90 resultados para Brazilian economy

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Based on behaviour of output growth and industrial sector prices, it tries to define the several stages comprising the cyclic trends of the Brazilian economy. Analyzes the behaviour of inflation rates and of relative prices, and shows that there is a positive association between the measures of inflation rates and of their variables as well as between both these measures and dispersion of relative price changes. Demonstrates the assymetric behaviour of relative price changes and differentiated behaviour in relative prices of farm produce and industrial products. -from Authors


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Citrus cultures have a fundamental importance to the Brazilian economy; certain aspects such as plant nutrition, yield, and fruit quality are vital for the citrus industry sustainability. The present study evaluated the nutritional status of manganese in adult Pear orange trees using different lime rates topically applied to the soil. The direct evaluation of lime rates effects on leaf manganese (Mn) levels revealed a decrease of the nutrient correlated to its increased, as well as passage of time between application and measurement. Foliar sampling 30 months after surface lime application evidenced a high correlation of foliar manganese levels with soil base saturation of 10-20 cm. Leaf manganese levels which showed a great probability of high productivity were between 33 and 70 mg kg-1.


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O desenvolvimento de projetos relacionados ao desempenho de diversas culturas tem recebido aperfeiçoamento cada vez maior, incorporado a modelos matemáticos sendo indispensável à utilização de equações cada vez mais consistentes que possibilitem previsão e maior aproximação do comportamento real, diminuindo o erro na obtenção das estimativas. Entre as operações unitárias que demandam maior estudo estão aquelas relacionadas com o crescimento da cultura, caracterizadas pela temperatura ideal para o acréscimo de matéria seca. Pelo amplo uso dos métodos matemáticos na representação, análise e obtenção de estimativas de graus-dia, juntamente com a grande importância que a cultura da cana-de-açúcar tem para a economia brasileira, foi realizada uma avaliação dos modelos matemáticos comumente usados e dos métodos numéricos de integração na estimativa da disponibilidade de graus-dia para essa cultura, na região de Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo. Os modelos de integração, com discretização de 6 em 6 h, apresentaram resultados satisfatórios na estimativa de graus-dia. As metodologias tradicionais apresentaram desempenhos satisfatórios quanto à estimativa de grausdia com base na curva de temperatura horária para cada dia e para os agrupamentos de três, sete, 15 e 30 dias. Pelo método numérico de integração, a região de Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo, apresentou disponibilidade térmica anual média de 1.070,6 GD para a cultura da cana-de-açúcar.


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The common bean is a leguminous of great importance in the Brazilian economy and nitrogen is the taken up nutrient in larger amount. Nitrogen fertilization management is of extreme importance to offer larger economical viability, besides increasing the efficiency of plant in the use of the available resources. The objective this study was to evaluate the effect of sources and doses of sidedressing nitrogen in the development and yield of winter common bean in no tillage system, as well as evaluate its economical viability. A randomized blocks design was used, in a factorial scheme 3x3 with 9 treatments constituted by three sources of nitrogen (ammonium sulphate, urea and ammonium sulphate 1/2 of N + urea 1/2 of N, applied at V(4-3) stadium) and different doses of sidedressing nitrogen (0, 40, 80 kg ha(-1)) in four replications. The study was conducted in Selviria county, MS State in 2004 in no season crop period, in a dystrophic Haplustox soil. The conclusion: independent of nitrogen source, nitrogen fertilization increasing provides increment in yield of winter common bean up to dose 80 kg/ha, and this provides, on average, an increase of 20% in yield compared with control (without sidedressing nitrogen). The urea is the nitrogen source of larger economical efficiency.


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In 1956, Africanized bees began to spread in the American continent from southern Brazil, where original African bees mated with European bees. A few years later, in 1990, these Africanized bees reached the United States and were found in Texas. Currently, these hybrid bees are found in several North American states and will probably reach the Canadian border in the future. Although the presence of Africanized bees had produced positive effects on Brazilian economy, including improvement in crop pollination and in honey production, turning Brazil into a major exporter, the negative impacts-such as swarming, aggressive behavior, and the ability to mass attack-resulted in serious and fatal envenomation with humans and animals. Victims of bee attacks usually develop a severe envenomation syndrome characterized by the release of a large amount of cytokines [interleukins (IL) IL-1, IL-6, IL-8], and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Subsequently, such cytokines produce an acute inflammatory response that triggers adverse effects on skeletal muscles; bone marrow; hepatic and renal functions; and cardiovascular, central nervous, and immune systems. Finally, the aim of the present review is to study historical characteristics and current status of Africanized bees' spread, the composition of their venom, the impact of the bees on the Brazilian economy and ecology, and clinical aspects of their stings including immune response, and to suggest a protocol for bee sting management since there is no safe and effective antivenom available.


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Since 2004, Brazil has been the leading exporter of chicken. Because of the importance of this sector in the Brazilian economy, food safety must be ensured by control and monitoring of the production stages susceptible to contamination, such as the chilling process. The goal of this study was to evaluate changes in microbial levels on chicken carcasses and in chilling water after immersion in a chilling system for 8 and 16 h during commercial processing. An objective of the study was to encourage discussion regarding the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Food Supply regulation that requires chicken processors to completely empty, clean, and disinfect each tank of the chilling system after every 8-h shift. Before and after immersion carcasses were collected and analyzed for mesophilic bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, conforms, and Escherichia coli. Samples of water from the chilling system were also analyzed for residual free chlorine. The results do not support required emptying of the chiller tank after 8 h; these tanks could be emptied after 16 h. The results for all carcasses tested at the 8- and 16-h time points indicated no significant differences in the microbiological indicators evaluated. These data provide both technical and scientific support for discussing changes in federal law regarding the management of immersion chilling water systems used as part of the poultry processing line.


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Heterotermes tenuis is a native termite of large negative impact on the Brazilian economy. Many studies have focused on optimizing the baiting method for termite control by improving its use and its efficacy. In order to maximize termite bait consumption, this study aimed to select nutrient solutions which are able to enhance termite feeding. The effects of some sugars and urea on feeding preference of the subterranean termite H. tenuis were determined by double choice feeding tests, and the consumption was evaluated by variation in dry mass of filter paper after 28 days of termite feeding. Most of the solutions tested did not significantly influence feeding of H. tenuis. Termites fed preferentially on filter paper treated with 0.03 g/ml trehalose and 0.015 g/ml urea solutions. The data indicate that trehalose and urea solutions are phagostimulants to H. tenuis, and their future use in bait matrices may increase consumption of baits and improve this control technique.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of the second national development plan was to define industrial expansion in Brazil. The capital goods industry had to be aligned with large infrastructure projects. Also public sector national enterprise was a key element. A newly created financial base 'FIBASE', the national development bank, and state enterprises are principal agents of change in the industrial model. However, the II PND has not succeeded in changing the model because from the beginning it has not considered the realities of the Brazilian economy.-translated by J.Robertson


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Brazilian citriculture represents about 25% of the total world citrus production with an area of 851,518 ha and a total production of more than 17 million tons in 1996. Besides its importance to the brazilian economy, represented by more than 1 billion US $ by year from FCOJ exportation, the citriculture has problems related to low productivity, due to several cultural practices and management. The productivity would be improved by an IFP system. The main problems are related to soil, as poor conservation, use of poor drained soils and bad preparation for planting; diseases-canker, CVC, leprosis, Phytophtora gummosis and other fungus diseases; pests - mites, scales, nematodes and others; the use of disease free and improved scion and rootstocks propagative material is usual; cultural practices - as nutrition, irrigation, wind breaks, weed control, pruning, replant and others, as density planting could be improved. Some possible solutions will be discussed for improving the brazilian citrus productivity and quality by IFP, based on research made.


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The subterranean termite Heterotermes tenuis (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) is a pest of great importance for the Brazilian economy as it causes serious damages in commercial reforestations of Eucalyptus spp. and sugarcane cultures. (3Z,6Z,8E)-Dodecatrien-1-ol has been identified as a pheromone of some species of subterranean termites. The objective of this research was to synthesize (3Z,6Z,8E)-dodecatrien-1-ol and determine by electroantennographic (EAG) bioassays the selectivity and sensitivity of H. tenius antennae to its whole worker extract and to the synthetic triene alcohol.


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Brazil is the world leader in broiler production and export. It achieved this position mainly to its excellent supply chain structure and climate, which favor poultry and grain production throughout its territory. Although Brazilian egg production is not as important as broiler production, this segment presents great potential of increasing its share in the global market. However, as elsewhere in the world, Brazilian poultry production faces the challenge to balance two elements within its supply chain: cruelty and productivity. The consumers of the European Union (EU) are very concerned with animal welfare issues. In order to increase its share in the European market, and eventually in the world market, Brazilian poultry producers must understand the effects of production systems on poultry welfare, and try to develop systems that are suited for its climate and other production conditions. There is a consensus that the natural behaviors performed by poultry in intensive production systems allow better welfare. This objective of this review is to present scientific research studies that relate different behaviors to chicken welfare. Poultry behavior is a reflex of their welfare status at a particular moment, and it is related to internal (physiological) and external (environmental) factors. Several natural behaviors that favor welfare, as well as undesirable behaviors, may be stimulated by environmental enrichment. The correct interpretation of the behaviors expressed by poultry, including their frequency, duration, and sequence, may be used to estimate their welfare. Animal production is an import sector of Brazilian economy. It significantly contributes to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), in terms of products destined both to domestic consumption and exports. New technologies applied to products and management practices have been developed for field application, aiming at improving producers' productivity and profitability. In order to comply with the European Union's (EU) guidelines for animal protein production, Brazilian poultry production needs to undergo a process of adaptation. In May, 2007, the EU Commission established its new guidelines for animal welfare in poultry production, pressured by consumer demand. In the EU, there is a growing concern among consumers as to how poultry are reared and slaughtered. European consumers are in the fore front of the demand of high quality products produced with under better welfare conditions, and have spread this concern throughout the world. Beaumont et al. (2010) mentioned that European consumers frequently perceive that standard commercial poultry production has poor animal welfare practices. According to Nääs et al. (2008), Brazilian poultry production today needs to find a balance between cruelty and productivity. In fact, ensuring animal welfare may provide better financial results, as it increases the producer's profit margins and allows maintaining Brazilian chicken export quotas to the EU. França (2008) noted that biological studies that define ethical limits and guidelines for poultry production foster the development of new production practices that may ensure good product quality and productivity without putting bird welfare at risk. Gonyou (1994) states that, when animal welfare started to be studied, the only behavioral factors considered were those related to feeding and reproduction. These first studies used as indicators of animal welfare reduced life expectancy, impaired growth, impaired reproduction, body damage, disease, immunosuppression, adrenal activity, behavior anomalies, and self-narcotization (Broom, 1991). However, current studies evaluate additional indicators, such as natural behaviors, behavioral needs, preferences, behavioral problems, emotional state, cognitive abilities, etc. In the field of ethology, the expression of natural behavior is a frequently used tool used to estimate the welfare of poultry destined to human consumption. According to Bracke & Hopster (2006), natural behavior can be defined as the behavior the animal normaly presents when exposed to conditions similar to its natural habitat. Natural behaviors are pleasurable and promote biological functions that are meaningful to the animal's welfare. The definition of natural behavior, though, does not include the bird's behavior when sick, in flight or during aggression, since these are not considered pleasurable situations. Considering layer behavioral needs in the design of housing facilities optimize their welfare. Mishra et al. (2005) verified that ISA Brown layers spent, during 24 hours, around 97% of the time in the nest, feeding, walking, resting, or dust bathing, and that 57% of these behaviors did not depend on environmental enrichment. It was also observed that hens had preferred behavioral sequences, which included foraging and comfort behaviors, such as wing-stretching and preening. The present review aims at discussing, albeit not exhaustively, scientific research studies on the behavior of Gallusgallus domesticus and its relationship to welfare. The following behaviors are reviewed: feather pecking, scratching, dust bathing, nesting, locomotion activities, and aggressive behaviors. These behaviors are the most frequently observed in commercial broiler, broiler breeder, and layer farming, and therefore, monitoring their incidence may contribute to measure poultry welfare.


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Sugarcane is an important crop for the Brazilian economy and roughly 50% of its production is used to produce ethanol. However, the common practice of pre-harvest burning of sugarcane straw emits particulate material, greenhouse gases, and tropospheric ozone precursors to the atmosphere. Even with policies to eliminate the practice of pre-harvest sugarcane burning in the near future, there is still significant environmental damage. Thus, the generation of reliable inventories of emissions due to this activity is crucial in order to assess their environmental impact. Nevertheless, the official Brazilian emissions inventory does not presently include the contribution from pre-harvest sugarcane burning. In this context, this work aims to determine sugarcane straw burning emission factors for some trace gases and particulate material smaller than 2.5μm in the laboratory. Excess mixing ratios for CO2, CO, NOX, UHC (unburned hydrocarbons), and PM2.5 were measured, allowing the estimation of their respective emission factors. Average estimated values for emission factors (g kg-1 of burned dry biomass) were 1,303 ± 218 for CO2, 65 ± 14 for CO, 1.5 ± 0.4 for NOX, 16 ± 6 for UHC, and 2.6 ± 1.6 for PM2.5. These emission factors can be used to generate more realistic emission inventories and therefore improve the results of air quality models. © 2012 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)