21 resultados para Anthropogenic stressors

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In a field experiment in 2007/08 in São Paulo state, Brazil cane was exposed to sugarcane borer (Diatraea saccharalis) and spittlebug (Mahanarva fimbriolata) alone or in combination. Plots comprised 2 m(2) caged and uncaged sugarcane stalks. Compared with the caged (un-infested) control, spittlebug nymphs decreased cane yield by 17.6%, whereas infestation from spittlebug nymphs + sugarcane borer combined and sugarcane borer alone, decreased cane yields by 15.5% and 6.9%, respectively. There was no significant difference among the treatments in levels of soluble solids and cane sucrose content.


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Plasma cortisol and glucose levels were measured in 36 adult Nile tilapia males, Oreochromis niloticus (standard length, mean ± SD, 14.38 ± 1.31 cm), subjected to electroshock and social stressors. Pre-stressor levels were determined 5 days after the adjustment of the fish to the experimental aquaria (1 fish/aquarium). Five days later, the effects of stressors on both cortisol and glucose levels were assessed. The following stressors were imposed for 60 min: pairing with a larger resident animal (social stressor), or a gentle electroshock (AC, 20 V, 15 mA, 100 Hz for 1 min every 4 min). Each stressor was tested in two independent groups, one in which stress was quantified immediately after the end of the 60-min stressor imposition (T60) and the other in which stress was quantified 30 min later (T90). Pre-stressor values for cortisol and glucose were not statistically different between groups. Plasma cortisol levels increased significantly and were of similar magnitude for both electroshock and the social stressor (mean ± SD for basal and final samples were: electroshock T60 = 65.47 ± 15.3, 177.0 ± 30.3; T90 = 54.8 ± 16.0, 196.2 ± 57.8; social stress T60 = 47.1 ± 9.0, 187.6 ± 61.7; T90 = 41.6 ± 8.1, 112.3 ± 26.8, respectively). Plasma glucose levels increased significantly for electroshock at both time points (T60 and T90), but only at T90 for the social stressor. Initial and final mean (± SD) values are: electroshock T60 = 52.5 ± 9.2, 115.0 ± 15.7; T90 = 35.5 ± 1.1, 146.3 ± 13.3; social stress T60 = 54.8 ± 8.8, 84.4 ± 15.0; T90 = 34.5 ± 5.6, 116.3 ± 13.6, respectively. Therefore, electroshock induced an increase in glucose more rapidly than did the social stressor. Furthermore, a significant positive correlation between cortisol and glucose was detected only at T90 for the social stressor. These results indicate that a fish species responds differently to different stressors, thus suggesting specificity of fish stress response to a stressor.


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We investigated effects of fruit colour (red, black or white), habitat (anthropogenic edges and forest interior) and fragment size on the removal of artificial fruits in semideciduous forests in south-east Brazil. Eight forest fragments ranging from 251 to 36,000 ha were used. We used artificial fruits, which were placed on shrubs between I and 2 m in height and checked after 48 and 96 h for peck marks in the fruits. All three variables affected the probability of consumption of our fruit models. Red and black fruits were statistically more pecked than the white fruits. The probability of fruit consumption was lower in the interior than at the edge and less in small than in large fragments. However, the decrease fruit consumption in small compared with large fragments was more accentuated for red and black fruits than for white fruits. Our results show that habitat reduction and edges affect the chances of a fruit being eaten by birds, which may ultimately affect plant fitness in forest fragments. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O rio Corumbataí é um dos principais tributários da margem direita do rio Piracicaba que é um tributário do rio Tietê. O rio Corumbataí integra a bacia do rio Paraná e é regionalmente importante não só por possuir águas de boa qualidade, mas também por possuir elementos raros na paisagem local. Este estudo visou caracterizar as assembléias de peixes do rio Corumbataí e fornecer dados que contribuam para uma avaliação da sua qualidade ambiental. Na bacia do rio Corumbataí, foram amostrados 4 rios principais, cada um com 3 pontos de coleta. Vinte e quatro amostras foram coletadas durante os meses de março a julho e de setembro a dezembro de 2001. Dados bióticos foram avaliados por medidas de diversidade. Um modelo linear ANCOVA foi utilizado para testar a hipótese de variação espaço-temporal nas assembléias de peixes, com a riqueza de espécies como variável resposta, ordem do rio como fator e temperatura e logaritmo natural do número de indivíduos como covariáveis. Esta análise mostrou uma variação espaço-temporal que é corroborada por conceitos exaustivamente discutidos na literatura, tais como relação espécie-área e o conceito de rio contínuo. Dados provenientes do rio Ribeirão Claro mostraram um padrão diferente quando comparados com os outros rios. Esta diferença foi provavelmente devido à interferência humana e atesta o processo de fragmentação de hábitats aquáticos que podem ter levado a um isolamento das populações locais de peixes.


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The weathering rate of rocks and chemical dynamics of the Corumbatai River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, were evaluated using major elements as natural tracers. This basin has serious environmental problems in terms of quality of surface and rainwater, which affect the determination of weathering rate. The Corumbatai River, downstream from Rio Claro City, receives several elements/compounds through anthropogenic activities, with only K, SO42- and alkalinity yielding positive flux values. The negative flux of some anions/cations can be attributed to atmospheric loading mainly related to anthropogenic inputs, providing K a value of 16.7 ton/km(-2)a(-1) for the material removed by weathering in the Corumbatai River basin. This is equivalent to 26 x 10(6) kg of rock being removed each year by the Corumbatai River. The instantaneous flux was found to be a function of discharge, with the majority of dry residue (dissolved load) being transported during the summer (wet) months. The removed material in Corumbatai River basin derives mainly from two sub-basins (Cabegas River and Passa Cinco River), where the sandstones weather more easily than siltstones and claystones in the basin. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Activity profiles of excess Pb-210 combined with chemical data determined in two sediment cores from Corumbatai River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, provided new insights into the reconstruction of historical inputs of anthropogenic constituents, contributing to improving management strategies of the hydrological resources in the basin since most of the municipalities extensively utilize the waters of Corumbatai River and tributaries for drinking purposes, among other uses. Excellent significant relationships between loss on ignition (LOI) and organic matter were found for sediments of both analyzed profiles. Silica was found to be inversely related to organic matter at both analyzed profiles: its decrease accompanied an increase in the specific surface of the sediments. This relationship was confirmed by a great number of inverse significant correlations among silica and oxides Na2O, K2O, CaO, MgO, Al2O3, P2O5, Fe2O3, MnO, and TiO2. It was possible to identify the role of organic matter on adsorption of several oxides/elements in the core sediments profiles. Apparent sediment mass accumulation rates corresponding to 224 and 802 mg cm(-2) year(-1) were obtained, and are compatible with field evidence, indicating a higher value associated with sand mining activities interfering with the natural/normal sedimentation process, due to modifications of the channel drainage.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ventilatory frequency (VF) was investigated in the fish Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, subjected to confinement, electroshock or social stressor. Fish were allowed to acclimatize to tank conditions for 10 days (1 fish/aquarium). VF baseline was determined 5 days after adjustment had been started. At the 10th day of isolation, stressor effects on VF were assessed. The stressors were imposed during 60 min: pairing with a larger resident animal (social stressor), or gentle electroshock (AC, 20 V, 15 mA, 100 Hz for 1 min every 4 min), or space restriction (confinement). VF was quantified immediately after the end of the stressor imposition. Baseline of VF was not statistically different among groups. Social stressor clearly induced VF to increase, while an increased or decreased VF can be observed for both confinement and electroshock. However, fish tend to increase their VF in response to confinement and decrease in the case of electroshock. These results suggest that VF is a sensitive behavioural indicator for distinguishing stress responses in the fish Nile tilapia among different stressors. © 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A study was made of the composition of wastes collected from the pipes of the stormwater drainage system of Sorocaba, SP, Brazil (600 thousand inhabitants). A total of 10 samples weighing at least 100 kg each were sorted into 19 items to determine the fraction that can be considered natural (earth/sand, stones, organic matter, and water, the latter determined after oven-drying the samples) and the anthropogenic fraction (the remaining 15 items, especially construction and demolition wastes and packaging). Soil/sand was found to be the main item collected (52.5 % dry weight), followed by the water soaked into the waste (24.3 %), which meant that all the other wastes were saturated in mud, whose contents varied from 6.4 % (glass) to 87.2 % (metalized plastics packaging). In general, 83 % of the collected wastes can be classified as natural, but the remaining 17 % represent 2,000 kg of the most varied types of wastes discarded improperly every day on the streets of the city. This is an alarming amount of wastes that may clog parts of the drainage systems, causing troubles for all the population (like flooding) and must be strongly considered in municipal solid wastes management and in environmental education programs. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Correspondence Analysis was adopted as tool for investigating the statistical structure of hydrochemical and weathering datasets of groundwater samples, with the main purpose of identifying impacts on mineral weathering caused by anthropogenic activities, namely fertilizing of farmlands. The hydrochemical dataset comprised measured concentrations of major inorganic compounds dissolved in groundwater, namely bicarbonate, silica (usually by-products of chemical weathering), chloride, sulphate and nitrate (typically atmospheric plus anthropogenic inputs). The weathering dataset consisted of calculated mass transfers of minerals being dissolved in loess sediments of a region located in SW Hungary (Szigetvár area), namely Na-plagioclase, calcite and dolomite, and of pollution-related concentrations of sodium, magnesium and calcium. A first run of Correspondence Analysis described groundwater composition in the study area as a system of triple influence, where spots of domestic effluents-dominated chemistries are surrounded by areas with agriculture-dominated chemistries, both imprinted over large regions of weathering dominated chemistries. A second run revealed that nitrification of N-fertilizers is promoting mineral weathering by the nitric acid reaction (anthropogenic pathway), in concurrence with the retreating of weathering by carbonic acid (natural pathway). It also indicated that dolomite and calcite are being players in a dedolomitization process driven by dissolution of gypsum fertilizers and nitrification of N-fertilizers. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.