10 resultados para Blisters

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a rare group of diseases characterized by skin fragility. There is no specific treatment, short of protection from trauma, currently available for these patients. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) was effective as an analgesic and in accelerating cutaneous wound healing after six sessions of therapy in a child with dystrophic EB with cutaneous scarring and blisters on the limbs and trunk.


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O experimento foi conduzido nas instalações experimentais da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - UNESP, Campus de Botucatu, SP, Brasil, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da densidade de criação e do sexo sobre o empenamento, incidência de lesões na carcaça e a qualidade de carne de peito de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 1950 pintos de corte sexados, da linhagem Ross, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial com 3 densidades (10, 13 e 16 aves/m²) e dois sexos com 5 repetições, sendo que uma foi destinada exclusivamente para reserva, criados até os 42 dias de idade. Aos 28, 35 e 42 dias foram amostradas 3 aves por repetição para a determinação do empenamento através da porcentagem de penas e 10 aves para a determinação do escore de empenamento. Também aos 42 dias de idade todas as aves foram identificadas na pata com anilhas numeradas e submetidas à avaliação da incidência de lesões na pele. Foram escolhidas ao acaso 5 aves por repetição para a determinação da qualidade da carne de peito. Pode-se concluir que o aumento na densidade de criação promoveu uma diminuição na velocidade de empenamento e, conseqüentemente, uma maior incidência de lesões na carcaça. O comprimento, a largura e a espessura do peito foram menores para as aves criadas na maior densidade, e a perda de peso por cozimento foi maior para as aves criadas na maior densidade.


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As atividades físicas praticadas pelos bailarinos predispõem-nos à ocorrência de inúmeros agravos. A busca por informações sobre as lesões dessa modalidade permitiu constatar, em nosso meio, escassez de investigações sobre o assunto. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi apontar as principais lesões da dança, visando descrever sua distribuição e caracterização a partir de nossa realidade, bem como sugerir medidas preventivas para os agravos de maior ocorrência. Para tanto, realizou-se estudo com 122 bailarinas na faixa etária de 8 a 30 anos, alocadas nas academias de dança da cidade de Bauru. em sua maioria, eram membros do corpo de baile (42%) ou estudantes (45%), com 3 a 11 anos de prática (73%), alunas de balé clássico (84%) e jazz (66%) e participavam de 4 a 8 aulas semanais (70%), com duração de 60 a 120 minutos (89%). O procedimento para coleta de dados foi o inquérito de morbidade referida para obtenção de informações sobre os agravos ocorridos no período de um ano. A apresentação dos resultados deu-se sob a forma de estatística descritiva, com distribuições de freqüência absoluta, relativa, corrigida e razão de lesões. em termos analíticos foram utilizados testes não paramétricos de Wilcoxon, Spearman e Kruskal-Wallis, para p < 0,05. Os resultados apontaram 53,27% das respondentes com freqüências entre 1 e 6 lesões agudas, que aumentam com a idade, concentram-se no plano tegumentar (79,46%) e estão associadas a variáveis como a idade em que começou a dançar e com o uso de sapatilha de ponta; 97,48% são agravos de membros inferiores, com predominância de calos (47,03%) e bolhas (28,56%) nos pés. O balé clássico foi o estilo responsável pela maior parte das lesões; as mais experientes e as estudantes foram as mais afetadas e o uso da sapatilha de ponta implicou risco elevado para ocorrência dos agravos observados nos pés.


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Apresenta-se um caso de bullosis diabeticorum, doença rara associada ao diabetes mellitus crônico e complicações como a neuropatia ou nefropatia. As bolhas são tensas e grandes, com pouca inflamação circundante e localização acral, regredindo espontaneamente em cerca de três semanas. O exame histopatológico é inespecífico, e o diagnóstico diferencial deve ser feito com a epidermólise bolhosa, os pênfigos, o penfigóide bolhoso, queimaduras e erisipelas bolhosas.


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Biotic interactions between brachiopods and spionid polychaete worms, collected around San Juan Islands (USA), were documented using observations from live-collected individuals and traces of bioerosion found in dead brachiopod shells. Specimens of Terebratalia tranversa (Sowerby), Terebratulina unguicula (Carpenter), Laqueus californianus (Koch), and Hemithiris psittacea (Gmelin) were collected from rocky and muddy substrates, from sites ranging from 14.7-93.3 m in depth. Out of 1,131 specimens, 91 shells showed traces of bioerosion represented by horizontal tubes. Tubes are U-shaped, straight or slightly curved, sometimes branched, with both tube openings communicating externally. on internal surfaces of infested shells, blisters are observed. All brachiopod species yielded tubes, except for H. psittacea. Tubes are significantly more frequent on live specimens, and occur preferentially on larger, ventral valves. This pattern suggests selectivity by the infester rather than a taphonomic bias. Given the mode of life of studied brachiopods (epifaunal, sessile, attached to the substrate, lying on dorsal valve), ventral valves of living specimens should offer the most advantageous location for suspension-feeding infesters. Frequent infestation of brachiopods by parasitic spionids is ecologically and commercially noteworthy because farmed molluscs are also commonly infested by parasitic polychaetes. In addition, brachiopod shells are among the most common marine macroscopic fossils found in the Phanerozoic fossil record. From a paleontological perspective, spionid-infested brachiopod shells may be a prime target for studying parasite-host interactions over evolutionary time scales.


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Shells of Bouchardia rosea (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonelliformea) are abundant in Late Holocene death assemblages of the Ubatuba Bight, Brazil, SW Atlantic. This genus is also known from multiple localities in the Cenozoic fossil record of South America. A total of 1211 valves of B. rosea, 2086 shells of sympatric bivalve mollusks (14 nearshore localities ranging in depth from 0 to 30 m), 80 shells of Bouchardia zitteli, San Julián Formation, Paleogene, Argentina, and 135 shells of Bouchardia transplatina, Camacho Formation, Neogene, Uruguay were examined for bioerosion traces. All examined bouchardiid shells represent shallow-water, subtropical marine settings. Out of 1211 brachiopod shells of B. rosea, 1201 represent dead individuals. A total of 149 dead specimens displayed polychaete traces (Caulostrepsis). Live polychaetes were found inside Caulostrepsis borings in 10 life-collected brachiopods, indicating a syn-vivo interaction (Caulostrepsis traces in dead shells of B. rosea were always empty). The long and coiled peristomial palps, large chaetae on both sides of the 5th segment, and flanged pygidium found in the polychaetes are characteristic of the polychaete genus Polydora (Spionidae). The fact that 100% of the Caulostrepsis found in living brachiopods were still inhabited by the trace-making spionids, whereas none was found in dead hosts, implies active biotic interaction between the two living organisms rather than colonization of dead brachiopod shells. The absence of blisters, the lack of valve/site stereotypy, and the fact that tubes open only externally are all suggestive of a commensal relationship. These data document a new host group (bouchardiid rhynchonelliform brachiopods) with which spionids can interact (interestingly, spionid-infested sympatric bivalves have not been found in the study area despite extensive sampling). The syn-vivo interaction indicates that substantial bioerosion may occur when the host is alive. Thus, the presence of such bioerosion traces on fossil shells need not imply a prolonged post-mortem exposure of shells on the sea floor. Also, none of the Paleogene and Neogene Bouchardia species included any ichnological evidence for spionid infestation. This indicates that the Spionidae/ Bouchardia association may be geologically young, although the lack of older records may also reflect limited sampling and/or taphonomic biases.


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Autoimmune bullous dermatoses are diseases in which blisters and vesicles are the primary and fundamental types of skin lesion. Their classification is based on the location of the blister: intraepidermal and subepidermal. Patients produce autoantibodies against self-specific structures of the skin detectable by immunofluorescence techniques, immunoblotting and ELISA. Recent advances in molecular and cellular biology have brought to knowledge these self-antigens, against which patients are sensitized, and which are found in epidermis or in the dermo-epidermal junction. These are low incidence, but high morbidity diseases that may be fatal. The aim of this article is to review and describe the progress of four autoimmune vesiculobullous disorders: endemic pemphigus foliaceous (wild fire), pemphigus vulgaris, bullous pemphigoid and dermatitis herpetiformis. ©2009 by Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia.


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Background: Autoimmune bullous dermatoses are complex diseases triggered by autoantibodies action against epidermal antigens or the dermoepidermal junction. Blisters and vesicles that evolve with erosion areas characterize them. Although rare, they present high morbidity, affecting the quality of life of patients.Objectives: To assess the magnitude of autoimmune bullous dermatoses on life quality of patients treated in a public university service in countryside of Brazil. Methods: This cross-sectional study was based on an inquiry with autoimmune bullous dermatoses patients assisted at outpatient university referral service. Elements related to quality of life were evaluated by the Dermatology Life Quality Index, as well as clinical and demographic data. Results: The study evaluated 43 patients with pemphigus foliaceus, 32 with pemphigus vulgaris, 6 with bullous pemphigoid and 3 with dermatitis herpetiformis. The average age was 48 +/- 16 years and 34 (40%) were female. The median score (p25-p75) of the Dermatology Life Quality Index was 16 (9-19), classified as "severe impairment" of life quality, in which the greater impact was related to symptoms and feelings, daily and leisure activities. Conclusions: Autoimmune bullous dermatoses inflict severe impairment of quality of life for patients followed by a public outpatient clinic in the countryside of Brazil.


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Lionfish are venomous fish that belong to the Scorpaenidae family. Individuals of this family and those of the Synanceiidae family comprise most of the existing venomous fish in the world. Lionfish are originally found in the Indo-Pacific, but they have received special attention in the last years for their dissemination in the Atlantic Ocean, with the emergence of large populations in the USA, Caribbean and South America. Because of its beauty, this fish has always been present in private and commercial aquariums around the world. Herein, we describe 15 envenomations in aquarists registered in a period of eighteen years (1997-2014). The stings caused excruciating pain and marked inflammation, with local erythema, edema, heat, paleness and cyanosis. In one case, it was possible to observe vesicles and blisters. There were no skin necroses or marked systemic manifestations. We discuss the possible coming of the fish to South America and the circumstances and clinical impact of the envenomations.


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The cosmopolitan beetles of the Paederus genus (potos) cause a severe dermatitis when the insect is crushed against the skin of exposed areas (the cervical region is the most affected). Toxins (pederin and others) from the hemolymph of the insect cause plaques and/or bizarre, linear lesions with erythema, edema, blisters, pustules, crusts and exulcerations. There may be a burning sensation and severe conjunctivitis. Lesions disappear after 10 days and may leave hyperchromic macules. Treatment is made with topical corticosteroids and intensive washing.