16 resultados para Art 13 Ley 222 de 1995

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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A mapping which relates the Wigner phase-space distribution function associated with a given stationary quantum-mechanical wavefunction to a specific solution of the time-independent Liouville transport equation is obtained. Two examples are studied.


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A modified spectrophotometric method for serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) assay was developed. A crude cell-free extract from Streptomyces aureofaciens which showed a high level of malate dehydrogenase (MDH) activity (E.C. was used as the enzymatic indicator. The lyophilized microbial preparation was used without previous purification and was quite stable under refrigeration for one year. Serum sample assays using both the method utilizing the crude cell extract and an enzymatic commercial kit showed good correlation.


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This study was conducted to evaluate the performance and characteristics of manure produced by Saanen goats with 90, 120 and 150 days of age and fed three diets, diets 1 = 80 % roughage (R) and 20 % concentrate (C), diets 2 = 60 % R and 40 % C, diets 3 = 40 % R and 60 % C. Were evaluated 24 goats (divided into three groups according to diet ) during the fattening stage, making up the collection of waste at 90, 120 and 150 days of age to quantify the mass of manure produced each day, beyond the content of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn. The animals were weighed weekly and during the collection of waste is evaluated the digestibility of DM, CP and NDF, in addition to the estimate of feed conversion and rate of waste. The best results of feed conversion coefficient of waste and the apparent digestibilities of DM, CP and NDF occurred at the age of 150 days and in animals fed diets containing higher proportions of concentrate. Insofar as the increased age of the animal and level of concentrate in the diets were verified higher production of faeces. All nutrients were also affected, with higher concentrations occurred in the feces of animals at 150 days old and fed with diet 40% R and 60% C.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as condições periodontais e necessidades de tratamento em crianças e adolescentes, com idades entre 7 e 19 anos, matriculados em Escolas Públicas de Araraquara, SP, Brasil, em 1995, com o propósito de se obter um banco de dados-base inicial para o monitoramento das mudanças no estado periodontal. Uma amostra de 1956 crianças e adolescentes foi examinada por duas examinadoras, previamente calibradas, usando o CPITN. Os resultados mostraram que o sangramento gengival foi a condição periodontal mais frequentemente observada em todas as idades, com média de 3,0 sextantes afetados na idade de 15 anos. A presença de cálculo dental aumentou com a idade. No grupo etário de 15-19 anos, o cálculo dental e as bolsas periodontais rasas (3,5-5,5 mm) foram observados em 39,8% e 1,6% dos adolescentes, respectivamente. Com o propósito de alcançar a meta da OMS de não mais do que um sextante com escores 1 (sangramento) ou 2 (presença de cálculo dental) do CPITN na idade de 15 anos, prioridade deve ser dada aos programas de prevenção primária para que a saúde periodontal da maioria seja beneficiada.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a prevalência de cárie em crianças de sete a 12 anos em Araraquara, São Paulo, Brasil, em 1989 e 1995. Foi utilizada amostragem sistemática para selecionar crianças de escolas públicas. Examinadores treinados realizaram levantamentos epidemiológicos, utilizando o índice CPOD e os critérios de diagnóstico da OMS. em todas as idades, houve aumento da porcentagem de crianças livres de cárie na dentição permanente (de 29% em 1989 para 51% em 1995). Para crianças aos 12 anos de idade, foram observados índices CPOD de 3,8 em 1989 e de 2,6 em 1995. Detectaram-se também reduções nas porcentagens de crianças classificadas nas seguintes categorias do CPOD: um a três (de 40% em 1989 para 31% em 1995); quatro a seis (de 26,6% em 1989 para 16,5% em 1995) e sete ou mais (de 4,4% em 1989 para 1,5% em 1995). A meta da OMS/FDI para o ano 2000, de que aos 12 anos os indivíduos apresentem em média índice CPOD menor ou igual a três, foi atingida pelos escolares em estudo. Esforços devem ser empreendidos para que haja redução da porcentagem de crianças com experiência de cárie e sejam alcançadas as metas de saúde bucal da OMS/FDI para o ano 2010.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a situação do aleitamento materno em 2004 no município de Botucatu, SP, e identificar sua tendência nos últimos 10 anos. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, no qual foram comparados os resultados de 3 inquéritos populacionais transversais (1995-1999-2004), metodologicamente semelhantes, sobre a situação do aleitamento materno em crianças menores de 12 meses. Os dados foram obtidos em Campanhas de Multivacinação, a partir de questionário contendo um recordatório da alimentação das crianças no dia anterior à pesquisa. Para identificar a tendência dos diferentes tipos de aleitamento (aleitamento materno exclusivo, aleitamento materno predominante e aleitamento materno), foram comparadas as prevalências, segundo faixas etárias selecionadas (0-1 mês, 0-4 meses, 0-6 meses e 0-12 meses), nos 3 inquéritos. Os resultados foram submetidos a teste estatístico (teste z) para verificação das diferenças entre proporções. RESULTADOS: Para as crianças menores de 4 meses, houve aumento progressivo e de grande magnitude (19,1% em 1995 e 36,9% em 2004) do aleitamento materno exclusivo e diminuição do aleitamento materno predominante - diferenças estatisticamente significantes. O mesmo ocorreu para as crianças menores de 6 meses: 13,0% em aleitamento materno exclusivo em 1995, 29,6% em 2004, representando 128,0% de aumento. Com relação ao aleitamento materno, tanto para as crianças menores de 4 meses, quanto para as menores de 6 meses e de 1 ano, houve pequeno aumento de prevalência, mas as diferenças não foram estatisticamente significantes. A duração mediana do aleitamento materno exclusivo aumentou 14 dias (82,0%) e do aleitamento materno 85 dias (50,9%) no período de 10 anos. CONCLUSÃO: Com a elevação expressiva da prevalência de crianças menores de 6 meses em aleitamento materno exclusivo e o aumento da mediana da amamentação exclusiva e da amamentação, pode-se afirmar que a evolução do aleitamento no município foi favorável. Entretanto, a situação em 2004 ainda está distante das recomendações atuais sobre alimentação infantil.


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Groundwater samples were analysed for Rn-222, Ra-226, and Ra-228 in Guarani aquifer spreading around I million kin 2 within four countries in South America, and it was found that their activity concentrations are lognormally distributed. Population-weighted average activity concentration for these radionuclides allowed to estimate a value: either slightly higher (0.13 mSv/year) than 0.1 mSv for the total effective dose or two times higher (0.21 mSv/year) than this limit, depending on the choice of the dose conversion factor. Such calculation adds useful information for the appropriate management of this transboundary aquifer that is socially and economically very important to about 15 million inhabitants living in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We used a Stark-Optoacoustic cell and hybrid waveguide resonators to perform an Infrared and Far Infrared Stark Spectroscopy study on some transitions of (CD3OH)-C-13. Different behaviours of the transitions in the presence of a d.c. electric field were observed. The Stark splittings of six FIR laser lines ranging from 34 to 136 MHz/kVcm(-1) were determined. The analysis of the behaviour of the IR and FIR transitions in the presence of the external electric fields gives important and exclusive information on the levels involved in the transitions.


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The Marsh Antwren (Stymphalornis acutirostris) is restricted to the lowlands between Antonina Bay, in the coastal plain of the state of Paraná, and Itapocu river, in the northern coastal plain of the state of Santa Catarina (from 0 to c. 5 m a.s.l.). It doesn't occur continuously in this region, being found in eight populations that span over an total area of about 6,060 ha (= area of occupancy; 4,856.67 in Paraná and c. 1,200 in Santa Catarina). Nine habitat types used by the Marsh Antwren were defined, based on vegetation physiognomy, localization, dominancy of botanical species, dominant life-form and history of the region. Five of these are herbaceous (marshes), while four have an upper arboreal stratum and an herbaceous lower stratum with marsh plants. According to the classification criteria of the Brazilian vegetation proposed by the Radambrasil Project, they were classified as Pioneering Formation of Fluvial Influence, Pioneering Formation of Fluvial-marine Influence, and/or Pioneering Formation of Lacustrine Influence. They occur as patches or narrow strips ranging from 0.001 to 203.0 ha in the state of Paraná. They are found mainly in the interior of bays, in the lower courses of rivers that drain into bays, in alluvial plains, and between sand dunes in the coastal plain. Characteristic herbaceous species are cattail (Typha domingensis), bulrush (Scirpus californicus), Crinum salsum, Panicum sp. cf. P. mertensii, saw grass (Cladium mariscus) and Fuirena spp. Hibiscus pernambucensis is the characteristic bush species, and Calophyllum brasiliense, Tabebuia cassinoides, Annona glabra and Laguncularia racemosa are the characteristic arboreal species. The Marsh Antwren lives in herbaceous vegetation, but also uses bushes and branches of small tress. It has low flight capacity and a single flight of more than 25 m was never recorded. Territories of 0.25 ha were estimated in one kind of habitat (tidal marsh) (= 8 individuals per hectare) and of 3.2 ha in another one (saw grass marsh) (= 0.62 individual per hectare). The global population estimate is of about 17,700 mature individuals (13,700 in Paraná and 4,000 in Santa Catarina). The species is really under threat of extinction, mainly because of it's restricted geographical distribution and habitat loss by human activities and biological contamination caused by invasion of exotic grasses (Urochloa arrecta and Brachiaria mutica).


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Titanium is a metallic element known by several attractive characteristics, such as biocompatibility, excellent corrosion resistance and high mechanical resistance. It is widely used in Dentistry, with high success rates, providing a favorable biological response when in contact with live tissues. Therefore, the objective of this study was to describe the different uses of titanium in Dentistry, reviewing its historical development and discoursing about its state of art and future perspective of its utilization. A search in the MEDLINE/PubMed database was performed using the terms 'titanium', 'dentistry' and 'implants'. The title and abstract of articles were read, and after this first screening 20 articles were selected and their full-texts were downloaded. Additional text books and manual search of reference lists within selected articles were included. Correlated literature showed that titanium is the most used metal in Implantology for manufacturing osseointegrated implants and their systems, with a totally consolidated utilization. Moreover, titanium can be also employed in prosthodontics to obtain frameworks. However, problems related to its machining, casting, welding and ceramic application for dental prosthesis are still limiting its use. In Endodontics, titanium has been used in association to nickel for manufacturing rotatory instruments, providing a higher resistance to deformation. However, although the different possibilities of using titanium in modern Dentistry, its use for prostheses frameworks still needs technological improvements in order to surpass its limitations. © 2012 Indian Prosthodontic Society.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)