6 resultados para Campañas presidenciales

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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O objetivo foi descrever as experiências de famílias sobre imunização de crianças menores de dois anos. É estudo de natureza descritiva, com análise qualitativa dos dados, entrevistas não estruturadas com 22 sujeitos. Os resultados foram agrupados em: conhecimentos práticos sobre imunização, responsabilidade e obrigatoriedade na imunização e ampliação da prática de imunização. Foram destacados elementos que fortalecem a imunização: experiência e realização pessoal no papel de ser mãe, temor de adoecimento, reconhecimento como um bom cuidado, acesso, flexibilidade do horário, divulgação, cartão de vacinas, campanhas de vacinação e disponibilidade de vacinas, e elementos da não imunização: inexperiência dos pais, recusa de aplicações simultâneas de vacinas, assistência fragmentada, ausência de diálogo, discriminação, falsas contraindicações e obrigatoriedade. A imunização centrada no cumprimento do calendário vacinal, ou em situações autoritárias, está descolada do cuidado familiar. O vínculo com as famílias precisa ser fortalecido para ampliação da adesão às medidas de proteção e promoção da saúde da criança.


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This paper analyzes agricultural education as proposed and developed by the National Campaign for Rural Education (1952-1963) in Training Centers for Rural Teachers and Assistants. It analyzes the curricula of such courses published by the campaign in special issue, number 10 in 1961/1962. Agricultural education was a part of rural education and aimed to train rural teachers and expand the knowledge of rural men to make them remain in their environment. This training aimed to address the shortage of rural teachers, of agricultural knowledge, rural hygiene, strongly guided by the education of manners, of how to behave at the table and by the appreciation of rational leisure, together with campaigns for civil and marriage registration, a campaign for trees, encouragement to elect representatives to boards as a means of educating for citizenship. Such lack of rural teachers and the complaints about low wages disclose the practices of our current rulers who devalue the teaching profession.


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Practices of violence such as physical and verbal aggression, provocations, humiliations and exclusion that occur mainly among young people in schools are named as bullying and the aim of this qualitative-descriptive study was to investigate how this phenomenon is represented by magazines directed to teenage girls. The analysis was conducted in fifteen articles of four Brazilian magazines: Capricho, Todateen, Atrevida and Yes Teen through thematic categories: 1) Definitions and explanations about bullying; 2) Magazines’ proposals to the confrontation against bullying (2.1 Campaigns and orientations against bullying; 2.2 Advices about how to act in the presence of bullying; 2.3 Examples of “overcoming” to people who suffered bullying and 2.4 Advices given to people who practice bullying). It was identified the presence of hierarchies, stereotypes and the incentive to competition. There is the predominance of normative and excluding patterns, advices that individualize the issue and lack of critical reflection.


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The purpose of this work was to provide guidance to householders in the responsible care of their pets, in a region where canine visceral leishmaniasis is endemic. Questionnaires on responsible ownership and the control of this disease were completed by owners of dogs and cats in the city of Araçatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil, in order to evaluate their level of knowledge. Based on the identified deficiencies, the project team provided the owners of the pets with individual guidance at home, focusing on the most critical issues. Concerning nutrition, 70.45% (62/88) of owners provided pet food only, 27.28% (24/88) administered a mixed diet, and 2.27% (2/88) provided homemade food. Additionally, 78.41% (69/88) did not permit the consumption of raw meat, rare meat, or bones. 9.09% (8/88) of owners allowed their pets to wander the neighborhood alone. Among dogs, 14.77% (13/88) had never been clinically tested by a qualified professional, and 6.82% (6/88) and 15.91% (14/88) had never received any kind of vaccine or vermifuge, respectively. In relation to population control, only 20.45% (18/88) of the dogs had been sterilized. It was also observed that 25% (22/88) of owners had already had canine visceral leishmaniasis seropositive dogs in their homes. 54.55% (12/22) of these owners had referred their pets to veterinary clinics for euthanasia, 22.73% (5/22) had used the services of the city’s animal disease control center, and 18.18% (4/22) had paid for private treatment. Nevertheless, 35.23% (31/88) of the dogs had never been submitted to tests for infection diagnosis. From the results obtained, it could be inferred that the individuals who participated in this study were poorly informed concerning basic pet care, demonstrating a need to implement community awareness campaigns for the responsible ownership of pets.


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The guidelines of National Curriculum for Dental courses highlights the necessity in providing for the professional the ability to analyze and assess community’s problems and needs, and to create solutions for the society. The continuing education may be considered a useful tool for the teaching and learning because it favors the diversification of learning environments, which allows the insertion of undergraduate and graduate students into the real scenarios. This current study aimed to assess the Public Health projects and programs of the UNESP – Araçatuba Dental School, by describing the interaction experiences between faculty and health services in the professional career development. Historical, documentary and descriptive searches were performed based on the faculty archives such as official documents, reports, databases from the Pro-rector of continuing education and published papers in the period between 1964 and 2011. The following experiences were noted: the Extra-Muro Dental Service (SEMO), established in 1964, that focused in providing dental treatment to the rural population, highlighted the social inclusion of discriminated society groups since that time. In 1972, this service was expanded to several specific populations living in the urban areas. In the '60s, many educational campaigns were performed as homemade water filter and construction of wells and septic tanks which demonstrate the concern with the determinants of healthdisease process. At that time, the campaign of fluoridation of public water supplies in several counties started as Araçatuba, Birigui, Penápolis, Guararapes, Valparaíso and so on. The Campaign of “Good Teeth” from the '70s became wider over time and it was transformed in the "Oral Health Education Program" and it was continuously developed in all public schools of Araçatuba and some neighboring towns, benefiting children aged from 6 to 10 years-old. Several epidemiological studies of caries, periodontal diseases, malocclusion and fluorosis were conducted in cooperation with local governments, and counted with the participation of undergraduate and graduate students. Pereira Barreto – SP was the precursor city in Brazil to carry out fluorosis study. Currently, 12 projects of Public Health from the Institution of Higher Education in the Pro-rector of continuing education are being developed. The concern in qualifying the human resources in health is confirmed with the development of training courses and workshops for professionals, highlighting the training for people enrolled in the Family Health program; Community Health Agent training - Solidarity University, and Municipal Health Counselors training. The Graduate Program in Social and Preventive Dentistry, created in 1993, has an important role to train several professionals for the Unified Health System, and provides education to create researchers, professors and administrators, and enucleates research groups in several Brazilian states. In all activities showed herein, a dynamic participation of undergraduate and graduate students has been observed, and several books, guidelines, articles, brochures and booklets have been published as a result of the continuing education activities.. It was concluded that different projects and programs have been developed by the Public Health of UNESP –Araçatuba Dental School, which allow the exchange of experience between the university and health services, and benefit all participants enrolled in these activities.