39 resultados para Community Opportunity And Vulnerability

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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As florestas secundárias e plantações de espécies exóticas estão se expandindo nas paisagens tropicais. No entanto, nossa compreensão sobre o valor destas florestas para a conservação da biodiversidade de invertebrados ainda é incipiente. Neste trabalho, usamos a fauna de formigas de serapilheira para avaliar a diversidade desses insetos entre três florestas de Eucalyptus, sendo uma comercial (quatro anos de idade) e duas abandonadas em diferentes idades de regeneração (16 e 31 anos) e uma área de Mata Atlântica secundária. A riqueza total foi mais alta na floresta secundária e nos plantios de Eucalyptus abandonados há mais tempo. A densidade de espécies na floresta secundária foi significativamente maior quando comparado as plantações de Eucalyptus, mas não difere entre eucaliptais; análise de ordenação revelou diferenças na composição de espécies entre as plantações de Eucalyptus com subbosque ausente e com subbosque desenvolvido ou em desenvolvimento. Ainda, foi constatada uma sobreposição acentuada entre amostras de serapilheira das florestas de eucaliptos abandonadas há mais tempo e a floresta secundária. em geral, plantações de eucalipto foram caracterizadas pela presença de espécies generalistas e de ampla distribuição. Nossos resultados indicam que embora o subbosque de plantações de eucaliptos com maior idade de regeneração suporte um conjunto relativamente alto de espécies generalistas de formigas, é improvável que eucaliptais conservem a maioria das espécies de florestas primárias, especialmente predadores especializados, Dacetini e espécies nômades.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Crianças e adolescentes que vivem em situação de vulnerabilidade social apresentam uma série de problemas de saúde. Apesar disso, ainda é controversa a afirmação sobre a existência de alterações cognitivas e/ou sensoriais. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar aspectos relacionados ao processamento auditivo, através da aplicação de testes de potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico (PEATE) e avaliação comportamental do processamento auditivo em crianças em situação de rua, comparando a um grupo controle. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo transversal no Laboratório de Processamento Auditivo, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Os testes de processamento auditivo foram aplicados em um grupo de 27 indivíduos, subdivididos em grupos de 11 crianças (7 a 10 anos) e 16 adolescentes (11 a 16 anos) de ambos os sexos, em situação de vulnerabilidade social, e comparado a um grupo controle, formado por 21 crianças, subdivididas em grupos de 10 crianças e 11 adolescentes, pareados por idade, sem queixas. Também se aplicou os PEATE para investigação da integridade da via auditiva. RESULTADOS: Para ambas as faixas etárias, foram encontradas diferenças significantes entre grupos estudo e controle para a maioria dos testes aplicados, sendo que o grupo estudo apresentou desempenho estatisticamente pior do que o controle para todos os testes, exceto para o teste pediatric speech intelligibility. Apenas uma criança apresentou resultado alterado para os PEATE. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados demonstraram pior desempenho do grupo estudo (crianças e adolescentes) para os testes comportamentais de processamento auditivo, apesar de estes apresentarem integridade da via auditiva em nível de tronco encefálico, demonstrada pela normalidade nos resultados do PEATE.


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In an area of tropical seasonal semideciduous forest, the soil characteristics, floristic composition, physiognomic structure, and the distribution of three regeneration and three dispersal guilds were studied for four stands within the forest that had documented histories of varying degrees of human disturbance. The aim was to study forest regeneration in areas of preserved forest and secondary forest, with parts of both types of forest experiencing either 'intensive' or 'occasional' cattle trampling. The study was carried out in the Sebastiao Aleixo da Silva Ecological Station, Bauru, São Paulo State, Brazil. Two stands were called 'secondary' because they corresponded to forest tracts that were felled and occupied by crops and pastures in the past and then abandoned to forest regeneration ca. 40 years before this study. The other two stands, called 'preserved', corresponded to areas of the fragment where the forest has been maintained with only minor human impacts. The arboreal component of the tree community (diameter at breast height or dbh greater than or equal to 5 cm) was sampled in 20 plots of 40 m x 40 m, and the subarboreal component (diameter at the base of the stem or dbs < 5 cm and height greater than or equal to 0.5 m) in subplots of 40 m x 2 m. Physiognomic features, such as canopy height and density of climbing plants, were registered all over a 5 m x 5 m gridline laid on the sample plots. Soil bulk samples were collected for chemical and textural analyses. Most detected differences contrasted the secondary to the preserved forest stands. The soils of the secondary stands showed higher proportions of sand and lower levels of mineral nutrients and organic matter than those of the preserved stands, probably due to higher losses by leaching and erosion. Compared to the secondary stands, the preserved ones had higher proportions of tall trees, higher mean canopy height, lower species diversity, higher abundance of autochorous and shade-tolerant climax species, and lower abundance of pioneer and light-demanding climax species. Despite the high proportion of species shared by the preserved and secondary stands (108 out of 139), they differed consistently in terms of density of the most abundant species. on the other hand, the secondary and preserved stands held similar values for tree density and basal area, suggesting that 40 years were enough to restore these features. Effects of cattle trampling on the vegetation were detected for the frequency of trees of anemochorous and zoochorous species, which were higher in the stands under occasional and intensive cattle trampling, respectively. The density of thin climbers was lower in the stands with intensive trampling. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu is changing to, and implementing a new curriculum aimed at integrating teaching and learning in the community. Emphasis is on preparing the community settings for teaching, learning and providing health care. A particular task is staff development with emphasis on problem-based learning (PBL) and training medical and nursing students in the leadership to participate in this process. The new curriculum includes the gradual introduction of clinical practice during First Year, integration of the basic sciences with clinical sciences, through integrated modules studied in small groups, and maintenance of the two year clerkship. The undergraduates are introduced gradually to the community: 8% of the total curriculum during First Year, 10% during Second Year, 10% during Third Year, 20% during Fourth Year, 30% during Fifth and Sixth Years. The basic health units at primary care level, and the regional specialty outpatients and hospitals at the second level, are the main teaching sites. An Education Development Committee was established to discuss the strategies for supporting the changes and to structure the planning for promoting the gradual transformation of staff development. After 18 months of implementation of the curriculum, there followed discussions and monitoring of the objectives of changes in medical education at our school. Successful implementation of the new curriculum would fail, if the objectives were not absorbed by every member of the implementation Committee.


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Seasonal variation in the biomass and primary productivity of the periphyton on natural substratum (internodes of Echiiwchloa polystaclya HBK Hitch.) was studied during one year (from August 1993 to July 1994) in a lagoon with permanent connection with a river. We also analysed the relationships between the hydrological regime, climatic conditions and physico-chemical variables of water with the biological compounds of the periphyton. Values of dry mass, ash-free dry mass, chlorophyll a and phaeophytin of periphyton ranged from 0.55±0.24 g m-2 to 7.86±4.93 g m-2; 0.28±0.18 g m-2 to 3.72±2.23 g m-2; 0.57±0.09 mg m-2 to 15.57±4.52 mg m-2; 0.03±0.03 mg m-2 to 4.74±3.46 mg m-2, respectively. The primary productivity of periphytic algae measured by C14 method ranged from 6.45±1.29 mg C m-2 h-1 to 52.88± 7.55 mg C m-2 h-1. The biomass showed a peak in October 1993, February and April 1994. Higher value of primary productivity was recorded in December 1993 and January 1994 and was due to the peculiar light and nutrition conditions during this period. We conclude that biomass and productivity of the community are controlled mainly by hydrological regime (fluctuations of water level). © INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS.


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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are a special kind of ad-hoc networks that is usually deployed in a monitoring field in order to detect some physical phenomenon. Due to the low dependability of individual nodes, small radio coverage and large areas to be monitored, the organization of nodes in small clusters is generally used. Moreover, a large number of WSN nodes is usually deployed in the monitoring area to increase WSN dependability. Therefore, the best cluster head positioning is a desirable characteristic in a WSN. In this paper, we propose a hybrid clustering algorithm based on community detection in complex networks and traditional K-means clustering technique: the QK-Means algorithm. Simulation results show that QK-Means detect communities and sub-communities thus lost message rate is decreased and WSN coverage is increased. © 2012 IEEE.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Until recently, the study of negative and antagonistic interactions (for example, competition and predation) has dominated our understanding of community structure, maintenance and assembly(1). Nevertheless, a recent theoretical model suggests that positive interactions (for example, mutualisms) may counterbalance competition, facilitating long-term coexistence even among ecologically undifferentiated species(2). Mullerian mimics are mutualists that share the costs of predator education(3) and are therefore ideally suited for the investigation of positive and negative interactions in community dynamics. The sole empirical test of this model in a Mullerian mimetic community supports the prediction that positive interactions outweigh the negative effects of spatial overlap(4) (without quantifying resource acquisition). Understanding the role of trophic niche partitioning in facilitating the evolution and stability of Mullerian mimetic communities is now of critical importance, but has yet to be formally investigated. Here we show that resource partitioning and phylogeny determine community structure and outweigh the positive effects of Mullerian mimicry in a species-rich group of neotropical catfishes. From multiple, independent reproductively isolated allopatric communities displaying convergently evolved colour patterns, 92% consist of species that do not compete for resources. Significant differences in phylogenetically conserved traits (snout morphology and body size) were consistently linked to trait-specific resource acquisition. Thus, we report the first evidence, to our knowledge, that competition for trophic resources and phylogeny are pivotal factors in the stable evolution of Mullerian mimicry rings. More generally, our work demonstrates that competition for resources is likely to have a dominant role in the structuring of communities that are simultaneously subject to the effects of both positive and negative interactions.


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The macrozoobenthic community of the Castillos Lagoon system (East Coast of Uruguay) was sampled during autumn, winter, spring and summer of 1991, in order to describe the community structure and the spatial and temporal patterns of distribution. Eleven sampling stations were distributed along a salinity gradient in a north-south direction (8 replicates were collected at each station). The maximum density of organisms was found at the central part of the lagoon (stations 6 and 7) where the bivalve Erodona mactroides and gastropod Heleobia australis were dominants. No significant correlation between the overall abundance of organisms and salinity could be demonstrated (r = 0.43, p > 0.1). However, a reduction in organism abundance between the autumn and the summer coincided with a marked drop in salinity. Falling levels of dissolved oxygen could have influenced the decreasing density of organisms (r = 0.75, p < 0.05). Species richness and diversity were correlated (p < 0.1) with salinity but the degree of correlation was not uniformly significant between sampling periods.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)