13 resultados para Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis (CND)
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Parent, L. E., Natale, W. and Ziadi, N. 2009. Compositional nutrient diagnosis of corn using the Mahalanobis distance as nutrient imbalance index. Can. J. Soil Sci. 89: 383-390. Compositional nutrient diagnosis (CND) provides a plant nutrient imbalance index (CND - r(2)) with assumed chi(2) distribution. The Mahalanobis distance D(2), which detects outliers in compositional data sets, also has a chi(2) distribution. The objective of this paper was to compare D(2) and CND - r(2) nutrient imbalance indexes in corn (Zea mays L.). We measured grain yield as well as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn concentrations in the ear leaf at silk stage for 210 calibration sites in the St. Lawrence Lowlands [2300-2700 corn thermal units (CTU)] as well as 30 phosphorus (2300-2700 CTU; 10 sites) and 10 nitrogen (1900-2100 CTU; one site) replicated fertilizer treatments for validation. We derived CND norms as mean, standard deviation, and the inverse covariance matrix of centred log ratios (clr) for high yielding specimens (>= 9.0 Mg grain ha(-1) at 150 g H(2)O kg(-1) moisture content) in the 2300-2700 CTU zone. Using chi(2) = 17 (P < 0.05) with nine degrees of freedom (i.e., nine nutrients) as a rejection criterion for outliers and a yield threshold of 8.6 Mg ha(-1) after Cate-Nelson partitioning between low- and high-yielders in the P validation data set, D(2) misclassified two specimens compared with nine for CND -r(2). The D(2) classification was not significantly different from a chi(2) classification (P > 0.05), but the CND - r(2) classification differed significantly from chi(2) or D(2) (P < 0.001). A threshold value for nutrient imbalance could thus be derived probabilistically for conducting D(2) diagnosis, while the CND - r(2) nutrient imbalance threshold must be calibrated using fertilizer trials. In the proposed CND - D(2) procedure, D(2) is first computed to classify the specimen as possible outlier. Thereafter, nutrient indices are ranked in their order of limitation. The D(2) norms appeared less effective in the 1900-2100 CTU zone.
Computer programs enable the transformation of raw data into useful information for decision making in many fields, including agriculture. Various programs have been developed to assist farmers to make better decisions about crop management practices and plant nutrition parameters. This article introduces the CND-Goiaba 1.0 software (C Sharp) and its use as a tool to perform the mathematical calculations involved in determining the compositional nutrient diagnosis (CND) indexes for the guava tree. This program was developed in Brazil, the world's leading producer of red guavas. A database was created based on 205 leaf samples collected in commercial plots (sampling units) of cultivated 'Paluma' guava trees (Psidium guajava L.) with ages between 5 and 20 years, during the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 growing seasons. The production data were normally distributed according to the Shapiro-Wilk test (W=0.988; p=0.11). The software made it possible to diagnose that 63% of the orchards evaluated needed to improve the nutritional status of their trees. The CND method showed severe nutritional imbalances in Mg and Zn in these orchards. © ISHS.
A utilização de métodos de diagnose nutricional para definição de teores ótimos e níveis críticos de nutrientes em tecidos vegetais tem se demonstrado promissora, desde que se conheçam suas limitações. Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar as faixas normais de nutrientes para a cultura da laranjeira-pera em uma população, utilizando os métodos Chance Matemática (ChM), Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação (DRIS) e Diagnose da Composição Nutricional (CND), além do Nível Crítico, pelo método de distribuição normal reduzida. O trabalho foi realizado no município de Bebedouro-SP, na Estação Experimental de Citricultura de Bebedouro. Utilizaram-se como base de dados teores totais de nutrientes de 50 amostras foliares e a produtividade da laranjeira-pera, oriundas de um experimento cujo fator de avaliação foram doses de calcário aplicadas superficialmente. Para o N, maior valor de ChM foi obtido pela classe 2 (23,6 a 24,7 g kg-1), com valores semelhantes aos obtidos pelo DRIS (22,1 a 24,0 g kg-1) e CND (22,1 a 23,9 g kg-1). Os valores inferiores dessas faixas normais concordam com o do nível crítico alcançado (22,7 g kg-1), sendo este muito próximo do proposto pela literatura. Para os nutrientes P, K, Mg, Zn e B, as faixas normais e os níveis críticos não se assemelharam aos descritos na literatura. em relação aos nutrientes Ca, Fe, Mn e Cu, seus valores de faixa normal e nível crítico aproximaram-se dos recomendados, possivelmente devido à maior variação em seus teores. A utilização dos métodos propostos, em uma população, foi mais adequada quando houve maior variação nos teores dos nutrientes, além de possibilitar menor amplitude aos valores de faixas normais, quando comparados aos da faixa de terras suficientes encontrados na literatura.
Para o arroz irrigado, poucos trabalhos utilizam métodos de diagnose foliar desenvolvidos para as condições locais de clima, solo ou cultivares. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os métodos da Diagnose da Composição Nutricional e da Chance Matemática na definição dos padrões nutricionais de lavouras arrozeiras do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Resultados de produtividade de grãos e teores foliares de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn e Mo de 356 lavouras arrozeiras cultivadas sob sistema de irrigação por inundação foram utilizados para a determinação das faixas de suficiência calculadas pelo método da Chance Matemática. As faixas de suficiência foram comparadas com valores críticos propostos pela literatura e com o intervalo de confiança do teor médio dos nutrientes em lavouras consideradas nutricionalmente equilibradas, identificadas pelo método Diagnose da Composição Nutricional. Observou-se pouca concordância entre os valores das faixas de suficiência indicados pelos métodos da Chance Matemática e da Diagnose da Composição Nutricional e os respectivos valores indicados na literatura. A faixa de teores foliares adequados, consistentes com maior produtividade média das lavouras arrozeiras, foi indicada ser de 23 a 28 g kg-1 para N; 11 a 14 g kg-1 para K; 1,4 a 2,0 g kg-1 para S; 6 a 12 mg kg-1 para B; e 70 a 200 mg kg-1 para Fe. Para os teores foliares de P, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Mn e Zn e Mo nenhuma das faixas adequadas testadas indicou capacidade para distinguir as lavouras arrozeiras quanto à produtividade média.
Fertilization of guava relies on soil and tissue testing. The interpretation of tissue test is currently conducted by comparing nutrient concentrations or dual ratios with critical values or ranges. The critical value approach is affected by nutrient interactions. Nutrient interactions can be described by dual ratios where two nutrients are compressed into a single expression or a ternary diagrams where one redundant proportion can be computed by difference between 100% and the sum of the other two. There are D(D-1) possible dual ratios in a D-parts composition and most of them are thus redundant. Nutrients are components of a mixture that convey relative, not absolute information on the composition. There are D-1 balances between components or ingredients in any mixture. Compositional data are intrinsically redundant, scale dependent and non-normally distributed. Based on the principles of equilibrium and orthogonality, the nutrient balance concept projects D-1 isometric log ratio (ilr) coordinates into the Euclidean space. The D-1 balances between groups of nutrients are ordered to reflect knowledge in plant physiology, soil fertility and crop management. Our objective was to evaluate the ilr approach using nutrient data from a guava orchard survey and fertilizer trials across the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Cationic balances varied widely between orchards. We found that the Redfield N/P ratio of 13 was critical for high guava yield. We present guava yield maps in ternary diagrams. Although the ratio between nutrients changing in the same direction with time is often assumed to be stationary, most guava nutrient balances and dual ratios were found to be non-stationary. The ilr model provided an unbiased nutrient diagnosis of guava. © ISHS.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Photoacoustics as a tool for the diagnosis of radicular stress: Measurements in eucalyptus seedlings
In reforesting companies (cellulose industry), eucalyptus is usually cultivated in small plastic containers (50 mL). As seedlings remain for about 120 days in these containers-until transplantation-their roots become space restricted, with consequent limitations in water and nutrient absorption. These restrictions may lead to plant stress, decreasing productivity. In this work, we used the photoacoustic technique to evaluate the photosynthetic activity of Eucalyptus grandis, E. urophylla and E. urograndis seedlings subjected to this limited space availability, seeking a correlation with morphological parameters and fluorescence measurements in these seedlings. Photoacoustic, fluorescence, and morphological analysis were conducted every 15 days, from 45 to 120 days after sowing. Fluorescence and photosynthetic rate were evaluated in vivo and in situ, the latter one using the open photoacoustic technique. Data show that root dry matter diminished markedly at 90 and 120 days after sowing; this behavior showed a high correlation with the gas exchange component of the photoacoustic signal, as well as with the fluorescence ratio Fv/Fm. These results indicate that the soil volume of the container becomes insufficient for the roots after 90 days, probably leading to a nutritional deficiency in plants, which explains the decrease observed in the photosynthetic rate of seedlings. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
This article addresses the establishment of integrated diagnostics and recommendation system (DRIS) standards for irrigated bean crops (Phaseolus vulgaris) and compares leaf concentrations and productivity in low- and high-productivity populations. The work was carried out in Santa Fe de Goias, Goias State, Brazil, in the agricultural years 1999/2000 and 2000/2001. For the nutritional diagnosis, leaf samples were collected, and leaf concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) were established in 100 commercial bean crops. A database was set up listing the leaf nutrient content and the respective productivities, subdivided into two subpopulations, high and low productivity, using a bean yield value of 3000 kg ha-1 to separate these subpopulations. Sufficiency values found in the high-productivity population matched only for the micronutrients B and Zn. The nutritional balance among the populations studied was coherent and was lower in the high-productivity population. The DRIS standards proposed for irrigated bean farming were efficient in evaluating the nutritional status of the crop areas studied. Calcium, Cu, and S were found to be the least available nutrients, indicating high response potential for the fertilizing using these nutrients.
In Brazil, the degradation of soil and landscape by urban and agricultural frontiers expansion leads to the need for comprehensive studies and consider the diverse biological activities generated from different interventions in the landscape, becoming an instrument for assessing the impacts and the decision for its environmental management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different forms of occupation of the landscape, considering ecological elements and their interactions. The work was carried out on the Instituto Agronômico in the county of Jundiai, in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The area under study has been subjected to different use and occupancy for a period of about 40 years. During this period the landscape has been transformed, with the current scenario can be classified as a degraded area mining; grassy area; Araucaria forest and pasture. These areas were evaluated by means of a transect, from which ten sampling sites were selected for the description of diverse biological activities, which included: evaluation and description of ground cover, identifying the presence of fungus and insect species. Furthermore, we evaluated in these points the pH, fertility and porosity of the topsoil (0-0.10 m). The results showed a variation of the elements analyzed and a relationship between the use and occupation of land in the different scenarios of the current landscape. The biological activity was more diverse in the Araucaria forest, reflected by the abundance of litter, higher content of organic matter and soil nutrients, demonstrating the effectiveness of the technique for assessing the level of degradation of the landscape used, which is expeditious and inexpensive.
Different procedures for the integrated method of diagnosis and recommendation may influence the accuracy of foliar diagnosis of mango. Thus, the objective of this study was to compare the diagnosis of nutritional status of mango obtained by different methods of assessing nutritional status, comparing multivariate relations (method CND) with bivariate relationships (DRIS) i.e., variations in the use of specific or preliminary standards and a logarithmic transformation of the data. The macro and micronutrient leaf analysis results of 63 mango orchards of Lower-middle São Francisco River Valley, Brazil, were used. To interpret nutritional status the Potential Response to Fertilization (PRA) criteria was used. The CND and DRIS methods, with and without logarithmic transformation and using specific or preliminary standards, which showed similar performance in assessing the nutritional status of the mango in Lower-middle San Francisco. Mango orchards in the semiarid region of northeast Brazil, the micronutrient deficiencies (Zn, Fe and Cu) were more frequent than macronutrient deficiency.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Beta diversity, the spatial or temporal variability of species composition, is a key concept in community ecology. However, our ability to predict the relative importance of the main drivers of beta diversity (e. g., environmental heterogeneity, dispersal limitation, and environmental productivity) remains limited. Using a comprehensive data set on stream invertebrate assemblages across the continental United States, we found a hump-shaped relationship between beta diversity and within-ecoregion nutrient concentrations. Within-ecoregion compositional dissimilarity matrices were mainly related to environmental distances in most of the 30 ecoregions analyzed, suggesting a stronger role for species-sorting than for spatial processes. The strength of these relationships varied considerably among ecoregions, but they were unrelated to within-ecoregion environmental heterogeneity or spatial extent. Instead, we detected a negative correlation between the strength of species sorting and nutrient concentrations. We suggest that eutrophication is a major mechanism disassembling invertebrate assemblages in streams at a continental scale.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)