12 resultados para Common environment

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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We study the non-Markovianity of the dynamics of open quantum systems, focusing on the cases of independent and common environmental interactions. We investigate the degree of non-Markovianity quantified by two distinct measures proposed by Luo, Fu, and Song and Breuer, Laine, and Pillo. We show that the amount of non-Markovianity, for a single qubit and a pair of qubits, depends on the quantum process, the proposed measure, and whether the environmental interaction is collective or independent. In particular, we demonstrate that while the degree of non-Markovianity generally increases with the number of qubits in the system for independent environments, the same behavior is not always observed for common environments. In the latter case, our analysis suggests that the amount of non-Markovianity could increase or decrease depending on the properties of the considered quantum process. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Dental trauma has been considered as a public health problem that affects mainly children and youngsters and due to its impact on the patient's quality of life. This study presents the results of a 6-year survey of the occurrence and characteristics of dental trauma in patients admitted to the Service of Surgery and Oral and Maxillofacial Traumatology of the School of Dentistry of Aracatuba (UNESP, Brazil) after emergency care in hospital facilities in the region of Aracatuba, SP, Brazil. For such purpose, the clinical files of patients treated at the Service between 1999 and 2005 were reviewed. Information regarding gender, age, number of traumatized teeth, etiology and diagnosis of the trauma was collected from the files of patients with tooth injuries and recorded in case report forms specifically designed for this purpose. The results showed that from a total of 4112 patients admitted to the Service within the surveyed period, 266 (6.5%) had tooth injuries (172 males - 64.7%; 94 females - 35.3%). The total number of traumatized teeth was 496. Most patients belonged to the 16-20 year-old age group (20.3%) and the most frequent causes of tooth injuries were bicycle accidents (28.6%), motorcycle accidents (19.2%) and falls (18.8%). Injuries to the periodontal tissues were the most frequent type of tooth injuries (408 teeth; 82.26%), occurring in 118 primary and 290 permanent teeth. Among the injuries to the periodontal tissues, avulsion was the most common (32.86%) (29.41% for primary and 34.0% for permanent teeth), followed by extrusive luxation (19.15%) (25.21% for primary and 17.24% for permanent teeth). In conclusion, in the surveyed population, cases of tooth injuries were more frequent in males aged 16-20 years old due to cyclist accidents with predominance of injuries to the periodontal tissues, in particular, avulsions.


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Annual patterns of breeding activity, reproductive modes, and habitat use are described for a frog community in a seasonal environment, in the southern Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected monthly between January 1995 and December 1998. A total of 24 species from four families; Bufonidae (3 species), Hylidae (10 species), Leptodactylidae (9 species), and Microhylidae (2 species) were registered. Three reproductive activity patterns are recognized among these species: continuous, explosive, and prolonged; 50% of the species were explosive breeders. Seasonal pattern of reproduction was verified for three analyzed years (1995-1997) most species reproduced during the rainy season (Nov-Jan). The reproduction was aseasonal in 1998; unexpected rains in the dry season lead to an unusual breeding activity. Five reproductive modes were noted - 62.5% of the species have the generalized aquatic mode, and 33.3% deposit eggs embedded in foam nests. Many species used the same sites for reproduction, although temporal partitioning and calling site segregation was observed. The occurrence of many species that exhibit explosive breeding early in the rainy season is common in seasonal and open environments with variable and unpredictable rainfall, as is the case in the Pantanal.


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Agressões de morcegos a pessoas vêm sendo notificadas em várias comunidades amazônicas nesta última década. Isto constitui um risco potencial para a raiva humana transmitida por morcegos. O objetivo deste estudo foi de analisar fatores associados a estas agressões em uma destas comunidades. Foi realizado um estudo transversal em um povoado de garimpeiros na Região Amazônica brasileira (160 habitantes). Foi realizada a captura de morcegos junto às casas e foram enviadas amostras para o laboratório. Das 129 pessoas entrevistas, 41% foram agredidas por morcegos pelo menos uma vez, com 92% das mordidas localizadas nos dedos dos pés. Por meio de regressão logística, encontrou-se que adultos eram agredidos ao redor de quatro vezes mais do que crianças (OR = 3,75, IC: 1,46-9,62, p = 0,036). Homens foram agredidos com maior freqüência do que mulheres (OR = 2,08, IC: 0,90-4,76, p = 0,067). Nove Desmodus rotundus e três morcegos frugívoros foram capturados e resultaram negativos para a raiva. O estudo sugere que, em áreas de garimpo, adultos do sexo masculino têm maior probabilidade de serem agredidos por morcegos. As ações de controle para a raiva humana a serem desenvolvidas nestes lugares devem dar ênfase especial a adultos homens. Recomendam-se mais investigações sobre o modo como o garimpo na Região Amazônica está colocando em risco as pessoas e o ambiente.


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The quality and the power of human activities affect the external environment in different ways that can be measured and evaluated by means of several approaches and indicators. While the scientific community has been publishing several proposals for sustainable development indicators, there is still no consensus regarding the best approach to the use of these indicators and their reliability to measure sustainability. It is important, therefore, to question the effectiveness of sustainable development indicators in an effort to continue in the search for sustainability. This paper compares the results obtained with emergy accounting with five global Sustainability Metrics (SMs) proposed in the literature to verify if metrics are communicating coherent and similar information to guide decision makers towards sustainable development. Results obtained using emergy indices are discussed with the aid of emergy ternary diagrams. Metrics are confronted with emergy results, and the degree of variability among them is analyzed using a correlation matrix created for the Mercosur nations. The contrast of results clearly shows that metrics arrive at different interpretations about the sustainability of the nations studied, but also that some metrics may be grouped and used more prudently. Mercosur is presented as a case study to highlight and explain the discrepancies and similarities among Sustainability Metrics, and to expose the extent of emergy accounting. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Radar and satellite data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission-Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere (TRMM-LBA) project have been examined to determine causes for convective storm initiation in the southwest Amazon region. The locations and times of storm initiation were based on the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) S-band dual-polarization Doppler radar (S-Pol). Both the radar and the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-8 (GOES-8) visible data were used to identify cold pools produced by convective precipitation. These data along with high-resolution topographic data were used to determine possible convective storm triggering mechanisms. The terrain elevation varied from 100 to 600 m. Tropical forests cover the area with numerous clear-cut areas used for cattle grazing and farming. This paper presents the results from 5 February 1999. A total of 315 storms were initiated within 130 km of the S-Pol radar. This day was classified as a weak monsoon regime where convection developed in response to the diurnal cycle of solar heating. Scattered shallow cumulus during the morning developed into deep convection by early afternoon. Storm initiation began about 1100 LST and peaked around 1500-1600 LST. The causes of storm initiation were classified into four categories. The most common initiation mechanism was caused by forced lifting by a gust front (GF; 36%). Forcing by terrain (>300 m) without any other triggering mechanism accounted for 21% of the initiations and colliding GFs accounted for 16%. For the remaining 27% a triggering mechanism was not identified. Examination of all days during TRMM-LBA showed that this one detailed study day was representative of many days. A conceptual model of storm initiation and evolution is presented. The results of this study should have implications for other locations when synoptic-scale forcing mechanisms are at a minimum. These results should also have implications for very short-period forecasting techniques in any location where terrain, GFs, and colliding boundaries influence storm evolution.


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During the past 10 years, soybeans have reached a prominent position among crops in the world. A substantial contribution to world production has been achieved by tropical countries, due to favorable conditions for high yields. Two limitations keep commercial yields below those obtained in experimental results (above 3,000 kg/ha): one is the lack of local adapted varieties and the other is an adequate field production environment. Solutions must be obtained by local research data. Seedbed preparation is one of the most important production steps, since the other production practices are dependent on it. Conventional methods and minimum tillage, when soybeans follow another crop, are being used, with the problem of soil compaction and losses by erosion. Looking for superior strains of Rhizobium is crucial because nitrogen can be supplied by a proper symbiosis. The addition of limestone to the soil is a common practice used to raise the pH to proper levels. The use of fertilizers should be guided by local research findings. Chemical control of weeds, pests and diseases is needed to prevent yield losses, but possible effects on the environment should be considered. © 1981 American Oil Chemists' Society.


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This article presents the implementation of a distributed system of virtual reality, through the integration of services offered by the CORBA platform (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) and by the environment of development of 3D graphic applications in real time, the WorldToolkit, of Sense8. The developed application for the validation of this integration is that of a virtual city, with an emphasis on its traffic ways, vehicles (movable objects) and buildings (immovable objects). In this virtual world, several users can interact, each one controlling his/her own car. Since the modelling of the application took into consideration the criteria and principles of the Transport Engineering, the aim is to use it in the planning, project and construction of traffic ways for vehicles. The system was structured according to the approach client/server utilizing multicast communication among the participating nodes. The chosen implementation for the CORBA was the Iona's ORBIX software. The performance results obtained are presented and discussed in the end.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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To analyze the sociocognitive performance of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders in two environments of language therapy, which differ as to the physical structure. Ten children and adolescents with ages between 4 and 13 years, of both genders, diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders took part in the study. For data collection, eight filming sessions were performed during individual language therapy lasting 30 minutes, being four in a room with conventional environmental organization (common room) and four in a room with specific ambiance [children's interaction core (CIC) room], interspersed during a month. For the analysis of filmed situations, the Sociocognitive Performance Protocol was used and obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis. No statistical significance was found in sociocognitive performance of 10 subjects in the common and CIC rooms, although specific differences were observed in some cases. The creation of preestablished physical environments or specific materials is not and should not be considered essential for language therapy. It is noteworthy, however, that the absence of a large volume of statistically significant data does not indicate that the results are not expressive, reiterating the need for further research in the area.