77 resultados para Catheter-related infection

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Este estudo prospectivo avaliou os métodos semiquantitativo e qualitativo de cultura de cateter para o diagnóstico de infecção relacionada a cateter (IRC) em recém-nascidos (RN). Foram incluídas pontas de cateteres provenientes de recém-nascidos internados na Unidade Neonatal do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, UNESP. Foram utilizadas as técnicas semiquantitativa e qualitativa de cultura de cateter. Para o diagnóstico de IRC, os microrganismos isolados das culturas de cateteres e de hemoculturas periféricas foram identificados e submetidos ao teste de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos. O padrão ouro correspondeu ao diagnóstico de certeza de IRC, com o isolamento do mesmo microrganismo (espécie e perfil de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos) isolado em hemocultura periférica. Foram estudados 85 cateteres provenientes de 63 RN. A cultura semiquantitativa, embora tenha apresentado menor sensibilidade (90%), apresentou uma maior especificidade (71%) em comparação à sensibilidade de 100% e especificidade de 60% encontradas na cultura qualitativa. Através da identificação dos microrganismos obtidos nas culturas de cateteres, observou-se uma predominância de espécies de Estafilococos coagulase-negativa (ECN). A espécie Staphylococcus epidermidis foi a prevalente (77,5%) nos cateteres com culturas semiquantitativas positivas. Dos 11 episódios de IRC diagnosticados, 8 (72,7%) foram associados a espécies de ECN, dos quais 6 eram da espécie S. epidermidis. Também foram detectados dois casos de IRC por S. aureus e um caso por Candida parapsilosis. O método de cultura semiquantitativo cateter apresentou vantagens para o diagnóstico de IRC em RN quando comparado com o método qualitativo tradicional.


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Vascular access is the major risk factor for bacteremia, hospitalization, and mortality among hemodialysis (HD) patients. The type of vascular access most associated with bloodstream infection is central venous catheter (CVC). The incidence of catheter-related bacteremia ranges between 0.6 and 6.5 episodes per 1000 catheter days and increases linearly with the duration of catheter use. Given the high prevalence of CVC use and its direct association with catheter-related bacteremia, which adversely impacts morbidity and mortality rates and costs among HD patients, several prevention measures aimed at reducing the rates of CVC-related infections have been proposed and implemented. As a result, a large number of clinical trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses have been conducted in order to assess the effectiveness, clinical applicability, and long-term adverse effects of such measures. In the following article, prophylactic measures against CVC-related infections in HD patients and their possible advantages and limitations will be discussed, and the more recent literature on clinical experience with prophylactic antimicrobial lock therapy in HD CVCs will be reviewed.


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As infecções devido a biofilmes bacterianos são comuns em pacientes sob tratamento em hemodiálise. Neste estudo, 16 pacientes (7 homens, 9 mulheres, de 22 a 81 anos, média 50 anos de idade), com um total de 25 cateteres de hemodiálise (3 de triplo-lúmen e 22 de duplo-lúmen) de poliuretano inseridos em veia subclávia foram estudados. Os cateteres permaneceram no local de 3 a 91 dias (média de 47 dias). Os cateteres foram removidos devido ao: mau funcionamento (44%), suspeita de infecção relacionada ao cateter (20%), viabilidade de um acesso permanente (16%), remoção acidental (12%), sinais e sintomas de infecção no local da inserção do cateter (4%) e contaminação exógena (4%). Culturas positivas de ponta foram observadas em sete cateteres (28%), concomitantemente com três culturas positivas de sangue. Das culturas de sangue foram identificados Staphylococcus aureus (12%) e de uma das conexões foi isolado S. aureus. Biofilmes foram observados sobre todas as pontas de cateteres. Os S. aureus isolados do sangue e cateter (ponta e conexão) eram resistentes a pencilina e sensíveis a azitromicina, ciprofloxacina, clindamicina, cloranfenicol, gentamicina, oxacilina, rifampicina, sulfametoxazole, tetraciclina e vancomicina. As cepas de S. aureus isoladas de sangue, ponta de cateter e conexão foram consideradas idênticas devido à coincidência do perfil de sensibilidade. E similaridade genética, avaliada por meio de ribotipagem.


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Governmental programmes should be developed to collect and analyse data on healthcare associated infections (HAIs). This study describes the healthcare setting and both the implementation and preliminary results of the Programme for Surveillance of Healthcare Associated Infections in the State of São Paulo (PSHAISP), Brazil, from 2004 to 2006. Characterisation of the healthcare settings was carried out using a national database. The PSHAISP was implemented using components for acute care hospitals (ACH) or long term care facilities (LTCF). The components for surveillance in ACHs were surgical unit, intensive care unit and high risk nursery. The infections included in the surveillance were surgical site infection in clean surgery, pneumonia, urinary tract infection and device-associated bloodstream infections. Regarding the LTCF component, pneumonia, scabies and gastroenteritis in all inpatients were reported. In the first year of the programme there were 457 participating healthcare settings, representing 51.1% of the hospitals registered in the national database. Data obtained in this study are the initial results and have already been used for education in both surveillance and the prevention of HAI. The results of the PSHAISP show that it is feasible to collect data from a large number of hospitals. This will assist the State of São Paulo in assessing the impact of interventions and in resource allocation. (C) 2010 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB


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Catheter-related bacteremia (CRB) is one of the various complications related to hemodialysis (HD). As a result of this high rate of infection, the antibiotic lock technique (ALT) has been recommended to prevent CRB. However, adverse effects of ALT such as increased emergence of strains resistant to antibiotics and increased mechanical dysfunction catheter were poorly evaluated. We prospectively evaluated the efficacy of catheter-restricted filling using an antibiotic lock solution in preventing CRB. A total of 233 HD patients requiring 325 new tunneled catheters while waiting for placement and maturation of an arteriovenous fistula or graft were enrolled in this study. Patients with a tunneled catheter were assigned to receive either an antibiotic-heparin lock solution (antibiotic group: cefazolin 10 mg/ml, gentamicin 5 mg/ml, heparin 1,000 U/ml) or a heparin lock solution (no-antibiotic group: heparin 1,000 U/ml) as a catheter lock solution during the interdialytic period. The present study aimed to assess the efficacy of ALT using cefazolin and gentamicin in reducing CRB in patients undergoing HD with tunneled central catheter and to identify its adverse effects. CRB developed in 32.4 % of patients in the no-antibiotic group and in 13.1 % of patients in the antibiotic group. CRB rates per 1,000 catheter-days were 0.57 in the antibiotic group versus 1.74 in the no-antibiotic group (p < 0.0001). Kaplan-Meier analysis also showed that mean CRB-free catheter survival was significantly higher in the antibiotic group than in the no-antibiotic group (log-rank statistic 17.62, p < 0.0001). There was statistically significant difference between the two groups in causative organisms of CRB, with predominance of negative culture in both groups, but this prevalence was higher in ALT group (57.9 vs 90.1 %, p < 0.0001), and the two groups also were different in prevalence of gram-positive bacteria as causing organisms (ALT group 21.05 vs = 0 % in control group, p < 0.0001). There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in drug-resistant germs. There were statistically significant differences between the two groups in the catheter removal causes, with higher rate of infectious cause in control group (12.32 vs 2.22 %, p < 0.0001) and mechanical cause in ALT group (28.26 vs 37.78 %, p < 0.0001). The results suggest that ALT may be a beneficial means of reducing the CRB rate in HD patients with tunneled catheter, without association between ALT and emergence of strains resistant. However, mechanical complications were more prevalent in antibiotic group. Further studies are required to determine the optimal drug regimen, concentrations for ALT, and its adverse effects. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cateteres venosos centrais inseridos em pacientes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva foram avaliados por métodos microbiológicos (cultura semi-quantitativa) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura a fim de detectar adesão microbiana e correlacionar com a cultura de sangue. Durante o período de estudo, foram avaliados 59 pacientes com cateter venoso central. A idade dos pacientes, sexo, sítio de inserção e tempo de permanência do cateter foram anotados. O cateter era de poliuretano não tunelizado e de único lúmen. O sangue para cultura foi coletado no momento da remoção do cateter. de 63 pontas de cateteres, 30 (47,6%) foram colonizadas e a infecção encontrada em 5 (23,8%) cateteres. A infecção foi mais prevalente em 26 pacientes (41,3%) com cateteres inseridos em veia subclávia do que nos 3 (3,2%) inseridos em veia jugular. A infecção foi observada com mais freqüência em cateteres com tempo de permanência maior do que sete dias. Os microrganismos isolados incluíram 32 estafilococos coagulase-negativa (29,7%), 61 bactérias Gram-negativas (52,9%), 9 estafilcocos coagulase-positiva (8,3%) e 3 leveduras (2,7%). Como agentes causais de infecções em unidade de terapia intensiva foram isolados E. aerogenes, P. aeruginosa, A. baumannii. Os antimicrobianos com maior atividade in vitro contra as bactérias Gram-negativas foram o imipenem e contra as Gram-positivas vancomicina, cefepime, penicilina, rifampicina e tetraciclina. As análises por microscopia eletrônica de varredura revelaram biofilmes sobre a superfície de todos os cateteres examinados.


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Objective: To determine the number of colony-forming units (CFU) that best correlates with catheter-related infections (CRI) in newborns.Methods: This was a prospective study of semiquantitative cultures of catheter tips obtained from newborns in the neonatal unit at Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The microorganisms isolated from catheter and peripheral blood cultures were identified and submitted to a drug susceptibility test. The optimal cutoff point was determined by the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.Results: A total of 85 catheters obtained from 63 newborns were studied. Staphylococcus epidermidis was the predominant species in the catheters (75%). Eight of 11 (72.7%) CRI episodes were associated with coagulase-negative staphylococci, six of which were of the S. epidermidis type. ROC curve analysis indicated that the optimal cutoff point for the diagnosis of CRI was 122 CFU.Conclusions: The cutoff point of 122 CFU correlated best with the diagnosis of CRI in newborns.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Semiquantitative (Maki) and quantitative (Brun- Buisson) culture techniques were employed in the diagnosis of catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) in patients who have a short-term central venous catheter (inserted for 30 days). The diagnosis of CRBSI was based on the results of semiquantitative and quantitative culture of material from the removed catheters. Catheter tips (118) from 100 patients were evaluated by both methods. Semiquantitative analysis revealed 34 catheters (28.8%) colonized by ≥15 colonyforming units (cfu), while quantitative cultures (34 catheters, 28.8%) showed the growth of ≥103 cfu/mL. Bacteremia was confirmed in four patients by isolating microorganisms of identical species from both catheters and blood samples. Using the semiquantitative culture technique on short-term central venous catheter tips, we have shown that with a cut-off level of ≥15 cfu, the technique had 100.0% sensitivity, specificity of 68.4%, 25.0% positive predictive value (PPV) and 100.0% negative predictive value (NPV), efficiency of 71.4% and a prevalence of 9.5%. The quantitative method, with a cut-off limit of ≥103 cfu/mL, gave identical values: the sensitivity was 100.0%, specificity 68.4%, positive predictive value (PPV) 25.0%, negative predictive value (NPV) 100.0%, efficiency 71.4% and prevalence 9.5%. We concluded that the semiquantitative and quantitative culture methods, evaluated in parallel, for the first time in Brazil, have similar sensitivity and specificity. Keywords: central venous catheter; semi-quantitative culture; quantitative culture; catheter-related bacteremia.


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB


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Patients submitted to hemodialysis are at a high risk for healthcare-associated infections (HAI). Presently there are scarce data to allow benchmarking of HAI rates in developing countries. Also, most studies focus only on bloodstream infections (BSI) or local access infections (LAI). Our study aimed to provide a wide overview of HAT epidemiology in a hemodialysis unit in southeastern Brazil. We present data from prospective surveillance carried out from March 2010 through May 2012. Rates were compared (mid-p exact test) and temporally analyzed in Shewhart control charts for Poisson distributions. The overall incidence of BSI was 1.12 per 1000 access-days. The rate was higher for patients performing dialysis through central venous catheters (CVC), either temporary (RR = 13.35, 95% CI = 6.68-26.95) or permanent (RR = 2.10,95% CI = 1.09-4.13), as compared to those with arteriovenous fistula. Control charts identified a BSI outbreak caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in April 2010. LAI incidence was 3.80 per 1000 access-days. Incidence rates for other HAI (per 1000 patients-day) were as follows: upper respiratory infections, 1.72; pneumonia, 1.35; urinary tract infections, 1.25; skin/soft tissues infections, 0.93. The data point out to the usefulness of applying methods commonly used in hospital-based surveillance for hemodialysis units. (C) 2013 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.