11 resultados para Banks (Oceanography)

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Para o estabelecimento de um programa de controle biológico, o conhecimento de alguns aspectos biológicos e de comportamento dos inimigos naturais é de extrema importância. Os aspectos biológicos do desenvolvimento larval e pupal do predador Ceraeochrysa everes (Banks) foram estudados. Larvas oriundas de adultos da geração F1 foram mantidas em laboratório a 25 ± 21°C, 70 ± 10 % UR e fotofase 14 horas, sendo alimentadas com ovos de Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier). A duração e viabilidade do período embrionário, estágios imaturos de desenvolvimento e o período de ovo a adulto foram avaliados. O período embrionário foi em média de 5,0 dias, enquanto que as durações médias para o primeiro, segundo e terceiro instares foram de 5,1 ± 0,03; 4,3 ± 0,05 e 4,5 ± 0,05 dias, respectivamente, com viabilidade superior a 90 %. Os estágios larval, pré-pupal e pupal apresentaram duração média de 13,9 ± 0,07; 5,7 ± 0,07 e 9,6 ± 0,12 dias, respectivamente. A duração do ciclo biológico foi de 34 ± 0,11 dias em média. Ovos de S. cerelella não foram adequados para a manutenção de C. everes em laboratório, por interferir no desenvolvimento do predador.


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No estudo da biologia de Polyphagotarsonemus latus em limão Siciliano, foram utilizados potes plásticos circulares com capacidade de 250 ml, contendo areia esterilizada como suporte para dois frutos novos com aproximadamente 2,0 cm de diâmetro. O ensaio foi conduzido a 27,1 ± 0,5°C, umidade relativa de 67,6 ± 1,3% e fotofase contínua. O período de ovo a adulto durou 3,7 ± 0,1 dias para fêmeas e 3,6 ± 0,1 dias para machos, com sobrevivência de 100%. Após um período de pré-oviposição de 1,0 ± 0,2 dias, as fêmeas depositaram 5,6 ± 0,5 ovos por dia durante 10,5 ± 0,9 dias, totalizando 58,9 ± 6,7 ovos por fêmea. A longevidade foi de 13,4 ± 1,0 dias para fêmeas e 12,0 ± 2,4 dias para machos. A razão intrínseca de aumento (rm) foi de 0,359, a razão finita de aumento (l) de 1,43 indivíduos por fêmea por dia, o tempo médio de uma geração (T) de 10,34 dias e a taxa líquida de reprodução (Ro) de 41,0.


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This paper presents a comparison of reactive power support in distribution networks provided by switched Capacitor Banks (CBs) and Distributed Generators (DGs). Regarding switched CBs, a Tabu Search metaheuristic algorithm is developed to determine their optimal operation with the objective of reducing the power losses in the lines on the system, while meeting network constraints. on the other hand, the optimal operation of DGs is analyzed through an evolutionary Multi-Objective (MO) programming approach. The objectives of such approach are the minimization of power losses and operation cost of the DGs. The comparison of the reactive power support provided by switched CBs and DGs is carried out using a modified IEEE 34 bus distribution test system.


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Leaf discs obtained from the first or second non-cotyledonal leaf of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) seedlings were used for the study of the biology of Polyphagotarsonemus latus on cotton IAC-20 cultivar. Seedlings were grown in pots and placed on a layer of cotton moistened with distilled water. The assays were carried out at 28.5 ± 0.3°C, relative humidity of 71.0 ± 2.6% and a 14 h photophase. The duration of immature phases was 4.1 ± 0.1 days for females and 4.1 ± 0.3 days for males, with a survival of 91.2%. After a pre-oviposition period of 1.1 ± 0.2 days, the females deposited 4.5 ± 0.9 eggs per day during 6.8 ± 1.3 days, i.e., 29.6 ± 7.3 eggs per female. The longevity was 10.0 ± 1.5 days for females and 8.8 ± 1.1 days for males. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was 0.323; finite rate of increase (λ) 1.38 individual per female per day; mean generation time (T) 9.54 days and net reproductive rate (Ro) 21.73.


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Soil seed banks are considered an important mechanism for natural regeneration in tropical forest ecosystems. This paper investigated the soil seed bank in two semideciduous seasonal tropical forest fragments with different disturbance histories in Botucatu, southeastern Brazil. In each study site, 40 superficial soil samples (30 cm × 30 cm × 5 cm) were taken at the end of both the dry and rainy seasons. The seeds were estimated by the germination method. Average soil seed density was 588.6 and 800.3 seeds m-2, respectively, for site 1 (less disturbed) and site 2 (more disturbed). Seed density and diversity (H′) were significantly higher in site 2 in both seasons. Non-woody taxa predominated in both fragments, but pioneer tree species were better represented in the less disturbed forest. Both ecosystems have a potential for regeneration from soil seed banks, but this potential is higher in the less disturbed site. Low richness and density of pioneer tree species in the seed bank indicate that the ecosystem has lost its resilience. The seed bank is not as important in these ecosystems as in other forests. Results indicate that management strategies to restore these forests should take into account the possibility of recovering soil seed bank processes and dynamics. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this article, seven Bdellidae Dugès (Acari: Trombidiformes) of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, originally described by Nathan Banks are studied: Cyta americana (Banks, 1902), Bdella tenella Banks, 1896, Bdella utilis Banks, 1914, Bdella californica Banks, 1904, Bdella cardinalis Banks, 1894, Bdella peregrina Banks, 1894 and Bdella brevitarsis Banks. Bdella tenella and Bdella californica are transferred to the genera Spinibdella and Bdellodes, respectively. Bdella brevitarsis, previously a nomen nudum, is herein described for the first time under the genus Hexabdella. http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid: zoobank.org:pub:A18C8C10-8C8A-4873-AF0B-D1A9164CD7E8 © 2013 Copyright 2013 Taylor & Francis.


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The present note extends the geographic range of Austroleon dispar Banks, 1909 to Brazil based on the examination of three females and one male collected in the Estação Ecológica Jataí, Luiz Antônio, São Paulo. The present finding indicates that A. dispar is associated with dry ecosystems, at least in part of its geographic distribution. © 2013 Check List and Authors.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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This work was based to study the influence of the storage temperature (cold and room temperature) in the quality of inflorescences strelitzia. The scapes were selected, labeled and there were zero problems concerning mechanical damage, disease and/or plagues. Subsequently this period, the scapes were moved randomly to recipients with water, in which two postharvest trials were conducted. In experiment 1, the flower scapes were placed in buckets with water from public supply and sanitation department and taken to a cold room at temperature of 7.5 degrees C and RH of 90%, for a twelve day period. For the experiment 2, were kept under the same conditions but at room temperature for a period of six days. In both experiments, the visual analysis: color, gloss, stains (by assigning notes), opening and drop florets (count) were evaluated at intervals of four days in cold and every 48 hours at ambient temperature conditions. In both experiments, the visual analysis: color, gloss, stains (by assigning notes), opening and drop florets (count) were evaluated at intervals of four days in cold and every 48 hours at ambient temperature conditions. The sepal is the organ that showed greater loss in coloration. The variable gloss showed the same pattern for the two experiments. Incidences of stains on the inflorescences occurred in patches at room temperature. The scapes increased number of florets open in cold. This tendency did not occur at room temperature. No were observed differences in the fall of florets. Conclude that the storage temperature does not contribute to postharvest quality of strelitzia.