76 resultados para Carpenter, Liz

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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In Epiponini division of labor is associated with age polyethism and individual task specialization. We observed worker activities in three colonies of Metapoybia miltoni in Brazil. We analyzed differences of task allocation among age groups. Old workers tend to forage more than young, but age polyethism was less evident in other tasks. Age composition of population could be a determinant factor in task allocation. Workers are probably allocating to perform tasks according to colony needs, and not to individual's age. Considering age population in studies of division of labor could help to understand how colonies respond to different situations.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este artigo apresenta valores eletrocardiográficos de 25 bezerros da raça Holandesesa, utilizando-se as derivações bipolares de membro (I, II, III), unipolares aumentadas de membro (avL, avR e avF) e uma derivação bipolar de torax (V10). Dois grupos com animais de diferentes idades foram comparados (18 a 72 horas e 27 a 33 dias de idade). Conclui-se que não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos nas ondas P, Q, R, S e T, nos intervalos PR, QRS, QT e ST e no eixo cardíaco.


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In the present study, the effects of intralesional injections of beta-aminopropionitrile fumarate (BAPN-F) was assessed in equine experimental tendinitis. BAPN-F is a lathyrogen which inhibits crosslinking of collagen, permitting more time for parallel reorientation of the repair tissue. Sixteen two-year-old Arabian horses without health problems were used in this experiment. The animals were divided into two groups: group one was left in box rest, and group two was submitted to controlled exercise during the experiment. Tendinitis was induced with collagenase in the superficial flexor tendon of both forelimbs. Twenty days after the induction of tendinitis, intralesional treatment with BAPN-F was performed and the contralateral limbs received saline. A biopsy was obtained and gross and histopathological analysis was performed on the 150th day of the experiment. The collagen fibrillar alignment pattern in the heating area was better in the BAPN-F group submitted to controlled exercise than in the other group, as observed by sonographic and histopathologic examination. The present results indicate that BAPN-F in combination with controlled loading improved sear remodeling and tendon wound collagen maturation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Superficial digital flexor tendonitis is an important cause of lameness in horses and its incidence ranges from 13% to 30%, depending on the horse's activity. This injury can occur in yearlings and compromise its carriers by reinjury or even impossibility to return to athletic life. In spite of the long period required for tendon repair, the scar tissue presents lack of elasticity and stiffness. As current treatment strategies produce only marginal results, there has been great interest in research of therapies that influence the quality or the speed of tendon repair. Stem cell therapy has shown promising results in degenerative diseases and cases of deficient healing processes. This study aims to evaluate the influence of autologous mesenchymal bone marrow stem cells in tendon healing, comparing treated and non-treated tendons. Superficial digital flexor tendonitis lesions were induced by collagenase infiltration in both forelimbs of 6 horses, followed by autologous implant in one of the forelimbs of each animal. The horses were evaluated using clinical, ultrasonographic, histopathologic, and immunohistochemical parameters. Tendon biopsies were performed at Day 48. Results found in the treatment group, such as high inflammatory cells infiltration, extracellular matrix synthesis, reduced amount of necrosis areas, small increase in cellular proliferation (KI-67/MIB-1), and low immunoreactivity to transforming growth factor P I, suggested the acceleration of tendon repair in this group. Further studies should be conducted in order to verify the influence of this treatment on later phases of tendon repair. Overall, after analysis of the results, we can conclude that cellular therapy with the mononuclear fraction of bone marrow has accelerated tendon repair at 48 days after treatment.


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Avaliaram-se as alterações do pH, da P O2 e da P CO2 do sangue arterial e da concentração de lactato sangüíneo de 11 cavalos adultos da raça Árabe, submetidos a exercício progressivo em esteira de alta velocidade. Antes do exercício, no intervalo dos 15 segundos finais de cada mudança de velocidade e aos 1, 3 e 5 minutos após o término do exercício foram coletadas amostras de sangue arterial e venoso para a mensuração dos gases sangüíneos e da concentração de lactato. O exercício resultou em diminuição do pH, da pressão parcial de O2 (P O2) e da pressão parcial de CO2 (P CO2). A concentração de lactato sangüíneo elevou-se exponencialmente a partir da velocidade de 8,0m/s até os momentos após término do exercício.


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Determinaram-se as características eletrocardiográficas de amplitude, duração, ritmo e eixo cardíaco no plano frontal de potros, sobreanos e éguas prenhes clinicamente normais, da raça Puro Sangue Inglês. Estudaram-se 50 potros e 50 sobreanos, machos e fêmeas, e 11 éguas prenhes. Concluiu-se que a freqüência cardíaca diminui com a idade e que nos potros e sobreanos as características apresentaram valores intermediários entre os valores padrão de neonatos e adultos. Nos sobreanos eles estão mais próximos dos de referência para adultos. Nas éguas em gestação a única diferença observada com o padrão foi o leve desvio para a direita do eixo cardíaco.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Em nove equinos atendidos por apresentarem fixação dorsal de patela intermitente, optou-se pela aplicação de 2mL de contrairritante na região subcutânea, ao longo dos ligamentos patelares medial e intermédio. No período de 12 a 48h após a aplicação, os animais apresentaram aumento de volume e de temperatura local, sensibilidade dolorosa à palpação e relutância à locomoção. Após esse período, os sinais clínicos de inflamação e fixação dorsal de patela foram gradativamente diminuindo até o sétimo dia, em sete dos nove animais avaliados. Após a remissão dos sinais de inflamação, dois animais não responderam ao tratamento, sendo necessária a repetição em um dos casos e realização de desmotomia patelar medial no outro. A aplicação de contrairritante foi eficaz na remissão do sinal clínico de fixação dorsal da patela intermitente. Comparativamente às técnicas cirúrgicas para a correção da enfermidade descritas na literatura, o tratamento promoveu melhora precoce dos sinais, curto período de convalescência e praticidade na realização.


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This paper describes the case of a horse treated in a Teaching Veterinary Hospital. The sutures of the flexor apparatus associated with cell therapy, the stem cell, provided a rapid response of repair compared to other cases treated in routine of the Hospital. The association of conventional treatments with the mononuclear fraction of bone marrow significantly contributed to the reduction of the hyperextension of the metatarsophalangeal joint. Ultrasound images showed rapid fill cell and decrease in inflammation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)