49 resultados para Brutus, Marcus Junius, 85? B.C.-42 B.C.

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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In this paper, electrochemical and photo-assisted electrochemical processes are used for color, total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) degradation of one of the most abundant and strongly colored industrial wastewaters, which results from the dyeing of fibers and fabrics in the textile industry. The experiments were carried out in an 18L pilot-scale tubular low reactor with 70% TiO2/30% RuO2 DSA. A synthetic acid blue 40 solution and real dye house wastewater, containing the same dye, were used for the experiments. By using current density of 80 mA cm(-2) electrochemical process has the capability to remove 80% of color, 46% of TOC and 69% of COD. When used the photochemical process with 4.6 mW cm(-2) of 254nm UV-C radiation to assist the electrolysis, has been obtained 90% of color, 64% of TOC and 60% of COD removal in 90 minutes of processing; furthermore, 70% of initial color was degraded within the first 15 minutes. Experimental runs using dye house wastewater resulted in 78% of color, 26% of TOC and 49% of COD in electrolysis at 80 mA cm(-2) and 90 min; additionally, when photo-assisted, electrolysis resulted in removals of 85% of color, 42% of TOC and 58% of COD. For the operational conditions used in this study, color, TOC and COD showed pseudo-first-order decaying profiles. Apparent rate constants for degradation of TOC and COD were improved by one order of magnitude when the photo-electrochemical process was used.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pectinmethylesterase (PME) was extracted from guava fruit (Psidium guajava L.), cultivar Paluma, by 70% ammonium sulphate saturation and partially purified by gel filtration on Sephadex G100. Gel filtration showed PME isoenzymes with different values of molecular mass. Two samples were examined: concPME (70% saturation by ammonium sulphate) and Iso4 PME (one of the isoforms from gel filtration with the greatest specific activity). Optimum pH of the enzyme (for both samples) was 8.5 and optimum temperature ranged from 75 and 85 degrees C. The optimum sodium chloride concentration was 0.15 M. The K-M and V-max ranged from 0.32 to 0.23 mg m1(-1) and 244 to 53.2 mu mol/min, respectively, for concPME and Iso4PME. The activation energies (E-a) were 64.5 and 103 kJ/mol, respectively, for concPME and Iso4PME. Guava PME, cv Paluma, is a very thermostable enzyme, showing great heat stability at all temperatures studied. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Analytical methods for sweetpotato, cassava and maize were developed. In orange and salmon-fleshed sweetpotatoes, (all-E)-beta-carotene predominated and results of spectrophotometric screening and HPLC quantification did not differ significantly. In yellow-fleshed sweetpotato and cassava, however, spectrophotometric screening overestimated the HPLC values because of the presence of several minor carotenoids. Aside from (all-E)-beta-carotene, Z-isomers were present in cassava in appreciable amounts. For both crops, extraction with acetone or tetrahydrofuran: methanol. (1: 1), using a mortar and pestle or a Polytron homogenizer, gave equivalent results. Rehydration of dry maize at room temperature for 30 min or at 85 degrees C for 5, 10 or 15 min gave equivalent results. Concentrations obtained with the C18 and C30 columns did not differ significantly for zeaxanthin, lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene in the all-E-configuration, but their Z-isomers were difficult to locate in the chromatogram obtained with the C30 column. Extraction with tetrahydrofuran:methanol (1:1) gave significantly lower results for zeaxanthin and lutein. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A pressed pellet of CIO (-)(4) poly (3-methylthiophene) (P3MT) was heated for two hours at 85 degrees C and suddenly dropped in liquid nitrogen. A change was observed around 220 K in the Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) spectra when the sample was slowly cooled from room temperature. ESR line asymmetry parameter (A/B) showed two spatially separated phases. One was identified as a small metallic-like phase. The other phase, the larger one, makes a transition to a semiconducting Charge-Density Wave (CDW) state.


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Experimental viscosity values of sucrose, glucose, and fructose aqueous solutions in a large range of temperatures (0 to 85 degrees C) and concentrations (10 to 60% w/w) that might be encountered in food processes were obtained in order to contribute to extending the available database of food properties. The temperature dependence of viscosity could be adequately described by the Arrhenius model, and the activation energy was well represented by a unique function of the solute volume fraction, valid for sucrose, glucose, and fructose solutions.


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The effect of milk processing on the microstructure of probiotic low-fat yogurt was studied. Skim milk fortified with skim milk powder was subjected to three treatments prior to innoculation: thermal treatment at 85 degrees C for 30 min, high hydrostatic pressure at 676 MPa for 5 min, and combined treatments of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) and heat. The processed milk was then fermented by using two different starter cultures containing Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Bifidobacterium longum. The microstructure of heat-treated milk yogurt had fewer interconnected chains of irregularly shaped casein micelles, forming a network that enclosed the void spaces. on the other hand, microstructure of HHP yogurt had more interconnected clusters of densely aggregated protein of reduced particle size, with an appearance more spherical in shape, exhibiting a smoother more regular surface and presenting more uniform size distribution. The combined HHP and heat milk treatments led to compact yogurt gels with increasingly larger casein micelle clusters interspaced by void spaces, and exhibited a high degree of cross-linking. The rounded micelles tended to fuse and form small irregular aggregates in association with clumps of dense amorphous material, which resulted in improved gel texture and viscosity. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objetivou-se avaliar o consumo e as digestibilidades aparentes de matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), extrato etéreo (EE), carboidratos totais (CT) e fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar em bovinos Nelore, recebendo rações contendo feno de capim-tifton 85 com 35, 42 e 56 dias de rebrota. Foram utilizados 18 novilhos, não-castrados, com peso vivo médio inicial de 345 kg, distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com seis repetições. Todas as rações continham 60% de volumoso e 40% de mistura concentrada constituída por fubá de milho e minerais, na base da matéria seca. O experimento teve duração de 100 dias, 16 dias de adaptação e três períodos de 28 dias para a avaliação do desempenho. O avanço da idade de rebrota do capim-tifton 85 produziu comportamento linear decrescente para consumos de MS, PB e EE, enquanto os consumos de CT e FDN não foram afetados pela idade de rebrota. O ganho médio diário de peso (1,23 kg) e a conversão alimentar (6,35) não foram influenciados pela idade de rebrota. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade de MS (59,6), PB (48,0), EE (53,2), CT (63,6) e FDN (41,5) também não foram influenciados pela idade de rebrota do feno de capim-tifton 85. Embora as dietas utilizadas sejam eqüivalentes nutricionalmente, recomenda-se a idade de corte de 42 dias de rebrota.


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Esta coletânea de artigos foi desenvolvida a partir de reflexões produzidas em diferentes edições do Seminário Brasileiro sobre o Pensamento de Jacques Ellul, filósofo e sociólogo francês que discutiu, em mais de 50 livros e centenas de artigos, a condição e o destino do homem na sociedade técnica, termo por ele utilizado para referir-se à sociedade contemporânea. Foram reunidos artigos produzidos por pesquisadores do Brasil, Canadá, França e Inglaterra, com a maior parte dos textos oriundos da pesquisa e das reflexões de alunos, pesquisadores e professores do Programa de Mestrado em Direito da Unesp, campus de Franca. Os artigos foram divididos em duas partes, com a primeira tratando principalmente da ênfase de Ellul na técnica e na tecnologia como os verdadeiros fundamentos do poder na sociedade moderna. Para Ellul, o progresso técnico já teria engendrado um fenômeno de proletarização generalizada, que abrange toda a humanidade e todos os aspectos da vida humana, superando a dimensão puramente econômica. Na segunda parte, os estudos transpassam as questões políticas e desembocam na análise das técnicas de dominação dos corpos e das mentes, buscando aprofundar a perspectiva elluliana diante do Direito e da Bioética, além dos muitos e tortuosos significados da imagem na sociedade atual


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Com o objetivo de obter uma equação que, através de parâmetros lineares dimensionais das folhas, permitisse estimar a área foliar de Wissadula subpeltata (Kuntze) Fries, estudaram- se correlações entre a área foliar real e o comprimento da folha ao longo da nervura principal (C ), largura máxi ma da folha (L) , comprimento do espaço entre o ponto de inserção do pecíolo na folha até a primeira ramificação da nervura principal (CE), L + C, L x C e L x CE. Todas as equações, geométricas ou lineares simples, permitiram boas estimativas da área foliar . do pont o de vista prático, sugere- se optar pela equação linear simples envolvendo o produto C x L, considerando o coeficiente linear igual a zero. Deste modo, a estimativa da área foliar de W. subpeltata pode ser feita pel a fórmula Y = 0, 85 49 (C x L), ou seja 85 ,49% do produto entre o comprimento da nervura principal e a largura máxima da folha.


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Os objetivos deste trabalho foram quantificar as exposições dérmicas (EDs) e respiratórias (ERs) proporcionadas ao piloto e ao seu ajudante nas aplicações de herbicidas para o controle de plantas daninhas aquáticas com aerobarco; classificar essas condições de trabalho em seguras ou inseguras; e calcular a necessidade de controle das exposições (NCE) e o tempo de trabalho seguro (TTS). O aerobarco utilizado tinha casco de alumínio (4,85 x 2,42 m) e acionamento por hélice acoplada a motor a gasolina de 350 HP. O equipamento de pulverização era composto por bomba de diafragma com fluxo máximo de 49,69 L min-1, pressão máxima de 25 kg cm-2, acionada por motor a gasolina de 4 HP, e tanque de calda de 189 L. A barra de pulverização de alumínio era composta de duas seções laterais de 3 m, posicionadas na linha entre o encosto do banco do piloto e o início da estrutura protetora da hélice. Cada seção da barra tinha seis bicos com pontas de jato plano com indução de ar AI 100 03, espaçados de 0,5 m, e uma ponta OC 20 fixada em cada extremidade. O conjunto de pontas pulverizava faixas de 6 m de largura e aplicava o volume de calda de 200 L ha-1. O sistema tinha gerenciador de fluxo, controlado por central eletrônica acoplada a DGPS (com precisão submétrica), para corrigir automaticamente a vazão em função de alterações na velocidade real da embarcação. As EDs e ERs aos herbicidas foram calculadas com os dados substitutos das exposições às caldas, avaliadas com os traçadores cobre e manganês adicionados às caldas. As exposições foram extrapoladas para uma jornada de trabalho de seis horas. A segurança das condições de trabalho foi determinada com o cálculo da margem de segurança (MS), utilizando-se a fórmula MS = (NOEL x 70)/(QAE x 10), em que QAE = quantidade absorvível da exposição. As condições de trabalho foram classificadas em seguras, se MS>1, ou inseguras, se MS<1. As exposições proporcionadas pelas condições de trabalho foram de 10,65 mL de calda por dia para o piloto e de 16,80 mL por dia para o ajudante, que fica sentado em uma cadeira a 2,0 m à frente do piloto e da barra de pulverização. Classificaram-se como seguras as aplicações dos herbicidas glyphosate (Rodeo, 6 L ha-1), 2,4D (DMA 806 BR, 8 L ha-1) e fluridone (Sonar AQ, 0,4 L ha-1), para o piloto e o seu ajudante. Classificou-se como insegura a aplicação do herbicida diquat (Reward, 4,0 L ha-1) para as duas condições de trabalho, cujas necessidades de controle das exposições calculadas foram de 65% para o piloto e de 78% para o ajudante do piloto.


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The aim of this research was to identify methods for breaking dormancy and promoting germination of Stryphnodendron adstringens and S. polyphyllum seeds. Seeds of both species were submitted to the following treatments for breaking dormancy: control; mechanical scarification (sandpaper number 220); hot water (initial temperature of 87 degrees C) for 5 and 15 minutes; chemical scarification with H(2)SO(4) (95%) for 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105 minutes; thermal shock 1 (0 degrees C and 50% RH for 1 h and thereafter 10 minutes into water Ti=85 degrees C, Tf=57 degrees C); thermic shock 2 (40 degrees C and 40% RH for 6 h and thereafter 10 minutes into water, Ti=0 degrees C, Tf=3 degrees C); thermal shock 3 (40 degrees C and 40% RH for 6h and thereafter 10 minutes into water, Ti=25 degrees C, Tf=25 degrees C). We concluded that seeds belonging to same genus but from different species answered differently to some treatments for breaking dormancy. Chemical scarification with H(2)SO(4) (45 minutes) and mechanical scarification with sandpaper are methods that can be employed with efficiency to break dormancy and promote germination for both species.


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In this work we optimized conditions for aerosol deposition of homogeneous, nano-grained, smooth Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 thin films. Investigation involved optimization of deposition parameters, namely deposition time and temperature for different substrates. Solutions were prepared from titanium isopropoxide, strontium acetate and barium acetate. Films were deposited on Si (1 0 0) or Si covered by platinum (Pt (1 1 1) /Ti/SiO2/Si). Investigation showed that the best films were obtained at substrate temperature of 85 degrees C. After deposition films were slowly heated up to 650 degrees C, annealed for 30 min, and slowly cooled. Grain size of BST films deposited on Si substrate were in the range 40-70 nm, depending on deposition conditions, while the same films deposited on Pt substrates showed mean grain size in the range 35-50 nm. Films deposited under optimal conditions were very homogeneous, crack-free, and smooth with rms roughness lower than 4 nm for both substrates.


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Purpose: This study evaluated the relationship between anxiety levels and severity degrees of chronic orofacial pain of temporomandibular disorder in brazilian university students. Methods: 150 volunteers (117 men and 33 women), with age ranging from 17 to 30 years, were subjects to this study. Spielberger's trait-state anxiety inventory was used to evaluate trait and state anxiety of the students, while examination for chronic orofacial pain was performed in accordance with the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD). Association between anxiety levels and severity degrees of chronic orofacial pain was tested using the Chi-square test. The significance level was set at p<.05. Results: The results showed that 32.7% (n = 49) of the subjects exhibited TMD, and the intensity of chronic orofacial pain was classified as degree 1 in 85.7% (n = 42) and as degree 2 in 14.3% (n = 7) of them. Based on the results of the Spielberger's trait-state anxiety inventory, the majority of the students had moderate anxiety (48.6% and 48.1%, respectively). The correlation between trait-anxiety levels and chronic orofacial pain degrees was significant and positive (p<.05). However, no significant correlation was found to state-anxiety levels and chronic orofacial pain degrees (p>.05). Conclusion: It was concluded that chronic orofacial pain of TMD could be present in university students and anxiety may be related. © 2010 Japan Prosthodontic Society. Published by Elsevier Ireland. All rights reserved.