29 resultados para Being Alive
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Aims of our study were to describe the long-term survival in patients surviving an acute tubular necrosis (ATN) episode and determine factors associated with late mortality. We performed a prospective cohort study that evaluated the long-term outcome of 212 patients surviving an ATN episode. Mortality at the end of followup was 24.5%, and the probability of these patients being alive 5 years after discharge was 55%. During the followup, 4.7% of patients needed chronic dialysis. Univariate analysis showed that previous CKD (P = 0.0079), cardiovascular disease (P = 0.019), age greater than 60 years (P < 0.0001), and higher SCr baseline (P = 0.001), after 12 months (P = 0.0015) and 36 months (P = 0.004), were predictors of long-term mortality. In multivariate analysis, older age (HR = 6.4, CI 95% = 1.2-34.5, P = 0.02) and higher SCr after 12 months (HR = 2.1, 95% CI 95% = 1.14-4.1, P = 0.017) were identified as risk factors associated with late mortality. In conclusion, 55% of patients surviving an ATN episode were still alive, and less than 5% required chronic dialysis 60 months later; older age and increased Scr after 12 months were identified as risk factors associated with late death. © 2012 G. A. Brito et al.
A program recorded in a theater, with the audience, incorporating all of the improvisations and later televised. That was Sai de Baixo, TV Globos program broadcasted between 1996 and 2002. However, a specific episode limit this article. Toma 0que o filmeéteu, 1998, was made alive. Was it a spasm of the old teleplay Or was it just a common sitcom episode To answer these questions, the paper used a case study, bibliographical and documentary research and concluded that this episode was not a brief return of teleplay, having in mind that the fact of being alive is not a requirement to be teleplay, but there are other criteria.
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sensibilidade de quatro genótipos de cana-de-açúcar, ao glifosato aplicado para a erradicação de soqueiras de duas idades, em dois sistemas de colheita, em um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico. O produto foi aplicado na dose de 2.400 g ha-1 de i.a., aos 40 e 55 dias de idade da touceira, depois do terceiro corte. Para quantificar a ação do glifosato, foram contados os perfilhos vivos e mortos aos 30, 45 e 60 dias depois da aplicação do produto. em relação à porcentagem de morte dos perfilhos, ocorrem diferenças entre os genótipos quanto à suscetibilidade ao glifosato. A dose aplicada não foi suficiente para erradicar 100% dos perfilhos, mas para os genótipos IAC87-3184, RB835486 e SP87-344 o controle foi superior a 80%, tendo sido considerados sensíveis/intermediários, enquanto o IAC91-5155 foi considerado tolerante. O sistema de colheita da cana-de-açúcar não interferiu na eficiência do glifosato na eliminação da soqueira, entretanto, a aplicação feita aos 40 dias da touceira apresentou a maior porcentagem de perfilhos mortos.
O lambari, Astyanax altiparanae, é uma espécie muito comum em rios nacionais, com grande potencial para a piscicultura nacional. Ele apresenta crescimento rápido e carne de excelente sabor, sendo muito apreciado com petisco e como isca viva para a pesca esportiva. A farinha de vísceras de aves é uma importante fonte protéica de origem animal. O trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a inclusão de farinha de vísceras de aves (FV) em rações para alevinos de lambari. Foram utilizados 125 alevinos, apresentando peso e comprimento inicial médio de 0,080±0,002g e 1,86±0,20cm, respectivamente, distribuídos em 25 aquários. As rações foram formuladas de forma a conter 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20% de FV na dieta. O arraçoamento foi realizado quatro vezes ao dia, na forma farelada e à vontade. O valores médios de peso final (1,47, 1,92, 2,02, 2,11 e 2,15g) e comprimento final (4,40, 4,78, 4,92, 4,92 e 5,08cm) dos alevinos de lambari apresentaram aumento linear (P<0,05) diretamente proporcional aos níveis de inclusão (0, 5, 10, 15 e 20% de FV) nas rações. A sobrevivência (88, 96, 92, 76 e 88%) e a conversão alimentar aparente (4,58, 3,29, 3,25, 3,92 e 3,34) não apresentaram diferença (P<0,05) entre os níveis de FV na dieta. A inclusão de farinha de vísceras de aves em rações à base de ingredientes de origem vegetal melhora o desempenho e o teor protéico da carcaça.
Objetivou-se neste estudo verificar radiográfica e morfologicamente a existência de comunicação entre a bolsa do osso navicular (BN) e a articulação interfalangeana distal (AID), estabelecendo sua freqüência, sua forma e identificação das estruturas anatômicas envolvidas no processo. Para tanto, foram utilizados membros torácicos e pélvicos de 16 animais vivos, sendo 8 animais jovens e 8 animais adultos. Contraste iodado era injetado na BN dos membros direitos e na AID dos membros esquerdos. em seguida, realizavam-se radiografias em projeções látero-medial ou médio-lateral, dorsopalmar ou dorsoplantar, para a constatação de possível comunicação entre as estruturas em questão, que, posteriormente, seriam identificadas por meio da técnica de dissecação. Não foram observadas comunicações entre as estruturas em questão ou qualquer outra na porção distal dos membros, porém, em dois membros torácicos, constataram-se variações morfológicas nas extremidades laterais da BN, caracterizadas por projeções que se estendiam até o terço proximal da falange média, sendo mais pronunciada na face lateral que na medial.
The objectives of this work were to evaluate three protein sources - soybean meal, fish meal and feather meal - and two methods of calculation of rations - the calculated in terms of crude protein (CP), according to recommendations of NRC (1988); and the proposed by the AFRC (1993), and calculated in terms of metabolizable protein (MP) - through the performance of calves. The animals were confined and submitted to five diets, that varied only protein sources in its composition, thus discriminated: SM- Soybean Meal, FsM- Fish Meal, FeM- Feather Meal, FsMU- Fish Meal and Urea, and FeMU Feather Meal and Urea. A complete diet was supplied, composed of 40% of sorghum silage and 60% of concentrate. All treatments possessed about of 2.56 Mcal/kg DM of metabolizable energy, being the treatments SM, FsM and FeM calculated by the system of CP, with 18% of CP, and the treatments FsMU and FeMU, calculated by the system of MP, with 16.3% of CP and a same amount of metabolizable protein than the treatment SM, with 112.0 grams of MP/day. Individually, the treatments did not present significant differences (P > 0.05) in the final alive weight, in daily gain weight and in dry matter intake, having differences only in the feed:gain ratio. The best feed:gain ratio happened in the treatment FsM and the worst in the treatment FeMU. It is concluded that the MP method provides similar results to the method of CP. The treatments with fish meal provide larger weight gains, smaller intake and better feed:gain ratio than the treatments with feather meal, staying the treatment soybean meal with intermediary daily gain.
The effects of premedicating cats with saline, xylazine or medetomidine before anaesthetising them with propofol-sevoflurane were compared. Twenty-four cats were randomly assigned to three groups of eight to receive either 0.25 ml of saline, 0.50 mg/kg of xylazine or 0.02 mg/kg of medetomidine intravenously, and anaesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with sevoflurane. Medetomidine produced a greater reduction in the induction dose of propofol and fewer adverse postoperative effects than saline or xylazine. Hypoxaemia was observed after induction with propofol in the cats premedicated with saline and xylazine, but not in the cats given medetomidine. The cats treated with medetomidine and xylazine developed profound bradycardia. The blood pressure of the cats premedicated with saline and xylazine decreased, but the blood pressure of the cats premedicated with medetomidine was maintained. The cats premedicated with saline took longer to recover from anaesthesia than the other two groups.
Various degrees of lameness were compared among male broilers ranging in age from 28 to 49 d that had been randomly selected from a commercial farm. Gait scores were given to the broilers while they walked on a force measurement platform system, and the force exerted by their feet was measured and compared in 2 distinct conditions: with and without administration of an analgesic. Postmortem femoral degenerative lesions were observed, and the femur strength in response to a compression load was measured and compared. Results showed a difference in the peak vertical forces of the right and left feet before and after medication. The researchers also found that as BW increased, the locomotion ability of broilers tended to decrease. After birds received the analgesic, the peak vertical force increased among the more severely lame broilers at 35 to 49 d of age and their walking speed was decreased, indicating that they might have felt pain during locomotion. No difference was found between the femur (right and left) strength in response to a compression load; however, the results showed that femurs of 28-d-old birds were less resistant to compression (P < 0.05) than those of older broilers. The foot force platform was a useful tool for assessing the walking ability of broilers.
The effects of premedicating cats with saline, xylazine or medetomidine before anaesthetising them with propofol-sevoflurane were compared. Twenty-four cats were randomly assigned to three groups of eight to receive either 0.25 ml of saline, 0.50 mg/kg of xylazine or 0.02 mg/kg of medetomidine intravenously, and anaesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with sevoflurane. Medetomidine produced a greater reduction in the induction dose of propofol and fewer adverse postoperative effects than saline or xylazine. Hypoxaemia was observed after induction with propofol in the cats premedicated with saline and xylazine, but not in the cats given medetomidine. The cats treated with medetomidine and xylazine developed profound bradycardia. The blood pressure of the cats premedicated with saline and xylazine decreased, but the blood pressure of the cats premedicated with medetomidine was maintained. The cats premedicated with saline took longer to recover from anaesthesia than the other two groups.
Pigs of three genetics lineages A, B and C marketed in Brazil, with alive weight from 100 to 120 kg were submitted to the manual electric stunning (Karl Schermer 220-230/250 volts, 45-60 Hz and 1.4 -1.5 A) and to the collective gaseous system (COMBI-BUTINA 90% CO 2). Blood samples, for levels determination of creatine phosphokinase (CPK), lactate and cortisol, as well as samples of the semimembranosus muscle (10 g) for the determination of the gene halothane, were collected. Being compared the electric and gaseous stunning systems, the electric stunning did demonstrate to be more stressful providing larger plasmatic concentrations of cortisol (p ≤ 0.001) and lactate (p ≤ 0.001) for the genetic lineages A and C, in the studied conditions. However it didn't observe significant differences beween the sanguine indicators and stunning systems in subject when the lineage B was considered. Significant differences among the genetic lineages A, B and C were obtained being compared the plasmatic values of creatine phosphokinase (p ≤ 0.001), lactate (p ≤ 0.001) and cortisol (p ≤ 0.001) when stunned with the gaseous system, however when the electric system was used only the cortisol values presented significant differences (p ≤ 0.001). The presence of the gene halothane (Nn) was only observed in the lineage B.
The objective of the present study was to compare the in vitro and in vivo profile of frozen dog semen with Tris-bovine serum albumin (TB) and Tris-egg yolk (TE) extenders. Twenty dogs were used as donors. Each dog was stimulated by penile massage and only the sperm-rich fraction was collected weekly until 40 ejaculates were obtained. After macroscopic and microscopic analysis, equal parts of each ejaculate were diluted with TB and TE by the one-step method at 37 °C. The semen was added to 0.5-mL French straws which presented normal characteristics before freezing and after thawing. Acrosomal integrity was evaluated by double Trypan blue-Giemsa staining, in which alive intact (LI), alive reacted (LR), dead intact (DI) and dead reacted (DR) spermatozoa, were identified by the time of thawing and up to 4 h of incubation at 39 °C, the TE being significantly superior to TB (P<0,01) in the LI and LR variables. The TB being significantly superior to TE (P<0,01) in the DR variable. Female dogs in natural heat were submitted to artificial insemination, 20 receiving TE-semen and 20 receiving TB-semen with the Osiris probe (IMV, L'Aigle, France) and the numbers indicate that TE was significantly better than TB (P<0,01) to pregnancy rate and number of puppies/delivery. We concluded from this study, that TE was better than TB, because this, induced an eady acrossome reaction in dog's sperm.