44 resultados para Conception of Philosophy

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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With the fast innovation of the hardware and software technologies using rapid prototyping devices, with application in the robotics and automation, more and more it becomes necessary the development of applications based on methodologies that facilitate future modifications, updates and enhancements in the original projected system. This paper presents a conception of mobile robots using rapid prototyping, distributing the several control actions in growing levels of complexity and using resources of reconfigurable computing proposal oriented to embed systems implementation. Software and the hardware are structuralized in independents blocks, with connection through common bus. The study and applications of new structures control that permits good performance in relation to the parameter variations. This kind of controller can be tested on different platform representing the wheeled mobile robots using reprogrammable logic components (FPGA). © 2006 IEEE.


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Our conception of education is that it is the responsible action whereby man becomes human, trains and faces the challenges that life and the world present, as man enters a larger, shared cultural tradition and thus joins the world. However such sharing implies that we must not just rely on tradition, but remain open to new ideas. It is essential for schooling to preserve a field where the art of living intersects with the world for which future generations are being prepared. It is in this field of intersection that this essay seeks to discuss Michel Foucault's thought, care of the self and the role played by others in the acquisition of ethical attitudes pertaining to one's conduct in life. Through reconstructing Foucault's ideas, we elaborate on the hypothesis that, before morally shaping students, teaching them values, or aiding in their skill acquisition in the sense prevailing in schooling today, it is important to understand the notion of care of the self (and how the notion implies interaction with others for effective care of the self). Care of the self is vital for thoroughly understanding the relationships between ethics and education in school. We particularly examine how Foucault's ideas and his analysis of the teacher's role in shaping the student's life conduct can help educators rethink pedagogical action in an ethical sense and find within it a certain openness to the formation of attitudes in educators and students


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Procurou-se identificar as consequências mais importantes da concepção de ciência de Popper, que deu origem a um rico debate na Filosofia das Ciências, para o Ensino de Ciências. O acompanhamento deste debate permite perceber a riqueza do processo científico, reconhecendo as contribuições daqueles que debateram com Popper; bem como a importância dos aspectos da ciência que Popper valorizou e procurou preservar. As críticas e os debates em torno das abordagens de mudança conceitual contribuíram para a percepção da riqueza e complexidade desse processo. Quando considerados os objetivos institucionais das escolas e as expectativas sociais em torno da compreensão adequada e da procura de superação dos paradigmas vigentes a manutenção de certos aspectos, inerentes ao processo de mudança conceitual, pode se mostrar relevante. Neste sentido, a obra de Popper pode oferecer importante apoio para valorizar aspectos racionais que poderiam presidir o processo de aprender Ciências.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the factors that may affect conception rates (CR) following artificial insemination (AI) or embryo transfer (ET) in lactating Holstein cows. Estrous cycling cows producing 33.1 +/- 7.2 kg of milk/d received PGF(2 alpha) injections and were assigned randomly to 1 of 2 groups (AI or ET). Cows detected in estrus (n = 387) between 48 and 96 h after the PGF2a injection received AI (n = 227) 12 h after detection of estrus or ET (n = 160) 6 to 8 d later (1 fresh embryo, grade 1 or 2, produced from nonlactating cows). Pregnancy was diagnosed at 28 and 42 d after estrus, and embryonic loss occurred when a cow was pregnant on d 28 but not pregnant on d 42. Ovulation, conception, and embryonic loss were analyzed by a logistic model to evaluate the effects of covariates [days in milk (DIM), milk yield, body temperature (BT) at d 7 and 14 post-AI, and serum concentration of progesterone (P4) at d 7 and 14 post-AI] on the probability of success. The first analysis included all cows that were detected in estrus. The CR of AI and ET were different on d 28 (AI, 32.6% vs. ET, 49.4%) and 42 (AI, 29.1% vs. ET, 38.8%) and were negatively influenced by high BT (d 7) and DIM. The second analysis included only cows with a corpus luteum on d 7. Ovulation rate was 84.8% and was only negatively affected by DIM. Conception rates of AI and ET were different on d 28 (AI, 37.9% vs. ET, 59.4%) and 42 (AI, 33.8% vs. ET, 46.6%) and were negatively influenced by high BT (d 7). The third analysis included only ovulating cows that were 7 d postestrus. Conception rates of AI and ET were different on d 28 (AI, 37.5% vs. ET, 63.2%) and 42 (AI, 31.7% vs. ET, 51.7%) and were negatively influenced by high BT (d 7). There was a positive effect of serum concentration of P4 and a negative effect of milk production on the probability of conception for the AI group but not for the ET group. The fourth analysis was embryonic loss (AI, 10.8% vs. ET, 21.5%). The transfer of fresh embryos is an important tool to increase the probability of conception of lactating Holstein cows because it can bypass the negative effects of milk production and low P4 on the early embryo. The superiority of ET vs. AI is more evident in high-producing cows. High BT measured on d 7 had a negative effect on CR and embryonic retention.


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As relações entre pós-modernidade e educação tem sido objeto de inúmeras pesquisas, bem como de certa polêmica no âmbito da Filosofia da Educação, a começar pela própria conceituação da pós-modernidade até chegar às posições filosóficas engendradas por ela. em quase todas essas pesquisas e polêmicas, A condição pós-moderna, de Jean François Lyotard, se configura como uma referência importante, porém raramente as obras subseqüentes a essa são mencionadas, deixando uma parte de seu legado filosófico de fora de tais discussões e, particularmente, de suas eventuais contribuições para a educação. Tendo em vista esse limiar dos estudos sobre o assunto, o presente artigo procura desenvolver uma interpretação acerca do pensamento lyotardiano, privilegiando a análise das obras subseqüentes ao seu livro mais polêmico, com o objetivo de situar o seu projeto filosófico para além de um marco da pós-modernidade e de discutir as suas contribuições à Filosofia da Educação na atualidade. Mediante tal interpretação, recupera-se um projeto filosófico que lança alguns 'desafios' à Filosofia da Educação referentes ao deslocamento de sua problemática epistemológica para a estética, nutrida por um pensamento capaz de elucidar a face complexa e obscura da educação, a sua sombra inumana, e o diferendo constitutivo do ensino, inapreensíveis pela linguagem e pela comunicação. Assim, esperamos que tal projeto possa ser compreendido não por aquilo que traz de polêmico à Filosofia da Educação, mas pelo que a desafia no tempo presente, como uma reescrita da modernidade.


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Foi avaliado o desempenho energético da suinocultura integrada à produção de milho em grão em sistema de plantio direto mecanizado. Nesta concepção de integração proposta, os dejetos suínos são utilizados como fertilizantes na produção de milho. O sistema foi delimitado envolvendo as atividades associadas ao manejo dos suínos e de produção do milho (manejo do solo, cultivo e colheita). O período de análise considerado foi de um ano, o que possibilita a produção de três lotes de suínos e duas safras de milho. Para avaliar o desempenho energético, foram criados três indicadores: eficiência energética, eficiência de uso de fontes não renováveis e o custo de energia não renovável para a produção de proteína. As entradas energéticas são compostas pelos insumos e pela infraestrutura, utilizados na criação dos suínos e na produção de milho, e pela radiação solar incidente no agrossistema. Já as saídas são representadas pelos seus produtos (suínos terminados e o milho). Os resultados obtidos nas simulações apontam que a integração melhora o desempenho energético das granjas suinícolas, aumentando a eficiência energética (186%) e a eficiência não renovável (352%), além de reduzir o custo de energia não renovável para a produção de proteína (‑58%).


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Este texto veio a constituir parte do segundo capítulo de nossa tese de Mestrado - O Ato Livre: considerações a respeito da política operária - Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de São Paulo. Nele, procuro mostrar a impressionante semelhança de pressupostos teóricos subjacentes tanto a um discurso que articula a concepção burguesa das relações sociais, criado para o controle da c/asse operária, quanto a seu suposto oponente, que articularia a concepção socialista e que, explicitamente, estaria desenvolvendo o ponto de vista marxista. Com esse objetivo, cotejo os discursos de Getúlio Vargas (pronunciados nos anos de 1946 e 1947) com os quase contemporâneos discursos de Luis Carlos Prestes (escritos em 1945). Concluo com uma breve reflexão a respeito da origem desses pressupostos no interior do movimento comunista internacional.


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Este artigo aborda as relações entre a filosofia e a educação no pensamento de Theodor Adorno. A partir da reflexão elaborada pelo frankfurtiano acerca da relação entre teoria e práxis, procuramos compreender o papel político conferido às suas concepções de filosofia e de formação humana e discutir os seus limites e possibilidades no presente. Para tanto, elegemos como objeto de análise as conferências pronunciadas pelo autor e os artigos que escreveu sobre o assunto, entre 1959 e 1969, com o objetivo de recuperar os possíveis nexos teóricos entre filosofia e educação em sua obra e o significado que seu pensamento crítico e sua concepção de educação política assumiram nesse contexto; e de discutir sua eventual atualidade. Pretendemos, assim, reconstituir a reflexão de Adorno sobre o tema, compreendendo o seu significado em seu projeto filosófico, de modo a vislumbrar a face filosófica educacional de seu pensamento crítico.


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The purpose of this work is to present a frequency domain model to demonstrate the operation of an electromagnetic arrangement for controlling the injection of zero-sequence currents in the electrical system. Considering the diversity of sequential distribution of harmonic components of a current, the device proposed can be used in the process of mitigation of zero-sequence components. This device, here called electromagnetic suppressor, consists of a blocker and filter both electromagnetic, whose joint operation can provide paths of high and low impedances that can be conveniently adjusted in order to search for a desired performance. This study presents physical considerations, mathematical modeling and computer simulations that clearly demonstrate the viability of this application as a more viable alternative in the conception of filtering systems. The performance analysis is based on the frequency response of harmonic transmittances. The efficacy of this technique in direct actions to maximize the harmonic mitigation process is demonstrated. ©2010 IEEE.


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In this article it is intended to discuss the issue of noise pollution from an unusual point of view: noise pollution is not only the result of sound increase worldwide, but, particularly, the poor quality of our listening habits in modern life as well. In contemporary society we are subject to a considerable amount of stimulus to all our senses: vision, scent, taste and hearing which are becoming more and more insensible due to over exposure in our environment. These increased stimuli make us look for alternatives to reduce our ability to perceive them and be protected from injuries. However, our sensitivity will also decrease. In the specific case of environment noise, over exposure has made us forget the enchantment of certain sounds that used to give us pleasure or evoke good feelings by many ways, making us recall certain good things, bringing particular moments of our lives to our memory or even filling us with strong emotion. The Canadian composer and music educator, R. Murray Schafer, believes that noise pollution is the result of a society who became deaf. Closing our ears to noise protect us from noise pollution but also prevent us from grasping subtleties of listening. Contemporary world does not help us to be aware of sound in the space around us; acquiring this hearing ability is a matter of focus, interest and practice. Sound education exercises are aimed at children, teenagers and adults who want to improve their listening ability to environmental sounds, perceive its proprieties and learn how sound affects us and touches our feelings. The results are easy to accomplish and contribute to our awareness of the sound environment around us and to the conception of the environmental sound as a composition made by everybody and everything through positive actions, strong will and high sensitivity. Copyright © (2011) by the International Institute of Acoustics & Vibration.


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To become competitive, ultimately, photovoltaics should have its costs reduced and use photovoltaic systems of greater efficiency. The main steps in this direction are the use of new materials, the improvement in the manufacture of modules and the adoption of techniques of maximum power point tracking and of solar tracking. This article aims at presenting the project and development of an azimuth and elevation solar tracker, based on a new conception of the positioning sensor, composed of an array of four photoresistors. The two direct current motors that operate in the vertical and horizontal axes are controlled by a proportional-integral microcontroller. The conditions of the project were low cost, small energy consumption and versatility. The microcontroller can also incorporate a maximum power point tracking algorithm. The performance of solar tracker prototype in the initial phase of field tests can be considered appropriate. © Institution of Engineers Australia, 2013.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR