31 resultados para Burder, George, 1752-1832.

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Orius insidiosus (SAY, 1832) is an important predator for biological pest control programs. The objective of this work was to evaluate the functional response, predation capacity and reproductive aspects of O. insidiosus when predating 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 third/fourth instar nymphs of Aphis gossypii. The tests were conducted under laboratory conditions. Females of the predator were individually maintained in Petri dishes with a cotton leaf at each one of the aphid densities. The average rate of predation was of 0.93 [plus or minus] 0.13, 3.58 [plus or minus] 0.80, 7.31 [plus or minus] 1.45, 7.40 [plus or minus] 1.16, and 10.54 [plus or minus] 1.84 at the densities of 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 aphids, respectively. The results showed an attack rate of 0.10 h-1 and 1.82 h of manipulation time. The predator spent 3.10 to 4.08 h feeding on leaf cotton glands; this behavior was not directly influenced by the prey density. The proportion of egg laying per female grew up to the density of 10 nymphs whereas the number of eggs per laying increased with the number of available preys.


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The objective of this research was to determine the survival, reproduction and predaceous capacity of Orius insidiosus on cotton aphid Aphis gossypii. Cotton plants of Antares, CNPA7H and Acala 90 cultivars (respectively, without tricome, medium tricome density and high tricome density) were individualized and infested with 15 third/fourth instar nymphs of A. gossypii, and then first-instar nymphs of O. insidiosus were released on the plants. The evaluations were made daily, quantifying survival and nymphal development; the number of cotton aphids A. gossypii per day and total; the number of eggs and the population of the predator (number of insects by female); and the conversion efficiency of A. gossypii predaceous. The nymphal development did not differ according to the cotton cultivars. The Antares cultivar favored a higher daily predation rate for the 1st, 2nd and 4th instars and adults of O. insidiosus. The number of eggs and nymphs was smaller when O. insidiosus females were confined on the Acala 90 cultivar. According to the predation rate of O. insidiosus, the efficiency of alimentary conversion was determined for the Antares, CNPA7H and Acala 90 cultivars, being respectively, 4.28, 3.00 and 2.75 cotton aphid predation for each egg of the predator.


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The life table parameters were studied for Orius insidiosus on the three cotton plant cultivars Antares, CNPA7H and Acala 90 (respectively, without tricome, medium tricome density and high tricome density). This study showed that the type of cultivar can strongly influence the life-table parameters. The intrinsic rate (rm) was 0.088 (on Antares), 0.081 (CNPA7H) and 0.079 (on Acala 90), which was expected as these differences were also observed for development time, survival, fecundity and longevity on the cultivars. The reproductive rate (Ro) was 18.53 on the Antares cultivar, but showed less difference for CNPA7H (12.26) and Acala 90 (12.95). The development time was 33.9, 30.62 and 32.13 days for Antares, CNPA7H and Acala 90, respectively. The age-specific survival was similar until the 12th day. Maximum survival was 60 days on the Antares cultivar. Females usually began to oviposit after 16 days on the Antares cultivar and the after 19 days day on CNPA7H and Acala 90.


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Objetivou-se neste trabalho, comparar a resistência à compressão de tijolos de solo-cimento fabricados com o montículo do cupim Cornitermes cumulans (Kollar, 1832), com tijolos que utilizaram como matéria prima um NEOSSOLO QUARTZARÊNICO (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), 1999), ambos submetidos a duas idades de cura (07 ou 28 dias). O experimento foi montado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2x2, sendo analisados dois cofatores: a matéria prima base e a idade de cura. Os ensaios físicos e mecânicos obedeceram às prescrições das normas da Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas NBR-8492 (ABNT, 1982) e NBR-8491 (ABNT, 1984). Concluiu-se que a resistência à compressão dos tijolos foi maior com o aumento das idades de cura. O tratamento T4 apresentou maior valor de resistência à compressão, não diferindo estatisticamente dos tratamentos T2 e T1. Os tijolos fabricados com o montículo do cupim C. cumulans (Kollar, 1832) apresentaram diminuição da absorção de água com o aumento das idades de cura, o que normalmente corresponde a um maior aumento da resistência à compressão, ao contrário dos que utilizaram o NEOSSOLO QUARTZARÊNICO (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), 1999).


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Seven species of marine bivalves, including six new taxa, are described from the Cape early Miocene Melville Formation which crops out on the Melville Peninsula, King George Island, West Antarctica. The bivalve assemblage includes representatives of the families Nuculidae, Ennucula frigida sp. nov., E. musculosa sp. nov.; Malletidae, Neilo (Neilo) rongelii sp. nov.; Sareptidae, Yoldia peninsularis sp. nov.; Limopsidae, Limopsis psimolis sp. nov.; Hiatellidae, Panopea (Panopea) sp. cf. P. regularis; and Pholadomyoida (Periploma acuta sp. nov.). Species studied come from four sedimentary sections measured in the upper part of the unit. Detailed morphologic features of nuculoid and areoid species are exceptionally well preserved and allow for the first time reconstruction of muscle insertions as well as dentition patterns of Cenozoic taxa. Known geological distribution of the species is in agreement with the early Miocene age assigned to the Cape Melville Formation. The bivalve fauna from Cape Melville Formation is the best known from Antarctic Miocene rocks, a time of complex geologic, paleogeographic and paleoclimatic changes in the continent. The new fauna introduces new taxonomic and palaeogeographic data that bear oil the question of opening of sea gateways and distribution of Cenozoic biota around Antarctica.


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Eight taxa of marine invertebrates, including two new bivalve species, are described from the Low Head Member of the Polonez Cove Formation (latest early Oligocene) cropping out in the Vaureal Peak area, King George Island, West Antarctica. The fossil assemblage includes representatives of Brachiopoda (genera Neothyris sp. and Liothyrella sp.), Bivalvia (Adamussium auristriatum sp. nov., ?Adamussium cf. A. alanbeui Jonkers, and Limatula (Antarctolima) ferraziana sp. nov.), Bryozoa, Polychaeta (serpulid tubes) and Echinodermata. Specimens occur in debris flows deposits of the Low Head Member, as part of a fan delta setting in a high energy, shallow marine environment. Liothyrella sp., Adamussium auristriatum sp. nov. and Limatula ferraziana sp. nov. are among the oldest records for these genera in King George Island. In spite of their restrict number and diversification, bivalves and brachiopods from this study display an overall dispersal pattern that roughly fits in the clockwise circulation of marine currents around Antarctica accomplished in two steps. The first followed the opening of the Tasmanian Gateway at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, along the eastern margin of Antarctica, and the second took place in post-Palaeogene time, following the Drake Passage opening between Antarctic Peninsula and South America, along the western margin of Antarctica.


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Few studies have examined the effects of temperature on spatial and temporal trends in soil CO2-C emissions in Antarctica. In this work, we present in situ measurements of CO2-C emissions and assess their relation with soil temperature, using dynamic chambers. We found an exponential relation between CO2 emissions and soil temperature, with the value of Q10 being close to 2.1. Mean emission rates were as low as 0.026 and 0.072 g of CO2-C m-2 h-1 for bare soil and soil covered with moss, respectively, and as high as 0.162 g of CO2-C m-2 h-1 for soil covered with grass, Deschampsia antarctica Desv. (Poaceae). A spatial variability analysis conducted using a 60-point grid, for an area with mosses (Sannionia uncianata) and D. antarctica, yielded a spherical semivariogram model for CO2-C emissions with a range of 1 m. The results suggest that soil temperature is a controlling factor on temporal variations in soil CO2-C emissions, although spatial variations appear to be more strongly related to the distribution of vegetation types. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. and NIPR.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)