54 resultados para Biotin
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
This work presents an efficient method for the preparation of magnetic nanoparticles modified with molecularly imprinted polymers (Mag-MIP) through core-shell method for the determination of biotin in milk food samples. The functional monomer acrylic acid was selected from molecular modeling, EGDMA was used as cross-linking monomer and AIBN as radical initiator. The Mag-MIP and Mag-NIP were characterized by FTIR, magnetic hysteresis, XRD, SEM and N2-sorption measurements. The capacity of Mag-MIP for biotin adsorption, its kinetics and selectivity were studied in detail. The adsorption data was well described by Freundlich isotherm model with adsorption equilibrium constant (KF) of 1.46 mL g(-1). The selectivity experiments revealed that prepared Mag-MIP had higher selectivity toward biotin compared to other molecules with different chemical structure. The material was successfully applied for the determination of biotin in diverse milk samples using HPLC for quantification of the analyte, obtaining the mean value of 87.4% recovery.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Os transtornos da pele e dos pelos são parte importante na prática clínica de pequenos animais. Numerosos fatores nutricionais afetam a homeostase, a qualidade e o aspecto da pelagem. As vitaminas do complexo B incluem compostos hidrossolúveis necessários como coenzimas em diversas funções celulares envolvidas no metabolismo energético e na síntese tecidual. A biotina, em especial, é necessária nas reações de carboxilação, participando da síntese de ácidos graxos, aminoácidos e purinas pelo tecido epitelial. Uma cadela com quadro de cistite recorrente e tumor venéreo transmissível foi tratada com antibioticoterapia prolongada e quimioterapia. Após alguns meses de tratamento, foram observadas lesões no plano nasal e nos coxins plantar e palmar, caracterizadas por hiperceratose, espessamento, fissuras, sangramento e inflamação. O paciente recebeu suplementação de 15mg de biotina por via oral (equivalente a 1,4mg kg-1 de peso corporal), uma vez por dia, durante 60 dias, havendo importante regressão das lesões. Sugere-se que, sob antibioticoterapia e doença, a síntese intestinal de biotina possa não ter sido suficiente, sendo necessária sua suplementação.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este estudo objetivou caracterizar a resposta imune celular no sistema nervoso central (SNC) de eqüinos com infecção crônica experimental por Trypanosoma evansi. Para este propósito, foram utilizados os métodos histoquímicos (HE) e imunoistoquímicos do complexo avidina-biotina peroxidase (ABC). O fenótipo do infiltrado celular foi caracterizado com o auxílio de anticorpos anti - CD3, para linfócitos T e antiBLA36 para linfócitos B. Os macrófagos foram marcados com anticorpo antiantígenos da linhagem mielóide/histiócitos (Clone Mac387). A lesão no sistema nervoso central (SNC) dos eqüinos infectados com T. evansi foi caracterizada como meningoencefalite e meningomielite não supurativa. A gravidade das lesões variou em diferentes segmentos do SNC, refletindo distribuição irregular das alterações vasculares. A distribuição de células T e B e antígenos do complexo maior de histocompatibilidade classe II foram avaliados dentro do SNC de eqüinos cronicamente infectados com T. evansi. O infiltrado perivascular e meníngeo eram constituídos predominantemente por células T e B. Macrófagos foram raramente visualizados. T.evansi não foi identificado no parênquima do SNC dos eqüinos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work reports on the study of the nanophosphor. Y2O2S:Er(2%),Yb(1%) obtained from polymeric resin to be evaluated as fluorescent label with Suitable features to conjugate with bio-molecules for bioassay up-converting phosphor technology (UPT) application A conjugation protocol between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and the aminofunctionalized nanophosphor containing or not spherical silica was established UV-vis results indicated an effective conjugation between nanophosphor particles and the protein up-conversion measurements under 980 nm excitation performed for samples before and after aminofunctionalization showed that nanophosphor particles luminescence features keep unchanged in all cases All results suggest that the adapted protocol is feasible to provide a nanoparticle-protein effective conjugation preserving nanophosphor optical features The presence of spherical silica can be considered advantageous to increase conjugation efficiency Therefore. the developed procedure is applicable for future conjugations between the chosen nanophosphor and the streptavidin protein chat takes part in the well known self-recognition system avidin-biotin. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
The extracellular glycerol kinase gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (GUT]) was cloned into the expression vector pPICZ alpha. A and integrated into the genome of the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris X-33. The presence of the GUT1 insert was confirmed by PCR analysis. Four clones were selected and the functionality of the recombinant enzyme was assayed. Among the tested clones, one exhibited glycerol kinase activity of 0.32 U/mL, with specific activity of 0.025 U/mg of protein. A medium optimized for maximum biomass production by recombinant Pichia pastoris in shaker cultures was initially explored, using 2.31 % (by volume) glycerol as the carbon source. Optimization was carried out by response surface methodology (RSM). In preliminary experiments, following a Plackett-Burman design, glycerol volume fraction (phi(Gly)) and growth time (t) were selected as the most important factors in biomass production. Therefore, subsequent experiments, carried out to optimize biomass production, followed a central composite rotatable design as a function of phi(Gly) and time. Glycerol volume fraction proved to have a significant positive linear effect on biomass production. Also, time was a significant factor (at linear positive and quadratic levels) in biomass production. Experimental data were well fitted by a convex surface representing a second order polynomial model, in which biomass is a function of both factors (R(2)=0.946). Yield and specific activity of glycerol kinase were mainly affected by the additions of glycerol and methanol to the medium. The optimized medium composition for enzyme production was: 1 % yeast extract, 1 % peptone, 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer, pH=6.0, 1.34 % yeast nitrogen base (YNB), 4.10(-5) % biotin, 1 %, methanol and 1 %, glycerol, reaching 0.89 U/mL of glycerol kinase activity and 14.55 g/L of total protein in the medium after 48 h of growth.
Recent advances have accelerated the development of biosensors for the analysis of specific gene sequences. In this kind of biosensor, a DNA probe is immobilized on a transducer and the hybridization with the target DNA is monitored by suitable methodology. In the present work, the streptavidin (STA) was encapsulated in thin films siloxane-poly(propylene oxide) hybrids prepared by sol-gel method and deposited on the graphite electrode surface by dip-coating process. Biotinylated 18-mer probes were immobilized through STA and a novel amperometric DNA biosensor for the detection and genotyping of the hepatitis C virus (genotypes 1, 2A/C, 2B and 3) is described. The HCV RNA from serum was submitted to reverse transcriptase-linked polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and biotin-labeled cDNA was obtained. Thus, the cDNA was hybridized to the target-specific oligonucleotide probe immobilized on the graphite electrode surface and following the avidin-peroxidase conjugate was added. The enzymatic response was investigated by constant potential amperometry at -0.45 V versus Ag/AgCl using H2O2 and KI solutions. HCV RNA negative and positive controls and positive samples of sera patients were analyzed and the results were compared to commercial kit. The proposed methodology appeared to be suitable and convenient tool for streptavidin immobilization and diagnose of HCV disease. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Edema de Reinke é doença crônica da laringe na qual a camada superficial da lâmina própria é expandida por muco espesso conferindo-lhe aspecto gelatinoso. Relaciona-se ao tabagismo e acomete, preferencialmente mulheres, as quais apresentam a voz mais grave. Suas características histológicas nem sempre conseguem diferenciá-lo das demais lesões benignas da laringe, havendo necessidade de técnicas histológicas adicionais. OBJETIVOS: Estudar a imunoexpressão da fibronectina, do colágeno IV e da laminina no edema de Reinke por meio de técnicas imunoistoquímicas. Estudo prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Blocos histológicos de 60 casos cirúrgicos de edema de Reinke foram resgatados, submetidos a novos cortes e às reações imunoistoquímicas para fibronectina, laminina e colágeno IV pelo método da Avidina Biotina Peroxidase. Todos os pacientes eram fumantes e adultos, sendo 50 mulheres e 10 homens. RESULTADOS: As análises da imunoexpressão da fibronectina, do colágeno IV e da laminina foram mais expressivas no endotélio dos vasos (68,33%, 76,66%, 73,33%, respectivamente), e menos relevantes na membrana basal (25,0%, 5,0% e 3,3%, respectivamente). CONCLUSÕES: No edema de Reinke, a imunoexpressão da fibronectina, da laminina e do colágeno IV na membrana basal não apresentam relevância, havendo predomínio desses anticorpos no endotélio do vasos.
Neoplasias provenientes do epitélio de revestimento do plexo coróide são inco-muns, tendo sido descritos 6 padrões morfológicos. O padrão anaplásico, também denominado carcinoma do plexo coróide, é o de menor freqüência e pode dar metastases fora do SNC. A distinção histológica desses tumores, particularmente da variedade anaplásica, com outras neoplasias primárias e metastáticas no SNC pode ser difícil. O uso de técnicas imunocitoquimicas em parafina tem-se mostrado útil no esclarecimento das linhagens tumorais. Os papilomas do plexo coróide têm, no entanto, sido objeto de controvérsia, por sua complexa expressão antigênica. Usando a técnica de imunoperoxidase (sistema avidina-biotina-peroxidase) pesquisaram-se, em dois casos da variedade anaplásica, os seguintes marcadores: proteína glial fibrilar ácida (GFAP) com anticorpo monoclonal e policlonal; ceratinas de 40-50kDa, ceratinas de 60-70kDa (callus ceratina), enolase neuronal específica (NSE) e proteína S-100, com anticorpos monoclonais. Os dois tumores mostraram positividade para NSE, proteína S-100 e ceratina de 40-50kDa; uma das duas neoplasias mostrou diferenciação glial, revelando positividade para GFAP tanto com anticorpo monoclonal quanto policlonal.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous herpesvirus, and most people have serological evidence of previous viral infection at adult age. EBV is associated with infectious mononucleosis and human cancers, including some lymphomas and gastric carcinomas. Although EBV was first reported in lymphoepithelioma-like gastric carcinoma, the virus was also found in conventional adenocarcinomas. In the present study, 53 gastric carcinomas diagnosed in São Paulo State, Brazil, were evaluated for EBV infection by non-isotopic in situ hybridization with a biotinylated probe (Biotin-AGACACCGTCCTCACCACCC GGGACTTGTA) directed to the viral transcript EBER-I, which is actively expressed in EBV latently infected cells. EBV infection was found in 6 of 53 (11.32%) gastric carcinomas, mostly from male patients (66.7%), with a mean age of 59 years old. Most EBV-positive tumors were in gastric antrum. Two EBV-positive tumors (33.3%) were conventional adenocarcinomas, whereas four (66.7%) were classified as lymphoepithelioma-like carcinomas. EBV infection in gastric carcinomas was reported elsewhere in frequencies that range from 5.6% (Korea) up to 18% (Germany). In Brazil, a previous work found EBV infection in 4 of 80 (5%) gastric carcinomas, whereas another study found 4.7 and 11.2% of EBV-positive gastric carcinomas of Brazilians of Japanese origin or not, respectively. In the present study, the frequency of EBV-positive gastric carcinomas is similar to that reported in other series, and the clinicopathologic characteristics of these EBV-positive tumors are in agreement with the data in the literature.
Mineralization of the articular cartilage is a pathological condition associated with age and certain joint diseases in humans and other mammals. In this work, we describe a physiological process of articular cartilage mineralization in bullfrogs. Articular cartilage of the proximal and distal ends of the femur and of the proximal end of the tibia-fibula was studied in animals of different ages. Mineralization of the articular cartilage was detected in animals at 1 month post-transformation. This mineralization, which appeared before the hypertrophic cartilage showed any calcium deposition, began at a restricted site in the lateral expansion of the cartilage and then progressed to other areas of the epiphyseal cartilage. Mineralized structures were identified by von Kossa's staining and by in vivo incorporation of calcein green. Element analysis showed that calcium crystals consisted of poorly crystalline hydroxyapatite. Mineralized matrix was initially spherical structures that generally coalesced after a certain size to occupy larger areas of the cartilage. Alkaline phosphatase activity was detected at the plasma membrane of nearby chondrocytes and in extracellular matrix. Apoptosis was detected by the TUNEL (TDT-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end-labeling) reaction in some articular chondrocytes from mineralized areas. The area occupied by calcium crystals increased significantly in older animals, especially in areas under compression. Ultrastructural analyses showed clusters of needle-like crystals in the extracellular matrix around the chondrocytes and large blocks of mineralized matrix. In 4-year-old animals, some lamellar bone (containing bone marrow) occurred in the same area as articular cartilage mineralization. These results show that the articular cartilage of R. catesbeiana undergoes precocious and progressive mineralization that is apparently stimulated by compressive forces. We suggest that this mineralization is involved in the closure of bone extremities, since mineralization appears to precede the formation of a rudimentary secondary center of ossification in older animals.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)