18 resultados para Canning and preserving

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The structural complexity of the nitrogen source strongly affects both biomass and ethanol production by industrial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, during fermentation in media containing glucose or maltose, and supplemented with a nitrogen source varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids) and peptides (peptone). Diauxie was observed at low glucose and maltose concentrations independent of nitrogen supplementation. At high sugar concentrations diauxie was not easily observed. and growth and ethanol production depended on the nature of the nitrogen source. This was different for baking and brewing ale and lager yeast strains. Sugar concentration had a strong effect on the shift from oxido-fermentative to oxidative metabolism. At low sugar concentrations, biomass production was similar under both peptone and casamino acid supplementation. Under casamino acid supplementation, the time for metabolic shift increased with the glucose concentration, together with a decrease in the biomass production. This drastic effect on glucose fermentation resulted in the extinction of the second growth phase, probably due to the loss of cell viability. Ammonium salts always induced poor yeast performance. In general, supplementation with a nitrogen source in the peptide form (peptone) was more positive for yeast metabolism, inducing higher biomass and ethanol production, and preserving yeast viability, in both glucose and maltose media, for baking and brewing ale and lager yeast strains. Determination of amino acid utilization showed that most free and peptide amino acids present, in peptone and casamino acids, were utilized by the yeast, suggesting that the results described in this work were not due to a nutritional status induced by nitrogen limitation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Após algumas reflexões sobre o conceito de trabalho e formação, este artigo aborda algumas orientações, ou princípios, que podem contribuir para a organização de programas de formação de adultos. Ao trabalhar em programas de formação dessa natureza, devemos ter em mente que trabalhamos com indivíduos que já possuem conhecimentos elaborados, experiências práticas e vivências que devem ser consideradas como ponto de partida. Assim, devemos considerar que a aprendizagem acontece ao longo da vida, e que um curso é apenas parte do percurso de aprendizagem. Outro aspecto importante é que programas de formação para adultos, especialmente aqueles desenvolvidos em situação de trabalho, devem ter sentido para aqueles que irão participar. Os participantes devem, portanto, aderir voluntariamente à proposta; caso contrário, ela poderá ser entendida apenas como algo imposto, e não como um ganho profissional efetivo. Nas situações de formação em situações de trabalho, é também fundamental que os programas sejam elaborados a partir de um apurado conhecimento da realidade daqueles que irão participar. Avaliar e preservar a memória do que foi realizado evita que ocorram eternos recomeços. Por fim, é fundamental que os programas de formação contem também com um programa de apoio aos participantes, de tal forma que eles se sintam mais seguros no trilhar os caminhos das mudanças, quando retornarem aos seus respectivos espaços de trabalho.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) apresentam menor tolerância ao exercício e baixa capacidade funcional, o que os torna, via de regra, sedentários. Outra alteração importante encontrada na DRC é a disfunção cognitiva. O sedentarismo tem sido associado à disfunção cognitiva na população geral, porém, poucos estudos avaliaram essa associação na DRC. OBJETIVOS: Verificar associação entre o nível de atividade física e a função cognitiva de pacientes com DRC que realizam hemodiálise (HD). MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 102 pacientes que realizam HD. Os participantes responderam o Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física, que avalia o nível de atividade física e o Mini Exame do Estado Mental, utilizado para o rastreamento cognitivo. Os pacientes foram divididos em três grupos conforme a classificação do nível de atividade física (GI: ativos/GII: irregularmente ativos/GIII: sedentários). Foi aplicada análise de regressão logística adotando-se como variável desfecho a presença de disfunção cognitiva e preservando como variáveis independentes aquelas com probabilidade estatística de diferença entre os grupos inferior a 0,1. Foi considerado estatisticamente significante o valor de p inferior a 0,05. RESULTADOS: Os grupos foram semelhantes quanto à idade, tempo de HD, escolaridade e tabagismo. Apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante quanto à raça, índice de massa corporal, presença de diabetes mellitus, doença de base e grau de déficit cognitivo. Quanto aos dados laboratoriais, os grupos diferiram quanto à creatinina, glicemia, hemoglobina e hematócrito. Houve associação entre o nível de atividade física e função cognitiva, mesmo ajustando-se para as variáveis de confusão. CONCLUSÃO: O maior nível de atividade física associou-se a melhor função cognitiva em renais crônicos em HD, independentemente das variáveis de confusão avaliadas.


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Interim restorations are frequently used in prosthodontic treatments. Many complex situations require the combination of fixed and removable partial prostheses. An appropriate interim restoration design that accurately implements the treatment plan is necessary to prepare the oral cavity for the prostheses, and to contribute to the preservation and health of remaining natural teeth, bone support, and gingival tissues. This report describes a modified technique for construction of interim restorations with a combination of fixed and removable partial prostheses. The technique consists of the construction of a milled fixed prosthesis and removable partial denture with metallic framework for use during extensive treatment, improving masticatory function and esthetics and preserving the periodontal health of supporting structures. This interim restoration can also serve as a template for the definitive restoration, allowing patient and dentist to evaluate appearance and function and helping to ensure the success of the definitive restoration.


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In this paper, synthesis of the Fe55Pt45/Fe3O4 core/shell structured nanoparticles using the modified polyol process combined with the seed-mediated growth method is reported. Iron oxide shell thickness was tuned controlling the Fe(acac)(3)/FePt seeds in the reaction medium. Annealing of the core/shell structure leads to iron-rich layer formation around the hard FePt phase in the nanoparticle core. However, the 2 nm Fe3O4 shell thickness seems to be the limit to obtain the enhanced magnetization close to the alpha-Fe and preserving an iron oxide shell after annealing at 500 degrees C for 30 min in a reducing atmosphere. The presence of both the oxide layer on nanoparticle surface and an intermediate iron-rich FePt layer after annealing promote strong decreases in the coercive field of the 2-nm-oxide shell thickness. These annealed nanoparticles were functionalized with dextran, presenting the enhanced characteristics for biomedical applications such as higher magnetization, very low coercivity, and a slightly iron oxide passivated layer, which leads an easy functionalization and decreases the nanoparticle toxicity.


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This study evaluated the use of zoledronic acid, a resorption inhibitor, as a medication for root resorption treatment of late replanted teeth. Twenty-four maxillary right central incisors of rats were avulsed and kept dry for 30 min. Then, the teeth were divided into 2 groups. In group I, root surface was treated with 2% sodium fluoride for 20 min; in group II, 10-6M zoledronic acid solution was used for 20 min. All root canals were filled with calcium hydroxide. Next, teeth were replanted in their respective sockets. After 15 and 60 days post-replantation, the animals were killed and the anatomic pieces were obtained and prepared for microscopic and morphometric analyses. The results showed that zoledronic acid was capable of limiting the occurrence of root resorption and preserving cementum resorption. Further research must be performed to confirm the use of zoledronic acid in root surface treatment of late replanted teeth.


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This study aimed to identify the level of dependence in elderly inpatients when performing Basic Activities of Daily Living. This quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted in the Adult Ward of the Botucatu University Hospital Emergency Unit - UNESP, Brazil. Data was collected by means of interviews, observation, and individual medical chart consultation, to be analyzed via logistic regression using the statistical software package SAS for Windows, version 9.2. The sample consisted of 71 subjects with a mean age of 74.30 years. It was observed that 30.99% of the older individuals showed to be independent in performing the proposed activities; 22.53% were partly dependent; and 46.48% were fully dependent. Gerontology care must aim at maintaining functional conditions, thus promoting independence and preserving these individuals' dignity.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The tertiary sector is largely responsible for the growth of electricity consumption in Brazil. The large commercial and public buildings, hypermarkets and shopping centers stand out as major consumers of electricity for lighting, power and thermal energy. Brazil presents significant potential for the deployment of small cogeneration plants, especially in the tertiary sector. Allied to this, the possibility of natural gas supply and the growing demands in favor of maintaining and preserving the environment favor the implementation of cogeneration plants. In this context, this paper presents a technical and economic analysis of installing a cogeneration plant using internal combustion engine with natural gas in a mall


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Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have a lower exercise tolerance and poor functional capacity, carry on a sedentary lifestyle. Another important change found in patients with CKD is cognitive dysfunction. Physical inactivity has been associated with cognitive dysfunction in the general population, but few studies have evaluated this association in CKD. To assess the association between physical activity and cognitive function in patients with CKD on hemodialysis (HD). We evaluated 102 patients undergoing HD. The participants completed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, which assesses the level of physical activity and the Mini Mental State Examination, used for cognitive screening. Patients were divided into three groups according to their level of physical activity (GI: active/GII: irregularly active/GIII: sedentary). It was applied logistic regression analysis and adopted as outcome variable the presence of cognitive impairment and preserving as independent variables those with a probability of statistical difference between groups of less than 0.1. It was considered statistically significant when p less than 0.05. The groups were similar in age, duration of HD, and smoking. Statistically significant difference regarding race, body mass index, diabetes mellitus, underlying disease and degree of cognitive impairment. Regarding laboratory data, the groups differed in terms of creatinine, glucose, hemoglobin and hematocrit. There was significant association with better physical activity and cognitive function, even adjusting for confounding variables. the highest level of physical activity was associated with better cognitive function in CKD patients undergoing HD.