206 resultados para Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Background. This cross-sectional study was designed to evaluate the role of cigarette smoking and high-risk HPV types as risk factors of CIN 2 and 3 in young, sexually active Brazilian women. Materials and method. A series of 100 consecutive women with abnormal Pap smears were recruited, subjected to colposcopy, punch biopsy, and questionnaire for their social, sexual and reproductive factors. Of these, 77 women between 20 and 35 years of age (median 26.5 years) with biopsy-confirmed CIN 1 or CIN 2 and 3, were enrolled in this study. Representative samples from the exocervix and endocervix were obtained for HPV testing with the Hybrid Capture HPV-DNA assay, including the probes for the oncogenic HPV types (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, 51, 52 and 56). Results. The overall rate of CIN 2 and 3 was 23/77 (29.8%). The women with CIN 1, 2 and 3 did not differ from each other with regard to their age, race, schooling, marital status, life-time number of sexual partners, age at first intercourse, use of oral contraceptives, or parity. However, current cigarette smoking was strongly associated with CIN 2 and 3 (p < 0,001), and among smokers, the risk of high-grade CIN increased in parallel with the time of exposure (years of smoking) p = 0.07), HPV-DNA of the oncogenic types was detected in 43 (56%) women, the risk of being HPV DNA-positive was significantly higher in CIN 2 and 3 as compared with CIN 1 (p = 0.037). Importantly, the prevalence of high-risk HPV types was significantly higher in cigarette smokers than in non-smokers (p = 0.046). Conclusions. The results indicate that the severity of CIN lesions was clearly related to two fundamental risk factors: 1) high-risk HPV types, and 2) current cigarette smoking. These two risk factors were closely interrelated in that the high-risk HPV types were significantly more frequent in current smokers than in non-smokers, suggesting the possibility of a synergistic action between these two risk factors in cervical carcinogenesis.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objectives: To evaluate if the prevalence of cervical smear results varies between pregnant and nonpregnant women stratified by age group.Study design: Observational analytical study with a total sample of 1,336,180 pregnant and nonpregnant women, aged between 20 and 34 years, who underwent cervical cancer screening in the Primary Health Care of the national health system in the area of Campinas in Brazil during the period of 2005-2009. The source is the information system for cervical cancer screening. Data collected on abnormal cervical smears were analyzed using the Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test and the magnitude of the association between pregnancy and high-grade squamous epithelial lesions was analyzed by odds ratio (OR) and estimated values with confidence intervals (CI) of 95%.Results: 15,190 pregnant women and 395,961 non-pregnant women were analyzed and fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Regardless of age, no statistical differences were observed for high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion prevalence (OR 0.90; CI 0.66-1.23). Taking into account the five-year age groups, however, low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion was less prevalent in pregnant women aged 20-24 (OR 0.71; 0.54-0.95) and 25-29 years (OR 0.56; 0.35-0.89); also, atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance was more prevalent in non-pregnant women aged 25-29 years (OR 0.72; 0.54-0.97).Conclusion: The study showed that the cytological prevalence of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion was similar in pregnant and non-pregnant women, regardless of age. The results indicate that there are no reasons for specific approaches to cervical cancer screening for pregnant women. The examination should be carried out only on pregnant women who have not been tested according to current recommendations. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To compare cervical cytology test results among pregnant and non-pregnant women, and to assess associations with age, screening history, and onset of sexual intercourse. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted of cervical smears obtained from women aged 18-34 years in the Campinas region of Brazil between January 2000 and December 2009. Eligible participants had not undergone cytological screening within the previous year and had no history of precursor lesions or cervical cancer. Multinomial logistic regression was performed for different age groups, with high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs) as the endpoint. Results: Overall, 3072 (0.4%) of 861 353 non-pregnant women and 135 (0.4%) of 37 568 pregnant women had HSILs. Odds of HSIL among pregnant and non-pregnant women did not differ in any age group. An increased age at first sexual intercourse among pregnant women reduced odds of HSILs in all age groups (odds ratio 0.9 [95% confidence interval 0.8-0.9] for all). Among women aged 21-24 years, 25-29 years, and 30-34 years, some associations were identified between an interval of less than 5 years since previous screening and reduced odds of HSILs. Conclusion: Mandatory cervical cytology screening does not seem to be necessary for pregnant women; protocols in place for non-pregnant women should be followed. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. on behalf of International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Background: Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in men; however its etiology remains unknown. Previous studies have shown that environmental adverse factors, such as maternal nutritional status during pregnancy, can influence fetal development and predispose people to diseases in adult life. The feeding of low-protein diets to pregnant rats result in fetal growth disturbance, androgen/estrogen unbalance and changes in the expression and sensibility of hormone receptors in male offspring. These alterations can promote permanent changes in androgen dependent organs, such as in the prostate. In this sense, we hypothesized that the hormonal unbalance that occurs during aging can lead to an increase in the susceptibility to prostatic disorders. Aim: To evaluate our hypothesis, malnourished male rat offspring were submitted to simultaneous estrogen and testosterone exposure in adulthood, to drive lesions in the rat ventral prostate gland (VP). Methods: 17 week-old Wistar rats (n=48) that received in utero normal protein diet (NP group, AIN93G=17% protein) or low protein diet (RP group, AIN93G modified=6% protein) were given implants with 17β-estradiol plus testosterone administration (NPH and RPH groups) for 17 weeks. The animals were killed at the age of 34 weeks and the VP were excised, weighted and processed for histopathological, immunohistochemical (Ki67, AR, p63, e-caderin, laminin, c-myc and GSTP), biochemical and ultrastructural analysis. Results: Both absolute and relative VP weight from NPH animals were about 30% higher than RPH. Serological data showed that estradiol levels were similar in both groups, but testosterone levels were lower in the RPH male offspring. The steroid hormone exposure in adult life promoted prostate lesions in both RPH and NPH offspring associated with reactive stroma. VP from RPH group exhibited heightened susceptibility to prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (mainly cribriform and signet ring-cell patterns) and increased the incidence and aggressiveness of prostatitis. In this group, a higher proportion of basal cells, increased proliferation index, lower expression ofthe androgen receptor and increased focus of collagenous micronodules closely associated to epithelial neoplasias were also observed. Conclusion:These observations suggest that maternal protein restriction alters adult prostate response to androgen/estrogen handling and increases susceptibility to prostate diseases. Ethical protocol:CEEA,476/2013 IBB-UNESP; Funding Support: 2009/50204-6 and 2013/09649-0.
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Analysis of systemic inflammatory response in the carcinogenic process of uterine cervical neoplasia
The inflammatory response is an active process in cervical cancer and may act in the progression and/or regression of the lesion. At the site of inflammation, macrophages and neutrophils are present as well as cytokines such as TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma. This study aims to evaluate the inflammatory response levels in women with cervical intraepithelial lesions (CIN) and with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the cervix. Serum samples obtained from women without evidence of disease (n = 30), with CIN (n = 30) and with SCC of the cervix (n = 30) were analyzed for the activities of N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) by enzymatic assay and the serum levels of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma by ELISA assay. The activities of NAG and MPO and the level of TNF-alpha were higher in women with CIN compared to the women with SCC. The levels of IFN-gamma were lower in the group of women with CIN compared to the group with SCC. There was not a significant association between the degree of the CIN and the staging of the SCC of the cervix and the degree of inflammation as assessed by the levels of inflammatory markers. The inflammatory response was inversely correlated with the progression of the carcinogenic process. In the three groups, the control group, women with CIN and women with invasive SCC, there was no association between the degree of preinvasive lesions and staging of the SCC of the cervix. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The prostate is an accessory gland of the mammal reproductive system with great volume and high functional importance. Many works infer that, in addition to the androgenic ones, the estrogen can be associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatic cancer, but no conclusive evidence exists on the role of estrogen in normal prostatic and neoplastic tissue. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of chronic administration of estradiol benzoate on the lateral prostate of guinea pigs in the pre-pubescent, pubescent, post-pubescent and adult phases, with emphasis on the modifications provoked by this hormone on the glandular epithelium. The analyses of the estradiol-treated and control groups were investigated using histological procedures and transmission electron microscopy. The histopathological analysis of the lateral prostate in the treated group revealed areas where epithelial dysplasia was observed, assuming at some places a pattern of epithelial stratification characteristic of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. After ultrastructural analysis, the following were observed: enlargement of the internal membranes, heterogeneity in the cellular types, hypertrophy of the basal cells and apparent decrease of cytoplasmic organelles in some cells of the prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Still, a loss of cellular polarity was observed, along with nuclei of various forms, sizes and heights - as well as irregular chromatin distribution patterns. Such alterations were found mainly in pubescent, post-pubescent and adult animals subject to the chronic administration of estradiol. These findings reinforce the already existent data in understanding the role of estrogen in the etiology of prostatic diseases.
Confeccionou-se um microarranjo de tecido (TMA) com 146 amostras de lesões prostáticas caninas. Este continha 17,2% de hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB), 32,4% de atrofia inflamatória proliferativa (PIA), 2,6% de prostatite, 8,6% de focos de neoplasia intraepitelial prostática (PIN), 29,1% de carcinomas e 9,3% de próstatas normais. Cortes histológicos sequenciais foram feitos e utilizados para reação de imunoistoquímica com os anticorpos primários anti-p-53, anti-NOS-2 e anti-GSTP. Avaliou-se de cada core o escore de células marcadas para cada anticorpo utilizado. Os resultados foram tabulados por grupo diagnóstico e submetidos ao teste Tuckey. Os carcinomas prostáticos do cão e a PIA apresentaram maior número de amostras (41) com mais de 75% das células positivas para NOS-2, demonstrando a influência do estresse oxidativo no desenvolvimento dessas lesões. As próstatas normais e as afecções desta glândula, HPB, PIA, PIN, prostatite e carcinoma, expressaram a proteína GSTP-1, o que conferiu proteção ao tecido prostático canino a danos oxidativos. A proteína p53 estava presente em todas as amostras estudadas, incluindo o tecido prostático normal, porém as lesões prostáticas apresentaram maior número de amostras com escores mais elevados de marcação (escores três e quatro), presente em 95% dos focos de PIA e carcinoma. Concluiu-se que o aumento de expressão de óxido nítrico nas lesões prostáticas no cão e a expressão de GSTP-1 podem ter protegido o tecido prostático canino e que a expressão de p53 foi positiva e uniforme nas próstatas normais e com lesões hiperplásicas e displásicas.
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a expressão das metaloproteinases 2 (MMP-2) e 9 (MMP-9) em próstatas caninas normais e com desordens proliferativas, verificando o papel dessas enzimas na remodelação da matriz extracelular (MEC) e no processo de invasão tecidual. Um total de 355 amostras prostáticas foram obtidas, sendo 36 (10,1%) normais, 46 (13,0%) com hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB), 128 (36,1%) com atrofia inflamatória proliferativa (PIA), 74 (20,8%) com neoplasia intraepitelial prostática (PIN) e 71 (20,0%) com carcinoma prostático (CP). Houve diferença de imunomarcação citoplasmática para MMP-2 e MMP-9 entre o epitélio acinar e o estroma periacinar, quanto aos diferentes diagnósticos. Observou-se correlação entre a expressão de MMP-2 e MMP-9 em relação ao número de células marcadas no epitélio acinar e estroma periacinar, bem como para a intensidade de marcação das células estromais periacinares em próstatas caninas com PIA. Conclui-se que há variação na expressão de MMP-2 e MMP-9 em próstatas caninas de acordo com a lesão, com menor expressão em próstatas caninas normais e com HPB, e maior naquelas com PIA, PIN e CP. Ainda, o microambiente inflamatório na PIA influencia a atividade de ambas as enzimas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)