8 resultados para Cartões de pagamento

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the addition of discharge standard illustrated cards improves understanding of patients in the emergency room. METHODS: We conducted a prospective, randomized, interventional study with 228 patients discharged from the emergency department. All patients were interviewed and tested for the level of understanding of discharge instructions. Some of them received the intervention, with the standard cards, and another did not, constituting the control group. RESULTS: The average of followed discharge guidelines of the group that received the cards was higher than the control group, with statistical significance (p=0.009). When segregated by age, the group between 16 and 35 years of both sexes had the best average of followed guidelines, statistically, than the average of the control group (p=0.01). The difference between the mean orientations between the control group and the card for patients undergoing procedures was statistically significant (p=0.02); as for the stratification according to the number of procedures, the significance increases when that is equal to 1 (p=0.001) and decreased the more procedures were carried out. CONCLUSION: The introduction of discharge standard orientation cards was associated with improvement in the understanding of patients. Without replacing the verbal directions, which establishes dialogue and doctor-patient bonding, cards appear as auxiliary elements, facilitating understanding and care guidelines.


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Os servios ecossistmicos prestados pelas florestas so responsveis por diversos benefcios ao bem estar humano e manuteno da vida, incluindo a manuteno da biodiversidade, ciclagem da gua, estoques e sumidouros de carbono, os quais ficam seriamente prejudicados pelas aes antropognicas. Este estudo inicia com uma breve apresentao do problema do desmatamento na Amaznia brasileira, suas causas e consequncias para estes servios. Posteriormente apresenta um mecanismo que visa remunerao destes servios como forma de manter a floresta em p e garantir seus benefcios. Este mecanismo, batizado de REDD Reduo de Emisses por Desmatamento e Degradao, provem do conceito de Pagamento por Servios Ecossistmicos, o qual possui uma certa variedade de propostas e muitas controvrsias sobre sua aplicao e possveis efeitos


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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This article presents the results of a research that has as its analysis focus the payment by performance, represented in the public educational system of the So Paulo State by the bonus-merit. The bonus, such as other measures implemented in the last decade, is part of neoliberal reforms that were predominant in the public educational system of the State. The article intends to debate the implications of this mechanism for the teaching from a bibliographic review about the topic as well as from the interpretation of data originated from a qualitative empirical investigation based on semi-structured interviews with second cycle teachers of high and middle schools of three regional departments of education. The results revealed an influence of performative and managerial elements in the organizational work of schools and teachers. Moreover, they showed that the payment by performance has not contributed for the improvement of the work conditions and for the career of the teachers, has a very limited impact to change the quality of education and thus represent a teacher accountability mechanism.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the business cards used as the initial strategy of marketing Dentists, based on the Code of Dental Ethics, Law No. 5081 / 24/08/1966 and the principles of marketing. It is a cross-sectional study, which evaluated the 54 cards of Dental Clinics of Municipalities of the Northwest Region of So Paulo. Among the cards reviewed, based on the Code of Ethics, only 59.63% contained the registration number in the Regional Council of Dentistry, in 32.22% of the cards noted misuse of the term general practice, rather than GP. The item was on the cards unless found the specification of the profession Surgeon / Dental Surgeon (57.41%). According to Law No. 5081 / 1966, which regulates dentists, 37.22% of the cards improperly determined that the exercise more than two professional specialty; contained 19.26% of total ad price and terms of service payment. Thus, it appears that business cards are an important means of dissemination of professional work, but some Dentists have neglected ethical and legal principles. Thus, it emphasizes the need for awareness among professionals about the issues related to advertising and marketing.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Environmental services are the ones done by the nature, that supports both the life and the environment. Payments for Environmental Services (PES) are financial transfers by beneficiaries of environmental services for the ones who provide such services due to conservation practices. Botucatu is a city in So Paulo State with a great potential for PES. Therefore, this paper develops a comparative study of PES projects in Federal and State ranges, aiming to analyze, select and propose criteria in order to contribute to the creation of a PES policy for the city.