadas quimicamente e por métodos microbiológicos correlacionados com a aderência de microrganismos. A prova da porosidade e da resistência à remoção da resina foi observada por meio do microscópio eletrônico de varredura (Topcon FM300) e estereoscópio Leica (MZ12) acoplado a Sistema de Digitalização de Imagens. Para avaliar a ação dos microrganismos foram utilizados corpos-de-prova esterilizados (discos de 10mm de diâmetro), imersos em caldo Mueller Hinton (Difco) e colocados em tubos de polipropileno com tampa de rosca (Corning). Foram inoculados tubos com meio de cultura para cada uma das suspensões bacterianas (10(9)UFC/mL) de Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter lwoffii e Candida albicans, incubados a 37°C, sob agitação constante durante 12 dias. O meio de cultura era trocado a cada 3 dias. Após esse período, os corpos-de prova foram removidos, processados e observados em microscópio eletrônico de varredura JEOL-JSM (T330A). A observação por meio do microscopio eletrônico de varredura mostrou a aderência e a formação de biofilme sobre a superfície de alumínio não revestido e revestido com resina epóxi.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar as características do consumo de medicamentos na população urbana de Araraquara, SP, Brasil, foram coletados dados, por meio de entrevistas domiciliares, de uma amostra da população que consumiu pelo menos um medicamento nos quinze dias que antecederam a data da entrevista. O estudo foi realizado no período de agosto a setembro de 1985. Verificou-se que 42,1% dos medicamentos utilizados foram adquiridos sem prescrição médica. O consumo entre o sexo feminino foi maior que para o sexo masculino. Na automedicação o grupo que apresentou taxa mais elevada, segundo a faixa etária, foi o de 50 anos e mais, com 31,6%. Grande parte do consumo de medicamentos constituiu-se dos industrializados (97,6%). As prescrições médicas, feitas em consultas anteriores, e avalia das como bem sucedidas foram retomadas em situações diversas (12,0%), revelando o importante papel que o médico desempenha na formação dos critérios de escolha dos remédios utilizados nas práticas de automedicação. O farmacêutico e/ou balconista de farmácia contribui com 10,0% dos medicamentos usados que tiveram essa via de indicação. As orientações feitas por amigos, vizinhos e parentes (9,1%) revelaram intenso circuito de trocas de socializações quanto aos quadros móbidos e indicações terapêuticas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The concept of dynamized medicines is commonly used in homeopathy. As a medical practice, homeopathy is based on clinical observations and experimental assays. In spite of the lack of a credible scientific explanation for its action mechanisms, clinical evidence has been collected since 200 years ago. This paper discusses the most important physical models related to dynamized systems, as well as some perspectives and consequences in studying such systems. While early theories dealt with structural changes in single solvent molecules, modern theories consider collective effects and self-organizing properties. The concept of information was recently introduced to model the capability of a dynamized system to interact with a biological organism, without a molecular agent being needed. The features and limitations of theoretical approaches, as well as experimental results are discussed. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd.


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OBJETIVOS: avaliar a estrutura e o processo de assistência ao parto e ao recém-nascido desenvolvidos na maternidade e na unidade de neonatologia de uma instituição hospitalar de nível terciário do interior do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo, transversal, voltado para a análise da adesão às normas preconizadas pelo Ministério da Saúde e Organização Mundial da Saúde em relação ao parto, avaliando-se os recursos existentes e as atividades desenvolvidas durante a assistência. Os dados foram colhidos nos anos de 2004 e 2005, a partir de entrevista com o gestor da maternidade, análise de 293 prontuários amostradose observação de 29 partos realizados. RESULTADOS: a avaliação da estrutura evidenciou a disponibilidade de equipamentos, instrumentais e medicamentos, de obstetra, pediatra e anestesista eausência de quartos de pré-parto, parto e puerpério.Na análise do processo observouse, entre outras,frequências regulares relacionadas à verificação de pressão arterial e ausculta dos batimentos cardíacos fetais; o preenchimento do partograma foi satisfatório; na assistência ao recém-nascido, foram insatisfatórios o aleitamento na primeira hora de vida e ocontato pele a pele. CONCLUSÕES: algumas práticas úteis no partonormal foram pouco utilizadas. Percebese uma tendência à incorporação de práticas baseadas em evidências científicas, quando se considerou a realização de procedimentos como tricotomia, enteroclisma e episiotomia, demonstrando uma mudançapositiva na assistência ao parto.