58 resultados para Arabian horse

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The aim of this study was to determine the serum activities of enzymes aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase in Arabian horses submitted to exercise on high-speed equine treadmill. Eleven mature Arabian horse were training and submitted to Standard Incremental Exercise Test on high-speed equine treadmill. Venous blood samples were taken before exercise, immediately and 30 min, 60min, 3h, 6h, 24h, 3 days and 5 days after exercise. The serum activity aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase were determined. The serum activies of AST, CK and LDH increase immediately and returned to baseline value 30 minutes after exercise. The AST enzyme activity increased at 12 hours and 24 hours, CK at 3 hours and 6 hours, and LDH at 24 hours after Standard Incremental Exercise Test.


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AIM: To compare five different protocols for estimating the lactate minimum speed (LMS) with that for estimating the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) in Arabian horses, in order to obtain a more rapid method for monitoring aerobic capacity and prescribing training schedules. METHODS: Eight purebred Arabian horses were conditioned to exercise on a treadmill for 12 days then submitted to three to five exercise sessions to determine the MLSS. Blood samples were collected from a jugular catheter at specific intervals for measurement of lactate concentrations. The MLSS was the velocity maintained during the last 20 minutes of constant submaximal exercise, at which the concentration of lactate increased by no more than 1.0 mmol/L. The LMS test protocols (P1 - P5) included a warm-up period followed by a high-intensity gallop. The speed was then reduced to 4 m/s, and the incremental portion of the test was initiated. In P1, P2, and P3, the velocity increment was 0.5 m/s, and the duration of each incremental stage was three, five and seven minutes, respectively. In P4 and P5, the velocity increments were 1.0 and 1.5 m/s, respectively, and the duration of the stages was fixed at five minutes each. A second-degree polynomial function was fitted to the lactate-velocity curve, and the velocity corresponding to the lowest concentration of lactate was the LMS. RESULTS: Only the mean LMS determined by P1 and P2 did not differ from the velocity determined by the MLSS test (p > 0.1). There was a strong correlation (r >0.6) between P1 and the MLSS velocity. A limits of agreement plot revealed that the best agreement occurred between the MLSS test and P1 (mean bias = 0.14 m/s), followed by P2 (bias = -0.22 m/s). The lactate concentrations associated with the various LMS protocols did not differ. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows the variation between protocols of the LMS test for determining the onset of blood lactate accumulation but also reveals that, at least for Arabian horses, the P1 protocol of the LMS has good agreement with the MLSS. © 2013 Copyright New Zealand Veterinary Association.


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A study was conducted on the effects of acute administration of aminophylline on physiological variables in purebred Arabian horses submitted to incremental exercise test. Twelve horses were submitted to two physical tests separated by a 10-day interval in a crossover study. These horses were divided into two groups: control (C, n = 12) and aminophylline (AM, n = 12). The drug at 10 mg/kg body weight or saline was given intravenously, 30 minutes before the incremental exercise test. The treadmill exercise test consisted of an initial warmup followed by gradually increasing physical exigency. Blood samples were assayed for lactic acid, glucose, and insulin. Maximal lactic acidemia was greater (P = .0238) in the AM group. Both V-2 and V-4 (velocities at which lactate concentrations were 2 and 4 mmol/ L, respectively) were reduced in the AM group by 15.85% (P = .0402) and 17.76% (P = .0 109), respectively. At rest as well as at 4 minutes, insulinemia was greater in the AM group (P = .0417 and .0393), Glycemia group at times 8 was statistically lower in the Al (P = .0138) and 10 minutes (P = .0432). Use of ammophylline in horses during incremental exercise does not seem to be beneficial, because this drug has a tendency to cause hypoglycemia and to increase dependence on anaerobic glucose metabolism.


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Quinze eqüinos machos, da raça Mangalarga, com idades entre dois e três anos, foram utilizados para se avaliar os possíveis efeitos clínicos benéficos da administração de dexametasona ou diclofenaco sódico durante a endotoxemia experimental em eqüinos. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos de cinco animais cada: controle (C), diclofenaco sódico (SD) e dexametasona (DM). Todos os grupos receberam 0,1µg/kg de lipopolissarídeo de Escherichia coli 055:B5, durante 15 minutos, por via intravenosa mais: grupo SD - 2,2mg/kg de SD, por via oral, 60 minutos antes da infusão da endotoxina; grupo DM - 1,1mg/kg, por via intravenosa, 30 minutos antes da endotoxina; grupo C - 20ml de NaCl 0,9%, por via intravenosa, 30 minutos antes da endotoxina. O SD não preveniu a leucopenia, neutropenia e linfopenia ocorridas três horas após a indução da endotoxemia, porém a DM atenuou essas alterações. As taxas de proteínas plasmática e peritoneal, a concentração de glicose e de fósforo inorgânico e a contagem de células nucleadas totais peritoneais mantiveram-se inalteradas. O diclofenaco foi eficaz na prevenção da febre e alterações nos borborigmos intestinais enquanto que a dexametasona bloqueou as alterações no número de células inflamatórias em relação ao grupo controle.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of the study was to determine the effect of clenbuterol on the anaerobic-threshold of horses on a tread-mill with increasing physical stress, measuring heart rate (HR) and blood levels of lactate, glucose, and insulin. Twelve Arabian horses. were submitted to two physical tests separated by a 10-day interval. Clenbuterol (CL) at 0.8 mu g/kg or saline (control-C) was administered intravenously 30 minutes, before the test. The treadmill exercise test consisted of an initial warmup followed by a gradually increasing effort. There was no statistical difference in either V-2 or V-4 (velocity at which plasma lactate concentration reached 4 and 2 mmol/L, respectively) between the two-experimental groups. For the CL group, V-200, V-180, V-160, and V-140 (velocity at which the rate heart is 140, 160, 180, and 200 beats/minute, respectively) decreased significantly. At rest as well as times 4, 6, and 10 minutes, insulin levels were higher in the group that recieved clenbuterol (P < .05). Contrary to what was expected, apparently, there was no improvement in aerobic metabolism in animals when given a therapeutic dose of the bronchodilator. The elevated heart rate observed could have been attributable to the stimulation of cardiac beta(1) adrenoceptors and the increased insulin levels to the stimulation of pancreatic beta(2) receptors.


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Objetivou-se avaliar em equino a influência do exercício progressivo e intenso realizado em esteira de alta velocidade sobre a temperatura de regiões da pele, incluindo face, pescoço e quartela, e do casco, incluindo coroa, parede e sola. Utilizaram-se cinco equinos Puro Sangue Árabes, desferrados, com idade média de 8±0,7 anos, sendo duas fêmeas e três machos, com peso corpóreo médio de 420±10kg. A intensidade de esforço foi determinada por meio da quantificação do lactato sanguíneo. As temperaturas foram determinadas com o auxílio de termógrafo, antes, durante e após o exercício. Realizou-se análise de variância seguida pelo teste de Tukey, sendo P≤0,05. A lactacidemia aumentou, principalmente nas velocidades intensas. Houve redução das temperaturas das regiões da face, pescoço e quartela após o exercício e diminuição das temperaturas da parede, coroa e sola do casco durante o exercício, enquanto a temperatura da manta de rolamento da esteira não se alterou em nenhum momento. Constatou-se indiretamente que a perfusão sanguínea do casco diminuiu durante o teste de esforço tanto em sua fase aeróbia como na anaeróbia. Nenhuma das intensidades de esforço foi capaz de alterar a temperatura da manta de rolamento da esteira. A temperatura do casco diminuída como decorrência fisiológica do esforço físico imposto, retornou aos valores normais após o término do exercício.


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The present report describes an 8-year-old gelding presenting with signs of severe abdominal pain. After performing a thorough physical examination, including rectal palpation and additional diagnostic tests, an exploratory laparotomy was recommended. The jejunum was found herniated through the gastrosplenic ligament, and the stomach was severely distended with gas. Given a poor prognosis, the horse was euthanized on the table. At necropsy, the stomach appeared dilated, with an 180 horizontal gastric torsion, from left (lateral) to right (medial), dividing the organ into dorsal and ventral compartments. We believe that the chronic traction exerted by an incarcerated and distended loop of jejunum, in the dorsal aspect of the gastrosplenic ligament, associated with trauma during episodes of intense rolling, enlarged the rent until it ruptured. Because of this rupture, the lateral dorsal aspect of the stomach became unattached, predisposing it to the torsion. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A úlcera gástrica constitui-se numa das mais importantes causas de desconforto abdominal em eqüinos jovens. Com o objetivo de se verificar a prevalência de lesões gástricas (úlceras e/ou erosões) e sua relação com fatores como estresse, idade, e sexo, sessenta potros da raça Quarto de Milha não portadores de sinais clínicos compatíveis com lesões gástricas foram submetidos à gastroscopia. Os potros foram divididos em quatro faixas etárias de 15 animais cada uma, sendo: 1 a 30 dias, 31 a 60 dias, 61 a 90 dias e 91 a 120 dias de idade. A prevalência de lesões gástricas foi de 43,3%. Animais com idade entre 61 a noventa dias foram os mais acometidos. Não houve diferença significativa entre as faixas etárias. Descamações do epitélio aglandular ocorreram em nove potros (60%) entre um e trinta dias, em seis (40%) entre 31 e sessenta dias e em apenas dois (6,6%) com idade superior a sessenta dias. Fatores considerados estressantes, como infestação intensa por carrapatos (29), problemas respiratórios (3), dermatopatias (3), babesiose (2), onfaloflebite (1), diarréia (1), problemas ortopédicos (1) e ferida lacerante com presença de miíase (1) não influenciaram a ocorrência das lesões. Machos e fêmeas foram igualmente acometidos.


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A úlcera gástrica figura como uma importante causa de desconforto abdominal em eqüinos jovens. de acordo com a localização das lesões na mucosa gástrica, a presença ou ausência de sinais clínicos e possíveis complicações resultantes de sua ocorrência, quatro síndromes clínicas são freqüentemente descritas em potros: 1) Úlceras assintomáticas ou silenciosas; 2) Úlceras sintomáticas ou ativas; 3) Úlceras perfuradas; e 4) Obstruções gástrica ou duodenal. Com o objetivo de se verificar a distribuição de lesões gástricas (úlceras e/ou erosões) e descamações do epitélio aglandular no estômago de eqüinos jovens assim como uma possível relação entre as alterações mencionadas (lesão/descamação) sessenta potros da raça Quarto de Milha não-portadores de sinais clínicos compatíveis com úlceras gástricas foram submetidos à gastroscopia. Os potros foram divididos em quatro faixas etárias de 15 animais cada uma, sendo: 1 a 30 dias, 31 a 60 dias, 61 a 90 dias e 91 a 120 dias de idade. As lesões ocorreram em ordem decrescente de freqüência nas regiões aglandular próximo ao margo plicatus ao longo da curvatura maior, aglandular próximo à cárdia ao longo da curvatura menor, fundo glandular e aglandular e antro. As descamações do epitélio aglandular ocorreram de forma similar nas regiões de fundo e margo plicatus. Não houve associação entre a ocorrência de lesões e descamações.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study describes right laryngeal hemiplegia (LH) and right-sided Horner's syndrome (HS) in a horse. The average temperature of the face was 3.5 degrees C higher on the right compared with the left side, as determined by thermographic imaging. The syndrome occurred following an episode of right mid-cervical cellulitis due to inadvertent perijugular deposition of gentamicin.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Sarcoidosis is a rare equine skin disease characterized primarily by an exfoliative and granulomatous dermatitis but also presenting granulomatous inflammation of multiple systems. The current report presents the clinical and histopathological findings of sarcoidosis in a 16-year-old American Quarter Horse gelding with nested polymerase chain reaction Mycobacterium spp. DNA detection within hepatic and skin samples. Mycobacterium spp. may play a role in the pathogenesis of equine sarcoidosis as has been proposed for human sarcoidosis.