326 resultados para Candidíase sistêmica

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar a importância da metodologia sistêmica em pesquisas nas Ciências Humanas, em especial na Geografia Agrária, através da avaliação das alterações socioeconômicas e territoriais dos assentamentos rurais. O artigo foi divido em partes, primeiro foi realizado um estudo teórico da metodologia sistêmica e em seguida, a aplicação dessa metodologia para avaliar os impactos da territorialização dos assentamentos rurais, na organização espacial de Candiota no estado do Rio Grande do Sul.


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O gene Sw-5 do tomateiro confere resistência a várias espécies de tospovírus e codifica uma proteína contendo domínios de ligação a nucleotídeos e repetições ricas em leucina. Tomateiros com Sw-5 exibem reações necróticas nas folhas inoculadas com tospovírus. Estas reações e a estrutura da proteína Sw-5 indicam que a resistência ocorre por meio do reconhecimento do patógeno e desencadeamento da resposta de hipersensibilidade. A capacidade de Sw-5 de conferir resistência a tospovírus em tabaco selvagem (Nicotiana benthamiana Domin.) foi avaliada em plantas transgênicas. Uma construção com a seqüência aberta de leitura de Sw-5 e sua região 3 não-traduzida sob controle do promotor 35S do CaMV foi utilizada para transformação de N. benthamiana via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plantas de progênies R1 foram inoculadas com um isolado de tospovírus e avaliadas quanto à ocorrência de reação de hipersensibilidade e resistência à infecção sistêmica. em uma progênie com segregação 3:1 (resistente:suscetível), foi selecionada uma planta homozigota e sua progênie avaliada quanto ao espectro da resistência a tospovírus. Plantas com o transgene exibiram resposta de hipersensibilidade 48 h após a inoculação, sendo resistentes à infecção sistêmica. O fenótipo da resistência foi dependente do isolado viral e um isolado de Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV) causou necrose sistêmica em todas as plantas inoculadas, enquanto que isolados de Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV) e um isolado relacionado a Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus (CSNV) ficaram restritos ao sítio de infecção. Comparações do espectro da resistência obtido neste trabalho com aquele observado em outros membros da família Solanaceae indicam que as vias de transdução de sinais e as respostas de defesa ativadas por Sw-5 são conservadas dentro desta família e polimorfismos genéticos nas vias de transdução de sinais ou em componentes das respostas de defesa podem resultar em diferentes níveis de resistência.


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A avaliação psicológica tem se caracterizado como uma das principais fases do processo de seleção de pessoal nas organizações. Entretanto, sua realização não se restringe apenas à aplicação de instrumentos e à avaliação dos resultados. Duas outras importantes etapas que dela fazem parte são o planejamento inicial e a devolutiva dos resultados, além de uma base teórica que norteie todo o processo. Dessa forma, este artigo visa lançar, sobre essas diferentes etapas da prática da avaliação psicológica em processos seletivos, um olhar teoricamente embasado na abordagem sistêmica, buscando levantar contribuições a sua aplicação.


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Histopathology by hematoxilin-eosin (HE) and periodic acid Schiff (PAS), concomitant direct immunofluorescence (DI) against total human immunoglobulins and against Candida albicans, was effectuated in 25 persons dentures wearers. In 5 persons without chronic athrofic candidiasis (CAC) clinical signals in the palate the HE showed wise inflammatory elements in the connective tissue and the PAS marked the continuous basal layer, the intra-cellular grains of granular layer and the uniform parakeratin on epithelial surface. In 20 others, with palatal signals of CAC, in the HE was frequent the features encountered in Candida infected and PAS revealed, beside descontinuous lamina basal and epithelial surface covered by tide and discontinuous parakeratin, the presence of round bodies few largers that presents in the granular layer, casually isolated in the medial portion of ret pegs and connective papillae. In the first 5 persons the DI against total human immunoglobulins not showed signals of the humoral immunologic phenomena, the same was valid to others 20 patients with CAC clinical aspects. However the DI with conjugate against C. albicans in the 20 cases with CAC signals revealed suitable aspects of the structures assumed by Candida in tissues. Cultures of samples obtained of the persons with CAC signals was positive in 100% to Candida, 70% presumptively albicans, against 80% of positiviness to generus Candida, 67% presumptively albicans, in the persons without CAC signals.


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Purpose: To study the effects of two drugs (captopril and propranolol) used in the treatment of systemic hypertension, on the intraocular pressure (IOP) of anesthetized dogs. Methods: 24 dogs, divided into 3 groups of 8 each. In the first group, 1.5 mg/kg IV of captopril (an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor) was administered. In the second group, 1.5 mg/kg IV of propranolol (a beta-blocker) was administered. The third group was the control. IOP and blood pressure (BP) were measured by manometry. The perfusion pressure was calculated by the difference between BP and IOP (BP-IOP). The parameters were studied at 6 moments (0, 10, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes). Results: There was significant reduction of IOP (p<0.05) with captopril and propranolol, without difference between the drugs. With captopril the BP and PP decreased markedly at 10 and 30 minutes. With propranolol there was no reduction of BP or PP. Conclusions: Captopril and propranolol reduced IOP. However, the marked reduction of BP, and consequently of PP caused by captopril may be undesirable for irrigation of the optic nerve.


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Nosocomial infections with Candida species are recognized as a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in both seriously ill immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients. Infections with Candida albicans and non-albicans Candida species have become a significant cause of infection in humans. Several of the more commonly Candida spp isolates are less susceptible to the antifungal drugs currentlly applied in clinical treatment, a factor that means significant difficulties for effective treatment. The modern mycology laboratory has an important role to play in several aspects relating to these organisms, including therapy, detection, identification and epidemiological analysis. In this study, we have provided an initial comparison of differences in species distribution among Candida isolates from four general hospitals of São Paulo,SP. Overall, 40 isolates of C. albicans, C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis were isolated respectively in 35%, 50% and 15%, revealed a tendency of higher frequency of non-albicans species. The species distribution in patients with candidemia showed that the most commonly species were C. parapsilosis (45,4%), followed by C. albicans (36,4%) and C. tropicalis (18,2%); thus, we have an increase of non-albicans species. The three different species were include in 6, 3, and 4 different biotypes, respectively C. albicans, C. parapsilosis e C. tropicalis. This study emphasizes the importance of periodic evaluation of Candida species distribution especially in centers caring for patients at risk.


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As arterial hypertension can be diagnosed by different methods, among which are the traditional auscultatory instrument and the automated oscillometric monitor, the aim of this study was to compare the performance of these instruments, to evaluate the reliability of the digital oscillometer. The sample consisted of 40 patients under dental treatment, whose blood pressure measurements were recorded. The measurements of systolic and diastolic blood pressures were evaluated in terms of their intraclass correlation coefficients (r). For systolic blood pressure, an excellent level of agreement was found between the instruments, with r=0.93, and for diastolic blood pressure, there was a good level of agreement (r=0.75). It was concluded, from the excellent agreement for systolic blood pressure, that the oscillometric monitor can be recommended for the monitoring of the variations of that pressure in the same individual, while the good agreement obtained in the determination of the diastolic blood pressure indicates that the oscillometric method is reliable. However, new studies need to be carried out for a better understanding of the disagreements that can occur in the diastolic pressure results.


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Objective: This study aimed to evaluate morphologic changes, as well as chondroprotective and intra-articular effects of meloxicam on joint repair in rabbits induced by experimental trochleoplasty, minimizing possible adverse side effects. Methods: Thirty-five rabbits were divided into four groups: the control group, which did not undergo surgery, and operated groups, which used different ways of administering the anti-inflammatory agent: systemic, 0.2 mg/kg; intra-articular, 0.5 mg/kg; positive group control, without meloxicam. Each operated group was divided according to the periods of 7 or 30 days evaluation after surgery. Results: Regarding macroscopic and histological evaluation of cartilage, after 30 days, most animals showed almost complete joint repair, the presence of few or no inflammatory cells; whereas part of the animals treated with meloxicam presented necrosis in the trochlear ridge and absence of inflammatory cells after 7 days. In positive control group, it was observed moderate inflammation and connective tissue proliferation. None of the animals in the operated groups showed irregularities 30 days after surgery. Conclusion: Either intra-articular or systemic, meloxicam revealed to be favorable to be used for joint repair and control of inflammatory reaction. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)