10 resultados para Caracterização geotécnica
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
This work presents a comparison of alkaline and cristaline terrains of an area inside a Poços de Caldas (MG) contry for appropriate urban expansion. The study area has 52km2 through rural and urban terrains with geological and geomorphological differences. At present Poços de Caldas has more than 130 thousand people and expansion government plans are from 1993 showing the necessity of studies of infrastructure to population and tourists. At last 40 years the city became a place with job offers in bauxite minning causing a population increase about 200%. At this way this work uses the Vedolvello (2000)´s method of terrains physiographic compartimentalization (UBCs) with integrated analysis (Land Systems) made by remote sensing products (air photos). After that field trips was performed to check unity limits by observation of rocks, relief and weathering soil profile. The main results are Engineering Geological Map and a classification table of Basic Units of Compartimentalization to presents the characteristics to uses and soil occupation.
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
This research presents the result of the engineering geological mapping in a 1:50.000 scale, in Bairro do Peão region, in Piracaia (SP), represented by means of homogeneous units which are susceptible to superficial dynamic processes. To serve as basis for the elaboration of a Chart of Susceptibility to Processes of Superficial Dynamic, a series of physical samples was collected, considering erosive processes and registers of information of usage and soil occupation. The procedure used for elaborating the geotechnical chart is based on Vedovello (2000), which suggests the physiographic compartimentation of the area through photointerpretation and further geotechnical characterization of the selected samples. The geotechnical characterization of the samples was made by identifying the features and properties of the material and forms of the physical environment determining the geotechnical conditions through geological-geotechnical profile descriptions typical of/ peculiar to each unit defined in the area. Thus, for each unit selected, the susceptibility level was established in very high, high, average and low, as well as the prevalent erosive processes.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
The disposal of solid waste can create environmental problems, in addition to the potential risk of instability even in planned geotechnical works, such as provisions in stacks or high ends of the landfill, because they represent mere adjustments in civil engineering works. The Leme city, SP, generates about 35 t/day of municipal waste, that are deposited in a landfill located in the Barro Preto neighborhood. This work conducted a geophysical survey, based on geotechnical instability evidence in area, for analysis of the conditioners that cause on the sides leachate resurgence landfill and its relationship to mass movements and ravines installation in cover soil, with consequent waste exposure. The results indicate horizons of low resistivity connected with resurgence points generated by the organic matter decomposition contained in the waste. Such horizons result in leachate concentration in some places, which, in turn, may lead to loss of cohesion of the materials constituting the residues mass. The results are areas with mass flow by rotational movements, which, together with the surface flow of rainwater, evolves into ravines and exposed residues, preferably at the resurgence point. The leachate flow on the surface affects areas beyond the limits at landfill with direct impact on local agriculture and risk to pedestrians using the highway bordered by the landfill beyond the soil and the local aquifer.
The pipelines are characterized by the great length and linearity, these enterprises are usually associated with the horizon of soil and decomposed rock and accidents in this system usually have high complexity. So this work proposes a study of geological and geotechnical characterization of approximately 40 km ² and a study of risk analysis along 18.3 km of gas pipeline GASBOL, in the municipalities of Ipeúna-SP and Itirapina-SP, in scale 1:25.000, besides correlation between studies. The method for geological and geotechnical characterization is based on physiographic integrated analysis technique, which is supported by literature research, observation and interpretation of satellite imagery (photointerpretation), correlation of products numerical model of ground, fieldwork. The method adopted for risk classification is based on preliminary analysis of hazards (APP) technique, which is identified the geological process, this feature is classified as the susceptibility of occurrence, and then classified as the possible consequence of the process, if this evolves. As a product of the research, we designed a map in 1:25,000 scale, containing a table of geological and geotechnical characteristics of the mapped drives, as well as sectorization risk in each section of the pipeline. Were mapped geological and geotechnical seven units in the study area, delimited in excerpts of which five are classified as high risk, totaling 1.1 km in length of 18.3 km total
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
The Geotechnical Mapping is an extreme important tool for the urban planning, so the public authorities can establish guidelines for medium and long term for a better life conditions for the population. The division region between the cities of Americana and Santa Bárbara D’Oeste has an intense conurbation problem, which is causing problems of occupation in risks areas on environmental terms. In this context this project has as an objective the elaboration of a Geotechnical Map from the sub- basins of Sossego and Barracão rivers, whicht are located in between the area of the two cities, and presents some of the process causes of the conurbation problem. For this study, the following steps were proposed: bibliographic and topographic maps research for better knowledge from the theme and the area, and also preparing cartographic basis; making of preliminary geotechnical area map with a 1:10.000 scale, gather all the information acquired at the previous step and compartmentation of the area; field step to collect more information and soil for the laboratory analysis, objecting the characterization of the geotechnical unities; lab analysis; final geotechnical map preparation; and final report elaboration. The final product of this study is the Final Geotechnical Map, with a 1:10.000 scale, and the principal objective is to help the urban planning