50 resultados para Blind, Periodicals for the

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Background the aim of this study was to compare effective and sham intravaginal electrical stimulation (IES) in treating mixed urinary incontinence. Methods. Between January 2001 and February 2002, 40 women were randomly distributed, in a double-blind study, into two groups: group G1 (n = 20), effective IES, and group G2 (n = 20), sham IES, with follow up at one month. Different parameters was studied: 1. clinical questionnaire, 2. body mass index; 3. 60-min pad test; 4. urodynamic study. The protocol of IES consisted of three 20-min sessions per week over a seven-week period. The Dualpex Uro 996 used a frequency of 4 Hz. Results. There was no statistically significant difference in the demographic data of both groups. The number of micturitions per 24 h after treatment was reduced significantly in both groups. Urge incontinence was reduced to 15% in G1 and 31.5% in G2; there was no significant difference between the groups. In the analog wetness and discomfort sensation evaluations were reduced significantly in both groups. The pretreatment urodynamic study showed no statistical difference in urodynamic parameters between the groups. Ten percent of the women presented involuntary detrusor contractions. In the 60-min pad test, there was a significant reduction in both groups. In regards to satisfaction level, after treatment, 80% of G1 patients and 65% of G2 patients were satisfied. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups. Conclusion. Significant improvement was provided by effective and sham electrostimulation, questioning the effectiveness of electrostimulation as a monotherapy.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of low intensity laser therapy (LILT) in 30 patients presenting temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain and mandibular dysfunction in a random and double-blind research design. The sample, divided into experimental group (1) and placebo group (2), was submitted to the treatment with infrared laser (780 nm, 30 mW, 10 s, 6.3 J/cm2) at three TMJ points. The treatment was evaluated throughout six sessions and 15, 30 and 60 days after the end of the therapy, through visual analogue scale (VAS), range of mandibular movements and TMJ pressure pain threshold. The results showed a reduction in VAS (p < 0.001) and through the ANOVA with repeated measures it was observed that the groups did not present statistically significant differences (P = 0.2060), as the averages of the evaluation times (P = 0.3955) and the interaction groups evaluation times (P = 0.3024), considering the MVO. The same occurred for RLE (P = 0.2988, P = 0.1762 and P = 0.7970), LLE (P = 0.3265, P = 0.4143 and P = 0.0696), PPTD (P = 0.1558, P = 0.4695 and P = 0.0737) and PPTE (P = 0.2376, P = 0.3203 and P = 0.0624). For PE, there were not statistically significant differences for groups (P = 0.7017) and the interaction groups evaluation times (P = 0.6678), even so in both groups the PE varied with time (P = 0.0069). © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar possíveis alterações clínicas e histológicas determinadas pela administração da betametasona no espaço subaracnóideo de cães. MÉTODOS: Vinte e um cães foram incluídos no estudo de forma aleatória e encoberta. Depois de anestesiados, os cães foram submetidos a punção subaracóidea com injeção de 1 ml da solução sorteada. Os animais receberam solução salina 0,9% em G1, betametasona na dose de 1,75 mg em G2 e betametasona na dose de 3,5 mg em G3. Todos os animais foram mantidos em observação clínica por 21 dias, sendo posteriormente sacrificados. Porções da medula espinhal e sacral foram removidas para análise histológica por microscopia óptica. RESULTADOS: Não foram detectadas alterações clínicas em quaisquer dos animais incluídos no estudo. da mesma forma, nenhum animal do G1 apresentou alterações histológicas. Infiltração inflamatória foi observada em dois cães, um do G2 e outro e G3. No cão do G2 onde a infiltração inflamatória foi observada ocorreu, conjuntamente, hemorragia e necrose. em dois cães, um de G2 e outro de G3, observou-se discreta fibrose e espessamento da aracnóide, sendo focal em um e difusa no outro. CONCLUSÃO: A administração subaracnóidea de betametasona determinou alterações histológicas em medula e meninges de alguns dos cães envolvidos no estudo.


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Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is an acute, highly contagious viral disease. The diagnosis of IBD depends on time-consuming and costly procedures, like virus isolation on chick embryos and histopathological examination, A double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA), immunoperoxidase and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) were applied in this study to detect classical IBD virus (IBDV) after three blind passages of the Lukert strain on chicken embryo related (CER) cell monolayer after different periods of infection: 6, 12, 24 and 48 h, Cytophatic effects were most evident 12 h post-infection (p.i.) but were observed at 6 h p.i. The maximum discrimination between IBDV-infected and uninfected cell suspensions obtained by the use of DAS-ELISA for virus detection corresponded to 0.597+/-0.02 and 0.010+/-0.01 after 12h p.i., respectively. The RT-PCR was performed using the set of primers A3.1 and A3.2 to amplify the VP2 region of the IBDV genome, This molecular technique demonstrated that from 6 h p.i., it was possible to detect the viral RNA. The results show that the CER cell line can be used for classical IBDV propagation, confirmed by the DAS-ELISA, immunoperoxidase and RT-PCR assay.


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Candida species have frequently been isolated from the oral cavities of a variety of patients, such as elderly people, dentures users, immunocompromised and health patients. Yeasts may be associated with immune response and local factors such as poor oral hygiene. It was evaluated effectiveness of tongue cleaner showing which types would be preferred by patients, changes in tongue coating and in saliva yeasts counting. Thirty patients were selected and randomly distributed into three groups. This crossover blind study evaluated the effect of tongue cleaning using: a plastic and a steel tongue scraper and a nylon soft-bristle toothbrush. All patients were instructed to use the cleaners twice a day for one week (fifteen-day wash-out period). Saliva and tongue coating samples were collected from each patient from each test period, the yeasts were counted by colony forming units per mL (CFU/ mL) and the species were identified. The patients were questioned about cleaner preference. An increase in the percentage of patients with no tongue coating after scraping was observed. A reduction in the mean number of Candida species in tongue coating was observed only after nylon soft-bristle toothbrush cleaner. Candida albicans was the prevalent species. Volunteers preferred to the steel tongue scraper (60%). Tongue cleaners reduced the tongue coating and the mean number of saliva's yeasts. Degree of tongue coating favors the Candida species colonization.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Human motion seems to be guided by some optimal principles. In general, it is assumed that human walking is generated with minimal energy consumption. However, in the presence of disturbances during gait, there is a trade-off between stability (avoiding a fall) and energy-consumption. This work analyses the obstacle-crossing with the leading foot. It was hypothesized that energy-saving mechanisms during obstacle-crossing are modulated by the requirement to avoid a fall using the available sensory information, particularly, by vision. A total of fourteen subjects, seven with no visual impairment and seven blind, walked along a 5 meter flat pathway with an obstacle of 0.26 m height located at 3 m from the starting point. The seven subjects with normal vision crossed the obstacle successfully 30 times in two conditions: blindfolded and with normal vision. The seven blind subjects did the same 30 times. The motion of the leading limb was recorded by video at 60 Hz. There were markers placed on the subject's hip, knee, ankle, rear foot, and forefoot. The motion data were filtered with a fourth order Butterworth filter with a cut-off frequency of 4 Hz. The following variables were calculated: horizontal distance between the leading foot and the obstacle at toe-off prior to (DHPO) and after (DHOP) crossing, minimal vertical height from the foot to the obstacle (DVPO), average step velocity (VELOm). The segmental energies were also calculated and the work consumed by the leading limb during the crossing obstacle was computed for each trial. A statistical analysis repeated-measures ANOVA was conducted on these dependent variables revealing significant differences between the vision and non-vision conditions in healthy subjects. In addition, there were no significant differences between the blind and people with vision blindfolded. These results indicate that vision is crucial to determine the optimal trade-off between energy consumption and avoiding a trip during obstacle crossing.


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Trata-se de trabalho do tipo bibliográfico com a finalidade de fazer uma análise temática da produção do conhecimento em periódicos, acerca da sobrecarga em cuidadores familiares de pessoas com Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC). O corpus de análise reuniu artigos localizados nas décadas de 80 e 90, a partir das bases de dados Medline, Lilacs e Cinahl. A análise de conteúdo foi o referencial metodológico que permitiu organizar todo o conhecimento, em um corpo de categorias e subcategorias, denominadas: Categoria 1 - As seqüelas do AVC gerando sobrecarga; Categoria 2 - Aspectos gerando sobrecarga, congregando as subcategorias: o isolamento social, as mudanças e as insatisfações conjugais, as dificuldades financeiras e os déficits na saúde física e no autocuidado do cuidador; Categoria 3 - Outras análises relacionadas à sobrecarga em cuidadores familiares.


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Foi propósito deste trabalho observar o processo de reparo de dentes de cães após obturação dos canais com dois cimentos diferentes, fazendo ou não a patência apical. Após uma sobreinstrumentação, os canais receberam um curativo de uma solução de corticosteróide-antibiótico por 7 dias, com o objetivo de obter invaginação de tecido conjuntivo para dentro dos canais. Após esse período, esse tecido foi totalmente removido em metade dos casos (grupos com patência apical) e preservados no restante dos casos (grupos sem patência apical). Os canais foram obturados pela técnica da condensação lateral empregando um cimento a base de hidróxido de cálcio (Sealer Plus) ou um cimento de Grossman (Fill Canal). Os animais foram sacrificados por overdose anestésica 60 dias após o tratamento endodôntico e as peças anatômicas foram obtidas e preparadas para análise histológica. Os dados obtidos foram analisados com base em diversos parâmetros histomorfológicos. Os resultados foram melhores nos grupos sem patência apical (p=0,01) do que nos grupos com patência. Dentre os cimentos estudados, os melhores resultados foram observados com o cimento Sealer Plus (p=0,01). em conclusão, tanto a patência apical (presença ou ausência) quanto o tipo de material obturador de canal influíram no processo de reparo apical de dentes de cães com polpas vitais após tratamento endodôntico. O emprego de um cimento a base de hidróxido de cálcio em dentes sem patência apical promoveu os melhores resultados, dentre as condições experimentais propostas.


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O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar in vitro o efeito da nicotina sobre a viabilidade e a morfologia celular utilizando-se uma linhagem contínua de fibroblastos. Para tal, foram formados dois grupos experimentais segundo a dose (0 - controle, 10 mig, 100 mig, 0,5 mg, 1 mg) e o tempo de condicionamento (1 e 24 horas). Cada um dos 12 orifícios de uma placa para cultura celular recebeu 2 ml de meio de Eagle, e 1 ml de suspensão de meio de cultura contendo aproximadamente 1 × 10(5) células/ml. Foi, então, acrescentada a solução de nicotina nas diferentes concentrações. Após o condicionamento com a droga, nos dois períodos testados, as células foram coradas com azul de trypan 0,4%, e observadas em microscópio invertido por um examinador cego para os grupos experimentais, que avaliou a viabilidade e a morfologia segundo o índice de Gamal. Os experimentos foram repetidos 5 vezes. Quanto à morfologia, os resultados obtidos demonstraram, no grupo condicionado por 1 h, que os controles apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes em relação apenas à maior dose de nicotina; no entanto, foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre o controle e todas as concentrações após 24 horas de condicionamento. Na viabilidade celular, um maior número de células não viáveis foi observado nas diferentes concentrações de nicotina em comparação aos controles tanto após 1 quanto 24 horas de condicionamento (p < 0,05). em ambos períodos existiu uma tendência significativa de aumento do número de células não viáveis com o aumento da dose de nicotina (p = 0,0053; p = 0,00001 após 1 e 24 h respectivamente). Portanto, conclui-se que a nicotina pode alterar, in vitro, a viabilidade e a morfologia de fibroblastos de forma proporcional à dose e ao tempo de exposição.


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Apresenta um estudo bibliográfico referente ao tema ética e preconceito no âmbito da educação escolar em periódicos nacionais das áreas de educação, psicologia e filosofia a partir da década de 1970 até o ano de 2003. No total, foram categorizados e analisados 570 textos. Constatamos que, especialmente, nas três últimas décadas, houve uma preocupação, por parte dos pesquisadores, com questões éticas e a problemática da diversidade e suas relações com a educação escolar. Percebemos, também, que algumas revistas científicas se destacaram por apresentar um maior número de produções científicas publicadas com o tema e no período que compreende este estudo. Além disso, a maioria dos trabalhos realizou estudos teóricos e pesquisas bibliográficas em detrimento às pesquisas empíricas. Foi elaborado um índice dos textos pesquisados que, juntamente com o material coletado, funcionará como banco de dados para pesquisadores, ligados a diversas áreas do conhecimento, que possuam interesse em estudar o tema ética e preconceito e seus diversos subtemas.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the usefulness of assessing the immunoreactivity of cytokeratins 7 (CK7) and 20 (CK20) as well as several cytomorphologic parameters in effusions with metastatic adenocarcinomas in the search for the primary site of the tumor. STUDY DESIGN: From the files of the Pathology Department, A. C. Camargo Hospital, we studied cytologic smears from 73 metastatic adenocarcinomas originally from the breast, 63 from the ovary, 40 from the lung and 32 from the stomach, looking for morphologic parameters that could have discriminant potential in suggesting the primary site in a routine situation, including intranuclear inclusions, prominent nucleoli, mitosis, signet-ring cells, psammoma bodies, nuclear crease, binucleation and multinucleation, papillary features, acinar profile (including ball cells) and single cells. Immunoreactions were performed with monoclonal antibodies to CK7 (OV-TL 12/30 and CK20 (Ks 20.8) and included morphologic analysis. Both analyses were studied in a blind fashion regarding the primary site of the tumors. RESULTS: Positivity ratios for breast, ovary, stomach and lung cases were 67.6%, 63.5%, 29.7% and 45.5%, respectively, for CK7 and 17.2%, 15.8%, 13.5% and 32.2%, respectively, for CK20. Discriminant analysis of morphologic and immunocytochemical parameters had an error rate of 42.9% in recognizing the primary site and a Wilk's lambda of .7290. CONCLUSION: The more efficient parameter with discriminant function was the papillary appearance showed by CK7, which should be used in further studies with a similar scope. The set of parameters used in this study were insufficient to discriminate the primary site of female adenocarcinomas in effusions with significant accuracy.


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We discuss the main problems which make a scientific text difficult to find, to be read or to be accepted by readers. A scientific text is considered a logical argument. Therefore, methods, results and data from literature are premises supporting the conclusions of the work; and in the Introduction session, the justification corroborates the objective of the study. This conception makes the text a hermetically coherent structure where only the necessary data should be included (some controversy is still pertinent). In a second step, we show formal mistakes in scientific writing which make texts less attractive. Thus, we give examples of errors or inadequacy of formal aspects of presenting titles, abstracts, results (figures and tables), and grammar mistakes in Portuguese (but also valid for English grammar). After that, we emphasize the need for writing in international language (English) and for publication in periodicals with international impact on the scientific community. Finally, considerations to improve the Brazilian periodicals in the biological area are presented.


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A study was conducted to evaluate in vitro the effect of root surface conditioning with basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF) on morphology and proliferation of fibroblasts. Three experimental groups were used: non-treated, and treated with 50 microg or 125 microg b-FGF/ml. The dentin samples in each group were divided into subgroups according to the chemical treatment received before application of b-FGF: none, or conditioned with tetracycline-HCl or EDTA. After contact with b-FGF for 5 min, the samples were incubated for 24 h with 1 ml of culture medium containing 1 x 10(5) cells/ml plus 1 ml of culture medium alone. The samples were then subjected to routine preparation for SEM, and random fields were photographed. Three calibrated and blind examiners performed the assessment of morphology and density according to two index systems. Classification and regression trees indicated that the root surfaces treated with 125 microg b-FGF and previously conditioned with tetracycline-HCl or EDTA presented a morphology more suggestive of cellular adhesion and viability (P = 0.004). The density of fibroblasts on samples previously conditioned with EDTA, regardless of treatment with b-FGF, was significantly higher than in the other groups (P < 0.001). The present findings suggest that topical application of b-FGF has a positive influence on both the density and morphology of fibroblasts.


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The authors report a case of bilateral Tinea nigra plantaris treated through a double-blind study with the topical antifungal agents Isoconazole and Terbinafine. The objective of the study was to clinically compare the efficacy of these two topical antifungal agents on days 10, 20 and 30 of the treatment. No significant clinical differences were found, as all the plantar lesions regressed completely by the end of the treatment. Our conclusion was that in the case reported, the topical antifungal agents Isoconazole and Terbinafine demonstrated identical efficacy as a clinical cure. We also suggest the inclusion of injuries caused by arthropods of the Diplopoda Class in the differential diagnosis of Tinea nigra plantaris, due to the persistent acral hyperpigmentation.