46 resultados para Biological chemistry

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Importin-alpha is the nuclear import receptor that recognizes cargo proteins carrying conventional basic monopartite and bipartite nuclear localization sequences (NLSs) and facilitates their transport into the nucleus. Bipartite NLSs contain two clusters of basic residues, connected by linkers of variable lengths. To determine the structural basis of the recognition of diverse bipartite NLSs by mammalian importin-alpha, we co-crystallized a non-autoinhibited mouse receptor protein with peptides corresponding to the NLSs from human retinoblastoma protein and Xenopus laevis phosphoprotein N1N2, containing diverse sequences and lengths of the linker. We show that the basic clusters interact analogously in both NLSs, but the linker sequences adopt different conformations, whereas both make specific contacts with the receptor. The available data allow us to draw general conclusions about the specificity of NLS binding by importin-alpha and facilitate an improved definition of the consensus sequence of a conventional basic/bipartite NLS (KRX10-12KRRK) that can be used to identify novel nuclear proteins.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Deletion of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene YOL008W, here referred to as COQ10, elicits a respiratory defect as a result of the inability of the mutant to oxidize NADH and succinate. Both activities are restored by exogenous coenzyme Q(2). Respiration is also partially rescued by COQ2, COQ7, or COQ8/ABC1, when these genes are present in high copy. Unlike other coq mutants, all of which lack Q(6), the coq10 mutant has near normal amounts of Q(6) in mitochondria. Coq10p is widely distributed in bacteria and eukaryotes and is homologous to proteins of the aromatic-rich protein family Pfam03654 and to members of the START domain superfamily that have a hydrophobic tunnel implicated in binding lipophilic molecules such as cholesterol and polyketides. Analysis of coenzyme Q in polyhistidine-tagged Coq10p purified from mitochondria indicates the presence 0.032-0.034 mol of Q(6)/mol of protein. We propose that Coq10p is a Q(6)-binding protein and that in the coq10 mutant Q(6) it is not able to act as an electron carrier, possibly because of improper localization.


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Deletion of reading frame YHR116W of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear genome elicits a respiratory deficiency. The encoded product, here named Cox23p, is shown to be required for the expression of cytochrome oxidase. Cox23p is homologous to Cox17p, a water-soluble copper protein previously implicated in the maturation of the Cu-A center of cytochrome oxidase. The respiratory defect of a cox23 null mutant is rescued by high concentrations of copper in the medium but only when the mutant harbors COX17 on a high copy plasmid. Overexpression of Cox17p by itself is not a sufficient condition to rescue the mutant phenotype. Cox23p, like Cox17p, is detected in the intermembrane space of mitochondria and in the postmitochondrial supernatant fraction, the latter consisting predominantly of cytosolic proteins. Because Cox23p and Cox17p are not part of a complex, the requirement of both for cytochrome oxidase assembly suggests that they function in a common pathway with Cox17p acting downstream of Cox23p.


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Increased replicative longevity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae because of calorie restriction has been linked to enhanced mitochondrial respiratory activity. Here we have further investigated how mitochondrial respiration affects yeast life span. We found that calorie restriction by growth in low glucose increased respiration but decreased mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production relative to oxygen consumption. Calorie restriction also enhanced chronological life span. The beneficial effects of calorie restriction on mitochondrial respiration, reactive oxygen species release, and replicative and chronological life span could be mimicked by uncoupling agents such as dinitrophenol. Conversely, chronological life span decreased in cells treated with antimycin (which strongly increases mitochondrial reactive oxygen species generation) or in yeast mutants null for mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (which removes superoxide radicals) and for RTG2 (which participates in retrograde feedback signaling between mitochondria and the nucleus). These results suggest that yeast aging is linked to changes in mitochondrial metabolism and oxidative stress and that mild mitochondrial uncoupling can increase both chronological and replicative life span.


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Protein C activation initiated by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex forms the major physiological anticoagulant pathway. Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix protein C activator, a glycosylated single-chain serine proteinase, activates protein C without relying on thrombomodulin. The crystal structures of native and inhibited Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix protein C activator determined at 1.65 and 1.54 angstrom resolutions, respectively, indicate the pivotal roles played by the positively charged belt and the strategic positioning of the three carbohydrate moieties surrounding the catalytic site in protein C recognition, binding, and activation. Structural changes in the benzamidine-inhibited enzyme suggest a probable function in allosteric regulation for the anion-binding site located in the C-terminal extension, which is fully conserved in snake venom serine proteinases, that preferentially binds Cl1- instead of SO42-.


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Branching enzyme catalyzes the formation of alpha-1,6 branch points in either glycogen or starch. We report the 2.3-Angstrom crystal structure of glycogen branching enzyme from Escherichia coli. The enzyme consists of three major domains, an NH2-terminal seven-stranded beta-sandwich domain, a COOH-terminal domain, and a central alpha/beta-barrel domain containing the enzyme active site. While the central domain is similar to that of all the other amylase family enzymes, branching enzyme shares the structure of all three domains only with isoamylase. Oligosaccharide binding was modeled or branching enzyme using the enzyme-oligosaccharide complex structures of various alpha-amylases and cyclodextrin glucanotransferase and residues were implicated in oligosaccharide binding. While most of the oligosaccharides modeled well in the branching enzyme structure, an approximate 50degrees rotation between two of the glucose units was required to avoid steric clashes with Trp(298) of branching enzyme. A similar rotation was observed in the mammalian alpha-amylase structure caused by an equivalent tryptophan residue in this structure. It appears that there are two binding modes for oligosaccharides in these structures depending on the identity and location of this aromatic residue.


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Sphingomyelinases D (SMases D) from Loxosceles spider venom are the principal toxins responsible for the manifestation of dermonecrosis, intravascular hemolysis, and acute renal failure, which can result in death. These enzymes catalyze the hydrolysis of sphingomyelin, resulting in the formation of ceramide 1-phosphate and choline or the hydrolysis of lysophosphatidyl choline, generating the lipid mediator lysophosphatidic acid. This report represents the first crystal structure of a member of the sphingomyelinase D family from Loxosceles laeta (SMase I), which has been determined at 1.75-angstrom resolution using the quick cryo-soaking technique and phases obtained from a single iodine derivative and data collected from a conventional rotating anode x-ray source. SMase I folds as an (alpha/beta)(8) barrel, the interfacial and catalytic sites encompass hydrophobic loops and a negatively charged surface. Substrate binding and/or the transition state are stabilized by a Mg2+ ion, which is coordinated by Glu(32), Asp(34), Asp(91), and solvent molecules. In the proposed acid base catalytic mechanism, His(12) and His(47) play key roles and are supported by a network of hydrogen bonds between Asp(34), Asp(52), Trp(230), Asp(233), and Asn(252).


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Agkistrodon contortrix laticinctus myotoxin is a Lys(49)- phospholipase A(2) (EC isolated from the venom of the serpent A contortrix laticinctus (broad-banded copperhead). We present here three monomeric crystal structures of the myotoxin, obtained under different crystallization conditions. The three forms present notable structural differences and reveal that the presence of a ligand in the active site (naturally presumed to be a fatty acid) induces the exposure of a hydrophobic surface (the hydrophobic knuckle) toward the C terminus. The knuckle in A contortrix laticinctus myotoxin involves the side chains of Phe(121) and Phe(124) and is a consequence of the formation of a canonical structure for the main chain within the region of residues 118-125. Comparison with other Lys(49)-phospholipase A(2) myotoxins shows that although the knuckle is a generic structural motif common to all members of the family, it is not readily recognizable by simple sequence analyses. An activation mechanism is proposed that relates fatty acid retention at the active site to conformational changes within the C-terminal region, a part of the molecule that has long been associated with Ca2+-independent membrane damaging activity and myotoxicity. This provides, for the first time, a direct structural connection between the phospholipase active site and the C-terminal myotoxic site, justifying the otherwise enigmatic conservation of the residues of the former in supposedly catalytically inactive molecules.


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Unlike the muscle protein, alpha-tropomyosin expressed in Escherichia coli does not bind actin, does not exhibit head-to-tail polymerization, and does not inhibit actomyosin ATPase activity in the absence of troponin. The only chemical difference between recombinant and muscle tropomyosins is that the first methionine is not acetylated in the recombinant protein (Hitchcock-DeGregori, S. E., and Heald, R. W. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 9730-9735). We expressed three fusion tropomyosins in E. coli with 2, 3, and 17 amino acids fused to its amino terminus. Ah three fusions restored actin binding, head-to-tail polymerization, and the capacity to inhibit the actomyosin ATPase to these unacetylated tropomyosins. Unlike larger fusions, the small fusions of 2 and 3 amino acids do not interfere with regulatory function. Therefore the presence of a fused dipeptide at the amino terminus of unacetylated tropomyosin is sufficient to replace the function of the N-acetyl group present in muscle tropomyosin. A structural interpretation for the function of the acetyl group, based on our results and the coiled coil structure of tropomyosin, is presented.


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Mutants of each of the four divalent cation binding sites of chicken skeletal muscle troponin C (TnC) were constructed using site directed mutagenesis to convert Asp to Ala at the first coordinating position in each site. With a view to evaluating the importance of site-site interactions both within and between the N- and C-terminal domains, in this study the mutants are examined for their ability to associate with other components of the troponin-tropomyosin regulatory complex and to regulate thin filaments. The functional effects of each mutation in reconstitution assays are largely confined to the domain in which it occurs, where the unmutated site is unable to compensate for the defect, Thus the mutants of sites I and II bind to the regulatory complex but are impaired in ability to regulate tension and actomyosin ATPase activity, whereas the mutants of sites III and IV regulate activity but are unable to remain bound to thin filaments unless Ca2+ is present. When all four sites are intact, free Mg2+ causes a 50-60-fold increase in TnC's affinity for the other components of the regulatory complex, allowing it to attach firmly to thin filaments. Calcium can replace Mg2+ at a concentration ratio of 1:5000, and at this ratio the Ca2 . TnC complex is more tightly bound to the filaments than the Mg2 . TnC form, In the C-terminal mutants, higher concentrations of Ca2+ (above tension threshold) are required to effect this transformation than in the recombinant wild-type protein, suggesting that the mutants reveal an attachment mediated by Ca2+ in the N-domain sites.


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Phosphines are well known to chemists. The ligands themselves are widely used in organic synthesis (e.g. The Wittig reaction) and transition metal phosphine complexes have been studied extensively primarily for their applications as hydrogenation catalysts (e.g. Wilkinson's catalyst). In this article attention is focused on the biological properties of phosphines and metal phosphine complexes since the triethylphosphine Au(I) complex, auranofin, has been used as antiarthritic drug for clinical use. This fact has provided a stimulus for exploration of the biological chemistry of phosphines and their metal complexes. Metal phosphine complexes also offer potential as heart-imaging agents and anticancer drugs.


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Recent work has demonstrated that some actively transcribed genes closely associate with nuclear pore complexes (NPC) at the nuclear periphery. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mlp1 and Mlp2 proteins are components of the inner nuclear basket of the nuclear pore that mediate interactions with these active genes. To investigate the physical link between the NPC and active loci, we identified proteins that interact with the carboxyl-terminal globular domain of Mlp1 by tandem affinity purification coupled with mass spectrometry. This analysis led to the identification of several components of the Spt-Ada-Gcn5-acetyltransferase ( SAGA) histone acetyltransferase complex, Gcn5, Ada2, and Spt7. We utilized co-immunoprecipitation and in vitro binding assays to confirm the interaction between the Mlp proteins and SAGA components. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that Mlp1 and SAGA components associate with the same region of the GAL promoters. Critically, this Mlp-promoter interaction depends on the integrity of the SAGA complex. These results identify a physical association between SAGA and the NPC, and support previous results that relied upon visualization of GAL loci at the nuclear periphery by microscopy ( Cabal, G. G. Genovesio, A., Rodriguez-Navarro, S., Zimmer, C., Gadal, O., Lesne, A., Buc, H., Feuerbach- Fournier, F., Olivo-Marin, J.-C., Hurt, E. C., and Nehrbass, U. ( 2006) Nature 441, 770-773). We propose that a physical interaction between nuclear pore components and the SAGA complex can link the actively transcribed GAL genes to the nuclear pore.