60 resultados para Architectural design - Psychological aspects

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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This research describes the application of a scientific and technological model of Ergonomics in the design of pre-school furniture. The constant presence of the desk in early education and its influence in the relationship between the user and his educational environment determined the necessity of this project. The pre-school desk was considered as a work station, where the joint aspects of education and child anthropometry substantiate the problem. The review of the Historical application of Ergonomics in the Design of children's products consolidated the importance of this report. The development of ergonomic research, characterised by investigations of the Brazilian child's Anthropometry Data and Biomechanical Features, resulted in dimensional parameters of the user and physical characteristics of the present furniture. These elements, together with a comprehension of activities and needs in the pre-school, were connected with aspects of bibliographical revision to result in a series of recomendations for design. Through the methods of Ergonomic Design, a new proposal for the pre-school desk was developed, denominated Mobipresc 3.6.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess quality of life (QoL) and psychological aspects in patients with gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD).METHODS: This cross-sectional self-report study was conducted among 54 women. Validated questionnaires assessed QoL (WHO-QOL-bref), symptoms of depression (Beck Depression Inventory [BDI]) and anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory [STAI]).RESULTS: Most patients rated overall QoL as good (44.44%) anti were satisfied with their health status (42.59%). Mean QoL domain score was lowest for psychologic health (53.86 +/- 21.46) and highest for social relationships (65.74 +/- 22.41). BDI mean was 15.81 +/- 11.15, indicating dysphoria. STAI means were 46 +/- 6.46 for trait-anxiety and 43.72 +/- 4.23 for state-anxiety, both evidencing medium-high anxiety. Among employed patients, environment domain mean was the highest (p = 0.024). Presence of children resulted in lowest means for physical health (p = 0.041) and environment (p = 0.045). Patients desiring children showed significantly higher means for physical health (p = 0.004), psychological health (p = 0.021) and environment (p = 0.003). Chemotherapy had no significant influence on QoL (p > 0.05).CONCLUSION: This study evidenced psychological impact on GTD patients, suggesting specialized care centers should provide psychological interventions during treatment and follow-up of GTD patients, highlighting the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. (J Reprod Med 2009;54:239-244)


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Reusable cardboard boxes can be ergonomically designed for internal transportation of dry products in industrial settings. In this study we compared the effects of handling a regular commercial box and two cardboard prototypes on upper limb postures through the evaluation of movements, myoelectrical activity, perceived grip acceptability and capacity for reuse. The ergonomic designs provided a more acceptable grip, safer wrist and elbow movements and lower wrist extensors and biceps activity. Biomechanical disadvantages were observed only for one of the prototypes when handling to high surface. The prototypes were durable and suitable for extensive reuse (more than 2000 handlings) in internal industrial transportation. Despite being slightly more expensive than regular cardboard, the prototypes showed good cost-benefit considering their high durability. Relevance to industry: Cardboard boxes can be efficiently redesigned for allowing safer upper limb movements and lower muscle workload in manual materials handling. New designs can also be extensively reused for internal industrial transportation with good cost-benefit. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The autism is a severe mental illness that involves psychological, social, educational and neurobiological aspects. The Education plays an important role in recovering, preserving and increasing the cognitive task of people with autism. There are several ways to observe a person with autism. Through the studying of cases, it is also possible to address issues of everyday life of the person with the illness, its cognitive issues and its obstacles of psychosocial involvement, as well as psychological aspects such as illness acknowledgement. Through specialized literature, it is possible to identify characteristics referring to the learning process and neurobiological components involved in the condition, such as brain activity disorder and genetic factors. The objectives of this paper are: from the analysis of two books: Unique World: comprehend the Autism (SILVA, A. B. B; GAIATO, M.B; REVELES, L.T) and The cats never lie about love (DILLON, J.), it is intended to describe cognitive and psychosocial aspects of the autism. Based on the specialized literature, the goal is to identify cognitive and neurobiological components in the illness. The methods that were used: analysis of the books Unique World: comprehend the Autism and The cats never lie about love to describe psychosocial and educational aspects of the autism; analysis of the specialized literature to identify clinical and neurobiological components of the illness, such as changes in brain activity, genetic factors or clinical evolution; and also details of the Education role in preserving the person with autism and his cognitive and emotional development. The study had the documentary research as reference for the methodological design, including book analysis and research in specialized literature. It is intended to deepen discussions about the Education roles related to the cognitive and neurobiological aspects of the autism


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The teeth most commonly affected by trauma are the maxillary central incisors. The most frequent types of traumatic dental injuries to permanent teeth are enamel fractures, enamel and dentine fractures, and enamel and dentine fractures with pulp involvement. This article describes three clinical cases with different levels of traumatized maxillary incisors and several cosmetic approaches for recovery of the esthetics and the masticatory function, as well as the social/psychological aspects of treatment. All cases involved young adult men. The three clinical cases involve dentin and enamel fractures, dentin and enamel fractures with pulp exposure, and dentin and enamel fractures with pulp exposure associated with root fracture. The cosmetic treatments used to resolve fractures were direct composite resin by layering technique, indirect all-ceramic restorations (laminate veneer and ceramic crowns over the teeth), and immediate implant after extraction followed by immediate loading (ceramic abutments with ceramic crown over implant). In all three cases, excellent functional and esthetic results were achieved by use of these treatment modalities. The patients were very satisfied with the results.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O conhecimento de indicadores de qualidade de vida (QV) relacionados à saúde bucal é especialmente relevante para a Odontologia considerando o impacto que as condições bucais podem provocar no bem estar psicológico e social. Estudos sobre aspectos psicossociais contribuem para maior integração da conduta clínica e assistencial, preocupação compartilhada com profissionais da saúde. Integrar as áreas de Psicologia e Odontologia quebrando paradigmas interdisciplinares e o interesse em conhecer os aspectos psicológicos dos pacientes, motivou a realização deste estudo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a QV dos pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular e/ou dor orofacial. MÉTODO: Foi aplicado o Questionário Genérico de Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida - Medical Outcomes Study 36 - Item Short Health Survey (SF-36) a 91 pacientes, que buscaram atendimento por apresentarem sinais e/ou sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) e dor orofacial (DOF). O SF-36 avalia 8 domínios: capacidade funcional (CF), aspectos físicos (AF), dor, estado geral de saúde (EGS), saúde mental (SM), aspectos emocionais (AE), aspectos sociais (AS) e vitalidade (V). RESULTADOS: A análise estatística descritiva e inferencial pela Correlação de Pearson (p-valor < 0,05) demonstrou, com exceção da capacidade funcional (73,2), valores médios entre 50 e 64 para os demais domínios: AF - 57,6; Dor - 50; EGS - 54,5; V - 53,4; AS - 63,6; AE - 51,8; SM - 58. Considerando-se que a pontuação varia de 0 a 100, ou seja, do pior para o melhor estado de saúde, os valores médios foram baixos. Verificou-se correlação entre CF e EGS (p-valor 0,01), tendência de significância para dor e EGS (p-valor 0,07). CONCLUSÃO: Os aspectos dor e capacidade funcional interferem no estado geral de saúde; os pacientes com DTM e DOF sofreram impacto negativo na qualidade de vida pelo prejuízo dos aspectos físicos e mentais.


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The inherited haemoglobinopathies are a heterogeneous group of recessive disorders that include the thalassaemias and sickle cell disease. Nearly a thousand mutant alleles have now been characterized. The mutations are regionally specific and in most cases the geographical and ethnic distribution shave been determined providing the foundation for a program of control through screening, genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis. The diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies requires care for the methodologies applied and the population group which will be evaluated. The information about the abnormal hemoglobin, the medical and psychological aspects and genetic counseling of the carriers and their families are goals of great importance for the success of preventive programs in this area. Aiming to evaluate the laboratory methods for hemoglobinopathy screening and their use in clinical laboratories, we have compared abnormal hemoglobins incidence in the different population groups: blood donors, anemia carriers, newborn and students. The laboratory methods applied involved eletrophoretic proceedings, cytological and biochemical analysis. Within the period from September 1999 through January 2000, we analyzed 524 individuals with varied types of abnormal hemoglobins. Among blood donors, we diagnosed two sickle cell carriers, which suggest the necessity for better care in the process of selection of blood donor candidates. The current interest in the medical and social aspects of sickle cell anemia has resulted in a great increase in methodology research leading to the development of sickle cell screening techniques.


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OBJECTIVE: To characterise tuberculosis (TB) teaching in Brazilian nursing schools by state and region and its theoretical and practical contents. METHODOLOGY: In an educational research survey in 2004, 347 nursing schools were identified. Questionnaires were posted to faculties providing training in TB. Data were compiled in a database with a view to descriptive result analysis. Replies to the questionnaire were received by 32% of the nursing schools contacted. RESULTS: Undergraduate TB teaching is heterogeneous. For training in theory, the principle teaching method is through classes in 102 (91.9%) nursing schools. Practical TB teaching is carried out at the primary care level (89.2%). Teachers update their knowledge through events and internet; little reference is made to manuals. The time devoted to practical TB teaching ranges from 10 to 20 hours, although this is not always included in student training. CONCLUSION: Teaching in TB should go beyond the traditional model that focuses only on biological aspects. It should introduce tools that lead to permanent behavioural change, such as a more human approach and social and psychological aspects, such as living conditions, habits and customs. It should involve new partners, such as families, communities and other health professionals, and identify obstacles within the university. © 2006 The Union.


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Although the bipolar disorder (BD) occurs almost with the same frequency in both genders, the phenomenology and the outcome of the illness differ between them. Nevertheless, there is evidence that women with BD show, more than men, delayed beginning, especially in their fifth decade, more rapid cycling outcome, more depressive episodes, more dysphoric mania, more mixed states and more BD type II. Even so, the findings are not always consistent. Although the risk of comorbidities in BD includes, for both the sorts, excessive alcoholic consumption and drugs, bipolar men would have greater probability of being alcohol dependent, of not seeking treatment and of committing suicide. Suggested hypotheses to explain such differences vary from those centered in cultural or psychological aspects to those that focus on the steroids hormones, and other hormones such as cortisol, thyroid hormones and even on the cerebral anatomy. The reproductive cycle (menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause) influences on the BD phenomenology and its relevance to the therapeutical options in the treatment of the BD in women are presented in the last part of this review. Further investigations must to be done in order to clarify this controversy. However, up to now the data indicate that estrogen therapy is not to be primarily indicated to prevent depression, Alzheimer disease or cognition impairment.


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In practical situations, the dynamics of the forcing function on a vibrating system cannot be considered as given a priori, and it must be taken as a consequence of the dynamics of the whole system. In other words, the forcing source has limited power, as that provided by a DC motor for an example, and thus its own dynamics is influenced by that of the vibrating system being forced. This increases the number of degrees of freedom of the problem, and it is called a non-ideal problem. In this work, we considerer two non-ideal problems analyzed by using numerical simulations. The existence of the Sommerfeld effect was verified, that is, the effect of getting stuck at resonance (energy imparted to the DC motor being used to excite large amplitude motions of the supporting structure). We considered two kinds of non-ideal problem: one related to the transverse vibrations of a shaft carrying two disks and another to a piezoceramic bar transducer powered by a vacuum tube generated by a non-ideal source Copyright © 2007 by ASME.


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In this paper, a mathematical model is derived via Lagrange's Equation for a shear building structure that acts as a foundation of a non-ideal direct current electric motor, controlled by a mass loose inside a circular carving. Non-ideal sources of vibrations of structures are those whose characteristics are coupled to the motion of the structure, not being a function of time only as in the ideal case. Thus, in this case, an additional equation of motion is written, related to the motor rotation, coupled to the equation describing the horizontal motion of the shear building. This kind of problem can lead to the so-called Sommerfeld effect: steady state frequencies of the motor will usually increase as more power (voltage) is given to it in a step-by-step fashion. When a resonance condition with the structure is reached, the better part of this energy is consumed to generate large amplitude vibrations of the foundation without sensible change of the motor frequency as before. If additional increase steps in voltage are made, one may reach a situation where the rotor will jump to higher rotation regimes, no steady states being stable in between. As a device of passive control of both large amplitude vibrations and the Sommerfeld effect, a scheme is proposed using a point mass free to bounce back and forth inside a circular carving in the suspended mass of the structure. Numerical simulations of the model are also presented Copyright © 2007 by ASME.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)